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More than 20 dead, doctor says, as anti-China riots spread in Vietnam

where are the ASEAN friends?

AEAN friends are enjoying the show. If the unstable situation continues, investor will lose confidence to this government, and flee from Vietnam to other ASEAN countries.

wet dream.

unarmored Chinese were killed in Tienanmen. The murderers are sitting in Peking.

Some rioters were criminals at the first place actually, they burned PLA soldiers alive to ashes, they started first, I hope you know the truth. The so called "innocent" were really that innocent?
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When two counries consulted what would write in the treaty, the Man Qing government ordered Li Hongzhang should ask a good deal from Japan. Li did the best but Ito Hirobumi only answered" As a senior diplomat, you should know Weak countries have no diplomatic!" Now China's GDP is twice more than Japan and will overtake USA as the biggest economy in the world, you cannot understand that is what kind of shame and feeling from "Sick man of East Asia" to a super power with 1.4 billon people.
First u guys must feel ashamed when letting ur poor kids frozen and starving to death in the Trash bin. dont think abt being the biggest economy in the world, just try to help ur fellow to have enough warm shelter and healthy food first.
Vietnam is really the one which has to hope that China's government was not involved,
otherwise it would real be a terrible shame that a large amount of Vietnamese people easily incited and controlled by their "enemy" -to bring harm to their own country.

I watched the news from HK, they even damaged Japanese and Korean factories.
The Japanese officer asked for reparation from Vietnam.
well, Vietnam history has seen many times that our people cooperated with Chinese to topple the government.
why the rioters damaged Japanese and Korean factories? because they are hooligans, they do not care of nationalities.
It doesn't matter, we are just having our popcorn show by watching you guys destroying your own economy.

While now Japan and South Korea are in agreement to launch a free trade zone in East Asia with China taking the lead.

Sometimes to get too serious with the geopolitic games, too much emotional outburst has ruined decades of your fruitful outcome from your economic reform. :coffee:
Yeah, just sit and watch VN to have a closer relationship with US-EU and kick all illegal Chinese out of our land

Go work illegaly in our countries, its not safe for Chinese there.:pop:
well, Vietnam history has seen many times that our people cooperated with Chinese to topple the government.
why the rioters damaged Japanese and Korean factories? because they are hooligans, they do not care of nationalities.

You guys got seriously trolled by CPC this time, now enjoying the coming consequence. :haha:

Yeah, just sit and watch VN to have a closer relationship with US-EU and kick all illegal Chinese out of our land

Go work illegaly in our countries, its not safe for Chinese there.:pop:

Your sagging economy will be a huge liability for them to help you.

Now this is a one stone two birds by CPC, not only ruining your economy, but also to sabotage the TPP.

You are just scaring off those potential investing capitals from the US and EU, because these are private capitals, they care more about the safety of their investment than to appease the geopolitic need of their government.
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It doesn't matter, we are just having our popcorn show by watching you guys destroying your own economy.

While now Japan and South Korea are in agreement to launch a free trade zone in East Asia with China taking the lead.

Sometimes to get too serious with the geopolitic games, too much emotional outburst has ruined decades of your fruitful outcome from your economic reform. :coffee:
it is too early at this stage to say China is the winner.

haven´t you forgotten you have escalated the tension?
Then u should join the army and stand in the front line, we will send u home in body bag after few hours like in 1979 .:pop:
I can read a Viet mentality like a cheap book. They like talk tough, boasting about their "greatness" among comrades, hit their wife/gf when they are drunk, reminisence on the good ol days.
it is too early to say China is the winner.

haven´t you forgotten you have escalated the tension?

So what? Have you seen the recent tension between China and Japan? Meanwhile Japan is still willing to launch the free trade zone in East Asia with China, because this is far more important to their national benefits than few tiny islands in the ECS.

Business is still business, even we are disliking each other, but we will still not discontinue our business with each other. :coffee:
Oh, please, did you read the article from the first news !???
Reuters news was inform by Vietnamese contributor, and she is nobody to confirm the number with International news.

Vietnamese Government announced it official: Only one dead until now. Unless Vietnamese Govt lied to everyone.

Oh, Could they !???

Coming from an Authoritarian Oppressive state.... Seems most likely.
So what? Have you seen the recent tension between China and Japan? Meanwhile Japan is still willing to launch the free trade zone in East Asia with China, because this is far more important to their national benefits than few tiny islands in the ECS.

Business is still business, even we are disliking each other, but we will still not discontinue our business with each other. :coffee:
when will China and Japan sign the pact? this year? next year? will Xi Jinging meet with Shinzo Abe? this year?
Japan will stage soon a military excise next to your door. Let see how you react. I will enjoy the show.

if you haven´t noticed Vietnam mit ASEAN and China have signed free trade pact years ago. And Vietnam and China both keep talking despite the dispute and current tension.
when will China and Japan sign the pact? this year? next year? will Xi Jinging meet with Shinzo Abe? this year?
Japan will stage soon a military excise next to your door. Let see how you react. I will enjoy the show.

if you haven´t noticed Vietnam mit ASEAN and China have signed free trade pact years ago. And Vietnam and China both keep talking despite the dispute and current tension.

EU and Russia look like they will have war soon, but are they cutting the economic tie with each other?

Kid, your mind is too simpleton for the modern geopolitic, it is far more complicated than you thought. :coffee:
EU and Russia look like they will have war soon, but are they cutting the economic tie with each other?

Kid, your mind is too simpleton for the modern geopolitic, it is far more complicated than you thought. :coffee:
the likelyhood that EU and Russia goes to war is virtually non-existent.
Not war, but America and EU (especially Germany) are taking steps to increase economics sanctions on Russia.

you are more clueless than I thought :lol:
the likelyhood that EU and Russia goes to war is virtually non-existent.
Not war, but America and EU (especially Germany) are taking steps to increase economics sanctions on Russia.

you are more clueless than I thought :lol:

The so-called war drum is just bluffing, and i doubt that EU would even follow a full economic sanction against Russia.

BTW, we are just getting delightful after seeing you guys getting mad by shooting on your own foot. :coffee:
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actually I welcome the news. Vietnam and China should talk more and ram less at sea. the tension fuels the domestic unrest and harms everybody. That is not in China interest, if thing gets out of control in Vietnam. It is not wise, if you push Vietnam into the corner. Learn history.

Nobody corner you, you corner yourself into this situation. This kind of word has no threating effect on China today.

At one hand, US is trying very hard to ignite colour revolution and regime change in vietnam, let it become another egypt and ukrain. at other hand, you choose to make China your No 1 enemy. The time for vietnam ahead will be really tough. We will see

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