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She has a Chinese mother and a Pakistani father.

I believe @Developereo is not being racial, he is just stating stereotypes in media. (movies , tv series etc)

I answered a question which had been raised and the reason has to do with stereotypes.
I did not say that the stereotypes were justified, merely that they exist.

He is just being his usual drama queen.
You're the one turning a perfectly friendly thread into a flame war, too bad you lack the intelligence to see that. :lol:
Evil villians, nerds and martial artists, alright.
Now what about you guys? Have you seen Homeland, 24, or any other TV series in existence?

I remember a documentary on all Asian American male actors who have acted in Hollywood movies - and they came out in the open on how they are stereotyped and marginalised. One of the actors even revealed how in one movie, the East Asian male hero had to 'die' in the story to make way for a white hero to bring the movie to an 'acceptable' end.

East Asian women have always been seen as objects of desire and you don't need hollywood for that. Most American news channels have quietly worked up this East Asian News Dolly image for people to be glued to their news. Any mass media student would concur with me !

On the other hand, just like Afro American cinema, there is a huge undercurrent of Asian American cinema that has not surfaced, nor been enouraged by the big studios. I just wish, the stereotypes were bashed by Asians who start casting themselves for these roles.. but that's too utopian.
Food is extremely important in Chinese culture. Possibly because Chinese history is filled with famines and other such events.

Oh, personal attacks. How typical. :lol:

You're the one who posted this:

And I have as yet not mentioned any stereotypes about you guys, despite it being the biggest negative stereotype of our age.

Dood I'm sure Developereo isn't trying to be offensive.
I answered a question which had been raised and the reason has to do with stereotypes.
I did not say that the stereotypes were justified, merely that they exist.

He is just being his usual drama queen.

Yet more personal attacks. :lol:

Very typical. You can't argue to save your own life, so of course you always resort to personal attacks.
Yet more personal attacks. :lol:

Very typical. You can't argue to save your own life, so of course you always resort to personal attacks.

That's not a personal attack.
It is describing your tendency to find offence where none exists.

You don't seem to understand how sociological studies function to explain people's behavior. The piece linked proposes explanations for an observed social phenomenon.
That's not a personal attack.
It is describing your tendency to find offence where none exists.

You don't seem to understand how sociological studies function to explain people's behavior. The piece linked proposes explanations for an observed social phenomenon.

Your comprehension skills fail yet again. :lol:

Two personal attacks in a row:

How is it a flame war, except in your drama-queen delusional blob that passes for a mind?

He is just being his usual drama queen.

Are you able to read the things that you type?
Your comprehension skills fail yet again. :lol:

Two personal attacks in a row:

No, it is perfectly apropos to describe your reactions as a drama queen, since you're keen to find offence where none exists.

Let me illustrate by example:

If you said that harassment of Muslims is due to negative stereotypes, then it would be a correct statement. It does NOT mean that the harassment is justified, but the existence of stereotypes is a fact (albeit an unfair one).

Similarly, if someone says that Asian men are seen in a particular way due to stereotypes, then it is a fact, regardless of the fact that the stereotypes may be unfair.

To point out that certain stereotypes exist is not tantamount to validating them.
No, it is perfectly apropos to describe your reactions as a drama queen, since you're keen to find offence where none exists.

Let me illustrate by example:

If you said that harassment of Muslims is due to negative stereotypes, then it would be a correct statement. It does NOT mean that the harassment is justified, but the existence of stereotypes is a fact (albeit an unfair one).

Similarly, if someone says that Asian men are seen in a particular way due to stereotypes, then it is a fact, regardless of the fact that the stereotypes may be unfair.

To point out that certain stereotypes exist is not tantamount to validating them.

Yet another personal attack. Well done. :cheers:

That is three in a row now.

You see how this thread went from positive to negative, just from your arrival.
facepalm CD. i thought the tantrums were limited against the indians; it seems it is a character trait instead.
Developereo and Chinese Dragon have a long history, so I wouldn't be surprised if he is :lol:

Developereo once posted a thread called "Why China will choose India over Pakistan".

And his goal here seems to be to prove his original theory correct, by getting into flame wars with Chinese members.

If I had to guess, it would be because Developereo himself is a Gujarati originally from India. That would explain a lot. :P
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