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How Modi turned India into a CPEC loser.

Wake up baby. Pakistani PM first went to India for peace. Pakistani PM went to modi for celebration. Pakistan had tried so many dialogues to defuse issue. But India and India both are truely something. When Pakistan try to have peace with India they were paying TTP, BLA, mqm to destabilise Pakistan. When Pakistani PM went for peace, your country started to make up yourself a super power of the region.

Half a story. NS didn't just come to India on his own, Modi reached out to him with an invitation. Didn't let the leT attack in Herat where the intention was to kill Indian diplomats coinciding with Modi's swearing in stop him from going ahead with the meeting. He even agreed to FS talks which had not taken place for nearly 3 years.

Pakistanis love to play up NS's supposed outreach, Modi's was even bigger when you consider the hardline position on terror taken by him before.
I agree it is extremely inefficient. But we don't have an other option now, since Pakistan does not want peace or willing to put Kashmir aside for a while also last I heard they even backed out of the pipe line project. Better to have pipe line through China than Pakistan IMHO. India is ready to over look Kashmir issues and talk peace but Pakistanis are not, so we have no other go.

There can be no peace without talking about kashmir, you must be a low iq retard for even trying to pretend that the cause of all wars can be set aside when talking about peace. Kashmir will always remain the elephant in the room in any such scenario and India's unwillingness to address the obvious makes it clear it is her and not Pakistan that is an impediment to peace.
That would be because there is no real choice. Pakistan is not a viable choice. Pipelines in any case are not absolutely necessary on any urgent basis. Not at this oil price.

India's objection to CEPC is both about alignment & China own position on any Indian activity in the S.China sea. China says that the area is disputed & therefore it is not correct for India to get involved, India uses the same point for this project.

I really don't know why you guys take CPEC as some sort of attack on India itself.

We simply took the most efficient route. In fact, the only land route.

This is not aimed at India, we have MUCH bigger plans in mind. We are linking up the entire Eurasian heartland with the New Silk Road, we are building up an alternate international system with institutions like the AIIB and the SCO. This is one part of a very big chain.

OK I get that India and Pakistan don't get along. Just a few days ago there was a mass of indiscriminate artillery fire, that killed scores of civilians on both sides. This is not news, it happens all the time. A while back, there was news of soldiers being beheaded and their bodies mutilated on those same borders. The bloodshed is a constant.

Trade between India and Pakistan is nearly non-existent for two countries with such a long border. Much of the economic activity is due to smuggling, which leads to problems (drug problems in Punjab and all that).

Now look at China and Japan. Everyone knows what happened in WW2, it was the bloodiest conflict in all of human history. Or look at Britain and Germany.

Now... when was the last time there was any cross-border bloodshed between China and Japan, or Britain and Germany? In fact they are all now each others largest trading partners. The exact opposite of the India-Pakistan scenario, in which there is little trade, and a vast amount of cross-border bloodshed on a weekly basis. (Not to forget that fact that the India-Pakistan border is the most likely place for nuclear war in the whole world).

We have big plans... and they are all to do with increasing China's economic connectivity with the world. It's not a conspiracy against India, it never was.

But of course, if you are always looking for an enemy, you are bound to find one. It's happened before and can surely happen again.
There can be no peace without talking about kashmir, you must be a low iq retard for even trying to pretend that the cause of all wars can be set aside when talking about peace. Kashmir will always remain the elephant in the room in any such scenario and India's unwillingness to address the obvious makes it clear it is her and not Pakistan that is an impediment to peace.

That's a lot of hot air. India has insisted on terror being front & center & has made it clear that it will not discuss Kashmir with the terror taps open. Pakistan agreed to NSA talks on terror in Ufa, all but the most cussed would admit it. Terror in Kashmir too would have been under discussion but for an discussion on the political problem of Kashmir, it had to be a different interlocutor than the Indian NSA. The Indian NSA has no remit to get into those subjects, unlike the Pakistani NSA who is also de facto foreign minister, adviser ...etc. Pakistan signed up the Ufa statement, decided to do course correction after receiving flak. Why do you think India should oblige?

I really don't know why you guys take CPEC as some sort of attack on India itself.

We simply took the most efficient route. In fact, the only land route..

No one thinks it is any kind of attack, you are poorly informed. The CEPC goes through the disputed territory of Kashmir, by China's own logic on issues in the S.China sea, that should be a no-go area. India threw the Chinese argument back in its face, that's all.
No one thinks it is any kind of attack, you are poorly informed. The CEPC goes through the disputed territory of Kashmir, by China's own logic on issues in the S.China sea, that should be a no-go area. India threw the Chinese argument back in its face, that's all.

Yeah right. :lol:

You guys are looking for enemies, same as before:

It wasn't China, but Nehru who declared 1962 war - The Times of India

And I noticed that you conveniently forgot to reply to the rest of my post.

Our goal is to increase economic connectivity, even with our "historical enemies". India on the other hand prefers the exact opposite approach. More bloodshed, less trade.

It's a very poor mentality, and the reason why the India-Pakistan border is the number 1 flashpoint for a nuclear war in the world.

There can be no peace without talking about kashmir, you must be a low iq retard for even trying to pretend that the cause of all wars can be set aside when talking about peace. Kashmir will always remain the elephant in the room in any such scenario and India's unwillingness to address the obvious makes it clear it is her and not Pakistan that is an impediment to peace.

@Horus this is what your countrymen belive.even they dont belive in what you said.sorry mate
Yeah right. :lol:

You guys are looking for enemies, same as before:

It wasn't China, but Nehru who declared 1962 war - The Times of India

And I noticed that you conveniently forgot to reply to the rest of my post.

