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India will be a Hindu nation by 2020, world by 2030: VHP’s Ashok Singhal

@doppelganger : Dude you seriously need a psychologist to cure your extremist fanatical hindu ideology.

You are a hindu version of ISIS, Talibans etc as far as imposing your ideas on others is concerned.
I will share something very frankly here. Even being from a Bengali Brahmin and religious family, I was never a devoted Hindu. Infact I had mixed ideas about RSS/ BJP and all thanks to my friends like @jamahir and @Guynextdoor . I was one of the Indians who was daily bombarded with NDTV (read Burkha/ Sagarika types) and Mumbai style secular brigade till I started researching by myself.

Now that I know what RSS is and what they do, I can proudly say me along with many of my so called athiest Hindu friends are now well aware of the so called secular champions in Indian society (especially the educated ones). Its hardly surprising that most of my friend circle (mostly well educated and well established ) are hardcore BJP supporters now.

@SarthakGanguly @Mike_Brando @ranjeet @JanjaWeed @Mr.Nair @Marxist @Nair saab @doppelganger

@doppelganger : Dude you seriously need a psychologist to cure your extremist fanatical hindu ideology.

You are a hindu version of ISIS, Talibans etc as far as imposing your ideas on others is concerned.

True. But this Hindu extremist has killed how many Shias lately? And how many suicide blasts have taken place in mosques near Mumbai? Also, as I am ignorant please share with us a few of the Beheading type videos that @doppelganger and his like specialises in
I will share something very frankly here. Even being from a Bengali Brahmin and religious family, I was never a devoted Hindu. Infact I had mixed ideas about RSS/ BJP and all thanks to my friends like @jamahir and @Guynextdoor . I was one of the Indians who was daily bombarded with NDTV (read Burkha/ Sagarika types) and Mumbai style secular brigade till I started researching by myself.

Now that I know what RSS is and what they do, I can proudly say me along with many of my so called athiest Hindu friends are now well aware of the so called secular champions in Indian society (especially the educated ones). Its hardly surprising that most of my friend circle (mostly well educated and well established ) are hardcore BJP supporters now.

West Bengal has been ruled by Communists and now Secular TMC and look where they have brought the state now.
Bengal tops UN list of missing kids, women - The Times of India
1. photos, if available.

2. were they in uniform??






Tons more. Relief efforts across the country. No Hindu or Muslim. For us all of us are Hindu. And we are respected as such, as can be seen from the last photo.
True. But this Hindu extremist has killed how many Shias lately? And how many suicide blasts have taken place in mosques near Mumbai? Also, as I am ignorant please share with us a few of the Beheading type videos that @doppelganger and his like specialises in

Are you saying extremist hindus have never beheaded people?

They have never bombed trains or mosques?

They have never destroyed mosques / Churches / Sikh temples in India?

They have never killed/lynched minority people in their thousands with most brutal ways thinkable?

They are not forcing people to convert back to become Hindus?

Well my dear, what can I say, if you chose to close your eyes to reality, nothing can help you to see the facts.
Even I was shocked to learn that during the uttarakhand floods, many Muslim friends who have there villages in the downstream plains said that RSS had helped Muslim villagers even before the local Police/ Army reached there.
Are you saying extremist hindus have never beheaded people?

They have never bombed trains or mosques?

They have never destroyed mosques / Churches / Sikh temples in India?

They have never killed/lynched minority people in their thousands with most brutal ways thinkable?

They are not forcing people to convert back to become Hindus?

Well my dear, what can I say, if you chose to close your eyes to reality, nothing can help you to see the facts.

Buddy, all I know is there are 200 million Muslims living peacefully and happily amongst 1 billion of us.

Can you show me one Muslim country where just the Muslims are living peacefully and happily amongst each other? Forget us children of lesser Gods.
Are you saying extremist hindus have never beheaded people?

They have never bombed trains or mosques?

They have never destroyed mosques / Churches / Sikh temples in India?

They have never killed/lynched minority people in their thousands with most brutal ways thinkable?

They are not forcing people to convert back to become Hindus?

Well my dear, what can I say, if you chose to close your eyes to reality, nothing can help you to see the facts.

