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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Assad soldiers flee from Jisr hospital:

This happened after rebels took control of all buildings around the hospital yesterday:




Considering they were surrounded in a building, they held out for too long and killed many rebels who tried to infiltrate the hospital.

As per latest news, almost all of them have reached rest of SAA troops south of Jisr al-Shoghour.

Syrian government would currently prefer to give up areas to ISIS and have a scorched Earth policy against rebels now. Trying to give ISIS as much land as they can so they can fight rebels more.

Doesn't make sense at all. If they let ISIS advance more than this, they'd become a larger threat to Homs and Damascus than those 'rebels'.
Considering they were surrounded in a building, they held out for too long and killed many rebels who tried to infiltrate the hospital.

As per latest news, almost all of them have reached rest of SAA troops south of Jisr al-Shoghour.
I doubt that. They need to run 5 kms in daylight in rebel controlled territory under bombsings of rebels and their own air force.


Syrian state TV says siege of Jisr al-Shughour hospital in Idlib broken, says troops "are out of the hospital"-REUTERS :lol:
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I doubt that. They need to run 5 kms in daylight in rebel controlled territory under bombsings of rebels and their own air force.


Syrian state TV says siege of Jisr al-Shughour hospital in Idlib broken, says troops "are out of the hospital"-REUTERS :lol:

Too many conflicting reports out there, since we are not on the ground, we both may be right or wrong. Yes they have a long way they should go on foot, 5km is not anything easy in daylight, some of them maybe killed or even captured, we should wait more to see what happens.

Btw, what's their total number? I heard around 300, is it true?
Too many conflicting reports out there, since we are not on the ground, we both may be right or wrong. Yes they have a long way they should go on foot, 5km is not anything easy in daylight, some of them maybe killed or even captured, we should wait more to see what happens.

Btw, what's their total number? I heard around 300, is it true?
All rebel and loyalist reports are BS now. There are injured soldiers who cant run and left in hospital but still can fight, there are soldiers who were injured on the way and fighting. So no one really knows what is happening currently.
All rebel and loyalist reports are BS now. There are injured soldiers who cant run and left in hospital but still can fight, there are soldiers who were injured on the way and fighting. So no one really knows what is happening currently.

Just saw a claim that they have captured 65 SAA troops! It's hard to believe it now, because they were all moving together, they could either capture them all or capture none of them. If there is 300 of them, it'd be wiser if they moved together rather than moving in sparse groups.
So Iran is allied with the US and Israel after all and so much for Death to America chants.

We at least had the ball to say death to America , and to fight them in Persian Gulf .

Let me ask you a question . What have more than 1 billion Sunnis done against the US rather than doing the BJ and sleeping with them ?

The answer is nothing and that's a shame for you guys .

Learn from the minority Shia , Rafidi , pagan , grave worshipers who have humiliated you in almost every aspect .
It's really unfortunate if the rebels failed to kill or capture most of the fled SAA troops.

We at least had the ball to say death to America , and to fight them in Persian Gulf .

Let me ask you a question . What have more than 1 billion Sunnis done against the US rather than doing the BJ and sleeping with them ?

The answer is nothing and that's a shame for you guys .

Learn from the minority Shia , Rafidi , pagan , grave worshipers who have humiliated you in almost every aspect .
Omar @omarsyria · 7h 7 hours ago
Sweida protestors surround military intelligence building & demand their drafted sons be returned home.


Apparently Druze are not very happy that their kids were left surrounded in Deir ez Zor.
Just saw a claim that they have captured 65 SAA troops! It's hard to believe it now, because they were all moving together, they could either capture them all or capture none of them. If there is 300 of them, it'd be wiser if they moved together rather than moving in sparse groups.
I am not a military man but even I can tell u that a herd of 300 surrounded by all sides from the enemy is a very easy target then small groups that can easily maneuver their way around while keeping it on the low.
May be @500 can shed some light on that.
Surprise surprise, the regime (specifically NDF) has been selling weapons to ISIS. NDF commander in Damascus Fadi Saqr has been selling weapons to ISIS for a long time now (2013 maybe, but def. 2014), and was just arrested by the regime. This story comes from a pro-regime source btw.
Meanwhile, Sham Front are fighting ISIS in Northern Aleppo:
ISIS has been attacking Shiekh Najjar and a took a part of it. The regime has multiple lines of defence against the rebel side, but only 1-2 lines of defence max against Daesh. This is why they took that part so quickly. ISIS knows that the rebels will take Aleppo once they finish off regime in Idlib, so they are snatching as much of it as they can, again hindering rebel advances. ISIS doing their usual and stalling the revolution.

Nothing new brother.

ISIS sells oil to the Al-Assad regime and in return gets electricity. They cooperate secretly where they can both benefit.

Anyway the Al-Assad regime is collapsing. Wonderful.

It's really unfortunate if the rebels failed to kill or capture most of the fled SAA troops.


