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Pakistan possible answer against india nuclear submarine

the US is planning to replace its fleet of LA class subs with more latest subs , so its possible that US might lease one or two to Pakistan ..!
only one country can think of leasing (I said think of) a SSN to Pakistan- it is China. No neutral country is going to lease SSN- forget America.

BTW I believe inclusion of modern conventional subs which can prevent India from blocking Karachi is what Pakistan needs.
the only way Pakistan can counter fast growing Indian navy or air force or army is to make stronger Pakistani economy no other way around and no short cut
today china is stronger because it took some steps back in 70s
today India is second fastest growing nation because it took some steps in early 90
what i believe is that more than stronger military Pakistan today needs good policymakers so that 15 years down the line it can emerge as fast growing nation which can support the requirement for military
its all up to you accept it or not today as per this date pakistan cannt match india in any field not because india is bigger country japan has almost same population as of pakistan and very low resources with continuous earth-quack problem still japan is second biggest economy in world
forget the Indian nuclear submarine that's only one example the basic line is economy which India understood in 80s china in 60s and yet to be understood by Pakistan
to day India made its first nuclear sub few more under construction akula coming from Russia but the basic fact is India is doing all this with her own money no loan no easy installment payment
all the big countries and big defence companies are coming to India because of only one reason the can make money from India or India can afford these toys

thus coming to the point best way to counter Indian nuke sub is to make the Pakistan economy stronger which still is far from reality

Pakistan has to think why global companies (not only defence related) are eager to do business from India why companies like ford and Honda are transferring their manufacturing hub in India why not Pakistan ?

the day Pakistan finds the answer it will also get all answers to the question " how to counter India ?":cheers:
the only way Pakistan can counter fast growing Indian navy or air force or army is to make stronger Pakistani economy no other way around and no short cut
today china is stronger because it took some steps back in 70s
today India is second fastest growing nation because it took some steps in early 90
what i believe is that more than stronger military Pakistan today needs good policymakers so that 15 years down the line it can emerge as fast growing nation which can support the requirement for military
its all up to you accept it or not today as per this date pakistan cannt match india in any field not because india is bigger country japan has almost same population as of pakistan and very low resources with continuous earth-quack problem still japan is second biggest economy in world
forget the Indian nuclear submarine that's only one example the basic line is economy which India understood in 80s china in 60s and yet to be understood by Pakistan
to day India made its first nuclear sub few more under construction akula coming from Russia but the basic fact is India is doing all this with her own money no loan no easy installment payment
all the big countries and big defence companies are coming to India because of only one reason the can make money from India or India can afford these toys

thus coming to the point best way to counter Indian nuke sub is to make the Pakistan economy stronger which still is far from reality

Pakistan has to think why global companies (not only defence related) are eager to do business from India why companies like ford and Honda are transferring their manufacturing hub in India why not Pakistan ?

the day Pakistan finds the answer it will also get all answers to the question " how to counter India ?":cheers:

only 6 posts & you are talking very well & sensible! welcome buddy we need people like you on this fourm who speak out the truth...& are not bias....
I thought This guy would be getting hate messages for his comment on that economy. But surprise........... Today i see some good and gentle people from other side too. I agree with his assesment.
Thanks to those who welcomed him:smitten:
in my opinion... If PN ever considers a nuclear powered sub they should acquire only 1 or 2..
btw.. U-boats are more then enough to take down indian nuclear sub.. however the type-214 does not match nuclear capabilities such as almost unlimited range and the SLBM and more launch tubes.. mean while.. the more stealthier U-214 has a better chance to hunt that down..

