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Indus script early form of Dravidian

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that's BS

Indus valley civilization could never be enslaved and made into shudras by the Hindu Brahmins and other high castes.

You are better than that.

Anyway, how is that any different from being converted to Ajlaf musallahs and enslaved at the hands of Ashraf invaders? ;)

Dravadians were more like Australian aborignies living in Ganga valley
Unfortunately they didn't jhave a developed system and civilization and
thus easy pray for the invading Brahmins and other high castes. .

Actually we think that is true for Pakistanis who fell pray to invading uncivilized marauding Hun barbarians who have been a menace to civilized people throughout history.
, how is that any different from being converted to Ajlaf musallahs and enslaved at the hands of Ashraf invaders? ;)


Bhai you are now going on a limb

IVC people kicked out anyone who wanted to turn them into "untouchables".

This has been proven over and over and over.
Read before commenting, I wrote Vedic Sanskrit and Rig Veda is 'suppose' to be the first work of the Aryan , as there's no other non vedic Sanskrit text available for deciphering , just stick to RV

whats your endless drivel ? the Fish - that's why I referred it as Pandyan civilsation, the one who need to read before blabbering is is you not me. You are unable to pick up the subtleties seems like you need spoon feeding on every topic...

irrelevant and unverifiable stuff .. just comment on the script ..

The Vedic gods s were not native to IVC and I don't need to elaborate further on that, as I have done umpteen times, before ..

you are so all over the place that it is impossible to keep track. You say something and when shown erroneous you simply slip to something totally different. You will probably make a good (dirty) politician!

for example, you again exhibit complete ignorance by linking the fish reference I made to Pandyas. understand following first before wasting time:

1. The fish symbol found in the Harappan seals are thought to be phonetic ideograms for stars and asterisms. Nothing to do with Pandya's using fish in their flag. By using your logic, because other seals have bull and lion, ideogram, will you then change your answer to Pallava dynasty?

2. i hope you understand what they mean by phonetic ideograms - these symbols are NOT meaningful themselves, just the sound of the words. Please look up homophony. You keep confusing yourself others without that knowledge

3. most importantly, you have failed to grasp the primary point Mahadevan makes. I have tried explaining but you refuse to be helped.

Good luck and I hope you will understand better as you develop. Bye for now
you are so all over the place that it is impossible to keep track. You say something and when shown erroneous you simply slip to something totally different. You will probably make a good (dirty) politician!

if you are unable to keep track , its your fault not mine ..

for example, you again exhibit complete ignorance by linking the fish reference I made to Pandyas. understand following first before wasting time:

1. The fish symbol found in the Harappan seals are thought to be phonetic ideograms for stars and asterisms. Nothing to do with Pandya's using fish in their flag. By using your logic, because other seals have bull and lion, ideogram, will you then change your answer to Pallava dynasty?

Pallava dynasty history is not 10,000 BC

2. i hope you understand what they mean by phonetic ideograms - these symbols are NOT meaningful themselves, just the sound of the words. Please look up homophony. You keep confusing yourself others without that knowledge

3. most importantly, you have failed to grasp the primary point Mahadevan makes. I have tried explaining but you refuse to be helped.

Good luck and I hope you will understand better as you develop. Bye for now


There is no such thing as an accepted Indus Valley script dictionary. Such a dictionary is probably decades away. Nonetheless, below are summarized some of Parpola1 and Mahadevan's2 speculations on some of the most common ancient Indus signs.

fish meen 1. fish

2. star The word meen designates both fish and star in most Dravidian languages. Suggests the heavenly bodies were conceived of as fish swimming in the ocean of heaven, representing gods.
space + fish vel (i) + meen white star Vel-meen and Velli both mean Venus in Tamil.
3 + fish mum (m) + meen three stars The new year asterism Pleiades has this name in Tamil; in myth the wives of the Seven Sages.
6 + fish (*c) aru + meen six stars In The New Year asterism Pleiades has this name in Tamil. In myths the wives of the Seven Sages and mothers or wet nurses of the god of war (the vernal sun).
fish elu + meen seven stars In Tamil, the name of Ursa Major, the 'Seven Sages' in India.
dot/drop + fish pottu + meen 1. carp fish (=rohita'red' in Sanskrit)
2. star or red dot/blood drop (=rohini'red' in Sanskrit) The red dot painted on the forehead at marriage = the 'third' eye of the Heavenly Bull < alpha Tauri = the ancient star of the new year (marriage of Sun + the heavenly bride rohini,'menstruating'), represented by the red fish (scales as tilaka mark).
halving + fish pacu + meen green star in Tamil, paccai refers to greeness and the planet Mercury, which represents the green-hued child god Krishna.
roof + fish mey/may + meen black star Saturn's name in Tamil. Saturn rides a turtle, a 'fish' with a 'roof'.
You are better than that.

Anyway, how is that any different from being converted to Ajlaf musallahs and enslaved at the hands of Ashraf invaders? ;)

True, very good point. UP/Bihar natives have also seen muslim divide between ashraf and ajlaf muslims, both these groups look different from each other. Same is the case with high caste hindus (foreign invaders) and low caste hindus of UP/Bihar
Don't make a fool of yourself by advertizing your ignorance.

