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Arabs slam Pak stand on Yemen and Call on Pakistani Parliament to Fall in Line

Kiss my arse.
well their supporters have alrady started a shia sunni feud on the forum. whatever the thread of discussion they will bring it down to something filthy and depraved.
as for UAE threat of launching/ supporting sectarian terrorism. Pakistan should take it seriously and reply in kind.
You seems to forget the recent USD400 Billion gas deal with Russia? And if Arabs decide to turn the table on China. There are a countries called Iran and Iraq with plenty of Oil.

China is interested in building IP gas pipeline and further extending it to China.
Why is Pakistan being treated differently than Turkey? We both have the same stance on this right?

Shows you who the Arabs respect and who they expect to dance to their tricks.
Yup, it's hilarious to see the Indians falling over each other with mouth wide open, hoping and anticipating some Arab action against Pakistan. Little do these wishful thinkers realise as how much Arabs consider Pakistan for their own security that they openly asking for Pakistan's help.
@ topic, wonder why do the Sheikhs feel threatened by these rag tags, they surely pose no danger to their countries and if the situation did become alarming, Pakistan has already declared to stand with and defend Saudis.

Arabs are not in position to mess up with Pakistan they also have shia population and they can't handle uprisings, remember Bahrain??
Even if any arab state sponsors terrorism to avenge on pakistan, who is going to train the fighters, india?? Usa?? Israel??
Secondly, if they are going to try bring down Pakistani state,then who will be left for them to seek support of??
Like in current scenario despite being 13 14 arab states' coalition they are desperately flapping arms around for pakistan and turkey support..so ...welll.....in absence....
Arabs are not in position to mess up with Pakistan they also have shia population and they can't handle uprisings, remember Bahrain??

Are you suggesting that Pakistan will support the shia uprisings? Coz that's looney!

And yes, Arabs are in a very good position to mess up Pakistan. The reasons for this have stated over and over again. Money and expats.
Pakistani's have short memories here. They forgot major funds for rebuilding SWAT, S.Waziristan, Polio vaccination are being provided by UAE. Check @Xeric slides of rebuilding efforts. Lets see what UAE does to those funds.

They don't support Pakistan for free, in return they go support where they wanted.

Are you suggesting that Pakistan will support the shia uprisings? Coz that's looney!

And yes, Arabs are in a very good position to mess up Pakistan. The reasons for this have stated over and over again. Money and expats.

Are you out of your mind? Pakistan is neutral in situation and one party is threatening so measures should be taken to show that Pakistan is not banana state.
Sheikhs should have the guts and balls to fight for their nation , pride and sovereignty .
Arabs have a bad habbit ot outsourcing every thing. War is definitely not that area which can be out sourced to other persons and armies.

Iran and saudi sponsored Proxy wars and rebellions in Syria, egypt, bahrain, iraq, yemen, libya should be either sought out by tabke talk or other wise fight like gladiators to win victory for your country and allies.
We should clearly have learned from our role in Afghanistan and now we are suffering for it. What did the Afghan war give Pakistan? Weaponization of tribal areas and Pakhtunkhwa? Terrorism? Crime? I thinnk we should not join each and every other war just because someone demands us to. It was the same thing in the Afghan war where US forced us to join it and we still suffer the consequences. Time to manufacture an independent, strong foreign policy.

In my view, if all else is ignored.

For the sake of simplicity, and appeasement of those who say it's better for us to side with our natural allies in the GCC.
Let's agree, let's say, okay, we're better off with good relations with them, fine. Now ask this...

Only considering the war itself and Pakistan's role:

Will the war be successful?
Will the insurgency be defeated within the next year or two, or ever?
Will the people of Yemen be better off with our intervention or without?
Will this raise sectarian tension in the Middle East, Pakistan included?
Will the war ever have a resolution, or will this war, like almost EVERY war of it's kind, slide through the fingers of the powerful, and become yet another free for all, where sectarian groups, terrorists, pro/antistate forces just pillage and destroy indefinitely?

I can say with the utmost confidence, escalation of a war of this sort will only add fuel to the fire, if you want tot see what interventions like this have earned in the last 15 years, take a look at post-2001 Afghanistan, post-invasion Iraq, modern day Iraq, modern day Syria, and the hundreds of mini-states within the latter two nations.

The Saudis, the Iranians and the GCC, have no idea what sort of trouble they're getting themselves into. Regardless of who Pakistan is better off with. The region, the world, and Yemen itself is not better off with conflict.

Therefore, even if I ignore everything else, neutrality and aiming for peace, is the best and only course of action.
listen bro. This Iran argument is always given to counter weight saudi mess. Anyone who in his right mind just think without bias can see clearly whats going on.
Proxy wars are fought by supporting proxies not by outright bombing if your proxy looses. There is no Irani soldier on ground yemen. No irani tanks Aircrafts or modern weapons.
Hotis are yemenis 100% yemeni nationals. And both Iran and saudis have there hands dirty in a proxy war just like we Pakistanis and Indians used to have in Afghanistan during early 90s.
If one prixy looses to other that simply means a strategic loss due to national support to your rival. Doesn't mean you outright attack that country blaming other country is interfering. Saudis were wring in first place to interfere in Yemen. If there puppet is loosing then accept the loss. Iran didn't used his army or airforce. Its Arab-Persian priblem and we have nothing to do with it. If Neutrally speaking , If anyone is to blame for this situation its the frustrated arabs

And BTW its there problem. Did Pakistan ever asked for help in Afghanistan from china? or did India Asked Russia to intervene when Taliban government was formed?

World doesn't work like the Arabs want it to go.

And for god sake please dont put up DAESH here. If someone hava a brain the size of a wallnut to compare Hutis and deash then goodluck to him.
yes ofcourse 14 iranian planes in the last 2 weeks before the war was sending flower and nutella jars.
saudi intelligence got the iranian missiles serial number so please cut the crap. if you dont know its ok you dont have to comment.
iran and hezb-alshaytan are in yemen 2 iranian officer were captured.
180 tons of weapons were shipped to the houthi from iran
then ali saleh gives them control of missiles. and send it to saudi border.
i can keep going on. anyway gtg
Pakistani government cannot be trusted. They use Islam to fool people. Why are they shying away from their religious duty.
Sorry, our military is already busy in war against taliban & terrorism. We can't afford other war due to our 200000 already fighting in tribal areas.
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