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Wrong...China? Perhaps. But the PRC...Debatable at best. China for sixty years under the PRC produced nothing that contributed to the advancement of humanity.

What I will agree with is that the PRC has certainly NOT adequately reflected upon the atrocities - mainly internal (with minor exception such as the war on Vietnam on behalf of Pol Pot) - to this day.

"Advancement of humanity" is a tall order. First, let's stop creating problems for humanity.

Then, perhaps we can all speak of advancement.
What I will agree with is that the PRC has certainly NOT adequately reflected upon the atrocities - mainly internal (with minor exception such as the war on Vietnam on behalf of Pol Pot) - to this day.

"Advancement of humanity" is a tall order. First, let's stop creating problems for humanity.

Then, perhaps we can all speak of advancement.
Then what do you call communism? Or how would you whitewash the atrocities done in its name?
also check the following content up, that is written in your previous official language:


And you are one to talk about anyone's "official language"? :rofl:

Apart from your unbridled idiocy, it's "未来" you semi-literate buffoon ...

For the record, I did "thank" you for one single useful post elsewhere ;)
Wrong...China? Perhaps. But the PRC...Debatable at best. China for sixty years under the PRC produced nothing that contributed to the advancement of humanity.

"One country, two systems" is a brilliant idea that on one but Mr. Deng of PRC invented. (BTW, I personally disagree with many of Deng’s other ideas.)

It is brilliant because it preserves the peace and wealth of different ideologies/societies and let people peacefully co-exist.

It is brilliant because it allows people to contrast, to compete, to influence over the time… between different systems, peacefully.

It is brilliant that it is a result of superior negotiation technology not seen many since Sun Tzu time, based on estimation, persuasion, coercion, and finally reconciliation. (That is why I suggested last time you read Game Theory.)

BTW, if you brush off lifting huge portion if the world population from poverty/illiteracy, the only great deed the world witnesses only once since its creation, recognized and hailed by the United Nations as miracle, is “nothing”, I bet you have a serious problem. Trust me.
"One country, two system" is a brilliant idea that on one but Mr. Deng of PRC invented. (BTW, I personally disagree with many of Deng’s other ideas.)

It is brilliant because it preserves the peace and wealth of different ideologies/societies and let people peacefully co-exist.

It is brilliant because it allows people to contrast, to compete, to influence over the time… between different systems, peacefully.

It is brilliant that it is a result of superior negotiation technology not seen many since Sun Tzu time, based on estimation, persuasion, coercion, and finally reconciliation. (That is why I suggested last time you read Game Theory.)
Grooaaannn...To put it bluntly...To get behind the whitewash...It is an acknowlegement that 'we screwed up when we swallowed wholesale what the Russians spewed out'.

BTW, if you brush off lifting huge portion if the world population from poverty/illiteracy, the only great deed the world witnesses only once since its creation, recognized and hailed by the United Nations as miracle, is “nothing”, I bet you have a serious problem. Trust me.
The PRC had no choice because without 'the people' there would be no country. Even dictatorial regimes recognize there is a need to at least give minimum stewardship to those whom they lord over. To geniunely contribute to the advancement of humanity, the country would have to break beyond its borders, to export ideas and products that cater to or enhance basic human needs. So what had the PRC for the last sixty years produced that would constitute a 'contribution'? How to barbeque human flesh?
So for the past sixty years under communist rule, what have China done other than adopt and adapt technologies, and from technologies not of her own creation at that, into 'weapons'? Whose fault is that? The Zionists again? No...Do not blame what the US does in Iraq or its incompetence that resulted in the Chinese embassy in Belgrade incident. Those are red herring arguments designed to distract from the real issue -- that despite a second to none ancient history in technology, nothing good came out of China for the past sixty years while under communist rule.

I will respond to this one instead, Mr. Gambit. I can see where you are coming from. We will not launch into a debate whether China was/is in fact "Communist", or whether "Communism" is attainable under earthly conditions at all.

There is Maoism/Leninism, and there is socialism with "Chinese characteristics". These different trees have borne different fruits, which have been witnessed by all in China.

America sells "Democracy", yet practices barely concealed Plutocracy. This is also beyond the scope of discussion here.

