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Two of the greatest evils who visited Hindus in Kerala was Tipu Sultan and Colonel John Munro.


Colonel John Munro who was a committed Christian missionary as well as a ruthless colonialist like Tipu sultan was also the Dewan (Prime Minister) of Travancore and Cochin and de facto ruler. His approach was two pronged.

First he took out a proclamation that took over all the temple land without any compensation to the owners. The seized land was so much that the annual land revenue accruing to the state doubled.

He then at the same time gave out munificent land grants to the Churches. He invited British-sponsored fierce proselytism and actively encouraged conversion among the pagans.

Monro then passing a law that allowed only christian women to cover their breasts. Hindu women got this right only after he stopped being Dewan.

By denying the temples money for rituals and upkeep, thousands of temples in Kerala did not have the wherewithal even for token rituals; thousands fell into ruins. When the hindus then protested and tried to take back their land, He ensured that the records of the sequestered temple lands and of state-owned lands were thoroughly intermixed; so much so that it had been made quite impossible to catalogue temple lands separately from government lands and thus the demand was again denied.

Most of the temples which utilised this land revenue to run schools also had to shut stop. This gap was then filled by christian missionary schools which was started under the guidance of Colonel Monro.

This british Resident cum Dewam accomplished through his single bloodless coup the ruin and devastation of Hindu temples — and Hindu pride. Something that took islamic invaders 800 years to achieve in India !!!!

No muslim mosque land or church land was ever touched during his tenure.

Manroe syyip got an excellent expereince when he tried to interfere in the sacred ritual in Chengannur Mahadeva temple known as Tripputh.
He try to block it .But after that their is a lot of problem began to surface in his family.After some time it become unbearable .At last he apologised for all of his wrongdoings and gave a lot of gold to that temple.
That gold is now used a traditional gold that uses as an ornament of Devi in that temple during Tripputh ritual.
It is our luck we are living in Indian union. had it be with erstwhile fascist state Travancore: All land belongs to Rajahs or Namboodiri Mana's. then, the precedence is to Nairs(Menon/Kaimal etc). Other communities including Hindu chovvan/ezhava, Muslims all suffered under the hegemony. Kartha's(local chieftains) executed people without any justice served most of the times. it is only glorification of this dirty era. Roads are not developed. Thugs roamed everywhere(Theevetti kollakkar in local language). if any development it is in Thiruvananthapuram and near by region.

ofcourse! no one will ever see this angle - because Travancore Rajahs were "Padmanabha dasa" - poets, biased Travancore promoted Historians glorifying their kirata rule as "Golden era"(only true for Trivandrum city which leeches till this day the tax money of rest of Kerala). When Aikkaranad was affected by famine, Travancore Rajahs were busy building new highway concreted till Adoor. Pathetic kingdom. All these glorification of Rajah Bharanam is a farce. Mulakkaram to growing moustache is taxed. and we have Sanghi aplogists who will justify this rule.

Why all the money amassed looting Thekkumkoor,Vadakkumkoor and such dynasties as well as putting heavy taxes on his annexed/occupied territories of North/central travancore is stored safely in the temple? Is that a temple for? Today, Shiva Sena is their support. Swords and Daggers and Knickeratti Soldiers. They are planted in Thiruvananthapuram by the same Royal Family IINM.
Manroe syyip got an excellent expereince when he tried to interfere in the sacred ritual in Chengannur Mahadeva temple known as Tripputh.
He try to block it .But after that their is a lot of problem began to surface in his family.After some time it become unbearable .At last he apologised for all of his wrongdoings and gave a lot of gold to that temple.
That gold is now used a traditional gold that uses as an ornament of Devi in that temple during Tripputh ritual.

Colonel Munroe, as Diwan of the Cochin and Travancore kingdoms, was responsible for bringing effective government controls on all temples in kerala.

