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Missouri violence outbreak after non-indictment of police officer who shot a black teen

LOL Such an awful response is to be expected from certain Americans who are in total denial.

Not every cop is an angel. The police has its fair share of bad apples. That includes racist cops. Are you going to deny this? America has huge race problems. You don't have to live in the US to know this. In fact, the entire world acknowledges this fact. You people have a history of brutal slavery. .

WOW....I am surprised to see what you are posting on here and a few of our American members are probably wondering on how to respond to this. Allow me to answer you please. Before I even start, allow me to also tell you that I am not white and I am "colored" as some of you referred to the "color" in previous posts.

1) Your post is utter bullsh*t including your knowledge about the US. And that how America has a "race" problem. Coming out of your mouth, from a country you come from where small conflicts can result in getting your opponents killed, their women raped and at times the entire family beat to death??? Really? Look inside your own house before talking to others. I'd rather take a small "race problem" then having people killed like ants on small conflicts. Big difference in your society and ours!!!

Every year, thousands (literally), get killed in India, Pakistan and other similar countries due to race, ethnic and due to family rivalry. You have a violence issue that spreads across the globe (Al-Qaeda and other Nationalists parties across your entire South Asian region). In Pakistan, your leaders (Imran Khan for one example) promotes these violence based politics and allows the nation to develop extremism based mentality.

Now compare: here in the US, the family of the diseased (Mr. Brown's), who obviously aren't happy with the verdict, have asked many, many times for calm and restrain on many tv and radio broadcasts. So please....know more before typing just for the sake of propaganda.
In fact, know about your country and fix your issues, FAR severe than this one incident and try to put effort into fixing your house first.

2) Race is in people's minds. Race is what happens in your mind also. In Pakistan's ethnic make up, Pashtuns don't want to marry with others, Sindhis hate Punjabi's, Baluchi's execute (literally execute like Hitler style) many innocent workers from Punjab and other places.......that's ALL race. You know very well how inter-cast marriages are not allowed or have serious problems due to family dignity and all that drama. Heck, you guys have protests over a woman going to Indian media to work in their tv shows (names like who*re and a sl*t), because she wants to be independent and do whatever she wants to as its her life?

Here, if one black person got shot, you are going to make it a racial issue?? (btw, it doesn't happen once a Month or even a Year, rarely does this happen and with a reason).

3) The President of the United States of America is an African American!!! I don't know if you had remembered it before you started to write these idiotic posts. If RACE was such a big issue....not sure HOW and WHY many millions of Whites voted for him!!! Dr. Condoleezza Rice (President Busch's right hand) is an African American and so is Gen. Collin Powell (commanded the US Army as a 4 star general) and the list goes ON and On.....So if we have such a huge "race" issue.......how did the system allow these fine Americans to rise to the top, all the way to the President or the General or the National Security Adviser?

4) Police is TRAINED on handling these situations with full force. It is NOT Pakistan where we allow attacks on our parliament and those kind of places and let the convicts roam freely on streets (IK as an example again), go figure that one out!

Here in the US, the system ensures everyone's safety, progress and human advancement as long as people can work hard. You fuc*k with public safety and become a danger to the society, you'll be taken down, whether through arm wrestling, 6 SWAT team members or when need be, through the use of brute force.
The diseased in this case, had already done a robbery / assault in a store so he was already declared "dangerous"....(just like it happens in Pakistan or India or elsewhere when a call is made to the police about an incident).
So when Police would approach him, they are ready to deal with any situation and use whatever force to bring him under the law. If he resists, unfortunately, shots may be fired !!!!
Moral of the story: Don't break the law. And, don't write silly post about a place or an event that you can't comprehend to begin with.
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WOW....I am surprised to see what you are posting on here and a few of our American members are probably wondering on how to respond to this. Allow me to answer you please. Before I even start, allow me to also tell you that I am not white and I am "colored" as some of you referred to the "color" in previous posts.

1) Your post is utter bullsh*t including your knowledge about the US. And that how America has a "race" problem. Coming out of your mouth, from a country you come from where small conflicts can result in getting your opponents killed, their women raped and at times the entire family beat to death??? Really? Look inside your own house before talking to others. I'd rather take a small "race problem" then having people killed like ants on small conflicts. Big difference in your society and ours!!!

Every year thousands (literally), get killed in India, Pakistan and other similar countries due to race, ethnic and due to family rivalry. You have a violence issue that spreads across the globe (Al-Qaeda and other Nationalists parties across your entire South Asian region). In Pakistan, your leaders (Imran Khan for one example) promotes these violence based politics and allows the nation to develop extremism based mentality.

Now compare: here in the US, the family of the diseased (Mr. Brown's), who obviously aren't happy with the verdict, have asked many, many times for calm and restrain on many tv and radio broadcasts. So please....know more before typing just for the sake of propaganda.
In fact, know about your country and fix your issues, FAR severe than this one incident and try to put effort into fixing your house first.

