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More arrogance from Arabs

Yemenis are not as you think . Just Google their war with Egypt. Which at that time had the most powerful army of Arabic world . The problem is these armies are not trained for mountain warfare to fight Yemenis . Which uses gorilla tactics . The great Egypt army lost nearly 25-30 thousands out of some 60000 troops . This the reason Arabs now want coalition forces . But the funniest part is that now for the past 10 years Houthis had developed their skills and armed themselves to teeth. Thanks to Iran support . So who ever enter this he'll will die with huge consequences at home from other fronts like economy , capabilities etc. And Iran now has the upper hand . Now they control most important parts of Arab world with their proxies itself .

Now the tried to pull in Pakistan which is already under lots of problems with raising power of India , Boluch issue , economy and lots more . And Iran is not the country you want to funk around. Their urge for revenge is very furious . Certainly Iran must have conveyed it's view on Pakistan joining the coalition. India Iran have lot of covert partnerships. So it don't hurt the sentiments of our Israel brothers. Now it's too hot handle with both India and Iran became Pakistans threat . And Iranians know Pakistan will give nuclear weapons to the saudis at the time of crisis or near fallout in the future. Either way Pakistan is doomed . Only reason Pakistan don't want to join the Yemen conflict is due to fear of Iran. As saudis can equally cash out Pakistan what Iran can afford. And saudis and Pakistan are Sunni majority state. KSA funded Nuclear programme for Pakistan in hope of using it if needed . So why Pakistan not willing to send it's troops ? Because Egypt themselves don't want to send it's troops into this black hole where there is no end .But due to pressure from KSA , for financial reasons and they wanted a revenge anyway . But Pakistan as a Country which had no links to Arab world except for religion has nothing to gain in this war but will invite brutal force from Iran when this whole Arab region ignites in flame . One day or the other. The latest Russian goodie goodie with Pakistan is also due to Irans pressure which is logical conclusion to make. As Russia and India are more than just buyers and sellers.

So its loss for Pakistan either way. So better choose the easy way by staying out of this mess. Anyway saudis funded IS may turn itself towards Pakistan which they need to watch out for.
Not only mountain warfare they have little experience in fighting insurgency let alone fighting a strong and organized Militia like Houthis thats why they need the help of other countries

These soldiers look so unfit not sure they can even run 2 miles with that load
Yemenis are not as you think . Just Google their war with Egypt. Which at that time had the most powerful army of Arabic world . The problem is these armies are not trained for mountain warfare to fight Yemenis . Which uses gorilla tactics . The great Egypt army lost nearly 25-30 thousands out of some 60000 troops . This the reason Arabs now want coalition forces . But the funniest part is that now for the past 10 years Houthis had developed their skills and armed themselves to teeth. Thanks to Iran support . So who ever enter this he'll will die with huge consequences at home from other fronts like economy , capabilities etc. And Iran now has the upper hand . Now they control most important parts of Arab world with their proxies itself .

Now the tried to pull in Pakistan which is already under lots of problems with raising power of India , Boluch issue , economy and lots more . And Iran is not the country you want to funk around. Their urge for revenge is very furious . Certainly Iran must have conveyed it's view on Pakistan joining the coalition. India Iran have lot of covert partnerships. So it don't hurt the sentiments of our Israel brothers. Now it's too hot handle with both India and Iran became Pakistans threat . And Iranians know Pakistan will give nuclear weapons to the saudis at the time of crisis or near fallout in the future. Either way Pakistan is doomed . Only reason Pakistan don't want to join the Yemen conflict is due to fear of Iran. As saudis can equally cash out Pakistan what Iran can afford. And saudis and Pakistan are Sunni majority state. KSA funded Nuclear programme for Pakistan in hope of using it if needed . So why Pakistan not willing to send it's troops ? Because Egypt themselves don't want to send it's troops into this black hole where there is no end .But due to pressure from KSA , for financial reasons and they wanted a revenge anyway . But Pakistan as a Country which had no links to Arab world except for religion has nothing to gain in this war but will invite brutal force from Iran when this whole Arab region ignites in flame . One day or the other. The latest Russian goodie goodie with Pakistan is also due to Irans pressure which is logical conclusion to make. As Russia and India are more than just buyers and sellers.

