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More arrogance from Arabs

Aside all the security challenges that have been created inside Pakistan by importation of ideology from these lands by returning expats, how much money do you think is flowing the other way around from Pakistan to these countries: Ayyan laundering money for political heavyweights, businessmen since 2011, investigators reveal

It is possible that the net effect is zero or even a loss. Places like Dubai have become hubs for corrupt officials in the region, hiding their assets and resemble upscale prosttitution dens.


My point is, not helping arabs = money coming in stops coming in, outflows unaffected.
Let me tell you what that will actually mean....

bye bye to more than 8 billion dollars per year remittances...when these millions of workers come back home looking for jobs, unemployment rate shoots up, current account deficit widens by 8 billion dollars, and pakistan struggles to find more IMF/world bank loans and bailouts or risks going bankrupt within maybe 3 years....

That's the real condition right now...and pakistan will pay a heavy price if it doesn't take side with the arabs...
arabs have no problem kicking out millions of pakistani workers, it's easy for them to replace them with indians, sri lankans, etc etc...

I guess some of us only believes God provides. Arab worshippers believes Arabs provide.

I believe for sure Iran killed Pakistanis in Baluchistan using Proxies like BLA to send a Clear Msg. to Pakistan that do not follow Saudia Arabia Other wise Iran-Persia will Fuk You Pakistanis up in Baluchistan

it is very Probable then PTT killing Pakistanis in Baluchistan, Any way Pakistan have no real friend and Islamic Brothers, all just use Pakistan like Toilet Papers, Iran is more Dangerous than Saudi Arabia as Iran is our neighbour and occupy large Part of Pakistan...............Pakistan do not tilt towards Iran but go with SA and Gulf States and still tell them clearly that Pakistan Army will not land in YEMEN........Period

Also, Saudi Arabia is giving Billions of $$$$ of Aid to Pakistan plus Cheap Oil and What Persia-Iran give us NOTHING! Jack shiiiit, they only asking from us.......There are millions of Persian-Iranis in Pakistan, since the time of Khomeni so called Islamic Revolution but in reality It is Shia Revolution against Sunnis of Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Gulf Countries

Great Satan is now again sleeping with Not so great Persian-Iran Supremacist Racist Iran, Persians Hate Pakistanis, Arabs, Kurds, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Dubai, UAE, all Arab Gulf States but there Hate against any Sunnis have NO Bound as they believe that Sunnis are the one who killed Imam Hussain and Sunni Abu Bakr, Caliph Omar and Osman were the reason Ali did not get leadership of Muslims and Islam

How I know this as I lived with so called Not so great Persians - Iranis
Once Iran was majority Sunni Country but Shia Minority was in Power, Shia Elite decided to change Iran from Sunni Majority State to Shia using force, just read this History it is very Informative part of Shia Majoosi Iran - Donot trust Racist Persians as once they get into your country either they change you by tactics or just using Taqqiya Shia-Jew Concept of Lies to fool you in believing there Lies as Truth!

Let me take a wild guess,you are Canadian taxpayers permanent guest.
Thought I'd just share something from Arab media about Pakistan now that our leaders have dared to disagree with these Arab supremacists.

Pakistani Blackmail

“MAY God bless difficulties that made me differentiate my friends from enemies.” This part of a poem is applicable to some countries whose leaders released statements to express their true position shortly after the ‘Operation Decisive Storm’ began. They thought they could use this sensitive period in the history of the Arabian Gulf as an investment.

These countries imagined that the issue will be limited to issuing statements and nothing else, but they failed in the examination. This is exactly the situation of Pakistan whose government opted to join the Arab-Islamic coalition without any official request from the coalition.

When GCC countries decided to face the challenge of Iran in Yemen, they were aware that the responsibility to secure the region rests on them alone and this is the reason why they did not wait for anybody to take the lead before they attacked.

Through parliamentary voting, Pakistan took a position to remain neutral in what they call as “Confrontation in Yemen”. This action has exposed the mask of blackmail under the slogan of protecting Islamic sanctuaries and unity of fate between Islamabad and Riyadh. The slogan has become a tool for political blackmail under the illusion that it could be used to revive the distressed economy.

Meanwhile, the GCC countries are aware right from the start that assistance offered to the country is meant to extinguish the fire of extremism which is widespread in the region and to assist Islamabad in overcoming poverty. This is because poverty is the main reason for some countries’ inability to control activities of terrorists, which threaten security of the Arabian Gulf and Islamic nations.

Reviewing the military history is necessary for Pakistan to abandon its illusion of being a superpower in the Islamic world. It was defeated in all wars, starting from the war against India that led to the birth of Bangladesh in 1970 until the war against Taleban whose terrorist activities Pakistan could not curtail. We possibly can understand why it bows for Iran due to fear of another defeat in its border with the Mullah regime, which is experienced in incubating extremist groups.

