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Russia holds Japan whaling research vessel

are you sure if usa stops russia from using strategic weapons like missiles and bombers, russian conventional forces would not be a big problem to deal with? will it be wise to totally depend on usa to make sure russians missile arsenal will not be used what if usa betrays halfway in the war? any backup? also troops supply will be important issue, russia will ensure endless supply of troopers from central asia sources
are you sure if usa stops russia from using strategic weapons like missiles and bombers, russian conventional forces would not be a big problem to deal with? will it be wise to totally depend on usa to make sure russians missile arsenal will not be used what if usa betrays halfway in the war? any backup? also troops supply will be important issue, russia will ensure endless supply of troopers from central asia sources

The Northern Army would be mobilized to address any threats. This would be in conjunction of the deployment of the JMSDF's Fleets , and the mobilization of the JASDF's some 223 F-15Js that would ensure Air Supremacy. This does not take into consideration our VAST ASW capability that would annihilate any sub threat in our maritime domain. Given my understanding of the JSDF's contingency plans, am very confident of our abilities.

Japan is not a Georgia, a Ukraine, or any such nations. Japan is the 3rd largest economy in the world, a nation that spends $60 Billion on national defense, yet despite only being <.9% of our GDP. In the event of a military emergency, emergency powers allows Japan to raise our defense expenditure to over 3%, so hypothetically, a spending power of $180 Billion.

I don't support both side,but Russians should kick out of northeast asia,the lands they Illegal occupated never belong to them,I will never forgive the evil deeds of Russian Cossacks and red/white army
I don't support both side,but Russians should kick out of northeast asia,the lands they Illegal occupated never belong to them,I will never forgive the evil deeds of Russian Cossacks and red/white army

Can you expand more on this? I am not aware of these.
You expect the Japanese to change their old habits?:rofl:

No,they will NOT change their habits,not a single one of them!

Japanese love the whale meat, Chinese love the shark fin soup, what is the difference between two except pot calling the kettle black. :rofl:

Can you expand more on this? I am not aware of these.

Seems he is referring to 'historical Chinese land' currently the part of Russia. :laugh:
get the essence of his sarcasm, he insulted you both

Its fine, as the old adage goes dear, "Denial isn't just a river in Egypt". I admit that we Japanese have exotic eating habits, and so do our distant cousins, the Chinese. I happen to know that Chinese cuisine cherishes Soft Shelled Turtles, which are endangered species.
I don't support both side,but Russians should kick out of northeast asia,the lands they Illegal occupated never belong to them,I will never forgive the evil deeds of Russian Cossacks and red/white army
Except Japan, which has a claim on 4 small islands, no Asian country has territorial claims against Russia. Therefore, your post sounds a bit strange. Especially given the fact that the Soviet Union voluntarily gave China Inner Manchuria after WW2.
Its fine, as the old adage goes dear, "Denial isn't just a river in Egypt". I admit that we Japanese have exotic eating habits, and so do our distant cousins, the Chinese. I happen to know that Chinese cuisine cherishes Soft Shelled Turtles, which are endangered species.

yes, thats right, well, fun aside, i think present generation japanese and chinese should understand the value of conserving endangered species.
yes, thats right, well, fun aside, i think present generation japanese and chinese should understand the value of conserving endangered species.

I agree that there should be controlled consumption of whale species.
Except Japan, which has a claim on 4 small islands, no Asian country has territorial claims against Russia. Therefore, your post sounds a bit strange. Especially given the fact that the Soviet Union voluntarily gave China Inner Manchuria after WW2.
The Russian Cossacks are most savage and criminal people of northeast asia,I don't want to repeat the history,your Cossacks barbaric invaded and enslave the central Asians and Siberians,most importantly,your Cossacks did terrible things to our relatives-the Daurs,the Solons,it's a well known fact the Cossacks eat the human meat of Daurs.kill the women.And in 1900,you wipe out the population of 64 Chinese villiages north of Heilongjiang(the people of those villiages were bannermen).Your trash army sent by your criminal czar Nicolas II occupated whole Manchuria,all Russian army did there were kill,rape and loot,just like your white army did later,and your red army did in 1945,the elders of northeast China said,the sodiers of red army even raped the dead horses,as a person of native Manchurian origin,I hate Russia,and will never change
The Russian Cossacks are most savage and criminal people of northeast asia,I don't want to repeat the history,your Cossacks barbaric invaded and enslave the central Asians and Siberians,most importantly,your Cossacks did terrible things to our relatives-the Daurs,the Solons,it's a well known fact the Cossacks eat the human meat of Daurs.kill the women.And in 1900,you wipe out the population of 64 Chinese villiages north of Heilongjiang(the people of those villiages were bannermen).Your trash army sent by your criminal czar Nicolas II occupated whole Manchuria,all Russian army did there were kill,rape and loot,just like your white army did later,and your red army did in 1945,the elders of northeast China said,the sodiers of red army even raped the dead horses,as a person of native Manchurian origin,I hate Russia,and will never change
Russian soldiers - men of honor. There no army in the world, who would value honor higher than the Russian / Soviet army. At the expense of "Cossacks ate meat of people " - it's all horror-fantastic. Orthodox Christian, even in his nightmare can not afford such a thing.
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