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Dec 12, 2008
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Title by Hakan
Posted by : Asharq Al-Awsat
on : Sunday, 12 Apr, 2015
Pope calls Armenian slaughter ‘1st genocide of 20th century’
Francis said it was his duty to honor the memory of the innocent men, women, children, priests and bishops who were "senselessly" murdered by Ottoman Turks.

Pope Francis blesses during a mass on the 100th anniversary of the Armenian mass killings, in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican. (Reuters)

Vatican city, AP—Pope Francis on Sunday honored the 100th anniversary of the slaughter of Armenians by calling it “the first genocide of the 20th century” and urging the international community to recognize it as such, a politically explosive declaration that will certainly anger Turkey.

Francis, who has close ties to the Armenian community from his days in Argentina, defended his pronouncement by saying it was his duty to honor the memory of the innocent men, women, children, priests and bishops who were “senselessly” murdered by Ottoman Turks.

“Concealing or denying evil is like allowing a wound to keep bleeding without bandaging it,” he said at the start of a Mass Sunday in the Armenian Catholic rite in St. Peter’s Basilica honoring the centenary.

In a subsequent message directed to all Armenians, Francis called on all heads of state and international organizations to recognize the truth of what transpired and oppose such crimes “without ceding to ambiguity or compromise.”

Historians estimate that up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed by Ottoman Turks around the time of World War I, an event widely viewed by scholars as the first genocide of the 20th century.

Turkey, however, refuses to call it a genocide and has insisted that the toll has been inflated, and that those killed were victims of civil war and unrest. It has fiercely lobbied to prevent countries, including the Holy See, from officially recognizing the Armenian massacre as genocide.

Turkey’s embassy to the Holy See canceled a planned news conference for Sunday, presumably after learning that the pope would utter the word “genocide” over its objections. Requests for comment went unanswered and there was no official word Sunday from the government in Ankara.

Francis’ words had immediate effect in St. Peters, bolstering the head of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Aram I, to thank Francis for his clear condemnation and recall that “genocide” is a crime against humanity that requires reparation.

“International law spells out clearly that condemnation, recognition and reparation of a genocide are closely interconnected,” Aram said in English at the end of the Mass to applause from the pews.

Speaking as if he were at a political rally, Aram said the Armenian cause is a cause of justice, and that justice is a gift of God. “Therefore, the violation of justice is a sin against God,” he said.

The pope’s declaration prompted mixed reactions in the streets in Istanbul. Some said they supported it, but others did not agree.

“I don’t support the word genocide being used by a great religious figure who has many followers,” said Mucahit Yucedal, 25. “Genocide is a serious allegation.”

Several European countries recognize the massacres as genocide, though Italy and the United States, for example, have avoided using the term officially given the importance they place on Turkey as an ally.

The Holy See, too, places great importance in its relationship with the moderate Muslim nation, especially as it demands Muslim leaders condemn the slaughter of Christians by Muslim extremists in neighboring Iraq and Syria.

But Francis’ willingness to rile Ankara with his words showed once again that he has few qualms about taking diplomatic risks for issues close to his heart. He took a similar risk by inviting the Israeli and Palestinian presidents to pray together for peace at the Vatican — a summit that was followed by the outbreak of fighting in the Gaza Strip.

Francis is not the first pope to call the massacre a genocide. In his remarks, Francis cited a 2001 declaration signed by St. John Paul II and the Armenian church leader, Karenkin II, which said the deaths were considered “the first genocide of the 20th century.”

Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI, whose ties with Turkey and the Muslim world were initially strained, avoided using the “g-word” during his pontificate.

The context of Francis’ pronunciation was significant: He uttered the words during an Armenian rite Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica marking the 100th anniversary of the slaughter, alongside the Armenian Catholic patriarch, Nerses Bedros XIX Tarmouni, Armenian Christian church leaders and Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, who sat in a place of honor in the basilica.

While Francis was archbishop of Buenos Aires, the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was particularly close to the Armenian community and he referred to the Armenian “genocide” on several occasions.

The definition of genocide has long been contentious. The United Nations in 1948 defined genocide as killing and other acts intended to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, but many dispute which mass killings should be called genocide.

In his remarks Sunday, Francis said the Armenian slaughter was the first of three “massive and unprecedented” genocides last century that was followed by the Holocaust and Stalinism. He said other mass killings had followed, including in Cambodia, Rwanda, Burundi and Bosnia.

“It seems that the human family has refused to learn from its mistakes caused by the law of terror, so that today too there are those who attempt to eliminate others with the help of a few and with the complicit silence of others who simply stand by,” he said.

Francis has frequently denounced the “complicit silence” of the world community in the face of the modern-day slaughter of Christians and other religious minorities by Islamic extremists.

