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'Spy' pigeon from Pakistan jailed in Pathankot

That pigeon is a highly trained assassin.

Indian police: Now you are trapped in jail Mr.Pigeon.
Pigeon: No, you are in trapped here with me.
Saaieen ka kabootar bhi saaieen.

Today I caught a crow I think he is an indian spy! He was so hungry he was trying to steal my roti and was shitting everywhere all of which are indian habits ! So guys should i hand him to the authorities for being a spy because he sure has the habits of indians?
us kawway ka paaoon chek karnay thay us pay koi paper hoga with devanagri script written text.

Oh yeh and you dint notice the difference between behaviour of Pakistanis and Indians?

mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh let me post the entire news item for you here to see the difference

ISLAMABAD: India and Pakistan could be in for monkey diplomacy after an unsuspecting primate strayed across the border into Pakistan to be snapped up by soldiers and packed off to a British-era zoo.

The monkey, who has not been given a name by his Pakistani handlers, was apparently found ambling around the desert region of Rahim Yar Khan on November 19.

Paramilitary troops manning a border post spotted the animal and sent him to Bahawalpur zoo in Pakistan's Punjab province. The case may be open and shut for the zoo, but his status is attracting a flurry of media attention.

“We were given him by the Rangers. They found him strolling near their post,” the zoo's curator Irfan Farooqi told AFP by telephone.

He added: “We don't suspect the monkey has been deliberately sent to Pakistan. I don't think it is a trained spy. It is a common monkey.”

The monkey is now locked up, joining half a dozen others, including another monkey that apparently strayed across the border from India a few months ago.

“India has a huge population of monkeys and often when they are hungry they head towards Pakistan,” Farooqi said.

The zoo was established in 1942 during British colonial rule before the sub-continent was divided between India and Pakistan upon independence in 1947.

An animal rights group in India has reportedly written to Pakistan's ambassador to New Delhi asking that the monkey be released back into the wild.

But Farooqi said the zoo had received no request.

The zoo official said there was no question of just releasing him because “monkeys are usually naughty and they can harm the civilian population”.

“We got (another) one (from India) a few months ago and no one asked for its repatriation. We can release them only if we get orders from our bosses.”

Asghar Gilani, a Pakistani wildlife department official, said the monkey's fate was “just a media attraction”.

“Such incidents have happened in the past also but no demand for their return had been made.”


Leh bay Bharoti saada wada dil tay waddi soch twadha chota dil tay :P
^they're desperate for face saving now ! It's all over the world, even on facebook pages which are non-political. This news is just too idiotic to be termed as idiotic.
Have you even bothered to open the link and read the article? It is about catching a monkey and putting it in the zoo, not catching a spy monkey and putting it under police custody.

The 2nd article from Dawn has deliberately been written comically unlike the TOI article.

He added: “We don't suspect the monkey has been deliberately sent to Pakistan. I don't think it is a trained spy. It is a common monkey.”

Back on topic, that damn rookie, why didn't he chew on the cyanide installed in his false tooth and die when captured. Oh wait, ISI only installs cyanide in animal having teeth..... Damn you incompetent so called super spys of ISI
This is the perfect time for Pakistanis to send a shit load of pigeons into India to troll their retarded *** police force

hehehehehehehehehe why we dint think of it.

I wonder if some shararti soldiers come up with this fun idea soon
unique thread , very few bharatis
Hahahhahhahhaha, true as @IrbiS already said.

Omg omg omg! Guys guess what admins must give this thread feature status and turn it sticky and somehow preserve it in hall of fame kind of way.

I am tagging mods.

@webmastur @erfan baloch @jugnibaaz @mango @waaz

(Mods apnay nicks parh lain tau mujhay marna mat)

Firstly thread is funny secondly the thing jo iski azmat may izafa karti hai ,woh hai indian absence
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Did they give counselor access to our hero yet? Is he going to be tortured? What about his rights? Did he get his one call? Stand firm soldier, you were trained for this day!

LoL! I got to thank Indians. I did not have such laugh in a while.
Meanwhile at RAW headquarters:
Head: Update me on the enemy's spy pigeon.

Interrogator: Sir we have tried every interrogation technique we know but that motherf***** did not speak a single word.

Head: One hell of a tough spy. That pakistani bast*** thinks he is smarter than indians. Go and throw him down from the top floor of our headquarter's building.
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