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AAP slashes infrastructure funding to pay for water and power subsidy

Achhe din has begun. Unlike your family party, national interest is being pursued and not family interest. In diplomacy, the achievements are more than anybody would have ever expected. Now, china do not intrude in border. Whole sale prized index is down to zero percentage. Petrol diesel prize are down . Inflation is in control and going down. 15000 to 45000 Rs tax benefit extended to salary class honest tax payers.

Your family government which had distributed spectrum and coal at free of cost, has now fetched 1.10 lakh crore and 2lakh crore +. . 170 chopper deal of import is slashed and ordered to make them in India so as 60000 crore submarine deal. Import tender of trainer aircraft is cancelled. Pro Chinese government fro SL is dismantlement and pro India government is established. BD cancelled huge Chinese contract of infrastructure and now Indian company shall do that. Adani is getting 6000 crore mining project in Australia. Uranium deal with Australia finalized. Anil Ambani group shall carry out 3 BN USD power project in BD. 1000 CR rupees donation for Swachha bharat abhiyan is collected. 11 crore bank account of poor people are opened and they were given 1 lakh insurance free.

Blind fekus who enjoy a subsidy of power and water at a cost of the development of city can not see that.

Lower Fuel Prices Bring Down India's Wholesale Inflation Further -The New Indian Express

Bhakat logic :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Petrol diesel prices down due to Modi :lol:

You are not worth my time anymore

Thanks for the entertainment mate
It all shows you mental capability and nothing else...being a bhakt you think everyone else is in the same poodle...no doubt AAP party is in such a mess these days because if anyone raises even a logical question he is being targeted with no logic but crap!!

The real honest persons like Yogendra Yadav and Bhushans have started feeling embarrassed in party.

Bhakat logic :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Petrol diesel prices down due to Modi :lol:

You are not worth my time anymore

Thanks for the entertainment mate

A bhagoda like his master.
The real honest persons like Yogendra Yadav and Bhushans have started feeling embarrassed in party. A bhagoda like his master.

Hari...let's be economical in the ways we praise our criticize someone...It is a fact that Modi has nothing to do with Petrol and Diesel prices being down as they are subjected to International prices....If at all then Modi government is not passing the entire benefit of this low prices by hiking the taxes on these products(which as per me is a correct move).....
...If at all then Modi government is not passing the entire benefit of this low prices by hiking the taxes on these products(which as per me is a correct move).....

That is actually proof that this government did what is necessary, not just what is populist. That increase in duty alone got the government something between $15-20 billion. While the oil price decrease may have been pure luck, how it was handled showed a bit of fiscal judgement. The government has also done a reasonable job trying to link the gas subsidy to bank accounts, the effects of that will show up over a period of time. The auctions of both spectrum as well as the mines while not a decision that the government took on its own, did have the benefit of securing additional finances both to the centre & in case of the mines, to the states.

:D That's funny. You don't want to give credit of oil prices drop to the Modi government (correctly ) but blame him/them for market sentiment about a possible US rate hike...?
What stupidity?

Infrastructure is not what people need their basic necessities like water, electricity, safety etc takes more importance so spare us of your Bs
Really? Then let's all stay in tents for these 'basic necessities'. Let's walk on mud tracks instead of highways. Let's buy candles instead of building power projects. Let's swim across rivers instead of building bridges. Let's throw our crap on the footpaths instead of building filtration plants. In other words, lets go back to the old stone age so we can get our 'basic necessities'. Duh!
Hari...let's be economical in the ways we praise our criticize someone...It is a fact that Modi has nothing to do with Petrol and Diesel prices being down as they are subjected to International prices....If at all then Modi government is not passing the entire benefit of this low prices by hiking the taxes on these products(which as per me is a correct move).....

Read My whole post. The achievements I listed has a tiny part of fuel price decrease. So far as hiking the tax is concern, It was a wise step to collect revenue for development when the prices are low. Few thousand crore so collected shall be utilized for road and infra structure.

