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Foreign Ministry Remarks on Indian Prime Minister Modi Attending Activities in Disputed Area

@Abotani, I sincerely hope you will live long enough to witness China liberate South Tibet, We Chinese especially me will welcome you and your people, and please dont feel offend if I oftenly use Brahmaputra in my argument against those Indians, I don't know if this river have direct concern your people but I have no mean to hurt south Tibetan's feeling.
No harm done,brother.We aren't so petty to be upset over such small matters.Besides,as far as we are concerned,tsang po's/brahmaputra's water is hardly used by us and China can do as she sees fit for it's citizens.Whatever we south tibetans need is provided by our own rivers and streams as our population is very low for a rich and fertile land like ours.
On the part in bold,I hope so as well,that PLA comes again as my grandparents saw them,but this time they stay forever.
No harm done,brother.We aren't so petty to be upset over such small matters.Besides,as far as we are concerned,tsang po's/brahmaputra's water is hardly used by us and China can do as she sees fit for it's citizens.Whatever we south tibetans need is provided by our own rivers and streams as our population is very low for a rich and fertile land like ours.
On the part in bold,I hope so as well,that PLA comes again as my grandparents saw them,but this time they stay forever.

I feel for you brother. It must be disgusting to live under the barbaric rule of Indians that cannot provide basic necessities.
I feel for you brother. It must be disgusting to live under the barbaric rule of Indians that cannot provide basic necessities.
Thanks brother.It isn't even about material stuff but where we belong.As far as we are concerned,Indians can promise us first world standards and we would still choose China.For we will never belong with those people.They are far too different from us.
I think that it become formality for chinese government to protest any visit by India's any top leader to arunachal. They do that everytime. We dont give any sh*t what chinese government says. In fact, almost no Arunachali heard what china said. Our people love our Pm and he can visit here anytime.
No idea but I think it would be true that Arunachalese can not hear what Chinese government says and have no mouth to say something.
Yeah right.The achingmori incident is mentioned only because it was important enough to be highlighted by your government.There were several other incidents which never reached the spotlight as those parties were completely wiped out.Even the achingmori incident came to be known because a single Indian survived to tell the tale.If that Indian had not survived,even this incident would have been forgotten.Fact is the tagins,now nyishis attacked those Indians because they saw them as trespassers.Why would they attack abors,now adis,when they are part of the same ethnicity?The people of south tibet have always relied on each other and tibetans from lhasa for trade and supplies of essential items.If these tribes just went at everyone outside their groups,they would have been long extinct due to lack of essentials like salt or any other number of essential items.The narrative of savage tribesmen always eager for massacre and bloodthirsty for outsider's blood is a racist narrative pushed by Indians as it suits their own prejudices.The tagins,now nyishis,are far more civilised than you can hope to be for many generations to come.The whole story of "achingmori massacre due to Abors" is just a hogwash propaganda to brush it off as a stray incident.Nehru was so enraged by achingmori incident that the buffoon was planning to bomb the tagins.

Now listen,the burden of proof falls on both sides.As far as our opposition to Indians and support for Chinese in 62 is concerned.I have written about it umpteen times in several threads on this forum.If you want,go through them and you will find it.I am not obliged to type out long histories again and again for idiots who will most likely ignore it and go on their rants of "False flagger,propaganda etc"

BTW,no chinese would even be aware of achingmori incident and you Indians are so desperate to label it a chinese propaganda trick.Quite astounding isn't it?Chinese using an incident they have no idea of for propaganda.Sky high Indian IQ at work I see...

As I said before.Mock operations against empty camps.The Myanmar military is reputed to warn these groups in advance and launch such raids for show to pacify Indians.It's kind of like pakistani investigations into 26/11
Okay so one incident where soldiers were massacred was deemed important by the govt hence brought into the public domain and other similar incidents were not made public because no one survived in those incidents and govt may have thought they could have vanished in thin air or defected to China, I see the great high Chinese IQ at work here. The govt's POV is pure propaganda when the tribals received an unarmed delegation that was sent after the incident warmly , while you want others to believe your narrative as true . Care to explain what was stopping the tribals to attack them the second time if they considered them trespassers?
So everything was so hunky dory among AP tribes and there was no intertribal rivalries, and one tribe trespassing into other's area would not be considered encroachment because of same ethnicity. Good to know.