Undoubtedly, the Pakistani leadership made a mistake of betting on Iran and getting scared of Iran, because it will sooner or later discover that Iran boasting of ammunition and missile capabilities, as well as the nuclear program, is just playing games. This is more noticeable in the fact that Iran is a paper tiger in the hour of truth as regards to full discovery of its nuclear program, which the international community will surely follow to discover the ballistic missiles program.

Pakistan, like other countries, will realize that the nuclear program is only a false propaganda — similar to that of Saddam Hussein 12 years after he was pulled out of Kuwait. His armies were defeated within a short period and the US tanks entered Baghdad a few days after the Liberation War started in Iraq.

GCC countries do not need Pakistan but the latter needs these countries in various ways. They are capable of securing their territories by forming alliances with other Arab nations like Jordan and Egypt, while the international allies support them politically and militarily. This is the reason why Iran ran helter-skelter across the world to stop the Determination Storm as a measure to protect its children in Yemen, which it bred like Hassan Nasrallah and his gangs that were trained for crisis and terrorism in Lebanon. It believes that ensuring Houthis to remain in Yemen could be a source of threat to the region, but it will be disappointed the same way it was in other cases.

Lest we forget that Islamabad should be wary of the Iranian plans, especially the efforts of Iran to scare the world with its military capabilities. The so-called strength has been exposed at the Bahraini doorstep, while it could not touch the Eastern part of Saudi Arabia and it is unable to maintain stability in Yemen.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

Pakistani blackmail

Just look at the tone of these Bedouins, look how quickly they show their true colours. Lakh lanat on any Pakistani still falling over themselves to kiss their behinds. It's funny he talks about all the wars and crises, I wonder where these ******* were during war with India or the issue of Kashmir. :angry:

Easy bhai Easy.

UAE has been a great destination for our active/retired military personnel.

And yes they do have high expectation from us, as we are the only "capable" force in the region that can bring peace to Yemen.

Heck we can do the same in Iraq, and Syria and Libya too.

So no need to make fun of desperation that is now showing up in UAE and even in Saudi arabia.

Remember one thing.

If you are the best cancer surgeon in your region, and god forbid someone get the cancer, where should they go?
to you or some quack sitting on the road side?

And if the patient's relatives come to your door crying, would you call them arrogant?

No. you will put on your white coat and go see the patient.

Similarly this is the time for Pakistanis to put on the uniform and go treat the patient aka Yemen and KSA.
Thank you
Let me tell you what that will actually mean....

bye bye to more than 8 billion dollars per year remittances...when these millions of workers come back home looking for jobs, unemployment rate shoots up, current account deficit widens by 8 billion dollars, and pakistan struggles to find more IMF/world bank loans and bailouts or risks going bankrupt within maybe 3 years....

That's the real condition right now...and pakistan will pay a heavy price if it doesn't take side with the arabs...
arabs have no problem kicking out millions of pakistani workers, it's easy for them to replace them with indians, sri lankans, etc etc...

Arabs cannot blackmail an alliance this is laughable..
And also being unable to deal with houthis and iran despite having combined military budget of 150 billion is also laughable...

As far as sending labours back is concerned...this may force counter measures ...and arabs dont need more enemies ...although iran does need more friends...

Also remember this is not the last time arab security has been threatened..arabs may also need pakistan in future as well...

And lastly if arabs dont deal with this with their own muscle; days of their shekhdoms are numbered..
I dont think any one in history jas shown such weakness and survived
@Oscar - This is playing in our favor as those rottheads in our ranks who worship Arabs despite being treated like an amputated widow.

Now this idiot can't be blamed for believing that Pakistan ever thought of itself as a 'superpower'. He doesn't even know the facts about Bangladesh wars and so on.

This is a wake up and smell the coffee call for Pakistan. Let them live in their paranoia, we ourselves are in ICU. Only an idiot would expect us to get up & fight their wars.
just how pathetic is the Saudi army ? 80 billion a year for it's military budget and scared shitless to go uproot a ragtag militia who don't have money for shoes even o_O
shows you that money can't buy you ba>ls or will to fight a big lesson for neighbors hehe.
Yemenis are not as you think . Just Google their war with Egypt. Which at that time had the most powerful army of Arabic world . The problem is these armies are not trained for mountain warfare to fight Yemenis . Which uses gorilla tactics . The great Egypt army lost nearly 25-30 thousands out of some 60000 troops . This the reason Arabs now want coalition forces . But the funniest part is that now for the past 10 years Houthis had developed their skills and armed themselves to teeth. Thanks to Iran support . So who ever enter this he'll will die with huge consequences at home from other fronts like economy , capabilities etc. And Iran now has the upper hand . Now they control most important parts of Arab world with their proxies itself .