So its loss for Pakistan either way. So better choose the easy way by staying out of this mess. Anyway saudis funded IS may turn itself towards Pakistan which they need to watch out for.
Not only mountain warfare they have little experience in fighting insurgency let alone fighting a strong and organized Militia like Houthis thats why they need the help of other countries

These soldiers look so unfit not sure they can even run 2 miles with that load


I don't know why the GCC countries don't turn to their bigger economic friend India, the Supa Powa.
Non-Aligned Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Meanwhile, the GCC countries are aware right from the start that assistance offered to the country is meant to extinguish the fire of extremism which is widespread in the region and to assist Islamabad in overcoming poverty. This is because poverty is the main reason for some countries’ inability to control activities of terrorists, which threaten security of the Arabian Gulf and Islamic nations.

Reviewing the military history is necessary for Pakistan to abandon its illusion of being a superpower in the Islamic world. It was defeated in all wars, starting from the war against India that led to the birth of Bangladesh in 1970 until the war against Taleban whose terrorist activities Pakistan could not curtail.

GCC countries do not need Pakistan but the latter needs these countries in various ways. They are capable of securing their territories by forming alliances with other Arab nations like Jordan and Egypt, while the international allies support them politically and militarily.

Lest we forget that Islamabad should be wary of the Iranian plans, especially the efforts of Iran to scare the world with its military capabilities.

I LIKE some Arab as*s on fire. I'd LOVE to address this guy directly if I can. But I'll address the bold from above, on here:

1st bold part: What Assistance he's talking about which was offered to curb "poverty"??? The "assistance" they offered to Wahabi terrorists like OBL and Taliban, who killed thousands of people and hundreds of children in cold blood....??? That's not assistance, that's funding terrorism like these idiot sheikhs have been doing across the globe!!!

If "poverty" is the main reason behind issues.....then why are they going to Yemen? They all have money, lets just live and enjoy right, there ain't no poverty there. So when you are threatened by your kind (religious nut cases from Iran), you're as*s is on fire. When Pakistan goes through this bloodshed sponsored by these Arab "friends", aka, back stabbers, that's called violence because of "poverty"???, when you fund it from your Arab palace??. When you destroy a country's system by putting Wahabi jihadi mentality into it, and you give them a couple of billions as "friendly" aid......does that even matter or is any money even enough to make up for a destroyed system???

2nd: Talibans terrorist activities Pakistan could not curtail. I agree, they are finally getting there. But who was the cause of "not curtailing" that terrorism??? When Wahabi jihadi funds make it to every Imam in Pakistan and they try to hide these terrorists and overall grow a violent society, no shi*t it'll be hard to curtail it?

Who do you go after first?? The person who did a terrorist act or the Sheikh in a remote Palace who gave them money to buy weapons, causing innocents to be killed??? They are both responsible.

3rd: He forgets, Islamabad is a nuclear power and a growing economy, this is the FIRST time Islamabad has shown its political will and resolve that it will NOT become a part of any religion based violent campaign. And that the government's focus is to root our the extremism and take Pakistan into the top 20 economies of the world.
BEYOND where majority of these Arab countries' economies are.

So Good work Pakistan. Leave these religious issues behind, create your own brand, promote peace, stability and tolerance and join the big boy, big economic power club. If the people of Pakistan are prosperous, and the country is peaceful and growing, no Arabs matter. They'll have to eat their own words!
I don't know why the GCC countries don't turn to their bigger economic friend India, the Supa Powa.
India is not an Islamic country. They should appeal to Muslims of India to fight in yemen instead.
Bunch of russian pimps cant control rag tag terrorists, and they think they can threaten us. Good you should !
the sooner you do that the sooner our nation will realize what greedy breed you lot are and then wait for our side of repercussions. Oh yeah by the way in case you dkheads forgot, you have hired Shuja pasha as your security adviser, so i wonder what will happen to you if youtake some wrong move
Anything less than a complete victory of the Arab coalition is a dangerous scenario for Pakistan.Once the blame game starts,it's usually the weakest that get blamed for all the misery.