Maybe be I missed your narrative on locals supporting the Chinese in 62 war. Plz share the link of the post/thread, I'd give it a read. I never said that it was not possible, there must have been some like you back then too, i'm just interested in the extent of support for both sides.I've never questioned anyone's nationality, I just don't care whose payroll one is. I can understand some people do have this trait of selling themselves to the highest bidder , but the fact that even members on this forum from your state contradict your claims doesn't help your case. You offer nothing to substantiate yourself other than rhetoric. Your personal opinion has no weight unless it is the opinion of the masses . Your 'we will chose China ' is more like ' I will chose China' which is understandable considering your loyalty for your masters.
You know, this will release some Chinese guilt of keeping this issue alive.

The Indians want it up!

Okay so one incident where soldiers were massacred was deemed important by the govt hence brought into the public domain and other similar incidents were not made public because no one survived in those incidents and govt may have thought they could have vanished in thin air or defected to China, I see the great high Chinese IQ at work here. The govt's POV is pure propaganda when the tribals received an unarmed delegation that was sent after the incident warmly , while you want others to believe your narrative as true . Care to explain what was stopping the tribals to attack them the second time if they considered them trespassers?
So everything was so hunky dory among AP tribes and there was no intertribal rivalries, and one tribe trespassing into other's area would not be considered encroachment because of same ethnicity. Good to know.

Maybe be I missed your narrative on locals supporting the Chinese in 62 war. Plz share the link of the post/thread, I'd give it a read. I never said that it was not possible, there must have been some like you back then too, i'm just interested in the extent of support for both sides.I've never questioned anyone's nationality, I just don't care whose payroll one is. I can understand some people do have this trait of selling themselves to the highest bidder , but the fact that even members on this forum from your state contradict your claims doesn't help your case. You offer nothing to substantiate yourself other than rhetoric. Your personal opinion has no weight unless it is the opinion of the masses . Your 'we will chose China ' is more like ' I will chose China' which is understandable considering your loyalty for your masters.

Sigh,such naivety on display.How did the government know of achingmori?From the account of the lone soldier who survived.If he hadn't,this incident too would have been forgotten.Indian soldiers were always attacked,pre 47 and post 47.After the british left in 47,many incidents happened against Indians,heck,even the peacefu lapatanis couldn't tolerate Indians and launched attacks which resulted in 2 of their villages being burned down.
Your ignorance of the nuances of the people are further ignored by your comment on how being of the same ethnicity didn't matter when entering someone else's territory.The tribes took action only when someone entered their territory with view of capturing it or conducting economic activities that didn't benefit them as well.As long as one was a harmless person,the people would view the said individual with concern and suspicion but never take the trouble of outright attacking them.If the people killed everyone who came into their territories,the tibetans from lhasa wouldn't have taken pilgrimages in the territory of south tibet for centuries,nor traders from tibet or south china ever come for trading or more recently,various missionaries as early as mid 19th century come in and stay with the tribes.

Let's accept your racist narrative that the natives,tagins,killed them because of the abors as abors were encroaching on tagin territory,supposedly.Then why did the tagins kill the Indians when the source of their anger was the abors?Why were the Indians not seen as outsiders encroaching when the Indians were,forget ethnicity,were not even part of the same race as the tagins.Why attack Indian soldiers armed with modern firearms when the supposedly porters of abor tribe were carrying none.Wouldn't it be better to just target the abors?
So you wish to tell me that their unarmed cousins were seen as a threat but the armed Indians were seen as angels?You know somehow your line of reasoning doesn't make sense.

Unlike you Indians,we don't kill each other for petty reasons like caste,religion etc.We have no riots here because we are cohesive as a society and between tribes.Something unimaginable for you Indians I guess.

As I said before,the narrative of "Savage,backward,tribesmen who kill everybody not of their clan and tribe" logic perpetuated by the establishment to dismiss off the achingmori incident is just a very clever play on the racist views of Indians about the people here.

I have written volumes on this forum about the local support to PLA,not my fault if you are too lazy to read them.How would the chinese ever "Pay" someone in the region when they themselves struggles to just properly supply their armies?
And as we are talking of proof,may you present your own proof that we never supported the PLA and China?After all,the burden of proof rests on both sides making claims and I have offered aplenty during my more than half a year stay on this forum.
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[QUOTE="SrNair, post: 6808500, member: 150861
You can spend that cheap numbers among your small SCS neighbours.But dont try to spend in here.[/QUOTE]