Our goal is to increase economic connectivity, even with our "historical enemies". India on the other hand prefers the exact opposite approach. More bloodshed, less trade.

The rest of your earlier post as well as this post are not relevant to why India objected. My point was the reason of India's opposition.
Yeah right. :lol:

You guys are looking for enemies, same as before:

It wasn't China, but Nehru who declared 1962 war - The Times of India

And I noticed that you conveniently forgot to reply to the rest of my post.

Our goal is to increase economic connectivity, even with our "historical enemies". India on the other hand prefers the exact opposite approach. More bloodshed, less trade.

It's a very poor mentality, and the reason why the India-Pakistan border is the number 1 flashpoint for a nuclear war in the world.

again i ask the same thing,do you use templates,stop repeating the samething again and again,
The rest of your earlier post as well as this post are not relevant to why India objected. My point was the reason of India's opposition.

One of the plans of Chinese was to include India in one way or other in CPEC. CPEC is a part of larger plan of one belt and one road policy with China as the hub and other countries around it as spokes. India was not interested in one belt and one road policy, and I will be surprised if India will be interested in CPEC.

See this is my point.

China's goal now is to increase economic connectivity in the region. Everyone knows the history of bloodshed between China and Japan (WW2 being the bloodiest conflict in human history), yet today they are our largest trading partner in Asia. And there is ZERO cross border bloodshed between us. Same as Germany and Britain, who had a similar history of bloodshed. Today there is zero cross-border bloodshed and an overwhelming amount of trade.

India on the other hand, rejects economic connectivity with Pakistan (and regularly fires masses of artillery shells, killing scores of civilians last week alone), rejects CPEC, rejects the One Road One Belt initiative, rejects China's initiatives to increase economic connectivity in Asia, etc.

I don't know, will you be finally happy when there is a nuclear war between India and Pakistan? Is that what you are aiming for?

See this is my point.

China's goal now is to increase economic connectivity in the region. Everyone knows the history of bloodshed between China and Japan (WW2 being the bloodiest conflict in human history), yet today they are our largest trading partner in Asia. And there is ZERO cross border bloodshed between us. Same as Germany and Britain, who had a similar history of bloodshed. Today there is zero cross-border bloodshed and an overwhelming amount of trade.

India on the other hand, rejects economic connectivity with Pakistan (and regularly fires masses of artillery shells, killing scores of civilians last week alone), rejects CPEC, rejects the One Road One Belt initiative, rejects China's initiatives to increase economic connectivity in Asia, etc.

I don't know, will you be finally happy when there is a nuclear war between India and Pakistan? Is that what you are aiming for?

Irrelevant point. China objects to India's involvement with Vietnam on the basis that the S. China sea is disputed, the same logic applies to the Pakistani part of Kashmir where CEPC is supposed to go through.
Irrelevant point. China objects to India's involvement with Vietnam on the basis that the S. China sea is disputed, the same logic applies to the Pakistani part of Kashmir where CEPC is supposed to go through.

My point is 100% relevant to the thread, have you read the OP?

I don't know why you are talking about the South China Sea.

This is about India rejecting connectivity, to Pakistan, to CPEC (and to the larger One Belt One Road initiative). Choosing less trade and more bloodshed, while China-Japan and Germany-Britain have chosen more trade and zero bloodshed.
My point is 100% relevant to the thread, have you read the OP?

I don't know why you are talking about the South China Sea.

This is about India rejecting connectivity, to Pakistan, to CPEC (and to the larger One Belt One Road initiative).

Nope. This is about the reason for India's objection. The S. China sea position is important both to understand India's position & China's hypocrisy.
Everyone knows the history of bloodshed between China and Japan (WW2 being the bloodiest conflict in human history), yet today they are our largest trading partner in Asia. And there is ZERO cross border bloodshed between us

sir, what would you have done if post ww2 japan would have attacked your country 4times... or supported uyghurs with arms and money?????

Choosing less trade and more bloodshed, while China-Japan and Germany-Britain have chosen more trade and zero bloodshed
sir please read history a bit before comparing these countries..... did germany attack britain or japan attck china post ww2???? if india joins CPEC then it will mean india accepts GB as part of pakistan....
Half a story. NS didn't just come to India on his own, Modi reached out to him with an invitation. Didn't let the leT attack in Herat where the intention was to kill Indian diplomats coinciding with Modi's swearing in stop him from going ahead with the meeting. He even agreed to FS talks which had not taken place for nearly 3 years.

Pakistanis love to play up NS's supposed outreach, Modi's was even bigger when you consider the hardline position on terror taken by him before.
Yeah right. NS came since modi even after how you exPM treated him once he came before neither PM came back when our PM invited.

You guys has superiority complex, and soon that will take you down.

Herat bomb was not done by Pakistan. If someone was stopping then it was us. All FS talks decided in India yet many time our side try to go but each time your side were putting some conditions. Again superior conflict.

Ohh come on,whh you defending... You Indians vote for anti-Pakistan stand. Where it happens in Pakistan.

And why I even bother to talk to you Indians.. Stupid of me..
In an ideal world India would welcome economic activity in the region and offer to join in. Discuss transit routes through Pakistan for access to other markets. Be a willing partner in the region. Pakistan would no doubt reciprocate ten fold.

But sadly in India where a prominent intellectual like Swamy spitting pure venom, vitriolic horrible things against Pakistan on national TV.

Its a damn shame, thats what it is. There are good Indians, but the ones with bad intentions are more in numbers and their regional foreign policy is not win win at all.

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