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China Economy Forum

India will grow 3.4% by market price this year while China will grow over 10% over the same period,per the latest report by OECD。

That means that,though having an economy 5 times India's,China is still growing 3 times as fast as India。

For 2014,the OECD expects India to grow at some 5% while China will gallop ahead at 12-13%。:D
Thanks Jewman Sachs for telling something the world already knows.
Zhunxing Heavy Haul Expressway Opens:enjoy:

11/20/2013 | 06:55am US/Eastern

(For immediate release)

Zhunxing Heavy Haul Expressway invested and developed by CRTG commences operation tomorrow

(20 November 2013, Hong Kong) China Resources and Transportation Group Limited ("CRTG" or the "Company", together with its subsidiaries known as the "Group") (stock code: 00269) is pleased to announce that the Inner Mongolia Zhunxing Heavy Haul Expressway invested and developed by the Company will officially open tomorrow. With a total investment of RMB15 billion, it spreads across 265 km and took three years to be completed. After commencement of its operation, the coal transportation bottlenecks in Inner Mongolia will be substantially improved, thereby laying a solid foundation for the sustainable development of local economy.

The Inner Mongolia Zhunxing Heavy Haul Expressway is a core development project under the "11th Five-year Plan" of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and "China's Western Development". The 265 km-long expressway extends towards northeast from Jungar Banner, a major coal production area of the Ordos in Inner Mongolia to Xinghe County, a major logistics hub for coal distribution in Northern China connecting with the Beijing-Tibet Expressway.

Inner Mongolia is the largest coal production base in the PRC in terms of coal reserves and output. As a major coal production area in Inner Mongolia, Jungar Banner has robust demand for coal transportation facilities because 75% of its coal production is transported to other regions.

With roadbed width of 27.75 meters, this project is designed to sustain 100-ton trucks. It has 3 eastbound lanes mainly for heavy-haul trucks and 2 westbound lanes mainly for light-haul vehicles. The estimated annual traffic capacity of the expressway is about 150 million tons, making it an essential channel to transport coal from western region of Inner Mongolia to the eastern region. The opening of the expressway is strategically important to energy resources logistics in Northern China, as it connects the coal production area with the distribution centre in the shortest, most convenient and economical way.

Moreover, the Inner Mongolia Zhunxing Heavy Haul Expressway is also one of the key networks linking up the five northwestern provinces in China (Tibet, Qinghai, Ningxia, Gansu and Inner Mongolia) with Hebei, Beijing and the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Bohai Economic Rim.

Through holding an 82.27% stake in Inner Mongolia Zhunxing Heavy Haul Expressway Company Limited ("Zhunxing"), the Company has the exclusive rights to operate this project for a 30 year-period (excluding the construction period). The Company believes that it can continuously generate stable cash inflow, thereby driving robust growth of its operations.

Mr. Cao Zhong, the Chairman of CRTG, said, "The Group has vigorously pushed ahead with the construction of this expressway. With joint efforts of entire staff, it will officially open tomorrow. This is really exciting to us. The opening of the Zhunxing Heavy Haul Expressway marks another significant achievement for the development of transportation networks in central and western Inner Mongolia. This is a masterpiece featuring advanced technology and green concept. It was developed with more than 10 state-of-the-art technologies, new materials and advanced technique, which ensure the expressway to carry fast-moving heavy-haul vehicles. During the construction period, we received enthusiastic support from local government of Inner Mongolia, leading domestic experts and scholars as well as a number of Chinese financial institutions. As a result, we can complete the project smoothly. The Zhunxing Heavy Haul Expressway is by far the largest highway investment project in Inner Mongolia made by Hong Kong companies. Its opening not only signifies that our business transformation has entered into a new phase, but also means that our operations are mounting on a fast track, thereby delivering better returns to shareholders."

CRTG - China Resources and Transportation Group Li : Zhunxing Heavy Haul Expressway invested and developed by CRTG commences operation tomorrow
China's grain output likely to rise again

Xinhua | 2013-11-22 16:33:22

By Agencies

China is likely to see another bumper year of grain production, making 2013 the 10th year in a row of increased output, the Ministry of Agriculture predicted on Friday.

