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Missouri violence outbreak after non-indictment of police officer who shot a black teen

This particular police officer was probably doing the right thing and protecting himself but police in general in the US are getting highly militarised and extremely trigger happy.

Thanks for reiterating my point. Add to that some racism and we have a violent mix.
LOL Such an awful response is to be expected from certain Americans who are in total denial.

Not every cop is an angel. The police has its fair share of bad apples. That includes racist cops. Are you going to deny this? America has huge race problems. You don't have to live in the US to know this. In fact, the entire world acknowledges this fact. You people have a history of brutal slavery. Hatred against black African Americans is embedded in US culture. Are you going to deny this? Not everything is dandy as you're trying to portray. I know this hurts because many Americans are arrogant folks who think that they are perfect and free of sin. Well, hate to burst the bubble, but you're a lot of things expect a role model for the rest of the world.

He calls slavery, racism and other undeniable historical facts as made up history. I won't spare you this history, but confront you with it. Try stopping me.
Post 61 put the smack down on your argument well enough.

No American here ever said the US is perfect. But it is interesting that you expected perfection from US. It means that what happened still make US better than wherever you came from. It is also interesting that you ignored the obvious fact that the current US President is a black man. For the opposition of the President's political party, their favorite is also a black man, who is also a world famous physician: Dr. Ben Carson.

Black population is about %13-15 of total US population. Far too little to elect Barack Obama on their own. That mean there must be enough whites, Asians, and Latinos banded together to elect Obama. So where is that 'embedded' hatred for blacks ? More like in your mind. For decades, blacks are notable in athletics, such as Michael Jordan of basketball or Dominique Dawes of Olympic gymnastics, or notable in science such as Neil deGrasse Tyson in astronomy, or notable in academia such as Thomas Sowell, or notable in entertainment such as Will Smith, and now we have a black President. The black population alone cannot support these famous people. So who else contributes to their successes and notoriety ? White people, may be ?

Racism still exists in the US. But it is nothing to the scale you would like to be when you are so desperate to bring US down to whatever level of wherever you came from.
Post 61 put the smack down on your argument well enough.

No American here ever said the US is perfect. But it is interesting that you expected perfection from US. It means that what happened still make US better than wherever you came from. It is also interesting that you ignored the obvious fact that the current US President is a black man. For the opposition of the President's political party, their favorite is also a black man, who is also a world famous physician: Dr. Ben Carson.

Black population is about %13-15 of total US population. Far too little to elect Barack Obama on their own. That mean there must be enough whites, Asians, and Latinos banded together to elect Obama. So where is that 'embedded' hatred for blacks ? More like in your mind. For decades, blacks are notable in athletics, such as Michael Jordan of basketball or Dominique Dawes of Olympic gymnastics, or notable in science such as Neil deGrasse Tyson in astronomy, or notable in academia such as Thomas Sowell, or notable in entertainment such as Will Smith, and now we have a black President. The black population alone cannot support these famous people. So who else contributes to their successes and notoriety ? White people, may be ?

Racism still exists in the US. But it is nothing to the scale you would like to be when you are so desperate to bring US down to whatever level of wherever you came from.

I cannot respond in detail right now as I am using a smartphone. I'll get back to post 61 in detail. Don't worry about that.

Of course you Americans think you're perfect. You don't need to lie about that. Arrogance is your trait. You don't need to go very far. Just have a look at some posts of your countrymen on this forum. Firstly, Obama is a pawn president. That is no secret. Secondly, we know how Obama and his wife are treated by hill billy white America including the racist Republicans. You have shot yourself in the foot by even citing Obama as an example. You'll never admit the hate against Black African Americans in the US because you're too arrogant to do so.

So what? Black African Americans are talented people. Their talent in sport and other fields frankly has no relation with the existing racism in the US. Talent cannot be stopped by anything. Besides, you're having a little reading comprehension problems here. I think you need to take a deep breath, go back and re-read my posts. You're responding emotionally rather than rationally. I have never claimed that entire US is racist including white Americans. That is something you are assuming. I have only claimed that racism exists in the US including the police force. It's a fact that quite a significant portion of the white American population holds negative and ill feelings for black African Americans. When I say embedded/institutionalised I look at American history of slavery, KKK etc. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X etc. fought for the freedom of the black African community and had to pay with their lives.