During Sunday’s Mass, Francis also honored the Armenian community at the start of the Mass by pronouncing a 10th-century Armenian mystic, St. Gregory of Narek, a doctor of the church. Only 35 people have been given the title, which is reserved for those whose writings have greatly served the universal church.

The Mass was rich in traditional Armenian music, with haunting hymns used at key points. Children dressed in traditional costumes presented the gifts at the altar, which was bathed in a cloud of incense.


Asharq Al-Awsat
Asharq Al-Awsat is the world’s premier pan-Arab daily newspaper, printed simultaneously each day on four continents in 14 cities. Launched in London in 1978, Asharq Al-Awsat has established itself as the decisive publication on pan-Arab and international affairs, offering its readers in-depth analysis and exclusive editorials, as well as the most comprehensive coverage of the entire Arab world.
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Dumb decision would have hoped that he would stay neutral on this matter.
Well time to send Rome the bill for this old man's stupid statements. Renzi can expect stressful days ahead :agree:
Dumb decision would have hoped that he would stay neutral on this matter.

so stating a fact is a dumb deciion??o_O He didnt say anything wrong, he not only talked about Armenia Pope Francis also referred to the crimes perpetrated by Nazism and Stalinism, same as in Cambodia, Rwanda, Burundi and Bosnia etc. So i see no reason you people should be so bitter about this, though i know its because it hurts Turkey's 'feelings'.

He is afraid of the fact that the Ottoman Power comes back .

They will See, Inshallah
@mike2000 is back

Let me explain the plan Armenia has:

1. Recognition: recognition of the so called "genocide" by ALL important global players and to fully cement it as a historic fact.

2. Compensation: individual payments to so called "victims" and the restoration of all Armenian churches (the nerve these parasites have)

3. Land: the return of so called "Western Armenia" which is modern day Eastern Turkey (good fucking luck getting past NATOs second largest army)

Now let me make something very clear: they haven't succeded with step one for 100 years ( nor will they because they are an irrelevant shit country) which says a lot about their so called "indisputable facts". They are just glorified beggars looking for handouts
so stating a fact is a dumb deciion??o_O He didnt say anything wrong, he not only talked about Armenia Pope Francis also referred to the crimes perpetrated by Nazism and Stalinism, same as in Cambodia, Rwanda, Burundi and Bosnia etc. So i see no reason you people should be so bitter about this, though i know its because it hurts Turkey's 'feelings'.


'Why you people, should be bitter about this? 'Hurts turkeys feelings'.......I think Turkey and other countries are more bitter for the very fact that western countries like to make accusations yet their own cupboards are full of skeletons. Turkeys Armenian 'genocide' is dwarfed by britains global genocide. And I mean millions upon millions of murderd, starved, displaced, tortured from abrogines, to Africans, Indians to red indians. No one comes close to the British genocide.

Countries and entire people's are and have suffering to this day. We need to all take a good look in mirror.
Best solution is, bring that issue to an international court (ICJ) and let them decide.
It is good that he adressed it and the right thing. It was a genocide and should be named as what it was.

Well time to send Rome the bill for this old man's stupid statements. Renzi can expect stressful days ahead :agree:

what you say is pathetic. But what do i expect.
It is good that he adressed it and the right thing. It was a genocide and should be named as what it was.

what you say is pathetic. But what do i expect.

Nope it isn't. If they want to arm wrestle then they can bring it. Don't be so upset that Turkey is pursuing its national interest.
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Nope it isn't. If they want to arm wrestle then they can bring it. Don't be so upset that Turkey is pursuing its national interest you Bavarian troll.

1. i´m italian / german - living in bavaria does not mean that i´m bavarian at all. My father is from Dresden.

2. what has Renzi to do with the issue the holy father brought up?

3. It is the duty of the holy father to adress a crime. Turkey committed a genocide, he openly said it. Stating a fact is just stating a fact. Evryone knows it. It doesn´t change anything.
1. i´m italian / german - living in bavaria does not mean that i´m bavarian at all. My father is from Dresden.

2. what has Renzi to do with the issue the holy father brought up?

3. It is the duty of the holy father to adress a crime. Turkey committed a genocide, he openly said it. Stating a fact is just stating a fact. Evryone knows it. It doesn´t change anything.

1. I don't care where your father comes from. Although hence I will correct the the term "Bavarian troll" to Eurotroll, thanks for the heads up buddy.

2. Vatican is in Italy and the capital of Italy is Rome and while Vatican is a tiny minuscule "country" the leash is held by Rome so they can expect a few "gifts" in return to the one the "holy father" has bestowed on Turkey.

3. If indeed it's the duty of the old man to adress crime he should start with northern Europe and work his way down. But he is just a political lapdog so he won't.

These stupid arguments bought forward by you are meant to do what exactly ? Make me die of laughter? (if so you nearly had me)
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