It will be the first time the country has achieved 10 consecutive years of rising grain harvests since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the government agency said in a statement.

The ministry said this year's harvest, despite various challenges, including weather and pest disasters, was achieved with the help of supportive government policies, technology and disaster control efforts.

The country's grain output this summer, mostly wheat, hit a record high of 132 million tonnes, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. In 2012, its grain output climbed 3.2 percent from a year earlier to 589.57 million tonnes.

As the world's most populous nation and the largest grain consumer, China has stepped up efforts to ensure its food security, including boosting agricultural technology to increase land yield and guaranteeing the area of arable land.

China's grain output likely to rise again - BUSINESS - Globaltimes.cn
China set to overtake Japan in this year's outbound M&A deals| Reuters

* Shuanghui's $7.1 bln purchase of Smithfield tops China's outbound tally

* Share of financial sector in overall M&A up 66 pct in the past five years

* More deals seen in healthcare and technology sectors

HONG KONG, Nov 22 (Reuters) - China is set to become Asia's leader in outbound corporate acquisitions this year, ending Japan's two-year reign, as the country's appetite for overseas targets expands beyond natural resources and into areas such as food and banking.

China's biggest companies are expected to boost the volume of M&A deals next year as they seek new sources of revenue growth and more global brands to expand their reach into other markets, according to investment bankers.

So far this year, Chinese companies have launched $56.2 billion of overseas M&As, led by Shuanghui International Holdings' $7.1 billion purchase of Smithfield Foods Inc. While that is below last year's $62.1 billion tally, it is far ahead of the $40.7 billion of deals done by Japanese firms this year, according to Thomson Reuters data.

Energy and power still dominate China's outbound deals in value terms, though their share of overall M&As has fallen to 44.1 percent from 52.3 percent five years ago, the data show. By contrast, the proportion of financials has risen by two-thirds to 14.4 percent.

"Chinese financial institutions are now showing greater confidence than at any time since the global financial crisis in striking outbound deals, and we expect more M&A in this space," Colin Banfield, head of Asia-Pacific M&A at Citigroup, said.

Barclays PLC leads the league table for China's outbound deals this year, followed by Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, according to Thomson Reuters data.


Asia's share of global M&As has grown to more than 20 percent from the low single-digits 10 years ago, still well below Europe and the United States. But China, hungry for overseas growth, will push that even higher.

Earlier this month, China Construction Bank Corp agreed to buy a 72 percent stake in Banco Industrial e Comercial SA for about $720 million. Citigroup advised the Brazilian bank, while Morgan Stanley advised CCB.

China has reshuffled the top decks at some of its banks and regulators following the nation's once-in-a-decade political leadership change last year.

Bank of China Ltd appointed Tian Guoli as its chairman in May, and in the same month, Bank of Communications Co Ltd named Niu Ximing as its chairman.

As the new management teams settle into their jobs, they are expected to be more aggressive in purchasing assets - and possibly other financial institutions.

There is more urgency for Chinese banks to accelerate global growth as the leadership change is poised to precipitate more financial sector reforms, further pressuring margins, bankers said.

Among the Chinese banks on the prowl are Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd (ICBC) and Agricultural Bank of China Ltd (AgBank), which are in pursuit of two separate deals.

ICBC is in talks to buy Standard Bank Group's London trading unit, while AgBank is considering a bid for Hong Kong's Wing Hang Bank Ltd, Reuters previously reported.

Chinese buyers have also expressed interest in strong consumer and luxury brands overseas, and have managed to ink deals in that space. Still, the Shuanghui deal showed China Inc was willing to take on a different target - a large, U.S. pork producer - that came with a serious risk of political opposition. After a minor uproar, Shuanghui closed the deal.

"When we look at our own deal pipeline, the private sector is increasingly prominent," said Citigroup's Banfield, adding healthcare and tech as key sectors. "Thematically, we see a shift from the SOEs towards private sector-led M&A activity."
Sometime in early 2014, China will lay claim to leadership in yet another key global market: e-commerce.

Last year saw Chinese shoppers spend 1.3 trillion yuan ($213 billion) online, just slightly less than the $225 billion tally in the U.S. The Chinese online retailing market has grown at a scorching 71 percent compound annual growth rate since 2009, about five times as fast as its American counterpart, according to a forecast by Bain & Co.