Why are black African Americans protesting so vigorously then? Why do such incidents always stir so much emotion and violence? Racism exists on a big scale in the US. You're detached from black African sentiments regarding racism in the US. From O.J. Simpson to many other high profile cases. It's all there.
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I have never claimed that entire US is racist including white Americans. That is something you are assuming. I have only claimed that racism exists in the US including the police force. It's a fact that quite a significant portion of white American population holds negative and ill feelings for black African Americans. When I say embedded I look at American history of slavery, KKK etc. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X fought for the freedom of the black African community and had to pay with their lives.
Those days are over. Today, black athletes and entertainers make hundreds of million$ and they cannot do so unless enough white people believes in them. As for your argument that Obama is a 'pawn', the moment I saw that is the moment I know you have no arguments.

Better yet, may be you should start telling people wherever you came from to DO NOT try to come to the US, even for a visit. It is horrible here.
Those days are over. Today, black athletes and entertainers make hundreds of million$ and they cannot do so unless enough white people believes in them. As for your argument that Obama is a 'pawn', the moment I saw that is the moment I know you have no arguments.

Better yet, may be you should start telling people wherever you came from to DO NOT try to come to the US, even for a visit. It is horrible here.

LOL An emotional response as expected. Those days are over he says. The fact that according to you black African Americans need the belief i.e. approval of white Americans is enough testimony. Do you even know what you're saying? Who are the white Americans? God? No one needs any approval from anyone. Like I said talent is talent and cannot be disregarded even by racist white Americans. Source: This is What Structural Racism in the NBA Looks Like | The Diss.

Obama is a pawn like any other US president. You cannot convince me otherwise. This is how white racist America treats president Obama. Source: Oprah: President Obama Disrespected Because He’s Black, Racism ‘Has to Die’ I could post a million more links.

I'm going to visit the US. Not because of racist white Americans, but because of courageous people like: Rosa Parks - Wikipedia
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LOL An emotional response as expected.
And you think yours have any rationality in it ? :lol:

Yeah...Cubans, dark and light skins, risked lives and limbs to come to the US. Same for Mexicans. But it is only YOU who have any credible arguments.

I'm going to visit the US. Not because of racist white Americans, but because of courageous people like: Rosa Parks - Wikipedia
Please come. I can guarantee you that what you see will embarrass you. But please spare US your pretense about your admiration of Rosa Parks. It ain't that convincing.
It is strange that the Indian media are not talking about the Indian angle of this issue. Don't want to burst the Indian American dream bubble?

Indian media has spoken.

Contours of prejudice - The Hindu

For people who do not know about Indian media, this newspaper is a Marxist rag. It is sister paper of guardian and is carrying redacted opinion of guardian, which is being pedelled by Indian marxist to give them an aura of originality.
WOW....I am surprised to see what you are posting on here and a few of our American members are probably wondering on how to respond to this. Allow me to answer you please. Before I even start, allow me to also tell you that I am not white and I am "colored" as some of you referred to the "color" in previous posts.

1) Your post is utter bullsh*t including your knowledge about the US. And that how America has a "race" problem. Coming out of your mouth, from a country you come from where small conflicts can result in getting your opponents killed, their women raped and at times the entire family beat to death??? Really? Look inside your own house before talking to others. I'd rather take a small "race problem" then having people killed like ants on small conflicts. Big difference in your society and ours!!!

Every year, thousands (literally), get killed in India, Pakistan and other similar countries due to race, ethnic and due to family rivalry. You have a violence issue that spreads across the globe (Al-Qaeda and other Nationalists parties across your entire South Asian region). In Pakistan, your leaders (Imran Khan for one example) promotes these violence based politics and allows the nation to develop extremism based mentality.

Now compare: here in the US, the family of the diseased (Mr. Brown's), who obviously aren't happy with the verdict, have asked many, many times for calm and restrain on many tv and radio broadcasts. So please....know more before typing just for the sake of propaganda.
In fact, know about your country and fix your issues, FAR severe than this one incident and try to put effort into fixing your house first.