That was a very good joke indeed. I am still laughing.:lol:
When will Arab armies actually learn to fight, the US could destroy ISIS in a ground war with 10,000 of its average infantry with armoured support, ISIS videos are a joke, terrible tactics/training and no skill atall with weapons. Atleast the Kurds can put up a fight, the rest of the region from Iraq/Syria, are just a joke and get beat by a bunch of 20 year olds riding around in technicals spraying machine gun fire from 1000 metres, Iranian militia dont fair much better but atleast they are determined. You gotta feel bad for the brave few who actually stand their ground and put up a fight whilst their fellow countrymen retreat leaving the only people who actually have skill to die or be captured..
When will Arab armies actually learn to fight, the US could destroy ISIS in a ground war with 10,000 of its average infantry with armoured support, ISIS videos are a joke, terrible tactics/training and no skill atall with weapons. Atleast the Kurds can put up a fight, the rest of the region from Iraq/Syria, are just a joke and get beat by a bunch of 20 year olds riding around in technicals spraying machine gun fire from 1000 metres, Iranian militia dont fair much better but atleast they are determined. You gotta feel bad for the brave few who actually stand their ground and put up a fight whilst their fellow countrymen retreat leaving the only people who actually have skill to die or be captured..

What are you talking about? Iraq has no army. Their entire army was disbanded in 2003. Those who fight/fought ISIS are not soldiers. At most people with 3 months of military experience and with no motivation to fight for a regime.

Had this been pre-2003 ISIS would be dealt with by Saddam Hussein in the matter of months.

Syria has been in the middle of a 4 year long civil war.

Kurds are worse fighters. They would have been steamrolled by ISIS had it not been for Al-Assad regime, Syrian opposition, Iraqi regime and Western bombardments. We saw what happened in Ain al-Arab and in Northern Iraq.

Also the same ISIS is the most feared terrorist group on the planet and the same ISIS predecessor (Al-Qaeda in Iraq) killed many more American and coalition soldiers than anyone has done since the Vietcong.

USA could conquer Germany in a matter of weeks too. They even have military bases. I once draw past one near Frankfurt am Main. Your point?

Anyway your comparison is a joke and you showcase your lack of knowledge about the conflicts in Syria and Iraq. Another anti-Arab clown that moreover lives in Egypt apparently. A disgrace.
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Since February 2015, Syria has entered its 4th year of a full, intense and bloody war. One year ago, in May 2014, despite a few setbacks, loyalists (Syrian government) seemed to hold firmly after series of important battles in 2013 reasserting their control over important and strategic areas such as Aleppo or near the Lebanon border. At the same time, rebels suffered both loyalists offensive and a deadly infighting with the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS), later renamed Islamic State (IS). In such a complex and dynamic war, one could imagine that the situation was to change, and indeed dramatic events such as the offensives of the Islamic State led to a very different strategic situation one year after.

Click on image to enlarge it

The 2014 Islamic State offensive

In June 2014, the sudden invasion of Iraq by the Islamic State, and the fall of Mossul, led to a quick strengthening of the jihadist group. In the same time, they achieved to conquer the remaining rebels-held areas in Deirez-Zor and Raqqah in Syria. These conquests mostly happened by receiving allegiance of rebels groups, while the others fled to Western Syria or, in some rare cases (such as the Shaytat tribe) tried to resist. During the summer of 2014, the IS turned their attention to some isolated loyalist army bases (Regiment 17, Regiment 121, Tabqah air-base, and Ayn Isa) and stormed them. The result was heavy human losses for the government troops, as well as important stock of weapons an ammunitions seized by the IS.

The IS also increased their presence in the Syrian desert, giving permanent pressure to loyalist-held gas fields as well as to their supply roads (Hama – Aleppo and Homs – Deirez-Zor). As a result, Palmyra was conquerred after 7 days of fighting on May 21, rising high concern in the international community about the fate of the city relics. In addition, they achieved to advance further to the West in rebels-held areas in Suwaydaa, Damascus (South Ghouta and Yarmuk camp) and in the Qalamoun mountains near the Lebanese border.

Resistance of the Kurds and intervention of the International coalition

In the North, in September 2014, the IS launched a wide-scale campaign in order to conquer the Kobane canton which was ruled by a Kurdish PKK affiliated militia, the People’s Protection Units (YPG). The sudden attack advanced very quickly to the streets of Kobane city where a 4-months heroic resistance from the YPG stopped the jihadists. The battle could have lasted for a long time, but the US-led international coalition started to bomb IS targets in Kobane, giving an important strategic support to the embattled defenders. After months of street fighting, the YPG which received help from some Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Iraqi Peshmerga units, succeeded in breaking the Kobane siege in January 2015, and started a Reconquista war which is still continuing in May 2015.

