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NWA operation: Pakistan hoodwinked world community into thinking operation is fruitful: NDS

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Rules be damned.. Eh ? @Jungibaaz @Aeronaut

Rules be damned? You wot?
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Have been hearing this from the time of Rah-e-haq way back in 2006-7 and year after year of such ops. But every year, the militancy in Pakistan is stronger than the previous year, the attacks by terrorists are bolder and more spectacular. As I said, Insanity is doing the same mistake again and again and yet expecting different results. Do a search on the forum and read a thread called "The Monkey Trap" based on an article written in 2002. You will know what I mean (only if you read it with an open mind)

Oh you think you're views on the matter are unique? I hate to tell you, I hold the typical Pakistani view and judging by what you've said here and what was written in that article you posted, you hold the very typical, completely expected, confused Indian view. Let me assure you, it is.

Just you watch the way our military handles probably the toughest insurgency situation anywhere in the world, outside of Iraq (in the mid-2000's) and Afghanistan. The need to route extremism is not a job for the army nor can army's police. The government if it ever does succeed in this, it will only succeed when the army makes way for it through these operations.

If you knew as much as you think you know, you'd know that the army op's conducted since 2008 have been model counter insurgency ops, where the military has declared it clear, where it has provided a permanent presence, where it has built and aided the building of civilian infrastructure, the taliban have been completely externalized.

The problem itself still plagues Pakistan because no borders exist within the nation and no borders exist between Afghanistan and Pakistan, so the fact that both Afghanistan and FATA have remained affected means that the insurgency spreads and is not contained, now that NW is being cleared, the very last stronghold of the taliban will be destroyed, their ability to group within our borders, build bombs, take shelter, regain strength is severely diminished. The army are not fools, they will do whatever they can to make sure this area remains clean, whether that means making choke points to deny large scale movement of militants and arms or hitting them at home in Afghanistan, it will be done.

Mark my words, mark my words, I said before that insurgency will really only come to an end after 2013, and now look 2014 and the op we've been waiting for 3 years has commenced. We are now more optimistic than ever about defeating the militants and the people are by and large on our side, not just here but also in the tribal areas.

Spill over from Afghanistan is the name of the game now, for PA to mop up whenever needed, fighting an internal monster, long gone will be those days soon.

if the afghani intelligence had such knowledge, why the hell did they not stop these groups from entering afghanistan?

They're always pulling bluffs and when they're not, they're on the run, running with their tail between their legs.

They may or may not have yielded tactical results, but as I said, every year the terrorists seem to be getting stronger and their attacks bolder. So definitely the over all strategy does not seem to be successful.

Part in bold, proves you're unsure, good poker facet though I must say.

Terrorists seem to be getting weaker, back in '08 they controlled land, heaps of land, now they're very last piece of land is being taken form them without mercy. Their attacks are less frequent, and being limited.

Tell me, when you apply pressure and restraint to a mad animal, does it make less noise or more? Back then they were contesting land, now they're fighting to keep whatever scraps they can find, back then they were consolidating gains, now they consolidate whatever is left either here or in their refuge in Afghanistan. Back then they had the reach and intention of attacking anything and everything, now they specifically target the military, mostly at home, we've bled, but our shaheed and our military machine has soldiered on and absorbed whatever they'd had to throw. All previous steps in this war have led up to this, this is the grand finale and wewill be victorious.
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Say what you will, we did what the US (the greatest power in the world) and their allies (the most powerful alliances in the world) combined could not do in 12 years.

We did it with less resources, less money, absorbing far far more casualties and absorbing the damage done to every part of our nation. And our war was internal, we were not invaders that could afford to have a more easy approach.

And when Pakistani army will be conducting Zarb-e-azb 4 in 2017, I will be glad to say "I told you so" :)

Bookmark this thread.

When that day comes, call me back here and we'll see who's right.
They may or may not have yielded tactical results, but as I said, every year the terrorists seem to be getting stronger and their attacks bolder. So definitely the over all strategy does not seem to be successful.

