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6 Stabbed in Tel Aviv Gay Pride Parade

Had it been an Arab as soon as he pulled out the knife he would be shot dead. This settler however stabbed 6 in a row in front of police and nothing happened. Bystanders tackled him and he will probably be sentenced to a few months and released.
Jerusalem is not the right place for this sort of thing. They should stick to Tel Aviv.
What is the point of those gay "pride" parades exactly?

Maybe us heterosexuals should start heterosexual pride parades. One could argue that carnivals are that already at least in Brazil.

Gays can do whatever the hell they want to among themselves behind closed doors but there is no need for them to flash their absurdities in public.

Attacking them is obviously not the solution but I am glad that I won't see such sights anywhere in the Arab world in my lifetime or at least I hope so. For sure never in KSA.:lol:

If such opinions makes me "backward" or homophobic then so be it.

We should all appreciate our caveman side from time to time. Whether we like it or not then homosexuality is an abnormality despite it being present everywhere in the world. Physiologically and culturally.
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What is the point of those gay "pride" parades exactly?

Maybe us heterosexuals should start heterosexual pride parades. One could argue that carnivals were that already at least in Brazil.

Gays can do whatever the hell they want to among themselves behind closed doors but there is no need for them to flash their absurdities in public.

Attacking them is obviously not the solution but I am glad that I won't see such sights anywhere in the Arab world in my lifetime or at least I hope so. For sure never in KSA.:lol:

If such opinions makes me "backward" or homophobic then so be it.

We should all appreciate our caveman side from time to time. Whether we like it or not then homosexuality is an abnormality despite it being present everywhere in the world. Physiologically and culturally.
Gay people should just go to this church
:lol: when people let their caveman side free lol
Gay people should just go to this church
:lol: when people let their caveman side free lol

How could I guess that this took place in the US before even seeing that video?:lol:

HAHA, that's some crazy and hilarious stuff.

Remember @Metanoia ? :lol:

Let's not forget this video since it's a Pakistani forum.


No, gays should be thrown down from the tallest mountain available or building as our Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi al-Husseini al-Hashimi al-Qurashi commanded us to do.
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Arab equivalent:


That's apparently some Arab tribe in UAE that is performing their traditional "war ritual" before going to battle. They are apparently the only such clan/tribe/family that have such a hilarious practice/tradition. When I watched the video for the first time I could not stop laughing and thought it was a joke until I read some of the comments below by Emiratis explaining it.:lol:

I love the casual greeting afterwards like nothing ever happened. Not sure why they bother anymore, lol.

Nah, our good old Sufis in the Arab world also participate in some "interesting stuff" but they are not as liberal as the South Asian lot, lol. Or at least that's my impression although you hear "stuff" from time to time.
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