2) Race is in people's minds. Race is what happens in your mind also. In Pakistan's ethnic make up, Pashtuns don't want to marry with others, Sindhis hate Punjabi's, Baluchi's execute (literally execute like Hitler style) many innocent workers from Punjab and other places.......that's ALL race. You know very well how inter-cast marriages are not allowed or have serious problems due to family dignity and all that drama. Heck, you guys have protests over a woman going to Indian media to work in their tv shows (names like who*re and a sl*t), because she wants to be independent and do whatever she wants to as its her life?

Here, if one black person got shot, you are going to make it a racial issue?? (btw, it doesn't happen once a Month or even a Year, rarely does this happen and with a reason).

3) The President of the United States of America is an African American!!! I don't know if you had remembered it before you started to write these idiotic posts. If RACE was such a big issue....not sure HOW and WHY many millions of Whites voted for him!!! Dr. Condoleezza Rice (President Busch's right hand) is an African American and so is Gen. Collin Powell (commanded the US Army as a 4 star general) and the list goes ON and On.....So if we have such a huge "race" issue.......how did the system allow these fine Americans to rise to the top, all the way to the President or the General or the National Security Adviser?

4) Police is TRAINED on handling these situations with full force. It is NOT Pakistan where we allow attacks on our parliament and those kind of places and let the convicts roam freely on streets (IK as an example again), go figure that one out!

Here in the US, the system ensures everyone's safety, progress and human advancement as long as people can work hard. You fuc*k with public safety and become a danger to the society, you'll be taken down, whether through arm wrestling, 6 SWAT team members or when need be, through the use of brute force.
The diseased in this case, had already done a robbery / assault in a store so he was already declared "dangerous"....(just like it happens in Pakistan or India or elsewhere when a call is made to the police about an incident).
So when Police would approach him, they are ready to deal with any situation and use whatever force to bring him under the law. If he resists, unfortunately, shots may be fired !!!!
Moral of the story: Don't break the law. And, don't write silly post about a place or an event that you can't comprehend to begin with.

I don't care what your color is so spare me all that. I don't judge people on the color of their skin. You don't have to convince me. Although, I do understand your position. You live in the US and hence you have to prove your loyalty. You have done a rubbish job at that and let me explain why.

Tell me. Which country do I come from? You're so ignorant that in your emotional outburst you're unable to realise that I don't reside in Pakistan. As for the shortcomings of Pakistan, what relevance has that with the huge racism problem in the US? Are you somehow trying to justify the racism in the US by highlighting the irrelevant wrongdoings in Pakistan? You need to have you head examined. For your information, I oppose all forms of wrongdoings in Pakistan as well as the US. I don't discriminate unlike you. You like to pick and choose according to your narrative. You're a hypocrite. Instead of calling a spade a spade you're being loyal to your host nation. I know it feeds you and provides you with a job, but that shouldn't make you blind to injustice.

You're just repeating yourself. We already know that South Asia has massive problems regarding domestic violence and what not. I'm not oblivious to this, but that doesn't in any way justify nor take away the racism problem in the US. Let's not downplay this problem. Indeed, the problems of South Asia need to be fixed and they are highly condemnable. I'll soon be responding in another thread dedicated to this particular issue. As for Imran Khan, he knows his country better than you could ever know. Pakistan has been fighting an outsourced war of the US. Instead, Pakistan should have fought the war itself without outside dictation and interference. Luckily that is somewhat happening now under the leadership of general Raheel. There is no need of licking US boots. Pakistan receives military and economic aid from the US to do its bidding. That's disgraceful and the entire world knows this. Imran opposes this and is criticized by the mouthpieces that receive bribe US dollars and hold sympathy with the US in one or the other form. Now let's get our facts right. Extremism was created the day you Americans trained and armed Jihadis during the Cold War. Don't have such a short memory now.

The parents of the shot teen were seeking justice outside the US. So much for justice in the US. Source: Slain Ferguson teen's dad seeks justice at U.N.| Reuters The black African community including the parents of the teen don't trust the justice system in the US. Should tell you something contrary to your bogus claims.

