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Missouri violence outbreak after non-indictment of police officer who shot a black teen

Sir, I dont i understand why this local issue is being lambasted into the national lime light? I live in New Jersey, I could care less what's going on in Missouri.
Probably because civil disorder isn't so common nowadays in the U.S. Though some say the Democrats - led by the president - are stirring the pot because they are big on addressing racism issues, serving as both arsonist and firefighter to obtain and maintain political power.
You guys talking about points to punch or hit etc have never been in a fight, everything gets over in a millisecond and nothing happens as you think it would. That guy went to ask for his money thinking he would get it, if not he would have had a taser or gun or at least mace with him or not asked at all. That would have been his best chance. Be prepared or walk away.
It is strange that the Indian media are not talking about the Indian angle of this issue. Don't want to burst the Indian American dream bubble?
this is so lame, does that mean the police can shoot any one with "prior convictions of bad behaviour"?

prior convictions have NO relevance in this case, you don't penalize a person for the same crime twice.

any references to victims physique dumb, I'll be happy to hear their experience if ever face an arrogant, trigger happy, pissed off skinnier than themselves cop who feels threatened by their size.

The issue on hand is killing an "unarmed" person who was not a threat to your safety. Period. Police is not supposed to judge and execute people, for that purpose civilized societies have "courts".

Of course,he was running after looting the store plus he had prior convictions of bad behavior etc.
I doubt the violence will spread very far or for very long. I'm a bit familiar with this part of Missouri so I class the whole episode as a local issue. Its root is that for decades the local police hadn't shown much accountability for various odd episodes (and before that, the strange and twisted history of segregation and slavery in Missouri). The grand jury indictment was a step forward. I'm looking for things to get better in the medium term now.
I live in another city in missouri, no violence here, but the " particular community" here in this city is very mis informed about the shooting thing.
Considering his height, it would have been the "easiest" solution.. followed by a punch into another area (eg. neck ..)
Not if he knew where and how to hit him :P
Weight (in this case a significant portion of fat as well) and height are not as important as you put it... the way the black dude is holding the clerk would have given the smaller man around half a dozen good points of attack to defend himself.

Granted that he has some knowledge about martial arts....
But normal people have certain hesitation and reluctance in attacking the ball!
I'm glad we don't have trigger happy cops and violent citizens in Canada. At least not like the States, statistically speaking.

From 12 year olds being shot over airsoft guns, to people being shot in Walmart for carrying bb guns (sold at the same Walmart), to people being shot by cops because they were doing cosplay, to people being beat up because they skipped a subway fare, to people being shot by cops for pulling out their wallet after being told to do so by the very same cop, why are Americans so afraid and angry all the time?

you forgot Sami Yatim case, actually its happening more and more specially in Toronto
Let's not kid ourselves. This isn't an isolated incident. Whilst I'm not in a position to make any judgements regarding the particular incident, cops in the States have a history of acting like the Wild Wild West. Specifically when it comes to non-white citizens. Not to mention black African Americans. Don't get me wrong. The black African community like all other groups of any given society also have their fair share of problems. Nevertheless, police violence against minority ethic groups in the States has a bad track record.

The relation between white Americans and black African Americans has always been a difficult one. History is the judge of atrocities and hate crimes commited against the black African community. Yes, I'm making a reference to slavery and it's not something that can shrugged off that easily. It indeed can be termed as the Holocaust of the black Africans in America. This fact cannot be ignored and plays a very significant role in almost every incident.

It wouldn't be incorrect to conclude that America is dealing with severe racism and inequality issues. As a neutral spectator you just need to follow the news and various shows on US TV channels to get an idea how divided this country actually is. This problem isn't going anywhere unless the white cops in the US are taught and educated to have more tolerant views for various ethnic minority groups. It's a systematic problem.
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Let's not kid ourselves. This isn't an isolated incident. Whilst I'm not in a position to make any judgement regarding the particular incident, cops in the States have a history of acting like the Wild Wild West. Specifically when it comes to non-white citizens. Not to mention black African Americans in particular.

The relation between white Americans and black African Americans has always been a difficult one. History is the judge of atrocities and hate crimes commited against the black African community. Yes, I'm making a reference to slavery. This fact cannot be ignored and plays a very significant role in almost every incident.

It wouldn't be incorrect to conclude that America is dealing with severe racism and inequality issues. As a neutral spectator you just need to follow the news and various shows in the US to get an idea how divided this country actually is. This problem isn't going anywhere unless the white cops in the US are taught and educated to have more tolerant views.
Spare US your pretense at knowing what life in the US is like.

