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Indian Navy point-blank refuses Chinese navy chief’s request


Mar 10, 2014
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The Indian Navy had to politely refuse an unusual request from the Chinese navy chief, Wu Shengli, when he came aboard one of India’s frontline stealth warships, INS Shivalik this week and wanted to be shown the Combat Information Centre (CII) or the all-important tactical room of the frigate.

It was learnt that Indian officers declined Wu’s request–considered a major break from established protocol followed by navies around the world -- saying since the ship was in the harbour, the room was locked and was not open to outsiders.

But Wu insisted on seeing the room and his aides attempted to convince the Indian side that the Chinese admiral, member of the powerful Central Military Commission, headed by President Xi Jinping, was particularly keen to see the CIC.

At this, Wu was told that he was welcome to visit the CIC during the exercise, which was slated for the following day in the Yellow Sea.

Wu did not agree.

Soon after Wu and the rest of the PLA navy team left the Indian ship.

The incident occurred on Tuesday evening when Wu, flanked by 15 top Admirals from People’s Liberation Army (PLA) navy, marched on to Shivalik, docked in the eastern Chinese city of Qingdao where it had arrived took part in a naval exercise to mark People’s Liberation Army (PLA) navy’s 65th year of founding.

Wu was on the ship to attend the reception thrown by the 300-odd crew of the ship.

As Captain Puruvir Das, Shivalik’s commander and the Indian ambassador Ashok K Kantha escorted Wu and his officers to tour the vessel, Wu said he wanted to see a specific room – the CIC; the CIC is considered to be the “nerve centre” of any warship, a room with its equipment that could give a senior navy officer a sharp insight into the ship’s strengths and capabilities.

The Indian side were taken unawares by Wu’s request as it is unheard of for the chief of a navy to make a request to see the CIC of another country’s warship; China itself is not known to throw open its warship CICs to military officers from other countries.

Sources said Wu broke away from protocol by asking to see the CIC. It was learnt that Captain Das explained to Wu that he was not in a position to take him to the CIC but would gladly give him a tour of the rest of the ship.

Chinese officers were given more access to the Shivalik this time than in 2012 when it had come to Shanghai.

Sources said the Chinese officers were very interested in Shivalik and was surprised that it had sailed all the way from Port Blair without any escort vessel or any other supervisory officer on board other than Captain Das himself.

Das refused to comment on the Wu Shengli incident and instead said that the exercise went off smoothly and that he was looking forward to engaging with the Chinese navy more frequently and deeply.

“This was the highest engagement with the Chinese navy we have had so far. But we do not want to stop at this and every year the level should go higher and higher,” Das told HT.

“We brought a Chetak helicopter that was deployed during the exercise which was an anti-hijack operation. Three ships, one each from China, Indonesia and India took part in the exercise,” Das said.

Ships from Pakistan, Singapore, Brunei and Bangladesh participated in the exercise carried out in different groups.

Indian Navy point-blank refuses Chinese navy chief’s request - Hindustan Times

Yeah indeed it is rude ..... IN officials would have allowed Chinese to visit INS Shivaliks command center so that Chinese will figure out the secrets :triniti:.

People around the world fear to travel to china with their laptops and mobiles because of hacking fears ...... :lol:

Indian Navy ship draws large crowds at Chinese port
BEIJING: The Indian Navy's stealth frigate, INS Shivalik, drew large crowds at the Chinese port of Qingdao when it was opened for public viewing today while several dignitaries including the top brass of the PLA Navy attended a reception hosted on its deck.

Over 1,500 people visited the ship today that included 400 cadets of the Chinese navy, Indian Ambassador to China, Ashok K Kantha who also hosted a reception on its deck told PTI here.

It was an excellent response both fro ..

Read more at:
Indian Navy ship draws large crowds at Chinese port - The Economic Times
Not a good gesture by chinese chief..... and isn't these visits planned in advance like where they will go, what they will do.... seems like breaking of protocols.... anyways he should not have done this.... will not be seen as a mature thing
Russian Navy chief making such a request makes some sense, if not complete, but Chinese? :bunny:
Russian Navy chief making such a request makes some sense, if not complete, but Chinese? :bunny:

Assuming that someone is your enemy, is a self-fulfilling prophecy, like what Nehru did with his Forward Policy.
The Chinese navy chief has eyes or scanners?-
Why so much scared?-
One question .... How the hell this incident reach to the press :woot:

And why the hell he is showing interest in Indian ship when all of the comrades ( here atleast ) belive its sh@t :rofl:

Assuming that someone is your enemy, is a self-fulfilling prophecy, like what Nehru did with his Forward Policy.
In other words
Assuming someone is your friend or brother is also a is a self-fulfilling prophecy, like what Nehru did with China

Never drop your guard. World is not place to make friends.
Assuming that someone is your enemy, is a self-fulfilling prophecy, like what Nehru did with his Forward Policy.

it is CIC..... indian and china are not that close in military ties also china is the major defense suppler of pakistan so any exposure of india's frontline stealth warships capability to china is a thread....
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