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does anyone have access to new york times' archives? i would like to read one news report on manchuria, published on 29 january, 1903
Russian soldiers - men of honor. There no army in the world, who would value honor higher than the Russian / Soviet army. At the expense of "Cossacks ate meat of people " - it's all horror-fantastic. Orthodox Christian, even in his nightmare can not afford such a thing.
Hahahaha,you can believe you want to believe,but when you came to northeast China,the local people-the Daurs and Solons rejested you,and they are subjests of Imperial China ,this even recorded by your sources,the Cossacks ate human meat also recorded in your sources too.
There is nothing honour of Russian sodiers,it's a well known fact,the Russians raped many females in east Europe/Germany and Manchuria,your army just lack the moral
Hahahaha,you can believe you want to believe,but when you came to northeast China,the local people-the Daurs and Solons rejested you,and they are subjests of Imperial China ,this even recorded by your sources,the Cossacks ate human meat also recorded in your sources too.
There is nothing honour of Russian sodiers,it's a well known fact,the Russians raped many females in east Europe/Germany and Manchuria,your army just lack the moral
I can tell you your words: "You can believe whatever you want." Your tale is very similar to what the Nazis and Japanese militarists told to the locals before Soviet troops coming. That is - 100% lie. In Russian / Soviet army sodiers for looting and violence were shot. We are not Americans or British and never considered ourselves masters of the world and the superior race.
My grandfather served in Mongolia in 1945-1947 years. Local almost idolized Russian there.
Genocide of indigenous peoples - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Russian conquest of Siberia was accompanied by massacres due to indigenous resistance to colonization by the Russian Cossacks, who savagely crushed the natives. At the hands of people like Vasilii Poyarkov in 1645 and Yerofei Khabarov in 1650 some peoples like the Daur were slaughtered by the Russians to the extent that it is considered genocide. 8,000 out of a previously 20,000 strong population in Kamchatka remained after being subjected to half a century of Cossacks slaughter.[46] The Daurs initially deserted their villages since they heard about the cruelty of the Russians the first time Khabarov came.[47] The second time he came, the Daurs decided to do battle against the Russians instead but were slaughtered by Russian guns.[48] In the 17th century, indigenous peoples of the Amur region were attacked by Russians who came to be known as "red-beards".[49] The Russian Cossacks were named luocha (羅剎), after Demons found in Buddhist mythology, by the Amur natives because of their cruelty towards the Amur tribes people, who were subjects of the Qing dynasty during the Sino–Russian border conflicts.[50]

I can tell you your words: "You can believe whatever you want." Your tale is very similar to what the Nazis and Japanese militarists told to the locals before Soviet troops coming. That is - 100% lie. In Russian / Soviet army sodiers for looting and violence were shot. We are not Americans or British and never considered ourselves masters of the world and the superior race.
My grandfather served in Mongolia in 1945-1947 years. Local almost idolized Russian there.
People know the history very well,when I'm a kid,I often hear from our elders about the past things,yes,your army is the most savage army of the world,and your army raped the females of Manchuria,even they are not invaders like Japanese and Germans,your army looted the wealth from the Manchuria too,this is a well known fact
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Genocide of indigenous peoples - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Russian conquest of Siberia was accompanied by massacres due to indigenous resistance to colonization by the Russian Cossacks, who savagely crushed the natives. At the hands of people like Vasilii Poyarkov in 1645 and Yerofei Khabarov in 1650 some peoples like the Daur were slaughtered by the Russians to the extent that it is considered genocide. 8,000 out of a previously 20,000 strong population in Kamchatka remained after being subjected to half a century of Cossacks slaughter.[46] The Daurs initially deserted their villages since they heard about the cruelty of the Russians the first time Khabarov came.[47] The second time he came, the Daurs decided to do battle against the Russians instead but were slaughtered by Russian guns.[48] In the 17th century, indigenous peoples of the Amur region were attacked by Russians who came to be known as "red-beards".[49] The Russian Cossacks were named luocha (羅剎), after Demons found in Buddhist mythology, by the Amur natives because of their cruelty towards the Amur tribes people, who were subjects of the Qing dynasty during the Sino–Russian border conflicts.[50]

People know the history very well,when I'm a kid,I often hear from our elders about the past things,yes,your army is the most savage army of the world,and your army raped the females of Manchuria,even they are not invaders like Japanese and Germans,your army looted the wealth from the Manchuria too,this is a well known fact
You know, when Mongols and all Asian nomads came to conquer Russia, they, too, did not bring flowers. Entire principality had been burned to the ground. However, look at a map of Russia - many national republics in Asian part of country, where there are national parliaments, universities, cabinets of ministers. And compare it to the conquest of America or Australia by Europeans - there is no Indian republics, but there are reservations.