2) Race is in people's minds. Race is what happens in your mind also. In Pakistan's ethnic make up, Pashtuns don't want to marry with others, Sindhis hate Punjabi's, Baluchi's execute (literally execute like Hitler style) many innocent workers from Punjab and other places.......that's ALL race. You know very well how inter-cast marriages are not allowed or have serious problems due to family dignity and all that drama. Heck, you guys have protests over a woman going to Indian media to work in their tv shows (names like who*re and a sl*t), because she wants to be independent and do whatever she wants to as its her life?

Here, if one black person got shot, you are going to make it a racial issue?? (btw, it doesn't happen once a Month or even a Year, rarely does this happen and with a reason).

3) The President of the United States of America is an African American!!! I don't know if you had remembered it before you started to write these idiotic posts. If the RACE was such a big issue....not sure HOW and WHY many millions of Whites voted for him!!! Dr. Condoleezza Rice (President Busch's right hand) is an African American and so is Gen. Collin Powell (commanded the US Army as a 4 star general) and the list goes ON and On.....So if we have such a huge "race" issue.......how did the system allow these fine Americans to rise to the top, all the way to the President or the General or the National Security Adviser?

4) Police is TRAINED on handling these situations with full force. It is NOT Pakistan where we allow attacks on our parliament and those kind of places and let the convicts roam freely on streets (IK as an example again). Co

Here, you fuc*k with public safety and become a danger to the society, you'll be taken down, whether through arm wrestling or when need be, through the use of brute force. The diseased had already done a robbery / assault in a store so he was already declared "dangerous"....just like it happens in Pakistan or India or elsewhere when a call is made to the police about an incident. So when Police would approach him, they are ready to deal with any situation and use whatever force to bring him under the law. If he resists, unfortunately, shots may be fired !!!!
Moral of the story: Don't break the law. And, don't write silly post about a place or an event that you can't comprehend to begin with.

so let me get this straight you are trying to justify your law and enforcement agency act by saying that because Pakistan is in deeper shit hole then us its ok.:omghaha:
WOW....I am surprised to see what you are posting on here and a few of our American members are probably wondering on how to respond to this. Allow me to answer you please. Before I even start, allow me to also tell you that I am not white and I am "colored" as some of you referred to the "color" in previous posts.


No, man, NO!

Just tell them it is horrible here, so they never think of coming here. :D
No, man, NO!

Just tell them it is horrible here, so they never think of coming here. :D

aren't you Pakistani as well.. so why are you pretending like to be an American.
there is a difference between parasite and a host..and you arnt the latter one.
aren't you Pakistani as well.. so why are you pretending like to be an American.
there is a difference between parasite and a host..and you arnt the latter one.

That is why it is very important to highlight the horrors of living in USA over the peaceful heaven called Pakistan! :D
That is why it is very important to highlight the horrors of living in USA over the peaceful heaven called Pakistan! :D

and why you assume all pakistani has this wild dream to live in usa...
heck majority of the pakistani when given free choice would choose saudi over usa...
and why you assume all pakistani has this wild dream to live in usa...
heck majority of the pakistani when given free choice would choose saudi over usa...

This is wonderful news! Please enjoy the wonderful freedoms in Saudi Arabia. Thanks! :D
nice to hear. please stay safe from **** bashing in states.

Thank you. I try to hide in the basement as much as is possible for safety. Too many police out there shooting people! :D
so let me get this straight you are trying to justify your law and enforcement agency act by saying that because Pakistan is in deeper shit hole then us its ok.:omghaha:

No, your post and this one included, just told me about how mature you are and how smart you are (not). I am absolutely justifying our law enforcement's actions.
I am not the judge but if there was a robbery done prior to the chase resulting in gum shots, it was already a high risk situation and I can see how it can easily end with that, specially when someone attacks the police officer.
If you attack a policeman in the US, he'll defend himself and that will be through brute force more than likely. Unlike Pakistan (like IK's case where he attacked the Police and the Parliament of Pakistan and he roams free with courts asking him to be arrested); in the US, you don't attack the Police.
Attacking the Police means attacking the State. And attacking the State means effing with the system. No one eff's with the system in a civilized country.
Thank you. I try to hide in the basement as much as is possible for safety. Too many police out there shooting people! :D
why are you hiding join the protest.
No, your post and this one included, just told me about how mature you are and how smart you are (not). I am absolutely justifying our law enforcement's actions.
I am not the judge but if there was a robbery done prior to the chase resulting in gum shots, it was already a high risk situation and I can see how it can easily end with that, specially when someone attacks the police officer.
If you attack a policeman in the US, he'll defend himself and that will be through brute force more than likely. Unlike Pakistan (like IK's case where he attacked the Police and the Parliament of Pakistan and he roams free with courts asking him to be arrested); in the US, you don't attack the Police.
Attacking the Police means attacking the State. And attacking the State means effing with the system. No one eff's with the system in a civilized country.

didn't realized Stephen Hawking is also member of this forum.. sorry sir no disrespect but i think you need to tune down you imran obsession...
This particular police officer was probably doing the right thing and protecting himself but police in general in the US are getting highly militarised and extremely trigger happy.

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