Statistically speaking, most law enforcement officers, local and federal, will most likely go through their careers drawing their weapons at the range, not in the streets. The only areas where those odds increases are in the ghettos where gangs already made their establishments, and even then, if an officer, uniformed or plainclothes, have to draw his/her weapon, not likely he/she will ever shoot at anyone. If the police have to engage anyone deemed 'armed and dangerous', they will engage with overwhelming numbers and that is %99.999 of the time enough to deter any criminal in his/her rational mind to submit and the entire event will pass without a single shot fired by either side.

I am not saying that criminals do not resist and gunfights do not happen. What I am saying is that you, and others like you, make the mistake of seeing rare events in the news to be the norm.

So please spare US your made up 'history' about US.
Aren't you afraid some random cop will think you're a terrorist and kill you in cold blood? That's not necessarily a far fetched scenario with all the trigger happy cops in the US. I doubt they'll know that you're a pro-police PDFer when they gun you down. All they would have to say is that they "felt threatened" and they'd get off scot-free with your murder. The militarization of American police doesn't concern you at all?

I think the threat is exaggerated here on PDF. There is no question that some of the shootings are unjustified. But the difference between here and a lot of places in the world is that every incident gets logged and is on the news. In most places, the news would read "police shoot man who robbed store and assaulted clerk" and all the PDFers would say good riddance. But since it's the U.S., people are pretending that they're sensibilities are hurt.
Spare US your pretense at knowing what life in the US is like.

Statistically speaking, most law enforcement officers, local and federal, will most likely go through their careers drawing their weapons at the range, not in the streets. The only areas where those odds increases are in the ghettos where gangs already made their establishments, and even then, if an officer, uniformed or plainclothes, have to draw his/her weapon, not likely he/she will ever shoot at anyone. If the police have to engage anyone deemed 'armed and dangerous', they will engage with overwhelming numbers and that is %99.999 of the time enough to deter any criminal in his/her rational mind to submit and the entire event will pass without a single shot fired by either side.

I am not saying that criminals do not resist and gunfights do not happen. What I am saying is that you, and others like you, make the mistake of seeing rare events in the news to be the norm.

So please spare US your made up 'history' about US.

LOL Such an awful response is to be expected from certain Americans who are in total denial.

Not every cop is an angel. The police has its fair share of bad apples. That includes racist cops. Are you going to deny this? America has huge race problems. You don't have to live in the US to know this. In fact, the entire world acknowledges this fact. You people have a history of brutal slavery. Hatred against black African Americans is embedded in US culture. Are you going to deny this? Not everything is dandy as you're trying to portray. I know this hurts because many Americans are arrogant folks who think that they are perfect and free of sin. Well, hate to burst the bubble, but you're a lot of things expect a role model for the rest of the world.

He calls slavery, racism and other undeniable historical facts as made up history. I won't spare you this history, but confront you with it. Try stopping me.
this is so lame, does that mean the police can shoot any one with "prior convictions of bad behaviour"?

prior convictions have NO relevance in this case, you don't penalize a person for the same crime twice.

any references to victims physique dumb, I'll be happy to hear their experience if ever face an arrogant, trigger happy, pissed off skinnier than themselves cop who feels threatened by their size.

The issue on hand is killing an "unarmed" person who was not a threat to your safety. Period. Police is not supposed to judge and execute people, for that purpose civilized societies have "courts".

1. the officer did not shoot the guy for no reason
forensic evidence confirms the cop's story and refutes the story told by witnesses.

the cop fired his gun for the first time, considering his years of service
this refutes your idiotic comment of the cop being "trigger happy"

educate yourself on the topic
before making such stupid comments

the cop did the right thing, I do not understand how people can defend a criminal such as this guy
somehow making the cop who puts his life in danger on daily basis as the bad guy

also , there is evidence of Mike ( or whatever his name is) punching the officer in the face
that alone is more than enough for the officer to defend himself.
For some, *** licking is good and doesn't smell so stinky, but majority of cops are trigger happy.

these are just a few, if you are not blinded by your face stuck up their arse, then you can possibly search them on you tube.

1. the officer did not shoot the guy for no reason
forensic evidence confirms the cop's story and refutes the story told by witnesses.

the cop fired his gun for the first time, considering his years of service
this refutes your idiotic comment of the cop being "trigger happy"

educate yourself on the topic
before making such stupid comments

the cop did the right thing, I do not understand how people can defend a criminal such as this guy
somehow making the cop who puts his life in danger on daily basis as the bad guy

also , there is evidence of Mike ( or whatever his name is) punching the officer in the face
that alone is more than enough for the officer to defend himself.
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If whites rioted every time a white was killed by a black, we'd be a constant inferno.

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