Asura were not Dravidians. Persian Aryans were just a different branch of Aryans from the Rigvedic Aryans (the Purus) who were enemies of each other. So they adapted each others' heroes as villains and vice versa.

In fact, the earliest Rigvedic verses don't have a negative connotations for the Asuras.

the Elamite -Dravidian were a significant ethnic group in Iran till 500 BC when they were replaced by the Achaemenid Dynasty. The regime change resulted in a change in the linguistic policy. Elamite-Dravidian language was replaced by Avestan - Sanskritic-Old Persian.

The linguistic change didn't change their roots. The Elamite element continued in the Zoroastrians revolt against devas and it continues in Tamilnadu, where asuras (e.g Ravana) are revered (worshiped) and their fight against Devas- Aryans, Sanskrit, Hindi etc continues ..

Iran - Elamite
the Elamite -Dravidian were a significant ethnic group in Iran till 500 BC when they were replaced by the Achaemenid Dynasty. The regime change resulted in a change in the linguistic policy. Elamite-Dravidian language was replaced by Avestan - Sanskritic-Old Persian.

The linguistic change didn't change their roots. The Elamite element continued in the Zoroastrians revolt against devas and it continues in Tamilnadu, where asuras (e.g Ravana) are revered (worshiped) and their fight against Devas- Aryans, Sanskrit, Hindi etc continues ..

Iran - Elamite
View attachment 155201

You know the stupidity here?

Ravana was a Brahmin. ;)

When Swami told this to Karnanaidhi and showed it in the Tamil Ramayana, he stopped celebrating Ravana leela. ;)

This is what happens when clueless people fall for such useless crap created by the invaders for justifying their invasion and to divide the natives.

PS: Ravana was an expert of Vedas as well. So much for his being Dravidian and enemy of "Aryans". ;)
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How does one explain the lack of any memory in any part of the Indian population of such cataclysmic event before the invader "historians" (with obvious vested interests) pulled it out of thin air, based on nothing but linguistic affinity of North Indian languages with European languages?

The rest of the "scholarship on the AIT" is nothing but hogwash. No real basis at all.

The so called archaeological "evidence" can prove even the Chinese or Latin American history as also "Aryan". ;)

Bhai you are now going on a limb

IVC people kicked out anyone who wanted to turn them into "untouchables".

This has been proven over and over and over.
This is doubtful considering the fact that Pakistan was throughout its history ruled by foreign invaders and
Pakistan also uses the Arab writing system today.
You know the stupidity here?

Ravana was a Brahmin. ;)

When Swami told this to Karnanaidhi and showed it in the Tamil Ramayana, he stopped celebrating Ravana leela. ;)

This is what happens when clueless people fall for such useless crap created by the invaders for justifying their invasion and to divide the natives.

doesn't matter how Ramayana glosses up Ravana - the victors were Aryans, history is written by the victors . The Ramayana history was repeated in 2009 ..... with the destruction and genocide of Dravidians by invading Aryans (Indians/Sinhalas)
doesn't matter how Ramayana glosses up Ravana - the victors were Aryans, history is written by the victors . The Ramayana history was repeated in 2009 ..... with the destruction and genocide of Dravidians by invading Aryans (Indians/Sinhalas)

This is Tamil Ramayana. There is no version of Ramayana where Ravana is not a Brahmin.

As I mentioned there is no Tamil tradition of being forced out from the North. It is only some stupid people who believe that.

Give it up already.
if you are unable to keep track , its your fault not mine ..

Pallava dynasty history is not 10,000 BC


There is no such thing as an accepted Indus Valley script dictionary. Such a dictionary is probably decades away. Nonetheless, below are summarized some of Parpola1 and Mahadevan's2 speculations on some of the most common ancient Indus signs.

fish meen 1. fish

2. star The word meen designates both fish and star in most Dravidian languages. Suggests the heavenly bodies were conceived of as fish swimming in the ocean of heaven, representing gods.
space + fish vel (i) + meen white star Vel-meen and Velli both mean Venus in Tamil.
3 + fish mum (m) + meen three stars The new year asterism Pleiades has this name in Tamil; in myth the wives of the Seven Sages.
6 + fish (*c) aru + meen six stars In The New Year asterism Pleiades has this name in Tamil. In myths the wives of the Seven Sages and mothers or wet nurses of the god of war (the vernal sun).
fish elu + meen seven stars In Tamil, the name of Ursa Major, the 'Seven Sages' in India.
dot/drop + fish pottu + meen 1. carp fish (=rohita'red' in Sanskrit)
2. star or red dot/blood drop (=rohini'red' in Sanskrit) The red dot painted on the forehead at marriage = the 'third' eye of the Heavenly Bull < alpha Tauri = the ancient star of the new year (marriage of Sun + the heavenly bride rohini,'menstruating'), represented by the red fish (scales as tilaka mark).
halving + fish pacu + meen green star in Tamil, paccai refers to greeness and the planet Mercury, which represents the green-hued child god Krishna.
roof + fish mey/may + meen black star Saturn's name in Tamil. Saturn rides a turtle, a 'fish' with a 'roof'.

you have no clue do you? forgetit man, you will never get it. Too boring to talk to to you when you seem to have no ability or willingness to learn and just keep repeating whatever assumptions you have. Take care!
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