Further in the East, in the al-Jazeera canton which is the most important Kurdish-held territory in Syria, the IS advance reached the Iraqi border post of Yarubiyah, threatening a major supply road for YPG. In December 2014, the Peshmergas in Iraq launched an offensive vs the IS to recapture Yazidis-inhabited areas in Mount Sinjar. At the same time, YPG attacked the IS positions on the other side of the border and liberated several areas. A few weeks later, the YPG captured cities of Tal-Hamis and Tal-Brak. On the Western side of al-Jazeera canton and of Hasakah city, the IS conquered the south bank of Khabur river, capturing hundreds of Syriac and Assyrian civilians, and reached the gates of Tal-Tamer, biggest Christian town in the area. However, by the end of April 2015, the YPG, helped by Syriac militias (MFS) and some Arab (Sanadid tribe), launched a powerful counter-offensive West of Tal-Tamer and in Khabur valley and advanced quickly, cutting Hasakah-Aleppo road, and aiming toward Mount Abdel-Aziz where IS logistic bases are located.

Rebels strengthening in the North and the South

The non-IS rebels are composed of various alliances. The Free Syrian Army (moderate, FSA) lost some ground in the north after some infighting with Jabhat al-Nusra (jihadist al-Qaeda affiliated) led the former to take control of a large territory in the Idlib governorate. However, they are the strongest faction in South Syria near the Jordanian border (Daraa, Quneitrah, south Rif Dimashq). The Islamic Front (Islamists, IF) is based in all rebel-held areas, but has its strongests positions in Aleppo, Idlib and Damascus. Jabhat al-Nusra is mainly active in Aleppo, Idlib, Latakia and Qalamoun.

The rebels advanced regularly in the South, taking over important areas and cities such as Sheik Miskin, Quneitrah, and Bosra, and tried to advance further north toward South of Damascus. Good supply line with Jordanian border, good command and coordination, and foreign funding and logistical help can explain rebel successes in this area.

In the North, in December 2014, the rebels managed to capture remaining loyalist bases of WadiDeif and Hamidiyah, seizing important amounts of weapons and ammunitions. In March 2015, a new coalition called “Army of Conquest” managed to seize the provincial capital, Idlib and to capture Jisr ash-Shughur one month later, endangering remaining loyalist-held cities in the Idlib Governorate.

Loyalists at best maintain stalemate

The loyalists indeed experienced a difficult year and mostly managed to defend positionsat best, or retake some lost areas, paying heavy price in casualties and lost materials. They lost and recaptured Kessab in Latakia, gained and lost some villages in north Aleppo in a desperate attempt to reach a besieged chiite enclave, recaptured a part of lost territory in south Rif Dimashq and Quneitrah, lost and retook Shaer gas field, and most recently lost Palmyra. In Damascus itself, the loyalists did not succeed in further reducing the rebel pockets in East of South Ghoutah or in Jobar. However, some important Hezbollah involvement allowed the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) to make substantial gains in the Qalamoun mountains in May 2015, and in Deirez-Zor, they managed to resist to several attacks from the IS, still maintaining half of the city under government control.

In summary, the last year since May 2014 has seen a strong development of the Islamic State at the expense of the rebels (mainly by allegiance) and of the loyalists (by conquering). They were however unsuccessful in further advancing in the north where the Kurdish YPG managed to stop them with the help of the International coalition air-strikes. Although subject to sporadic infighting, rebel factions managed to gain territory in the South (Daraa) and in the north (mostly Idlib) and strengthened their positions in Aleppo. The loyalists experienced important defeats and had heavy casualties in losing some besieged army bases. Meanwhile, except along the Lebanese border where they get strong Hezbollah involvement, they mostly defended territory against rebels and IS attacks, and did not succeed in advancing in Damascus and Aleppo.
Hollande calls for new push on Syria political settlement after Palmyra - Israel News, Ynetnews

"Once again we call for the preparation of a new Geneva," he said after an EU summit in Riga, referring to earlier conferences aimed at brokering a transition from Assad to Western-back rebels who have also lost ground to Islamic State. "With a regime that is clearly weakened, and with a Bashar al-Assad who cannot be the future of Syria, we must build a new Syria which can be rid, naturally, of the regime and Bashar al-Assad but also, above all, of the terrorists.


Very funny, Hollande had no intention to call for Geneva conference when Assad was winning. But now that they realized Opposition is making big gains and their victory is inevitable, he not only wants to take credit for their victory, but also try to influence post-Assad process. Sorry Hollande, you and your West had nothing to do with with weakining of Assad regime, and you will absolutely have no say in the future of Syria or political transition. That's a decision that belongs to the mujahideen, they liberated it and they will get power. Not some stupid small secular party or your some foreign government in Europe or United states. And if you don't accept the will of the people, the world will be much more dangerous place to live in.
Syrian military helicopters at Palmyra air base that was captured by the Islamic State militants after a battle with the Syrian government forces.

Islamic State kills dozens in Syria's Palmyra - The Hindu
Activists and officials said Islamic State (IS) fighters are combing Palmyra, detaining and killing dozens of people two days after seizing the historic Syrian town.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said IS fighters have killed 17 men and that it has unconfirmed reports of the killing of “tens” more.

Governor Talal Barazi of the central province of Homs, which includes Palmyra, said on Friday that IS fighters have abducted men and “might have committed massacres.”

The IS group has massacred hundreds of Syrian and Iraqi soldiers following past conquests, often boasting about the killings online.
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