Again confusing South Asian matters with the racism issue in the US. Two wrong don't make a right. Get that through your skull. Also, let me respond regarding Pakistanis not appreciating their actors going to India. What were you expecting? India and Pakistan have been rivals since partition. Any sort of dialogue/exchange on both sides is greeted with enmity and distrust. The issue has no relevance with the independence of Pakistani women. Had that been the case, these actresses would not even be allowed to shoot films inside Pakistan. The issue is related to intolerance and short-sightedness on both sides. Just have a look around on this forum and read the various conversations between Pakistani/Indian forum members. We cannot even get along on a forum let alone on a country to country basis. It is going to require time before these ancient wounds are healed. In fact, as I'm finding out a tremendous amount of time. Yes, it also happens to be that some ethnic Pakistanis don't get along with each other. The same can be said for Indians due to the caste system. I know it's outrageous and outdated, but this is a different topic. I'll address this issue in another thread.

One black person gets shot and riots all over the US happen. Cars and gas stations are burnt down to the ground. The police fight with the black African community on the streets of America. Racist white Americans taunt and vilify black African Americans on TV shows. Reading the various white racist comments on YouTube and social media turns your stomach. By the way, this happens very frequently in the US. White racist cops harass black African Americans on a daily basis. It's just that only very few cases get media attention. Only when a dead body lies on a pavement and a black African mother is shedding tears does the media care to pay attention. Don't downplay racism in the US.

I have already responded to point 3 in my previous post. I suggest you read that post too. It answers all your questions regarding racism against president Obama etc. Racism exists even against the black US president. He and his wife are called monkeys and what not. YouTube and the social media is filled with hate material against black African Americans. Many racist US TV shows condone racism by finding excuses for it.

Yes, I know. Imran Khan is responsible for all the problems in our world. Even the natural disasters including hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis can be attributed to his sit-ins. That's pretty low of you to bring Imran Khan in every discussion. You know damned well that Imran Khan's quarrel with Nawaz Sharif is due to a fraudulent election. The protesters didn't attack the parliament, but they used the venue to voice their discontent. They have every right to do so. The bitter truth, Nawaz Sharif is a thief who stole people's votes to latch onto power. That's all.

Surely, the US has a system in place which ensures "safety", "progress" and "human advancement". Mostly at the expense of others. Nonetheless, this system also contains flaws and racist people who abuse the system to portray their hate and prejudice against others. Any person who poses a danger to society must be dealt with. No one is arguing against that. However, the US law enforcing agencies have a track record of abuse and racism against minorities including the Black African community. That's unjustified and condemnable. It has happened many times before and this case might not be different.

I've already pointed out that I cannot give any firm judgements on this specific case. The moral of the story is: catch the bad guys and stop institutional racism. Stop condoning racism by making confused and irrelevant comparisons. Racism happens everywhere. The US is no exception in this regard. Deal with it instead of concealing it.
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I think the whole thing is just messed up.
On one hand you have racism and police brutality, one the other there are black criminals who abuse the system.
The whole thing is exacerbated by increased weapons availability and induction of ex- military guys back from Iraq and afpak, just make it worse.
And you think yours have any rationality in it ? :lol:

Yeah...Cubans, dark and light skins, risked lives and limbs to come to the US. Same for Mexicans. But it is only YOU who have any credible arguments.

Please come. I can guarantee you that what you see will embarrass you. But please spare US your pretense about your admiration of Rosa Parks. It ain't that convincing.

What about the rest of my post? Don't you have any answers? Conveniently ignoring bits and pieces?
I don't care what your color is so spare me all that. I don't judge people on the color of their skin. You don't have to convince me. Although, I do understand your position. You live in the US and hence you have to prove your loyalty. You have done a rubbish job at that and let me explain why.

Tell me. Which country do I come from? You're so ignorant that in your emotional outburst you're unable to realise that I don't reside in Pakistan. As for the shortcomings of Pakistan, what relevance has that with the huge racism problem in the US?

The parents of the shot teen were seeking justice outside the US. So much for justice in the US. Source: Slain Ferguson teen's dad seeks justice at U.N.| Reuters The black African community including the parents of the teen don't trust the justice system in the US. Should tell you something contrary to your bogus claims.

I've already pointed out that I cannot give any firm judgements on this specific case. The moral of the story is: catch the bad guys and stop institutional racism. Stop condoning racism by making confused and irrelevant comparisons. Racism happens everywhere. The US is no exception in this regard. Deal with it instead of concealing it.