You think they are getting stronger and their attacks bolder? The place where we are operating right now, is the last remaining stronghold for these scumbags. Obviously, the extremism will have to be dealt with but the organized manner and resourcefulness will be gone. I believe you either aren't taking off the lens of bias off or must have made a mistake in your assessments of the situation to speak of it like that. One just has to look what they controlled back then and where they are left today to get a good enough idea. Its hopping borders only for there is little land to remain on, for them.
The army's fully focussed on eliminating all terrorist havens within Pakistan. When they got serious about swat, the taliban were pushed out- this was after they'd established a strong base! There was collateral damage during the operation but look at it now- it's still recovering but if land/property prices are anything to go by, wow what a recovery it'll be!

Since the operation started, it seems like terrorist activities have taken a dramatic drop! I think that in itself is evidence enough that they're not leaving anyone! This will be the start of a golden age for Pakistan. Hopefully we'll experience something similar to what India experienced 10+ years ago, and China 30/40 years previously.

Try putting your blind anti-pakistani agenda aside for a minute and you'll see black from white.
I wouldnt take anything the NDS says very seriously

their azzes are burning because their TTP buddies are being converted and skewered into minced beef

and whatever is acceptable to NDS or not acceptable to NDS - I dont think the Pakistani Security Apparatus gives two damns; it's our war and we'll fight it the way we want to
That's not even a proper news site

Just in case someone's interested:


This is what I m getting.

Anyway, look who is talking! An Indian asset in the region.
Insanity is defined as continuously repeating the same action expecting a different result. That's what Pakistan is doing. Trying to hit at terrorists selectively, which it has tried many times in the past and failed. The only achievement that comes out of such an act is the misery for its citizens (IDPs), a few million dollars aid from the west, some of which is used to line the pockets of the politicians and the generals and deaths of a few non consequential militants and scores of innocent civilian in collateral damage or diseases and injuries at the IDP camps.Success is declared, till the next ground op with a fancier Urdu name ;)

and meanwhile, india sits back while naxals, assamese, tamils and a plethora of other insurrectionist/rebel/terrorist groups make a mockery of the indian constitution and india's security

Swat was over-taken by the TTP (Fazlullah faction) and the "urdu name" operation Rah e Rast drove them out like cattle (those that actually survived). Swat is TTP-free, probably much to your chagrine ;)

and nobody said that every battle has been succesful; but the war will be succesful and is already showing results of being successful. The enemy has lost considerable territory, and while the security environment remains complex and fluid - acts of terrorism against the Pakistan state have declined drastically since 2008/09

believe whatever you want though, if it makes you feel a bit better
And the Russians had no hand in supplying surface to air weaponry to separatist forces in Ukraine. Yup, thats true as well if this is.
Have been hearing this from the time of Rah-e-haq way back in 2006-7 and year after year of such ops. But every year, the militancy in Pakistan is stronger than the previous year, the attacks by terrorists are bolder and more spectacular. As I said, Insanity is doing the same mistake again and again and yet expecting different results. Do a search on the forum and read a thread called "The Monkey Trap" based on an article written in 2002. You will know what I mean (only if you read it with an open mind)

What you know about Rah e Haq?

Do you know some such drunkards like NDS were saying Taliban reached capital and about to capture Pakistan and Bajaur is the test. It was cleared soon and also Swat.despite involvement of so many anti-Pakistan countries and their spy agencies.

As far as the monkey trap well we have a Zoo across the border where guardians of these monkeys give them asylum every time we start an operation so obviously when they let these monkeys free once again they come with harsher bombings against Pakistan.
And why should we go after Haqqani network? It's not like ANA would ever go after TTP in Kunar and Nuristan. The Afghan government would always remain hostile and backstabbing like the Afghan people themselves are in general.

For states, there's no right or wrong. It's all about interests. A direct confrontation with Haqqani network is not in Pakistan's interest. At best, they should be asked to leave Pakistani soil. That's about it.
And the Russians had no hand in supplying surface to air weaponry to separatist forces in Ukraine. Yup, thats true as well if this is.

Well Soviets also used proxies in Pakistan back in the day.

Amrika went in and big. Bought motherlands at home and trained an army of mujahids like they are doing in Iraq. They went big in Japan.

History and I mean 600 years of history suggests western elite does not give a damn about other people. Hell not their own people.

Just like any mafia, they will slaughter their momies if the time comes. I bet they will.

Solution: The day scientists disassociate themselves from Amrika, Israel and so on - - The pumped up queens will fall crashing down.

Western power lies in their technology.

Money printing press is NOT their power. Economic and financial models are evolutionary. For better. Sometimes for worse too.
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