Munroe recommended that ALL Devaswom properties be treated as government properties and the revenue from Devaswom be merged with the general revenues of the state.

Munroe then stopped all grants to the temple after taking over its board. He prevented the temple from celebrating the Thirupoothu of the devi. The moment he took that decision his wife started bleeding and none of the doctors were able to stop the bleeding. He finally had to accept his wrong doing said that if his wife is cured , he will create a trust whose interest would be sufficient to observe the celebration of the Thirupoothu (periods) of the Goddess.

His wife was then cured and Munroe then created that trust and apart from a creating the trust he also presented two n golden bangles to the Goddess. :angel:
Uppercaste in Kerala were never primary land owners. Most earned their living by either scholarship or by shedding blood.

Only christians own enough land to make farming fesible. It was under Colonel Munro who was the god father of the syrian christians that they become rich land owners.

Today most of the non agriculture land are owned by muslims.
LOL..The same Syrian Christians were treated like untouchables by the upper caste Brahmins at that time...It was only because of their hardwork+yes,got help from the then colonial rules,they now became one of the most influential and forward sects in Kerala.....
Brahmins on the otherhand became history..
It is our luck we are living in Indian union. had it be with erstwhile fascist state Travancore: All land belongs to Rajahs or Namboodiri Mana's. then, the precedence is to Nairs(Menon/Kaimal etc). Other communities including Hindu chovvan/ezhava, Muslims all suffered under the hegemony. Kartha's(local chieftains) executed people without any justice served most of the times. it is only glorification of this dirty era. Roads are not developed. Thugs roamed everywhere(Theevetti kollakkar in local language). if any development it is in Thiruvananthapuram and near by region.

ofcourse! no one will ever see this angle - because Travancore Rajahs were "Padmanabha dasa" - poets, biased Travancore promoted Historians glorifying their kirata rule as "Golden era"(only true for Trivandrum city which leeches till this day the tax money of rest of Kerala). When Aikkaranad was affected by famine, Travancore Rajahs were busy building new highway concreted till Adoor. Pathetic kingdom. All these glorification of Rajah Bharanam is a farce. Mulakkaram to growing moustache is taxed. and we have Sanghi aplogists who will justify this rule.

Why all the money amassed looting Thekkumkoor,Vadakkumkoor and such dynasties as well as putting heavy taxes on his annexed/occupied territories of North/central travancore is stored safely in the temple? Is that a temple for? Today, Shiva Sena is their support. Swords and Daggers and Knickeratti Soldiers. They are planted in Thiruvananthapuram by the same Royal Family IINM.

And Tippu rule gave a lot of fortune to Malabar and Northern Kerala that is why still it is comparatively backward in education and some other sectors .Noone is better
my friend .
Dont court Ezhavas in that suppressed sector.
Have you heard about Alummotil Channanmar ?They are the Ezahava landlords in our area and have immense influence in Travancore Kingdom.Another one is in Muthukulam.
Poor people is always suffered but that is not confined in Travancore entire Malabar was also like that.Sometimes even worst.
If there was no Travancore and Dharmaraja Tippu would easily overrun our culture .
Entire world is wondering about the gold in Vaults in Padmanbhadwamy temple but noone knows the majority was came from Malabar when Tippu and his Mysorean Army overrun the Hindus and Christians in that area.
It was Travancore and their timely interference that prevent the destruction of Kerala culture.

And even if there was some short comings Travancore Royal family did a lot for Kerala history including Temple Proclamation to Establishment of Kerala University.
Roads well Roads in Kerala is still much worse under the so called secular govts of UDF and previous LDF
It is our luck we are living in Indian union. had it be with erstwhile fascist state Travancore: All land belongs to Rajahs or Namboodiri Mana's. then, the precedence is to Nairs(Menon/Kaimal etc). Other communities including Hindu chovvan/ezhava, Muslims all suffered under the hegemony. Kartha's(local chieftains) executed people without any justice served most of the times. it is only glorification of this dirty era. Roads are not developed. Thugs roamed everywhere(Theevetti kollakkar in local language). if any development it is in Thiruvananthapuram and near by region.