If that trend holds, China will officially become the world’s No. 1 e-commerce market when 2013 industry statistics become available early next year. By 2015, Bain sees the Chinese market reaching $541 billion.

Bain pegs the digital penetration of China’s economy—or the value of online retail as a percentage of total retail—at 6 percent, higher than in the U.S., Japan, or Germany. Chinese shoppers love making online purchases on their phones and tablets, and smartphone use is also higher in China than the U.S. on a relative basis.

Some 8.6 percent of e-commerce transactions in China were done via mobile phones as of the end of this year’s second quarter. On Singles Day, a Chinese holiday in mid-November that’s a local twist on Valentine’s Day and the biggest online shopping day of the year, 15.3 percent of all transactions were conducted on mobile devices.

Singles Day has become an epic e-commerce event in China and is a far bigger revenue haul for Internet players than Cyber Monday in the U.S. Alibaba Group Holding, China’s largest e-commerce company, broke its one-day sales record by more than 80 percent on this year’s Singles Day, a milestone that comes ahead of an initial public offering expected sometime in 2014 that could be valued higher than Facebook. Alibaba hasn’t yet announced a timetable for the offering.

Taobao and Tmall, Alibaba’s two main e-tailing platforms, topped 35 billion yuan ($5.75 billion) in the 24-hour period, surpassing last year’s sales of 19.1 billion yuan.

Just another area China is overtaking America in :coffee:
SHANGHAI, Nov 21 (Reuters) - The Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE) may price its crude oil futures contract in yuan and use medium sour crude as its benchmark, its chairman said on Thursday, adding that the bourse is speeding up preparatory work to secure regulatory approvals.

China, which overtook the United States as the world's top oil importer in September, hopes the contract will become a benchmark in Asia and has said it would allow foreign investors to trade in the contract without setting up a local subsidiary.

"China is the only country in the world that is a major crude producer, consumer and a big importer. It has all the necessary conditions to establish a successful crude oil futures contract," Yang Maijun, SHFE chairman, said at an industry conference.

Yang's presentation slides at the conference stated that the draft proposal is for the contract to be denominated in yuan and use the type of medium sour crude that China most commonly imports.

Industry participants with direct knowledge of the plan have said the contract would be priced in the yuan, otherwise known as the renminbi, and the U.S. dollar. Yang would not say whether yuan pricing was only for Chinese investors.

"The yuan has become more international and more recognised by the financial market," Chen Bo, Chinese trading firm Unipec's executive general manager, told Reuters.

"I don't think it would be unacceptable for the world to use the renminbi for commodities trading."

The contract pricing will exclude custom tariffs and value-added tax and allow for physical delivery in bonded storage areas, Yang said.

The SHFE is awaiting Beijing's final approval to launch the contract. That may come soon as the bourse has set up an international energy trading platform in the Shanghai free-trade zone, which is touted as a testing ground for China's financial reforms, especially on yuan convertability and interest rates.

The SHFE has previously said the contract has support from China's top economic planner, the National Development and Reform Commission, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

A successful launch could pave the way for the opening of other Chinese commodities futures to more foreign investment.
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Industrialized countries still top performance index, according to new UNIDO report


VIENNA, 24 September 2013 - Despite lower industrial growth caused by the recent economic recession and a reduced share in world manufacturing output, high-income industrialized countries continue to rank highest in UNIDO’s competitive industrial performance index.

The Competitive Industrial Performance Report 2012/2013, titled The Industrial Competitiveness of Nations: Looking back, forging ahead, was launched last week at the National Research University-Higher School of Economics in Moscow. The launch was attended by a large audience representing policymaking bodies and the Russian capital’s academic and business communities, and received extensive coverage in the Russian media.

The report discusses the concept of competitiveness and industrial performance, and presents statistical data for the composite and eight base-indicators. The competitive industrial performance (CIP) index benchmarks countries’ ability to produce and export manufactured goods competitively, indicates whether structural change towards high value added technology intensive industrial sectors has taken place, and shows the impact of a country’s industrial production on the world market.