About violence of Red Army soldiers - a fairy tale. I'll say it again, that soldiers of Red Army were executed for such crimes just in fron of the formation of his comrades. In the Red Army prevailed steel, even violent discipline. Those things that you tell, they just not possible. Impossible in principle.
To understand what the Russian soldiers are, I will give you one example. After Napoleon burned half of Russia and Moscow, the Russian back the French to Paris. And Russian PAID MONEY for a meal in France.
You know, when Mongols and all Asian nomads came to conquer Russia, they, too, did not bring flowers. Entire principality had been burned to the ground. However, look at a map of Russia - many national republics in Asian part of country, where there are national parliaments, universities, cabinets of ministers. And compare it to the conquest of America or Australia by Europeans - there is no Indian republics, but there are reservations.
About violence of Red Army soldiers - a fairy tale. I'll say it again, that soldiers of Red Army were executed for such crimes just in fron of the formation of his comrades. In the Red Army prevailed steel, even violent discipline. Those things that you tell, they just not possible. Impossible in principle.
To understand what the Russian soldiers are, I will give you one example. After Napoleon burned half of Russia and Moscow, the Russian back the French to Paris. And Russian PAID MONEY for a meal in France.
So the Daurs invaded you?There are no Daurs in Russia,Daurs only live in China-Morin dawa and Hulunbuir,but their original homeland is Dauria,north of Heilongjiang
And punish or not,the Red army was considered more barbaric than Japanese by the locals of northeast China,not to mention you looted the wealth of Manchuria in 1945,and involved in civil war in Manchuria,for you transfer the Manchuria to communists
So the Daurs invaded you?There are no Daurs in Russia,Daurs only live in China-Morin dawa and Hulunbuir,but their original homeland is Dauria,north of Heilongjiang
And punish or not,the Red army was considered more barbaric than Japanese by the locals of northeast China,not to mention you looted the wealth of Manchuria in 1945,and involved in civil war in Manchuria,for you transfer the Manchuria to communists
Ah, now I understand. Do you hate Communists? So I can tell you that the Communists created the modern greatness of China. Otherwise, he still remained a semi-feudal confederation under external management of Europeans.
Stalin voluntarily returned Manchuria to China, free of charge.
It's amazing how similar tales of the German Nazis and the Japanese militarists about the Red Army. But if you only know them - it means you know nothing about Red Army. Rob and rape - is something beyond of mind of soldier-communist. Of course, a few cases have been, but the enemy propaganda multiplying them by a thousand if not a million.
Ah, now I understand. Do you hate Communists? So I can tell you that the Communists created the modern greatness of China. Otherwise, he still remained a semi-feudal confederation under external management of Europeans.
Stalin voluntarily returned Manchuria to China, free of charge.
It's amazing how similar tales of the German Nazis and the Japanese militarists about the Red Army. But if you only know them - it means you know nothing about Red Army. Rob and rape - is something beyond of mind of soldier-communist. Of course, a few cases have been, but the enemy propaganda multiplying them by a thousand if not a million.
I don't hate or like communists,but this was China's own issue,you have no rights to involve,however I'm no way support communism
Then I dislike Russia because you invaded the amur region,have historical link with us the Manchus,nothing to do with communism or capitalism
I don't hate or like communists,but this was China's own issue,you have no rights to involve,however I'm no way support communism
Then I dislike Russia because you invaded the amur region,have historical link with us the Manchus,nothing to do with communism or capitalism
Russian entered China during battles with the Japanese, not with Chinese. And in a few years completely withdrew its troops from the territory of China. USSR did not openly fight on the side of the Chinese Communists, although assisted with weapons and military instructors.
You must be a fan of Manchukuo. USSR at the time could make it an independent state, but they have chosen to return the land to China. Do you want an independent Manchukuo, to restore the Manchurian Empire or want China to counqer all the lands that have ever owned?
^ Pay no attention to him Russian comrade. Statistically all Manchus are Sinocized and live in China. No fringe movements out there that I am aware of.
Russian entered China during battles with the Japanese, not with Chinese. And in a few years completely withdrew its troops from the territory of China. USSR did not openly fight on the side of the Chinese Communists, although assisted with weapons and military instructors.
You must be a fan of Manchukuo. USSR at the time could make it an independent state, but they have chosen to return the land to China. Do you want an independent Manchukuo, to restore the Manchurian Empire or want China to counqer all the lands that have ever owned?
