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Turkey lifts ban on headscarves at high schools

there would have been a religious discrimination if one religion is allowed to display religious symbol at school and another religion is not. If all religion are treated the same, then there is no discrimination.

Every point you just made is wrong. It was a specific religion - the headscarf was singled out. And even if all religious wear was banned, it would still be religious discrimination. But I can see I'm talking to brick wall here, so I give up.

By the way, the last time people wore the Star of David as part of their garments was fortunately long ago.

Yet the same mindset that caused it lives on - as proven by you.
People without the slightest clue about my country making comments, its just hilarious. :disagree:

I came back yesterday from Turkey, visited 4 Provinces and i tell you Turkey didnt become ''more islamic'' since the last visit 3 years ago, its more like the opposite. :)
Because its order off ALLAH and women has to do it and if you break order off ALLAH you commit sin ALLAH has made it compulsory through QURAN and SUNNAH and yes if women keep rejecting this order they can end up in hell

shut up, zarvan... enough of your deobandi-tablighi nonsense... you deobandi fakes are creations of the english east india company... better for you is to die by the bullet of a hero solider of the syrian arab army or libyan jamahiri fighter...

also ordered you to fast, he just forgot that up in the north the sun never sets during the white nights. :lol:

common sense was never the strong point of those like zarvan... but there are also real muslims who you will easily respect to :)
Every point you just made is wrong. It was a specific religion - the headscarf was singled out. And even if all religious wear was banned, it would still be religious discrimination. But I can see I'm talking to brick wall here, so I give up.

Yet the same mindset that caused it lives on - as proven by you.

If it's religious discrimination, why did Atatürk ban wearing the fes and headscarves in staterun intitutions? Not only Atatürk, the French also ban all religious symbols in state institutions.

Neither Atatürk nor the French gov. banned religion in private sphere, you can wear a cross on your neck or a headscarve on your head all you like once you step out of the school or the local townhall.
If it's religious discrimination, why did Atatürk ban wearing the fes and headscarves in staterun intitutions? Not only Atatürk, the French also ban all religious symbols in state institutions.

Neither Atatürk nor the French gov. banned religion in private sphere, you can wear a cross on your neck or a headscarve on your head all you like once you step out of the school or the local townhall.
Well, you can also look at it from this perspective, Turkish girls with headscarve who wanted to study went to laic France before for exsample.
Errm, the same reason people wear clothes. Or will you say 'if people don't rot in hell for not wearing anything, what is the reason to wear at all'?

So, not wearing a headscarve is equal to being naked. :lol: Why then don't all you Muslim men wear headscarves as well? You would look awesome. :D


As I said before, Erdogan is steadily eradicating Atatürk's legacy,

Thank God for that.

Ataturk was a reactionary and he went too far in his reaction to the moribund clergy of his time.

Modern Turkey is proud again of its own heritage and culture, and doesn't need to ape the Europeans to "act white".
Well, you can also look at it from this perspective, Turkish girls with headscarve who wanted to study went to laic France before for exsample.

And these girls are all doing it voluntarily and not because the family wants it. Yeah, tell me another fairy tale from 1001 night. I know plenty of Turkish girls here in Germany.
So, not wearing a headscarve is equal to being naked. Why then don't all you Muslim men wear headscarves as well? You would look awesome.

Hahahahah, who told you I'm a Muslim. Oh yea, stop being a troll, I never said not wearing a headscarf is equal to being naked. Its you who used the logic that 'if you don't go to hell, why do it'. I'm just using an example of wearing clothes. Do you wear it because you fear of going to hell? whatever the reason is you are wearing clothes, the same reason applies to people who wants to wear headscarf
Thank God for that.

Ataturk was a reactionary and he went too far in his reaction to the moribund clergy of his time.

Modern Turkey is proud again of its own heritage and culture, and doesn't need to ape the Europeans to "act white".

I just need to take a look at the other proud Muslim countries still stuck in poverty and ignorance. Atatürk on the other hand brought modernity, enlightenment and progress to Turkey without denying its heritage.

Hahahahah, who told you I'm a Muslim. Oh yea, stop being a troll, I never said not wearing a headscarf is equal to being naked. Its you who used the logic that 'if you don't go to hell, why do it'. I'm just using an example of wearing clothes. Do you wear it because you fear of going to hell? whatever the reason is you are wearing clothes, the same reason applies to people who wants to wear headscarf

I'm wearing clothes because it's bloody cold most of the time in Germany and in the summer time, I don't want to get a sunburn. I'm also wearing clothes without any religious meaning behind. I don't even mind women wearing a headscarve as a fashion accessory, I also don't have problems when they wear it as a religious statement in their private sphere or privately run school, but I do mind when they do it in a staterun institution.
And these girls are all doing it voluntarily and not because the family wants it. Yeah, tell me another fairy tale from 1001 night. I know plenty of Turkish girls here in Germany.
Ofcourse there are girls doing it because of family but most do it because of tradition/religion with their free will.

Besides, allowing headscarves wont force women to cover their heads, someone who doesnt do it in private wouldnt do in after the new law either, so chill.

As i said i just came back from Turkey and didnt had the feeling people were more religious, it looks moore like the opposite, there wasnt girls with high heels in my village the last time. :D

And then there is also this breed....

As I said before, Erdogan is steadily eradicating Atatürk's legacy, but some Turks are in this forum are living in denial.
I have no issue with that
s long as there is a balance
girls should be told to wear shorts if they want a head scarf.
everyone happy
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