Who is this "our" luck you are talking about ? :cheesy:

There are enough Theevetti kollakkar roming around in kerala today and its roads are unsafe for 95% of women after dark, and this is by the admission of the kerala govt. statitics. Look it up.

It is not "luck" that ended the british raj, but our struggle and effort.

ofcourse! no one will ever see this angle - because Travancore Rajahs were "Padmanabha dasa" - poets, biased Travancore promoted Historians glorifying their kirata rule as "Golden era"(only true for Trivandrum city which leeches till this day the tax money of rest of Kerala). When Aikkaranad was affected by famine, Travancore Rajahs were busy building new highway concreted till Adoor. Pathetic kingdom. All these glorification of Rajah Bharanam is a farce. Mulakkaram to growing moustache is taxed. and we have Sanghi aplogists who will justify this rule.

If kerala is 100% literate it is because of the Travancore kings and queens.

It was Swati Thirunal started India's first public hospital, where all people sans caste, creed, sex have access of English Medicine. She didn't start an elite hospital, where only Royals get the quality treatment, even the royals depended the physicians of this hospital, even though they could get western treatments or go to West itself.

When Kerala was reeling under Famine, Travancore solved the problem, by opening the same Padmanabha's treasure and took the gold, pledged it and recevied hard cash. The same money was used to import Tapioca from Portugal, promote Tapioca cultivation among commoners and subsidize state rationing system. Travancore-Kochi remained one of the very few states in India, that was least affected in the faminie, when thousands died in British Malabar. Thats because of visionary deal of the Kings.

The money of Kochi temple was used to build Rail routes which is today one of the most busiest rail-routes in South India.

It was Vishakam Thirunal's personal interest, that helped Mukken to reclaim land and go for intense farming there. Today the famous Kuttanad agriculture, particularly Mukken's farming is the rice bowl of Kerala...

Kochi Maharajas spend more time in Shornour, promoting new techniques in Ayurveda, researching on it as a result, we find it reaching common man easily, rather than an elite medicine, as seen elsewhere.

Why all the money amassed looting Thekkumkoor,Vadakkumkoor and such dynasties as well as putting heavy taxes on his annexed/occupied territories of North/central travancore is stored safely in the temple? Is that a temple for? Today, Shiva Sena is their support. Swords and Daggers and Knickeratti Soldiers. They are planted in Thiruvananthapuram by the same Royal Family IINM.

You hate and jealousy knows no bound. Every lie to make will be exposed and every twisted words of yours will be exposed so that people can see what kind of person you are.

With people like you around, Shiva Sena is a MUST.
Bhumihars also served in the british army like the sikhs and the Mahars after the 1857 mutiny where most of the mutineer were upper caste men. This made them rich too.

What role did Hindus played in 1857 mutiny?

On surface it seem like Muslims were leader of mutiny, even though Hindus may have served in army. Also Gurkhas played a pivotal role in ensuring British victory.

Two of the greatest evils who visited Hindus in Kerala was Tipu Sultan and Colonel John Munro.


Colonel John Munro who was a committed Christian missionary as well as a ruthless colonialist like Tipu sultan was also the Dewan (Prime Minister) of Travancore and Cochin and de facto ruler. His approach was two pronged.

First he took out a proclamation that took over all the temple land without any compensation to the owners. The seized land was so much that the annual land revenue accruing to the state doubled.

He then at the same time gave out munificent land grants to the Churches. He invited British-sponsored fierce proselytism and actively encouraged conversion among the pagans.

Monro then passing a law that allowed only christian women to cover their breasts. Hindu women got this right only after he stopped being Dewan.

