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Zaid hamid on Israel and pakistan

Sir Zaid Hamid is a great Pakistani intellectual and a patriot. I wish Pakistanis elect him as the President or PM someday.
Lolz only Indians have the witts to elect psycos like Modi and Subramaniam Sawami.
We are happy to elect moderates. People like ZH are just independent thinkers free to talk and nothing more in Pak.
But in your country they have this kind in government offices. Sarcasm is not needed here. shouting terrorist terrorist doesn't proove your cause mate
lmao, Mumbai through a periscope guy ? :sick:

he's like the Alex Jones of Pakistan, and like Alex, he may have a few good points but he's mostly :cuckoo:
Lolz only Indians have the witts to elect psycos like Modi and Subramaniam Sawami.
We are happy to elect moderates. People like ZH are just independent thinkers free to talk and nothing more in Pak.
But in your country they have this kind in government offices. Sarcasm is not needed here. shouting terrorist terrorist doesn't proove your cause mate

look pakistani, modi is a political leader who is working for the development of india. modi is a strong leader who is supported by people of india. unlike modi, zaid-hamid do is just bark in every TV show and speaking his idiotic ideas which nobody but pakistanis will lesson. i watched his two tv stunts and i can't stop laughing... what he says is utter blunder, he don't even know what is happening around him. and you are calling him a moderate, independent thinker?? very pathetic.
you mention Subramaniam Sawami here, you know who he is? he talks about things only if he is 100% sure. he accuse any one only if he had a solid proof on that. i want ask you 1 thing did zaid-hamid ever show any proof of what is saying??? No, he didn't he just want him famous through channels. he always talks about matters he really don't know. so don't compare a fool with two legends.
Sir Zaid Hamid is a great Pakistani intellectual and a patriot. I wish Pakistanis elect him as the President or PM someday.
only our neighbors elect psychopath as their leaders :P and then defend that psychopath with pride ( aab ki baar psychopath sarkar ) most popular slogan in indian history
Went to Panipat for Ghazwa Hind. Didn't know that it lies in Jat state of Haryana. Now you can see fuckeer returning back after Ghazwa Behind.

you mention Subramaniam Sawami here, you know who he is? he talks about things only if he is 100% sure. he accuse any one only if he had a solid proof on that. i want ask you 1 thing did zaid-hamid ever show any proof of what is saying??? No, he didn't he just want him famous through channels. he always talks about matters he really don't know. so don't compare a fool with two legends.

You are delusional, he just said to drop a nuke on Pakistan recently. He is a drunk and an idiot. Pseudo intellectual, Doctor of bullshit.
You are delusional, he just said to drop a nuke on Pakistan recently. He is a drunk and an idiot. Pseudo intellectual, Doctor of bullshit.

ZH IS shouting his balls out since last many years for annihilation of India through Gahzwa e hind !
now its time to whether you can take action or just Air
aab rocket phekho iserale pe
you have chance and reason to do so..
Sir. ZH .. can destroy iseral but only in talk show...

You are delusional, he just said to drop a nuke on Pakistan recently. He is a drunk and an idiot. Pseudo intellectual, Doctor of bullshit.
, he just said to drop a nuke on Pakistan recently
did he?
he can .. but ..
i also head from his bleesd mind that ghost come oon n horse with sword to hlp PA aginast IA in 65..
ZH IS shouting his balls out since last many years for annihilation of India through Gahzwa e hind !

Has Zaid Hamid been a politician? No he is a tv pundit with no influence in politics. Indians treat him like he is prime minister of Pakistan or maybe because he caused Indian butthurt everytime he speaks.

Your idiot Sawami was a politician and calls himself a doctor and then makes drunk rants on tv. I think yours is worse.
Has Zaid Hamid been a politician? No he is a tv pundit with no influence in politics. Indians treat him like he is prime minister of Pakistan or maybe because he caused Indian butthurt everytime he speaks.

Your idiot was a politician and calls himself a doctor and then makes drunk rants on tv. I think yours is worse.

whats the value of politicians in Pakistan ! those having support of armed forces establishment really matter. ZH is pet monkey Security establishment.
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