Do we really care?.
India is not an Islamic country. They should appeal to Muslims of India to fight in yemen instead.

Not a bad idea...our Muslims should bus themselves for highest bidder be in gcc or Iran...
Wow and just wow....

And military alliance with jordan and egypt just hilarious

Why dont they fight their own war for starters???
If Pakistani labourers are sent back from gulf it would be the best possible scenario.

This means cheap labour for Pakistan to build its cities.

Let me tell you what that will actually mean....

bye bye to more than 8 billion dollars per year remittances...when these millions of workers come back home looking for jobs, unemployment rate shoots up, current account deficit widens by 8 billion dollars, and pakistan struggles to find more IMF/world bank loans and bailouts or risks going bankrupt within maybe 3 years....

That's the real condition right now...and pakistan will pay a heavy price if it doesn't take side with the arabs...
arabs have no problem kicking out millions of pakistani workers, it's easy for them to replace them with indians, sri lankans, etc etc...
Yemenis are not as you think . Just Google their war with Egypt. Which at that time had the most powerful army of Arabic world . The problem is these armies are not trained for mountain warfare to fight Yemenis . Which uses gorilla tactics . The great Egypt army lost nearly 25-30 thousands out of some 60000 troops . This the reason Arabs now want coalition forces . But the funniest part is that now for the past 10 years Houthis had developed their skills and armed themselves to teeth. Thanks to Iran support . So who ever enter this he'll will die with huge consequences at home from other fronts like economy , capabilities etc. And Iran now has the upper hand . Now they control most important parts of Arab world with their proxies itself .

Now the tried to pull in Pakistan which is already under lots of problems with raising power of India , Boluch issue , economy and lots more . And Iran is not the country you want to funk around. Their urge for revenge is very furious . Certainly Iran must have conveyed it's view on Pakistan joining the coalition. India Iran have lot of covert partnerships. So it don't hurt the sentiments of our Israel brothers. Now it's too hot handle with both India and Iran became Pakistans threat . And Iranians know Pakistan will give nuclear weapons to the saudis at the time of crisis or near fallout in the future. Either way Pakistan is doomed . Only reason Pakistan don't want to join the Yemen conflict is due to fear of Iran. As saudis can equally cash out Pakistan what Iran can afford. And saudis and Pakistan are Sunni majority state. KSA funded Nuclear programme for Pakistan in hope of using it if needed . So why Pakistan not willing to send it's troops ? Because Egypt themselves don't want to send it's troops into this black hole where there is no end .But due to pressure from KSA , for financial reasons and they wanted a revenge anyway . But Pakistan as a Country which had no links to Arab world except for religion has nothing to gain in this war but will invite brutal force from Iran when this whole Arab region ignites in flame . One day or the other. The latest Russian goodie goodie with Pakistan is also due to Irans pressure which is logical conclusion to make. As Russia and India are more than just buyers and sellers.

So its loss for Pakistan either way. So better choose the easy way by staying out of this mess. Anyway saudis funded IS may turn itself towards Pakistan which they need to watch out for.
you are just like Little mouth and big talk , well we dont have any fear of iran or even your , our status is neutral because this is proxy war so pakistan dont want to join this war , and remember if any threat comes to SA then Pakistan will respond fully .
Let me tell you what that will actually mean....

bye bye to more than 8 billion dollars per year remittances...when these millions of workers come back home looking for jobs, unemployment rate shoots up, current account deficit widens by 8 billion dollars, and pakistan struggles to find more IMF/world bank loans and bailouts or risks going bankrupt within maybe 3 years....

That's the real condition right now...and pakistan will pay a heavy price if it doesn't take side with the arabs...
arabs have no problem kicking out millions of pakistani workers, it's easy for them to replace them with indians, sri lankans, etc etc...

Aside all the security challenges that have been created inside Pakistan by importation of ideology from these lands by returning expats, how much money do you think is flowing the other way around from Pakistan to these countries: Ayyan laundering money for political heavyweights, businessmen since 2011, investigators reveal

It is possible that the net effect is zero or even a loss. Places like Dubai have become hubs for corrupt officials in the region, hiding their assets and resemble upscale prosttitution dens.
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