By denying the temples money for rituals and upkeep, thousands of temples in Kerala did not have the wherewithal even for token rituals; thousands fell into ruins. When the hindus then protested and tried to take back their land, He ensured that the records of the sequestered temple lands and of state-owned lands were thoroughly intermixed; so much so that it had been made quite impossible to catalogue temple lands separately from government lands and thus the demand was again denied.

Most of the temples which utilised this land revenue to run schools also had to shut stop. This gap was then filled by christian missionary schools which was started under the guidance of Colonel Monro.

This british Resident cum Dewam accomplished through his single bloodless coup the ruin and devastation of Hindu temples — and Hindu pride. Something that took islamic invaders 800 years to achieve in India !!!!

No muslim mosque land or church land was ever touched during his tenure.

Colonel Munroe forced the maharani to gifted him an island which was named Munro Island. :P and funds were made available for Christian college in 1815 and he also made scholarship available for 50 students by that land grant and he has said "It is only by an efficient course of instruction at the college, that a respectable body of native clergy can be produced for the service of the syrian churches, and for the propagation of Christianity among the heathens"

Your knowledge of history seem pretty detailed . This could have happened as promotion of missionaries is considered a cause of 1857 mutiny, but absence of such land seizures in British India proper ( Travancore was a princly state AFAIK , so it must be having more control over it's affairs) give rise to doubt.

But why only temples? Why not mosque land? This does not make any sense.

Even though Britain at that time was an ally of ottomans, but still i do not think that ottomans could influence British administration of Travencore.
LOL..The same Syrian Christians were treated like untouchables by the upper caste Brahmins at that time...It was only because of their hardwork+yes,got help from the then colonial rules,they now became one of the most influential and forward sects in Kerala.....
Brahmins on the otherhand became history..

Syrian christians were never untouchables :lol: .......... how desperate are you to twist history and play victim.

At least you have acknowledged the bias of the british to make you what you are :devil: ....Nothing stays the same forever and everything change with time.

Brahmins still exist in India ........ when did they become history ? :cheesy:
It is our luck we are living in Indian union. had it be with erstwhile fascist state Travancore: All land belongs to Rajahs or Namboodiri Mana's. then, the precedence is to Nairs(Menon/Kaimal etc). Other communities including Hindu chovvan/ezhava, Muslims all suffered under the hegemony. Kartha's(local chieftains) executed people without any justice served most of the times. it is only glorification of this dirty era. Roads are not developed. Thugs roamed everywhere(Theevetti kollakkar in local language). if any development it is in Thiruvananthapuram and near by region.

ofcourse! no one will ever see this angle - because Travancore Rajahs were "Padmanabha dasa" - poets, biased Travancore promoted Historians glorifying their kirata rule as "Golden era"(only true for Trivandrum city which leeches till this day the tax money of rest of Kerala). When Aikkaranad was affected by famine, Travancore Rajahs were busy building new highway concreted till Adoor. Pathetic kingdom. All these glorification of Rajah Bharanam is a farce. Mulakkaram to growing moustache is taxed. and we have Sanghi aplogists who will justify this rule.

Why all the money amassed looting Thekkumkoor,Vadakkumkoor and such dynasties as well as putting heavy taxes on his annexed/occupied territories of North/central travancore is stored safely in the temple? Is that a temple for? Today, Shiva Sena is their support. Swords and Daggers and Knickeratti Soldiers. They are planted in Thiruvananthapuram by the same Royal Family IINM.
Nope..It had nothing to do with Namboodiris, Nairs or even the then travancore rulers..
Mostly all the top bureaucrats in then travancore kingdom were TAMIL TAMIL TAMIL speaking crooked Brahmins...They were against the merger of travancore(if a Malayali majority would formed,they would lost their upper hold) to the Indian union and were the master brains behinds all the foul,dirty plays at that time..
What role did Hindus played in 1857 mutiny?

On surface it seem like Muslims were leader of mutiny, even though Hindus may have served in army. Also Gurkhas played a pivotal role in ensuring British victory.