Apart from petrolium products, there is a huge decline in products of food items and items of human consumption. Only petroleum price decine can not bring Wholesale price index from 10% to -2.6%.
That is actually proof that this government did what is necessary, not just what is populist. That increase in duty alone got the government something between $15-20 billion. While the oil price decrease may have been pure luck, how it was handled showed a bit of fiscal judgement. The government has also done a reasonable job trying to link the gas subsidy to bank accounts, the effects of that will show up over a period of time. The auctions of both spectrum as well as the mines while not a decision that the government took on its own, did have the benefit of securing additional finances both to the centre & in case of the mines, to the states.

:D That's funny. You don't want to give credit of oil prices drop to the Modi government (correctly ) but blame him/them for market sentiment about a possible US rate hike...?

You seem to be an educated person - the choice here is between a fascist aristocratic leader and an incorruptible dynamic leader - who would you choose? If you choose the former despite being educated then i have nothing more to say whereas if you think logically for a moment and choose the latter then, my friend, you are doing your nation the greatest service you can
Read My whole post. The achievements I listed has a tiny part of fuel price decrease. So far as hiking the tax is concern, It was a wise step to collect revenue for development when the prices are low. Few thousand crore so collected shall be utilized for road and infra structure.

Apart from petrolium products, there is a huge decline in products of food items and items of human consumption. Only petroleum price decine can not bring Wholesale price index from 10% to -2.6%.

absolutely...that's why said that don't say prices were brought down by Modi government...Political class do make such idiotic claims however elites shouldn't fall for it...and as said it was a wise step so there we both agree....

However your larger point about Inflation being down then once again please note that economic policy decisions takes time to start showing results...Chidu did take lot of measures during last leg of government...this is not to say that Modi is not taking right steps....however as said success has many fathers...

With the kind of damage that has happened to crops just wait for sometime and we will be again hit by the same inflation snake...let's see how they(BJP) will deal with it...
What stupidity?

Infrastructure is not what people need their basic necessities like water, electricity, safety etc takes more importance so spare us of your Bs

Water and electricity supply is physical infrastructure.

Schools and hospitals are social infrastructure.
You seem to be an educated person - the choice here is between a fascist aristocratic leader and an incorruptible dynamic leader - who would you choose? If you choose the former despite being educated then i have nothing more to say whereas if you think logically for a moment and choose the latter then, my friend, you are doing your nation the greatest service you can

Choice is always more complicated than what you suggest. Need to see delivery of some kind, not mere promises of a land of milk & honey (God knows, we have had plenty of that). As of now one exists in reality, even if there is much to question on social issues. The other, as yet, does not. I'm no blind supporter of anything or anyone but I don't care much for empty sloganeering. Much as there is to admire in AAP's anti corruption stand, the real proof of that will have to come in the eating of the pudding. More over I simply cannot bring myself to agree with their economic policies which are pretty much a rehash of what has failed us. I would be glad to be proven wrong but that will have to await delivery on the economy. Not interested in just one more bunch of what Shekhar Gupta called "the equal distribution of poverty brigade".
You seem to be an educated person - the choice here is between a fascist aristocratic leader and an incorruptible dynamic leader - who would you choose? If you choose the former despite being educated then i have nothing more to say whereas if you think logically for a moment and choose the latter then, my friend, you are doing your nation the greatest service you can

Now this is heights.....all you have is honesty/no corruption plank to beat the drum...I have said in some previous post(may be some other thread) that MMS was also an honest person...however what happened to India in last decade is nothing but pain...Regarding honesty part then this internal fights within AAP is revealing new things everyday....anyhow i believe truth of pudding lies in its eating.. Delhi has given 5 years to Kejriwal and we should judge him on his performance....so far signs are a bit negative....
Water and electricity supply is physical infrastructure.

Schools and hospitals are social infrastructure.

You are attempting to explain things to people who have closed their ears.

Tax payer money is being spent on fulfilling Poll promises.

This party in Delhi comprises of well intended but immature people, they need both time & maturity.

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