I will not commet the Manchukuo issue here,because it's off topic
The main problem here is you involved in civil war of China,just like you do in Ukraine now,you guys have no respect to international laws.
And I talk about your army's barbaric,from czarist Russia to modern Russia,you didn't battle the Polish in WW II too,but what your army did in Poland and other east European countries?
Now I make it clearly,I don't want to change the border between China and central Asian nationas,they are natives to their lands,and legally get independent from you,but northeast China is different case

^ Pay no attention to him Russian comrade. Statistically all Manchus are Sinocized and live in China. No fringe movements out there that I am aware of.
Lol I'm Chinese,and loyal to China
While you love Russia,that's the differance
Lol I'm Chinese,and loyal to China
While you love Russia,that's the differance
Russia is our ally. Our borders are settled. Ethnic minority groups in northeastern China are Sinocized. There is no fringe movement asking to return land from Russia. Even if your ancestors are from Outer Manchuria two hundred years ago, it's time to put down the past and take on a Han surname Mr. Bannerman.
Russia is our ally. Our borders are settled. Ethnic minority groups in northeastern China are Sinocized. There is no fringe movement asking to return land from Russia. Even if your ancestors are from Outer Manchuria two hundred years ago, it's time to put down the past and take on a Han surname Mr. Bannerman.
Lol your ally is the biggest arm supplier to Vietnam and India,they are no way your ally,they just use China for their benefit,in real sense,the only country can be consider our ally is Pakistan
And don't trust Russia,they are known for broken the treaties they signed
I will not commet the Manchukuo issue here,because it's off topic
The main problem here is you involved in civil war of China,just like you do in Ukraine now,you guys have no respect to international laws.
And I talk about your army's barbaric,from czarist Russia to modern Russia,you didn't battle the Polish in WW II too,but what your army did in Poland and other east European countries?
Now I make it clearly,I don't want to change the border between China and central Asian nationas,they are natives to their lands,and legally get independent from you,but northeast China is different case
If USSR had not helped the Communists - they could lose the civil war, you know? Then China would become something like a second Africa, an endless source of manpower and resources for the Europeans. Although the Soviet Union took the territory to east of the Curzon line (actually Poland illegally appropriated the land after the Polish-Soviet War), but compensated this loss after WW2 with lands in the West, the former part of the Reich.
Russian during the return of Western Ukraine and Western Byelorussia have not killed a single person in the same way as during the return of the Crimea.
What do you know about the events that are taking place in the former Ukraine? Nothing. West created Maidan with the help of puppets, the Civil War began, West expeled a legitimate governments, put his puppets in power, began massive murders of former compatriots. None of the western puppets not even pretended that they was ready to negotiate, though initially demands of protesters were moderate - to return the status of the Russian language and make federalization like in Canada or Switzerland.
You can believe in the American, Nazi or any other tales about Russian army. It will not change anything. For Russian soldiers and the more officers honor is not an empty word. And I know exactly what in Harbin still appreciate Russian culture, and the older generation of Chinese is very fond of the Soviet military songs.
If USSR had not helped the Communists - they could lose the civil war, you know? Then China would become something like a second Africa, an endless source of manpower and resources for the Europeans. Although the Soviet Union took the territory to east of the Curzon line (actually Poland illegally appropriated the land after the Polish-Soviet War), but compensated this loss after WW2 with lands in the West, the former part of the Reich.
Russian during the return of Western Ukraine and Western Byelorussia have not killed a single person in the same way as during the return of the Crimea.
What do you know about the events that are taking place in the former Ukraine? Nothing. West created Maidan with the help of puppets, the Civil War began, West expeled a legitimate governments, put his puppets in power, began massive murders of former compatriots. None of the western puppets not even pretended that they was ready to negotiate, though initially demands of protesters were moderate - to return the status of the Russian language and make federalization like in Canada or Switzerland.
You can believe in the American, Nazi or any other tales about Russian army. It will not change anything. For Russian soldiers and the more officers honor is not an empty word. And I know exactly what in Harbin still appreciate Russian culture, and the older generation of Chinese is very fond of the Soviet military songs.
I have been to Harbin many times,the Russian influence there actually from White Russians,not red Russians,also most people don't care Russia,only in places like 中央大街,you can see strong Russian cultural influence,but that's for tourism,nothing more
Then my source not came from America,but from our older generation northeast Chinese,they know what the Soviet army did in the 1945,and they felt your army is worse than Japanese army,I'm no way biase to Japanese,it's true,the people felt your army in rape and loot is worse than Japanese

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