Yes. i am saying that. The Babri demolition was not in this category. That mosque was not used by any Muslim for prayers. It was built by a barbaric Muslim ruler by destroying our most sacred place .

How would you react if tomorrow RSS destroys Mecca and Medina and builds Ram Temple their?

Nobody is forcing anyone. There is a reason why BJP wants to stop religious conversion but likes of you and Christian Evangelists are stopping it.

For centuries Muslims forcefully converted us (including your forefathers who once were Hindus) and now that we are welcoming those who want to revert back.... suddenly its all bad. Fail Logic this.
Even I was shocked to learn that during the uttarakhand floods, many Muslim friends who have there villages in the downstream plains said that RSS had helped Muslim villagers even before the local Police/ Army reached there.

Not just Uttarakhand.

West Bengal floods.

Andhra floods.

Kashmir floods.

We are always there. First along with Indian Army. Feeding, helping, saving, rescuing. We don't check the victim's religion or ghar wapsi status before doing it.
Not just Uttarakhand.

West Bengal floods.

Andhra floods.

Kashmir floods.

We are always there. First along with Indian Army. Feeding, helping, saving, rescuing. We don't check the victim's religion or ghar wapsi status before doing it.

I know buddy. And the reason I love Maharahtra and Marathis so much is because of the nationalism in them. Unlike my native Bengal, where Hindus habve not only lost the sense of nationalism (S.P Mukherjee, Vivekananda , etc)... they are hell bent in creating another Bangladesh.

No wonder Begum Mamota rules there. Mark my words. In another 50 odfd years, when we Hindus are in a minority in Bengal, another BD will be created. Inshallah !!!!
Buddy, all I know is there are 200 million Muslims living peacefully and happily amongst 1 billion of us.

Can you show me one Muslim country where just the Muslims are living peacefully and happily amongst each other? Forget us children of lesser Gods.

Are hundreds of thousands hindus working in UAE being lynched?
Are they being lynched in Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait?
Is a genocide against Hindus taking place in Malaysia?
Is a genocide against Hindus taking placein Indonesia?
Is a genocide against Hindus and Christians taking place in Turkey?
Is there a genocide of Hindus, Christians in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan?
Are minorities being lynched in Albania, Morocco, Tunisia?

So you asked for one Muslims country and I have posted not one but more than ten times.

Now what next?

If you make a statement like "200 million muslims living peacefully and happily among 1 billion hindus", we can say the same way that few hundred thousand hindus are living peacefully and happily among 190 million Muslims in Pakistan.
we can understand the extremist Hindus will forcefully convert Muslims and Christians to Hinduism by 2020 but what is their plan to make it world Hindu nation?
we can understand the extremist Hindus will forcefully convert Muslims and Christians to Hinduism by 2020 but what is their plan to make it world Hindu nation?

Not happening. India is resilient, such fools may bark every now and then but sooner or later they will be go back to the caves where they come from.
I will share something very frankly here. Even being from a Bengali Brahmin and religious family, I was never a devoted Hindu.

many current mullah types have said similar stories, but truth is you and them had no objections from the beginning to the reactionaries... you were hardly a committed socialist.

Infact I had mixed ideas about RSS/ BJP and all thanks to my friends like @jamahir and @Guynextdoor . I was one of the Indians who was daily bombarded with NDTV (read Burkha/ Sagarika types) and Mumbai style secular brigade till I started researching by myself.

you bring in my name but i have seen your ram profile-picture from the time i saw your user-name.

Its hardly surprising that most of my friend circle (mostly well educated and well established ) are hardcore BJP supporters now.

your "well educated" circle would be ill-educated in my understanding... they will be some software engineer or mba type, one who depends on the whims of western companies for their bread and butter.

your circle would laugh at people like me who talk of starting employee unions even though in a extremely capitalist society like india, unions are needed, especially in the software/services sector, to protect the rights of the workers... your circle is not really concerned about welfare of others or concerned about the world in general.

I can proudly say me along with many of my so called athiest Hindu friends

those atheist were never really atheist, after all they love rss and its propagation of 330 million gods and goddesses... those "atheists" are simply anti-islam, anti-christianity and anti-communism/socialism, even if they are members with names like @Marxist and @NKVD . :lol:
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