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Turkey lifts ban on headscarves at high schools


Apr 28, 2011
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ANKARA: The Turkish government announced it was lifting a ban on female students wearing the headscarf at high schools, in a move denounced by opponents as undermining the basis of the country’s secular society.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who co-founded the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), has long been accused by opponents of eroding the secular values of the modern Turkish state.

Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc, a close Erdogan ally, said that an amendment was made to the dress code regulations for female students to say they will not be forced to keep their heads uncovered.

“I know that some female students were longing for (this amendment) to high school regulations,” Arinc told reporters after the cabinet meeting late on Monday.

Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu welcomed the amendment as an effort for “democratisation.”

“This should not only be seen as the lifting of the ban on the wearing of headscarf,” Davutoglu told the private NTV television Monday.

“There has been an effort for freedoms and democratisation in every sphere.”

Kamuran Karaca, head of the Egitim-Sen education union, said that the measures would provoke a “trauma” in Turkey.

“Turkish society is heading back to the Middle Ages through the exploitation of religion,” he said.

Last year, Turkey lifted a long-standing ban on women wearing the headscarf in state institutions as part of a package of reforms to bolster freedoms and democracy – which drew the ire of secularists who denounced the move as an attempt to bring religion in the state affairs of staunchly secular country.

Women can already wear the headscarf in universities. The wives of most AKP ministers wear the headscarf, as does Erdogan’s wife Emine.

The founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, based the post-Ottoman republic on a strict separation between religion and state.

Critics accuse Erdogan, who last month moved to the post of president after over a decade as prime minister, of seeking to undermine Ataturk’s legacy, charges he denies.
Turkey lifts ban on headscarves at high schools – The Express Tribune
And he is doing right thing I must say

One can see the level of development in once laic Turkey and in non-laic other Muslim countries. Don't tell me that all the Turkish or any women who don't wear headscarves are indecent and shall rot in hell.
One can see the level of development in once laic Turkey and in non-laic other Muslim countries. Don't tell me that all the Turkish or any women who don't wear headscarves are indecent and shall rot in hell.

Actually it's developed the fastest in the past decade, and that's even with a global recession. And nobody said anything about rotting in hell. The fact is the ban was discriminatory.
A sure shot blasphemous for most of the PDF Turks8-)
As I said before, Erdogan is steadily eradicating Atatürk's legacy, but some Turks are in this forum are living in denial.

most turks on this forum support mullah erdogan, the ikhwaan, taliban and al qaeda... that is what i have seen in the last few years of visiting.

Good news every one has the right to practice their teachings anywhere.

jamal abdul nasser banned the burqa, muammar gaddafi burned the burqa, saddam hussain shot the burqa promoters... but our cia-agent erdogan is bringing it back...
Actually it's developed the fastest in the past decade, and that's even with a global recession. And nobody said anything about rotting in hell. The fact is the ban was discriminatory.

It developed much better than non-laic Muslim countries, it developed the fastest because it was fuelled with debt under Erdogan's regime.

If women don't rot in hell for not wearing headscarves, what is the reson to wear it at all?
It developed much better than non-laic Muslim countries, it developed the fastest because it was fuelled with debt under Erdogan's regime.

If women don't rot in hell for not wearing headscarves, what is the reson to wear it at all?

The reason is that they want to, and no further justification is needed. I see you're having trouble understanding the concept of religious discrimination. Replace the word "headscarf" with "star of david" and maybe it'll make sense. Alternatively, consult the constitution of virtually every free country on Earth.
It developed much better than non-laic Muslim countries, it developed the fastest because it was fuelled with debt under Erdogan's regime.

If women don't rot in hell for not wearing headscarves, what is the reson to wear it at all?
Because its order off ALLAH and women has to do it and if you break order off ALLAH you commit sin ALLAH has made it compulsory through QURAN and SUNNAH and yes if women keep rejecting this order they can end up in hell
It developed much better than non-laic Muslim countries, it developed the fastest because it was fuelled with debt under Erdogan's regime.

If women don't rot in hell for not wearing headscarves, what is the reson to wear it at all?
You are either a troll or a complete retard. Dont turn this into a religion based debate. You can always find the knowledge yourself which I recommend. Back to the topic, I think it is a great idea and I don't see why it was banned in the first place. It's not discrimination, well it can be, but only if you make it to be. If the woman herself want to wear it without anyone forcing her, what the problem?
The reason is that they want to, and no further justification is needed. I see you're having trouble understanding the concept of religious discrimination. Replace the word "headscarf" with "star of david" and maybe it'll make sense. Alternatively, consult the constitution of virtually every free country on Earth.

there would have been a religious discrimination if one religion is allowed to display religious symbol at school and another religion is not. If all religion are treated the same, then there is no discrimination.

By the way, the last time people wore the Star of David as part of their garments was fortunately long ago.

So, it's ok for you to step on Atatürk's legacy.

Because its order off ALLAH and women has to do it and if you break order off ALLAH you commit sin ALLAH has made it compulsory through QURAN and SUNNAH and yes if women keep rejecting this order they can end up in hell

Your almighty, omnipotent and perfect Allah also ordered you to fast, he just forgot that up in the north the sun never sets during the white nights. :lol:
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