Now the tried to pull in Pakistan which is already under lots of problems with raising power of India , Boluch issue , economy and lots more . And Iran is not the country you want to funk around. Their urge for revenge is very furious . Certainly Iran must have conveyed it's view on Pakistan joining the coalition. India Iran have lot of covert partnerships. So it don't hurt the sentiments of our Israel brothers. Now it's too hot handle with both India and Iran became Pakistans threat . And Iranians know Pakistan will give nuclear weapons to the saudis at the time of crisis or near fallout in the future. Either way Pakistan is doomed . Only reason Pakistan don't want to join the Yemen conflict is due to fear of Iran. As saudis can equally cash out Pakistan what Iran can afford. And saudis and Pakistan are Sunni majority state. KSA funded Nuclear programme for Pakistan in hope of using it if needed . So why Pakistan not willing to send it's troops ? Because Egypt themselves don't want to send it's troops into this black hole where there is no end .But due to pressure from KSA , for financial reasons and they wanted a revenge anyway . But Pakistan as a Country which had no links to Arab world except for religion has nothing to gain in this war but will invite brutal force from Iran when this whole Arab region ignites in flame . One day or the other. The latest Russian goodie goodie with Pakistan is also due to Irans pressure which is logical conclusion to make. As Russia and India are more than just buyers and sellers.

So its loss for Pakistan either way. So better choose the easy way by staying out of this mess. Anyway saudis funded IS may turn itself towards Pakistan which they need to watch out for.
i think you are over stating the power of Iran. You are an Indian therefore you will never understand how a Pakistani think we just dont want bad realtions with any muslim country.And if you think Pakistan somehow fears Iran which is not true. Trust me if Pakistani chooses to hurt Iran both US and Isreal will do whatever they can to support Pakistan against Iran it will certainly be dream come true for Isreal US and SA. They will support us just like they did support us against soviets. And in regards to India trust me if the situation happens as i described above even Isreal will turn over backwards and forget India lol. Isreals biggest threat is Iran and if Pakistan becomes patner with Isreal the world will certainly be an very easy place for Pakistan we will be the becon of hope for freeworld will be the words that westren media will use for Pakistan. But again we choose to take a difficult path ie not to be part of any coalition against any muslim country which can benefit Isreal
i think you are over stating the power of Iran. You are an Indian therefore you will never understand how a Pakistani think we just dont want bad realtions with any muslim country.And if you think Pakistan somehow fears Iran which is not true. Trust me if Pakistani chooses to hurt Iran both US and Isreal will do whatever they can to support Pakistan against Iran it will certainly be dream come true for Isreal US and SA. They will support us just like they did support us against soviets. And in regards to India trust me if the situation happens as i described above even Isreal will turn over backwards and forget India lol. Isreals biggest threat is Iran and if Pakistan becomes patner with Isreal the world will certainly be an very easy place for Pakistan we will be the becon of hope for freeworld will be the words that westren media will use for Pakistan. But again we choose to take a difficult path ie not to be part of any coalition against any muslim country which can benefit Isreal
2 things to consider
  • the current US administration is in the middle of a possible nuclear deal with Iran
  • Pakistani politicians will never be in a position to ally with Israel

anyway, good job not getting involved in someone else's fight, why risk flaring sectarian tensions when the security situation is not very good and your military is already involved in a big op to clear out TTP.
2 things to consider
  • the current US administration is in the middle of a possible nuclear deal with Iran
  • Pakistani politicians will never be in a position to ally with Israel