BTW, my "figures of speech" have not been well received in this place, I realize that. But when I used the term "Great Plutocracy" - I meant exactly that. The Plutocracy may be to a significant extent merit-based, which gives it life and staying power ...

I could mean BHO himself, Gary Lock, Bobby Jindal, or Zalmay Khalilzad - backed by the entire Anglo-American/Judeo-Christian establishment, with vested, globalized interest.

If I wish to talk about cultural Marxism, I'll bring up the "Frankfurt School"; if I want to pin faults on someone for the Iraqi debacle, I'll discuss the Likud-Neocon-Hageeist unholy Troika and their Yankee and non-Yankee drum-beaters and front men and women.

But no, I did not mention the Zionists for a reason - that it doesn't apply - at least not as often as some tend to think. Not all who sympathize with secular Zionism are radical Zionists.

And not all who are pro-Palestinian rights are against secular Zionism - with boundaries.

So don't put words in my mouth.
Grooaaannn...To put it bluntly...To get behind the whitewash...It is an acknowlegement that 'we screwed up when we swallowed wholesale what the Russians spewed out'.

The PRC had no choice because without 'the people' there would be no country. Even dictatorial regimes recognize there is a need to at least give minimum stewardship to those whom they lord over. To geniunely contribute to the advancement of humanity, the country would have to break beyond its borders, to export ideas and products that cater to or enhance basic human needs. So what had the PRC for the last sixty years produced that would constitute a 'contribution'? How to barbeque human flesh?

PRC had no choice when it inherited a poor China from US supported KMT.

In contrast, India, with the same poorness in the begin, with a your-fancy democratic system, still has choices to keep its people in poverty. Isn’t US-pushed democracy more evil than communism, in that it event not “give minimum stewardship to those whom they lord over”?

Lifting huge portion of poor of the world from poverty, isn’t it contributing to the world, beyond PRC border?

“One country, two systems” avoids wars and keeps peace and wealth, and lets different systems compete peacefully (Yeah, you'll loose your job if the whole world is like that), isn’t it contributing to the world, beyond PRC border?

On barbequing human flesh, right, democratic US soldiers barbeque Iraqi human flesh in hundreds of thousands, if not in millions



There are no shortage of biographies from the time of the Cultural Revolution or the so-called Great Leap Forward that does not recall horrific instances and behavior that came to exemplify communism.

Yawn; feeble attempts to draw a curtain on your own fallacies and shortcomings. I could give you thousands of articles about slavery as a legalised institution in the US which caused the American Civil War. I could give thousands more about the millions America managed to kill in Iraq and is still killing in Afghanistan and in other places around the world. Capitalism doesn't paint a rosy picture either w.r.t. Communism. Societies tend to evolve on their own, through the voice of the people and fix their shortcomings; not because America has been given a stamp of Divine Intervention to put its dick into every other country's affairs.

America has made it a habit to justify any sadistic intervention and killing people around the world by its military in the name of national security. Then American's go like Oh dont debate us because you dont know what WMD means. Even you didn't know ****-all about WMD's in Iraq. What an arrogant nation America is.
Then what do you call communism? Or how would you whitewash the atrocities done in its name?

How would you whitewash the atrocities done in the name of America's national security? Just because American's view it as necessary purging of human life doesn't negate the fact that you are hated, spitted and loathed in every major part of the world.
Wrong...China? Perhaps. But the PRC...Debatable at best. China for sixty years under the PRC produced nothing that contributed to the advancement of humanity.


It's not worthwhile to argue even for a minute with a retard troll who managed to sprout this crap as a start:

" .... China for sixty years under the PRC produced nothing that contributed to the advancement of humanity".

You go to school?
the facts shown by the mr gpit capable hands of doing research is sufficient already to kick gambit intention to bash china base on the past mistakes...
i hope that everyone notice his intention of comparing this parade with the evils done by the usa regime right now.
Gambit I really dont understand what you are trying to get at. Are you telling me that when the US was going through the "Red Scear" that there were no problems in the US. The goverment BLACK LISTED so many people it wasn't even funny. Peoples reputations went down the drain like it was flowing water. Every country has its ups and downs. Its time you move on. Frankly I am inpressed at how well they are structured and are able to keep such a large army in tip top condition. It is great. Keep up the good work China.

I do have a question though what is that gun in pic 13
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