The freedom fight of 1857 (mutiny) united the hindus and the muslims against the british. The resentment against the british was universal but leadership was provide by both community leaders. This is off topic, if you can start a new thread on 1857 I will be happy to post there.

Your knowledge of history seem pretty detailed . This could have happened as promotion of missionaries is considered a cause of 1857 mutiny, but absence of such land seizures in British India proper ( Travancore was a princly state AFAIK , so it must be having more control over it's affairs) give rise to doubt.

But why only temples? Why not mosque land? This does not make any sense.

Even though Britain at that time was an ally of ottomans, but still i do not think that ottomans could influence British administration of Travencore.

Colonels Munroe's missionary activities is pretty well known. The queen was just a puppet back then and had to do what ever the british regent told her to do.

It was easier to convert Hindus than convert muslims into Christianity. The caste system in India, especially the entrenched one in kerala made it easy picking. I suspect that would have been the motive.

Majority of the muslims were in the north of kerala where write of the Travancore kingdom did not exist.
The freedom fight of 1857 (mutiny) united the hindus and the muslims against the british. The resentment against the british was universal but leadership was provide by both community leaders. This is off topic, if you can start a new thread on 1857 I will be happy to post there.

But i would have problem in writing a good quality OP since i only know few contours of 1857 mutiny.

Your post regarding Upper caste hindus being leaders of mutiny was curious as mutineers wanted to re-establish writ of Mughal empire over India. Also centers of revolt like Lucknow and Bareilly were Muslim dominated.

Only Hindu leaders who participated in mutiny had some personal grudge against the company. Most of South India and nearly all Hindu knigdoms of North, except Jhansi either sat out of mutiny or supported Britishers.
Syrian christians were never untouchables :lol: .......... how desperate are you to twist history and play victim.

At least you have acknowledged the bias of the british to make you what you are :devil: ....Nothing stays the same forever and everything change with time.

Brahmins still exist in India ........ when did they become history ? :cheesy:
i am talking about Kerala..
Its you who stated earlier that Christians of Kerala were from lower caste....
But i would have problem in writing a good quality OP since i only know few contours of 1857 mutiny.

Your post regarding Upper caste hindus being leaders of mutiny was curious as mutineers wanted to re-establish writ of Mughal empire over India. Also centers of revolt like Lucknow and Bareilly were Muslim dominated.

Only Hindu leaders who participated in mutiny had some personal grudge against the company. Most of South India and nearly all Hindu knigdoms of North, except Jhansi either sat out of mutiny or supported Britishers.

That is a misconception. The mughal empire was long dead much before this since the empire was run by the Marathas after they captured delhi. It existed only in name but it was a powerful name, strong enough to unite people.

Such massive war does not start over a personal grudge :lol: ...... that would only be the trigger point. Some Hindu kingdom sat it out because the king wanted to remain king, but the population of those states did join the army that fought against the British. The Marathas who were the rules of India before the british were the key instigators.

i am talking about Kerala..
Its you who stated earlier that Christians of Kerala were from lower caste....

There was the distance rule in Kerala which was followed, but everybody was part of it including the Hindus. This is already discussed earlier.
What role did Hindus played in 1857 mutiny?

On surface it seem like Muslims were leader of mutiny, even though Hindus may have served in army. Also Gurkhas played a pivotal role in ensuring British victory.

Your knowledge of history seem pretty detailed . This could have happened as promotion of missionaries is considered a cause of 1857 mutiny, but absence of such land seizures in British India proper ( Travancore was a princly state AFAIK , so it must be having more control over it's affairs) give rise to doubt.

But why only temples? Why not mosque land? This does not make any sense.

Even though Britain at that time was an ally of ottomans, but still i do not think that ottomans could influence British administration of Travencore.

Dont go offtopic friend .This thread is only about Kerala especially Malabar history and culture.
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