anyway, good job not getting involved in someone else's fight, why risk flaring sectarian tensions when the security situation is not very good and your military is already involved in a big op to clear out TTP.
Well current administration is also on its way out in year and a half and with new administration comes new policy and trust me if US congress even get a hint that Pakistan is on board against Iran they will use any mean nessasary to undermine that dea which they are already doing as netenyahu was invited to address congress without the knowledge of President Obama.
Secondly i was not talking about being an ally of Isreal but putting the best senerio of having same intrests. Pakistan and Isreal certainly did cooperate with each other against Soviets without being an ally of each other another current best example is how Saudis and Isreal feel about the deal with Iran. They both dont want the deal to happen and both share the same goal in respect to Iran which are
1 They don't want Iran to have nuclear weapons
2 They don't want Iran to be very influential in middle east
3 harder sanctions
eventually regime change in Iran
now in above points they both have similar goals but for different reason so they can allign themselves in acheving those goals without being an ally.
Pakistan doesn't care nor share any of the above points therefore they don't have to be a part of it. But if Iran starts to show influence in Afghanistan which are against Pakistan's intrests or be accommodating to India for overt or covert means to harm Pakistan then Pakistan will have to join in on SA/Isreal cause though for different reasons. But as of right now we are not threatened nor Interested in whatever Iran does or may it be they go nuclear we just dont care so why start something.
Easy bhai EasyUAE has been a great destination for our active/retired military personnel
And yes they do have high expectation from us, as we are the only "capable" force in the region that can bring peace to Yemen
Heck we can do the same in Iraq, and Syria and Libya too
So no need to make fun of desperation that is now showing up in UAE and even in Saudi Arabia
Remember one thing. If you are the best cancer surgeon in your region, and god forbid someone get the cancer, where should they go? to you or some quack sitting on the road side? And if the patient's relatives come to your door crying, would you call them arrogant?No. you will put on your white coat and go see the patient
No matter how big the "destination" be, this is a matter of your national pride. Ask an American to go work for the KSA when they may be against us, probably no one will. When it comes to your country, you don't care. You do what's best for your country.
These guys disrespected 200!million people's parliament because they treat Pakistanis like slaves. What Pakistan did, was to send a clear message, " change your ways". The interior minister blasted the UAE minister by asking him to apologize and that it's unacceptable. To cool shiit off, they sent in his senior minister who also apologized.
Has this ever happened? No. But this is a great beginning, this is the government putting their foot down like India does, for her citizens. This is the gov't of Pakistan saying, our blood, people and integrity isn't that low. Whether they end up joining to protect KSA is a different story, but Pakistan hasn't itself above many nations. And the Arabs have gotten the message loud and clear!!
Yemenis are not as you think . Just Google their war with Egypt. Which at that time had the most powerful army of Arabic world . The problem is these armies are not trained for mountain warfare to fight Yemenis . Which uses gorilla tactics . The great Egypt army lost nearly 25-30 thousands out of some 60000 troops . This the reason Arabs now want coalition forces . But the funniest part is that now for the past 10 years Houthis had developed their skills and armed themselves to teeth. Thanks to Iran support . So who ever enter this he'll will die with huge consequences at home from other fronts like economy , capabilities etc. And Iran now has the upper hand . Now they control most important parts of Arab world with their proxies itself .

Now the tried to pull in Pakistan which is already under lots of problems with raising power of India , Boluch issue , economy and lots more . And Iran is not the country you want to funk around. Their urge for revenge is very furious . Certainly Iran must have conveyed it's view on Pakistan joining the coalition. India Iran have lot of covert partnerships. So it don't hurt the sentiments of our Israel brothers. Now it's too hot handle with both India and Iran became Pakistans threat . And Iranians know Pakistan will give nuclear weapons to the saudis at the time of crisis or near fallout in the future. Either way Pakistan is doomed . Only reason Pakistan don't want to join the Yemen conflict is due to fear of Iran. As saudis can equally cash out Pakistan what Iran can afford. And saudis and Pakistan are Sunni majority state. KSA funded Nuclear programme for Pakistan in hope of using it if needed . So why Pakistan not willing to send it's troops ? Because Egypt themselves don't want to send it's troops into this black hole where there is no end .But due to pressure from KSA , for financial reasons and they wanted a revenge anyway . But Pakistan as a Country which had no links to Arab world except for religion has nothing to gain in this war but will invite brutal force from Iran when this whole Arab region ignites in flame . One day or the other. The latest Russian goodie goodie with Pakistan is also due to Irans pressure which is logical conclusion to make. As Russia and India are more than just buyers and sellers.

So its loss for Pakistan either way. So better choose the easy way by staying out of this mess. Anyway saudis funded IS may turn itself towards Pakistan which they need to watch out for.

This super power Iran you taking about, where is it located
You also saying Pakistan can piss off India almost every week but Pakistan is scared of this super power Iran so much that they are willing give up so much from Arabs?
No matter how big the "destination" be, this is a matter of your national pride. Ask an American ...


please study American History.

Americans did a lot with other countries even if public opinion was not favorable (momentarily).

Learn how president Washington took US policies back in the fold of England. And thus became unpopular.

there is a book out there about such American decisions. Read it.

Thank you
And Iran now has the upper hand .
And Iran is not the country you want to funk around. Their urge for revenge is very furious . Certainly Iran must have conveyed it's view on Pakistan joining the coalition.
Either way Pakistan is doomed .
Only reason Pakistan don't want to join the Yemen conflict is due to fear of Iran.
But Pakistan as a Country which had no links to Arab world except for religion has nothing to gain in this war but will invite brutal force from Iran
The latest Russian goodie goodie with Pakistan is also due to Irans pressure which is logical conclusion to make.

Come back when your hibernation period is over. We will talk about your issues in details.
Do we really care?.
You should care.They are your key oil supplier and a host nation for large group of Pakistani emigrant.Their annual remittances far exceeds your forex reserves.

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