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Panaji: Only one Nigerian out of 52 arrested last month had passport, says police


Dec 11, 2013
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Panaji: Only one Nigerian out of 52 arrested last month had passport, says police

Panaji: Goa police today said that out of the 52 Nigerians who were arrested for staging a violent protest on the national highway in the state last month, only one could produce a valid passport.

Around 38 of them had no passports at all. Of the rest, some did not have original passports but produced photocopies, police said.One of them had a "permit" to stay in India (but no passport).

All of them were arrested on September 31 after they staged a blockade on the highway to protest murder of a fellow Nigerian.

The arrests sparked off a diplomatic row between and India and Nigeria.In the aftermath, Goa government formed a special cell to crack down on the foreigners living illegally in the state.
It the normal way to gain indefinite stay in a foreign country. That is what all illegal immigrants do. Get into the desired country and destroy passport and all identification papers. The country can never deport them back because their mother country will not accept them without any proof that they belong to her in the first place.
It the normal way to gain indefinite stay in a foreign country. That is what all illegal immigrants do. Get into the desired country and destroy passport and all identification papers. The country can never deport them back because their mother country will not accept them without any proof that they belong to her in the first place.
but why India ?? :-) not that we are bad or something but if you are travelling so far from Nigeria you could have simply jump into europe and play football or something:crazy:.. we dont even have ethnic black population , how are they gonna "blend" in???They will always have to answer that they are from Africa
but why India ?? :-) not that we are bad or something but if you are travelling so far from Nigeria you could have simply jump into europe and play football or something:crazy:.. we dont even have ethnic black population , how are they gonna "blend" in???They will always have to answer that they are from Africa

True, but what are we going to do about it ?

We cannot deport them back so we either have to put them in Jail where they will get free food and housing, or let them be. They know this and hence exploit this loophole.
How come the cops or the Goa administration wasn't aware of this? It's been going on for years. No prizes for guessing why! But I wonder how much bribe the cops and the politician/babu nexus were taking from these fellows to allow them to set up camp illegally?
but why India ?? not that we are bad or something but if you are travelling so far from Nigeria you could have simply jump into europe and play football or something.. we dont even have ethnic black population , how are they gonna "blend" in???They will always have to answer that they are from Africa

India is very easygoing place to be in. There are more than 50,000 "white" illegal immigrants in India. A hell lot of foreigners do not want to leave India once they are here for a while. This is true of Europeans, Russians, Israelis, Iranians, and Africans too.

Lot of money to be made in the drug trade. Lot of them open up hotels or become tour operators.
but why India ?? :-) not that we are bad or something but if you are travelling so far from Nigeria you could have simply jump into europe and play football or something:crazy:.. we dont even have ethnic black population , how are they gonna "blend" in???They will always have to answer that they are from Africa

Not every nigerian is footballer..there is huge african population in Diva & Mumbra (Suburbs of Thane). There are at least 2 africans working in my company which is a financial KPO in Mumbai...Most of them come here for education, jobs, medical treatments, business etc.
Not every nigerian is footballer..there is huge african population in Diva & Mumbra (Suburbs of Thane). There are at least 2 africans working in my company which is a financial KPO in Mumbai...Most of them come here for education, jobs, medical treatments, business etc.
we were discussing about the illegal ones ,one who has lost passport as reported in the post, who possibly don`t have any academic achievements or useful skills and have no intention of returning to their home nation ..unlike the respectable gentlemen/ladies colleagues of yours as you've mentioned...
BTW being able to play football is one useful skill and my post was probably inappropriate and sounded like racial stereotyping for which I m sorry
but why India ?? :-) not that we are bad or something but if you are travelling so far from Nigeria you could have simply jump into europe and play football or something:crazy:.. we dont even have ethnic black population , how are they gonna "blend" in???They will always have to answer that they are from Africa

We actually have ethnic Black population, they are called Siddis.

Siddi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Deport all foreigners who don't have a valid passport or visa .
If they were allowed to vote the congress would have protested against minority harassment.

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