They're richer than you ever will be. Just a friendly reminder.
@Abotani Judging from election results, why isn't any significant opposition to Indian rule?
Elections are attended by people to solve their own issues i'e,local issues and keep mainland Indians from dominating the political power in the state.
It is the same in other states opposed to India like Nagaland,manipur,kashmir etc.It is a pragmatic decision to keep control of their own territories so that mainland Indians don't over power us by demographic conquest.
Outright opposition and hostility,we concluded long ago after seeing the mindset and behaviour of Indian troops,was counter-productive and it proved to be better decision seeing what Indians have done to places like Nagaland,kashmir etc.
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Elections are attended by people to solve their own issues i'e,local issues and keep mainland Indians from dominating the political power in the state.
It is the same in other states opposed to India like Nagaland,manipur,kashmir etc.It is a pragmatic decision to keep control of their own territories so that mainland Indians don't over power us by demographic conquest.

If only dirty India could respect people of a different race. Hope you get your freedom some day!
yea i also went there used abusive language against indian occupying forces no body dared to arrest me nice place
Oh bhaijan aur kitni cheer leading karega apne Chini aka o ke liye!!Kabhi toh apni khud ki jung khud ke dum pe larna sikho.


I have more German in me than french. So it's most likely German...

As for you, if British didn't expel the French, India will be partitioned like Africa. You might be Portuguese speaking.
Yeah yeah,if you're German then i am a blue blooded French:lol:.Keep telling that to yourself Mr.Chinese false flagger:sarcastic:!!

The one that plays with balls and stuff?
Oh boy you do love playing with "bat and balls",don't you:lol:!But i must warn you that the Supreme Court hasn't still abolished I.P.C. 377,so be careful while playing with those "balls" or otherwise you'll face the risk of an arrest...:rofl:
Oh boy you do love playing with "bat and balls",don't you:lol:!But i must warn you that the Supreme Court hasn't still abolished I.P.C. 377,so be careful while playing with those "balls" or otherwise you'll face the risk of an arrest...:rofl:
You are in my list of uneducated Indians like Manvan,Indrani,Sreekumar etc. who believe in super advanced ancient India.Suffice to say,interacting with you is a waste of my time and I have no wish to entertain you further.
Sigh,such naivety on display.How did the government know of achingmori?From the account of the lone soldier who survived.If he hadn't,this incident too would have been forgotten.Indian soldiers were always attacked,pre 47 and post 47.After the british left in 47,many incidents happened against Indians,heck,even the peacefu lapatanis couldn't tolerate Indians and launched attacks which resulted in 2 of their villages being burned down.
Your ignorance of the nuances of the people are further ignored by your comment on how being of the same ethnicity didn't matter when entering someone else's territory.The tribes took action only when someone entered their territory with view of capturing it or conducting economic activities that didn't benefit them as well.As long as one was a harmless person,the people would view the said individual with concern and suspicion but never take the trouble of outright attacking them.If the people killed everyone who came into their territories,the tibetans from lhasa wouldn't have taken pilgrimages in the territory of south tibet for centuries,nor traders from tibet or south china ever come for trading or more recently,various missionaries as early as mid 19th century come in and stay with the tribes.

As I said before,the narrative of "Savage,backward,tribesmen who kill everybody not of their clan and tribe" logic perpetuated by the establishment to dismiss off the achingmori incident is just a very clever play on the racist views of Indians about the people here.

I have written volumes on this forum about the local support to PLA,not my fault if you are too lazy to read them.How would the chinese ever "Pay" someone in the region when they themselves struggles to just properly supply their armies?
And as we are talking of proof,may you present your own proof that we never supported the PLA and China?After all,the burden of proof rests on both sides making claims and I have offered aplenty during my more than half a year stay on this forum.

Good .Very good.We often can see inter tribal rivaliries in NE from real time media .And you are talking about PLA support from few Arunachalees ?
Ok then what?.
Our entire strategic ,important industrial bases are not in the AP.And We have Tibetans in here and there and also Muslims in Xinjiang that looks for independent nation .So what ?Can the PRC allow such a level of independency?.

You are against us but we also have support in there.Otherwise AP cant become a state of India.And one of your own is become our HM and spearheading development in AP.
This is not 1962.PLA wont come even if you want .Last time they escaped from regroup and massacres by the hand of IA.This time they wont.

[QUOTE="SrNair, post: 6808500, member: 150861
You can spend that cheap numbers among your small SCS neighbours.But dont try to spend in here.

They're richer than you ever will be. Just a friendly reminder.[/QUOTE]

Really ??
Ever will be?
Last time when I checked we are still a developing nation and world fastest growing economy.
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