diesel electric subs of any kind are mainly meant for costal patrol or at the max for patroling a nations territorial waters and is not primarily suited for hunting down nuclear submaries in blue water operations...U-214 is a good submarine and can only engage Indian Nuclear subs if they get close to shores to launch an attack on pakistani assets but Ins arihant with its long range range missiles need not have to do that.....so build a nuclear attack sub to counter INS arihant or INS chakra(akula-2)...:cheers::cheers:
the only way Pakistan can counter fast growing Indian navy or air force or army is to make stronger Pakistani economy no other way around and no short cut
today china is stronger because it took some steps back in 70s
today India is second fastest growing nation because it took some steps in early 90
what i believe is that more than stronger military Pakistan today needs good policymakers so that 15 years down the line it can emerge as fast growing nation which can support the requirement for military
its all up to you accept it or not today as per this date pakistan cannt match india in any field not because india is bigger country japan has almost same population as of pakistan and very low resources with continuous earth-quack problem still japan is second biggest economy in world
forget the Indian nuclear submarine that's only one example the basic line is economy which India understood in 80s china in 60s and yet to be understood by Pakistan
to day India made its first nuclear sub few more under construction akula coming from Russia but the basic fact is India is doing all this with her own money no loan no easy installment payment
all the big countries and big defence companies are coming to India because of only one reason the can make money from India or India can afford these toys

thus coming to the point best way to counter Indian nuke sub is to make the Pakistan economy stronger which still is far from reality

Pakistan has to think why global companies (not only defence related) are eager to do business from India why companies like ford and Honda are transferring their manufacturing hub in India why not Pakistan ?

the day Pakistan finds the answer it will also get all answers to the question " how to counter India ?":cheers:

Very sensible talk buddy...pakistan should concentrate on its economy more so that in the future it can support its military...India is no threat to pakistan...and India's massive induction of sophisticated arms are meant to counter china...India dosent need nuclear subs, agni's, ultra modern jets and 1000's of Mbt to go against pakistan but its meant to counter any chinese military moves..pakistan should think about it and divert its resources to where its needed..a major portion of pakistan's revenues are diverted to pay back foreign debts and so it will only destroy its economy if it try to engage in an arms race with India..americans are now supporting pakistan with money because it need pak but when the Us motives are achieved they will simply ignore Pakistanis as they had done before...remember the US pressler amendment which denioed pakistan any Us military aid..but pakistan has still not learnt the lessons..:frown:
will U boats will be sufficent to defend against indian threat are we have to go for neculear sub in near future

U boats will not be enough.Each nuclear sub carrying nuclear tipped weapons have escort submarines which r generally conventinal attack submarines.
U boats will not be enough. Each nuclear sub carrying nuclear tipped weapons have escort submarines which r generally conventinal attack submarines.

Such an escort of convential attack subs would really negate the advantages that the nuclear sub has (e.g. continues high speed, no need to surface or schnorkel). :rofl:
diesel electric subs of any kind are mainly meant for costal patrol or at the max for patroling a nations territorial waters and is not primarily suited for hunting down nuclear submaries in blue water operations...U-214 is a good submarine and can only engage Indian Nuclear subs if they get close to shores to launch an attack on pakistani assets but Ins arihant with its long range range missiles need not have to do that.....so build a nuclear attack sub to counter INS arihant or INS chakra(akula-2)...:cheers::cheers:

There is nothing that prevents large diesel electric attack subs (2500-3500 tons) like Walruss and Collins classes from doing ocean patrols. However, for that work, nuclear power has advantages, mainly due to possibilities for fast transit at continuous high underwater speed.

U212 (1800+ tons submerged) was develop in part with the mediterranean in mind, and surely the U214 will do fine there as well. That's not pure ocean work, but also not pure coastal work. Thesedays, true coastal subs are often really small (often less than 1000 tons submerged)

The famous WW2 German Type VII U-boat displaced 745-1181 tons submerged (respectively A version and F version) and they worked of the US, African and European coasts as well as in the Med and Atlantic.
but atleast 20 conventinal subs not 8

Pakistan should not try and match India in numbers. 20 subs will cost a lot of money and it is better used in ensuring a way by which an attempt an naval blockade can be averted.

Not sure 20 subs will do that job.
A better stealthier and safer as well as cheaper alternative would be hydrogen and oxygen powered sub. Heat detection can be easily avoided with this.
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