Japan ranked first in competitive industrial performance, followed by Germany and the United States. Among other major industrialized economies, the Republic of Korea ranked fourth, France tenth, Italy 11th, the United Kingdom 14th and Canada 17th.

Among the BRICS countries, China made a significant gain in the CIP index ranking and climbed to seventh from 23rd in 2000. Brazil stood in 33rd position, followed by Russia 36th and South Africa 41st. Despite the lowest ranked of the BRICS, India has significantly improved its position and now ranks 43rd in competitive industrial performance.

Among the developing countries that improved their relative position in industrial performance were Indonesia, which moved to 38th position from 41st in 2005, Viet Nam, up to 54th position from 64th, Oman, up to 69th from 83rd. Although still with a low ranking, Nigeria made a significant gain, climbing to 95th position from 112th in 2005. The least developed countries continued to congregate in the bottom quartile of the ranking.

The CIP index has once again confirmed a high degree of correlation between a country’s industrial production capabilities and the extent of its economic prosperity. The report also highlights the vast inequality that persists in industrialization process. Out of 135 countries ranked in the CIP report, 26 countries produce less than USD 100 manufacturing value added (MVA) per capita per year, compared to almost USD 8,000 MVA per capita per year of Japan, the highest ranked country.

The CIP report is expected to be an important policy advice tool for national governments and international agencies. At the CIP report launch in Moscow, Vladimir Gutenev, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Industry, congratulated UNIDO for successfully releasing the CIP report as a stand-alone publication for the first time.

The report was introduced by Shyam Upadhyaya, UNIDO Chief Statistician. Ludovico Alcorta, Director of UNIDO’s Development Policy, Statistics and Strategic Research Branch, made keynote speech on the major finding of the report. Professor Leonid Gokhberg, First Vice-Rector of the Higher School of Economics (HSE) and Director of the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, highlighted the long-standing collaboration between UNIDO and the HSE in the field of research and statistics.

UNIDO promotes industrialization around the world and helps least developed countries build their capacity to produce and trade manufactured goods.

The full report is available to download.

Top 10 from page ix of this download:

1. Japan
2. Germany
3. USA
4. S Korea
5. Taiwan China
6. Singapore
7. China
8. Switzerland
9. Belgium
10. France
Last edited:
The only way India can save face is to get EVEN with China.
China's grain output likely to rise again

Xinhua | 2013-11-22 16:33:22

By Agencies

China is likely to see another bumper year of grain production, making 2013 the 10th year in a row of increased output, the Ministry of Agriculture predicted on Friday.

It will be the first time the country has achieved 10 consecutive years of rising grain harvests since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the government agency said in a statement.

The ministry said this year's harvest, despite various challenges, including weather and pest disasters, was achieved with the help of supportive government policies, technology and disaster control efforts.

The country's grain output this summer, mostly wheat, hit a record high of 132 million tonnes, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. In 2012, its grain output climbed 3.2 percent from a year earlier to 589.57 million tonnes.

As the world's most populous nation and the largest grain consumer, China has stepped up efforts to ensure its food security, including boosting agricultural technology to increase land yield and guaranteeing the area of arable land.

China's grain output likely to rise again - BUSINESS - Globaltimes.cn

aside from providing food security for the citizens of china, its actually very important that china provides most of its food need by itself. china would have a huge affect on world food markets if it wasnt so self sufficient. it would raise prices by a lot, while such a event would make producers happy, and the more well off countries, including china itself, could afford the higher prices, it would absolutely cause riots and the fall of governments in poorer places. so it important that china take care of its agricultural ability.
China could become world’s biggest economy in 2016 - Salon.com

The modification to the current one-child policy, which I recently discussed in these pages, will help create an even bigger middle class in the country that will drive up the demand for goods and services. (Read “China’s Expected Baby Boom a Boon for U.S. Business.”)

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has become more bullish on China, and predicts Chinese gross domestic product (GDP) growth will rise to 8.2% in 2014, driven by a rise in domestic consumer spending. (Source: “OECD sees China growth accelerating in 2014,” China Daily, November 20, 2013.) The OECD even goes as far as to say the Chinese economy could surpass the U.S. economy to become the world’s biggest economy by 2016. While this is faster than I expect, it’s clearly not impossible, given the rise in income levels and spending.

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