1) Emotional outburst is what your post is all about. I just stated facts. Stupid idiots are changing this issue towards race not realizing this isn't. Like I said, the country's president is an African American so if he can get there, anyone else can. The Governor of Louisiana is an Indian guy, i can go on and on. The point is, your brain is too thick to realize there is not a race issue here that results in people getting killed. This is simply law and order situation. I am sure people like you with thin air in their head besides actual brains are too busy trying to make it a race issue. Keep working at it.

2) Whether you "reside" in Netherlands or elsewhere, you are a product of Pakistan, sorry that's a reality. People here in the US, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, etc, support violence in Pakistan through IK. The SAME IK has to stand in a regular line when he comes to the UK. This is who you guys are........so whether you live in the Netherlands or Nolands, it doesn't make a difference to me.

3) Parents asking for justice......sure, they have a reason to believe they got wronged. The system allows for them to participate in PEACEFUL activities to make sure they get justice. Again, this isn't Pakistan or India where someone will just "SILENCE" anyone, they can further appeal and seek justice. It is their right. However, if they instigate violence, I am afraid the State / National Guards who are deployed will have NO mercy using brute force. That's a fact. NO ONE should disrupt normal human life and cause loss of human life, threat to public safety and a threat to the State. Law and Order are supreme to anyone's personal brain disorders.

4) The Moral of the story is, you can shut the eff up. Live in your society and preach these silly statements where they are needed (i.e. your home country in Pakistan). You don't need to criticize the most advanced country that takes care of its people.

5) By the way, isn't that Europe where you guys can even have full legal Mosques representing Islam.......well, in the US, we have Mosques just like Churches and Synagogues and Temples. Europeans don't even allow you to openly practice your religion. And you'll come criticize a system that provides MORE than equal rights to everyone!!! How about you ask the Europeans to treat you and your fellow Muslims right before you go criticize the US where everyone DOES get treated right, as long as they become a part of the society and not cause public safety risk.

6) How come I've not seen ONE post from you condemning violence or telling others in Pakistan (IK's people) to STOP the violence and follow peaceful democratic process? But here you are, the first opportunity you get, you are criticizing the most advanced democratic system that exists on the planet......????? As* backwards is ALL I can say.

Moral of this real story, go tell people in your home country to stop killing each other in thousands like ants. The United States has a MUCH MUCH better legal system and overall safer environment. We'll be JUST fine. Focus on where you should, not where you want to for propaganda purposes.
I think I will drive down to Ferguson for Christmas and see for myself. :D
4) The Moral of the story is, you can shut the eff up. Live in your society and preach these silly statements where they are needed (i.e. your home country in Pakistan). You don't need to criticize the most advanced country that takes care of its people.

5) By the way, isn't that Europe where you guys can even have full legal Mosques representing Islam.......well, in the US, we have Mosques just like Churches and Synagogues and Temples. Europeans don't even allow you to openly practice your religion. And you'll come criticize a system that provides MORE than equal rights to everyone!!! How about you ask the Europeans to treat you and your fellow Muslims right before you go criticize the US where everyone DOES get treated right, as long as they become a part of the society and not cause public safety risk.

6) How come I've not seen ONE post from you condemning violence or telling others in Pakistan (IK's people) to STOP the violence and follow peaceful democratic process? But here you are, the first opportunity you get, you are criticizing the most advanced democratic system that exists on the planet......????? As* backwards is ALL I can say.

Moral of this real story, go tell people in your home country to stop killing each other in thousands like ants. The United States has a MUCH MUCH better legal system and overall safer environment. We'll be JUST fine. Focus on where you should, not where you want to for propaganda purposes.

what a hypocrite. why dont you act on your own advise before giving others. SO STFU on pakistani issues and live in your society and preach them....


2) Whether you "reside" in Netherlands or elsewhere, you are a product of Pakistan, sorry that's a reality. People here in the US, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, etc, support violence in Pakistan through IK. The SAME IK has to stand in a regular line when he comes to the UK. This is who you guys are........so whether you live in the Netherlands or Nolands, it doesn't make a difference to me.

and who said American are not racist. and their is not racism in America.:lol:
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