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Malala Yousafzai's book banned by private schools in Pakistan


Feb 19, 2013
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Islamabad: A book by Malala Yousufzai, the Pakistani schoolgirl who fearlessly took on the Taliban, has been banned by a federation of private schools in Pakistan which said it would have a "negative" impact on students, a British daily reported on Sunday.

"I am Malala" will not be included in the schools' curriculum, nor will it be stocked in school libraries, Mirza Kashif, president of All Pakistan Private Schools Federation, was quoted as saying by The Independent.

The federation represents more than 152,000 institutions across the country.

"The federation thought we should review the book, and having reviewed it, we came to the decision that the book was not suitable for our children, particularly not our students," Mirza Kashif said. "In this book, are many comments that are contrary to our ideology."

Pakistan's many elite schools are members of the federation. The government has no plan to put Malala's book on curriculum of state schools, although it is not banned.

The book has been written jointly by 16-year-old Malala, who was shot last year by the Taliban for campaigning for girls' education, and a British journalist, Christina Lamb.

In the book, Malala talks of her life in Swat Valley where her father ran a private school when it was under Taliban rule, of writing an anonymous blog for the BBC, and of her campaign for girls' education.

Following its release last month, the Taliban threatened to attack stores that stocked the book.

Malala Yousafzai's book banned by private schools in Pakistan: report | NDTV.com
but why ??? i thought pakistanis loved her ??? :undecided:
but why ??? i thought pakistanis loved her ??? :undecided:
No we hate her cuz she is just a drama set up by CIA. She is against our Islamic system & hates our Army for this reason we hate her.
No we hate her cuz she is just a drama set up by CIA. She is against our Islamic system & hates our Army for this reason we hate her.

Educating girls is against "Islamic system"?

Any other Pakistani on forum concur with this guy's view?
No we hate her cuz she is just a drama set up by CIA. She is against our Islamic system & hates our Army for this reason we hate her.

I believe (possibly mistaken) that she spoke out against the TTP and requested that the army of Pakistan engages the TTP more aggressively. How does that equate to hating your army ?
Educating girls is against "Islamic system"?

Any other Pakistani on forum concur with this guy's view?
Brother I didnt say Educating girls is not allowed in Islam. In ISLAM girls have equal rights. She gave a statement that "Whenever I see a beard man, I assume the stone ages." Her Idol is Obama & She is against PAKISTAN ARMY. 
I believe (possibly mistaken) that she spoke out against the TTP and requested that the army of Pakistan engages the TTP more aggressively. How does that equate to hating your army ?
Well she spoke against TTP but more than that she disgraced Army saying that Army is the one who closed schools in Sawat & if U search the entire documentary how she was shot in head by Talibaan which was a setup drama. She was never hit
Well she spoke against TTP but more than that she disgraced Army saying that Army is the one who closed schools in Sawat & if U search the entire documentary how she was shot in head by Talibaan which was a setup drama. She was never hit

The Pakistani army did use schools as bases in their operations against the TTP. I'm not saying that is wrong but surely it would have incurred the ire of the locals such as this young lady. How can you claim that it was a "set up drama" and that she "was never hit" after local and foreign doctors confirmed her injuries? Are you defending the Taliban or the establishment of Pakistan ? I ask simply to figure out who exactly it is that you are being defensive over
The Pakistani army did use schools as bases in their operations against the TTP. I'm not saying that is wrong but surely it would have incurred the ire of the locals such as this young lady. How can you claim that it was a "set up drama" and that she "was never hit" after local and foreign doctors confirmed her injuries? Are you defending the Taliban or the establishment of Pakistan ? I ask simply to figure out who exactly it is that you are being defensive over
I'm neither defending Malalaa nor Talibaan. I am defending truth. Read her story how she was given media coverage long time before she was hit. Find her detail U will know she was never good at studies, she never secured any good grades in school. There are several other girls like her who have done much much more for education but they were never given media coverage. Her diary was also read & printed which was actually written by an American Journalist who posed to be a Pakistani Pathan all the time but later his pics were seen, he was an American Journalist. Then I would like to ask all of U. If U know whenever Talibaan wants to hit someone, they usually hit him in bomb blast. Talibaan shot her from AK-47 in her school buss & missed???? The bullet travelled from her brain to neck, neck to shoulder, shoulder to heart & she still survived & on 4th day & the first thing she asked was a page & pencil. Then her first pic was released in which no mark of bullet could be seen. Even if she was shot... She has not done anything special to PAKISTAN except disgracing PAKISTAN & discussing PAKISTAN'S issues openly in World, asking America to do operation in Pakistan. This is what American's found in interest. Thats why she was given so much importance. Later she was awarded with British Nationality & her father is given permanent job in London Embassy. Search for her on net. U will realize there is much more. Here is an example from history how young girls were used for war even. From Wikipedia her image has been removed. Nayirah (testimony) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
U can find her image here. [url="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=481663105259994&set=pb.100002489253473.-2207520000.1384187329.&type=3&theater"]Bilal Qamar - Bilal Qamar's Photos | Facebook[/URL]
Educating girls is against "Islamic system"?

Any other Pakistani on forum concur with this guy's view?

What would you make of an author who proudly scribbles that his/her father wore a black armband on 15 August?

Is she a learned scholar, a veteran politician or an army officer? It's quite astonishing that she writes the decades old events as if she was the witness herself.

Tell me, if you came across a book which covers the critical aspects of Hinduism also encompasses critical analysis of Indian political system and also has a say on Indian military strategy; and of course the author is just 16 year old, co-author also happens to be a non-Indian who doesn't know jack about Hinduism and India - would you buy that book? In case if you buy would you consider those analysis expert ones? Would you second the father of the author who wore black armband on 15th August? 
Good move. Taleban rules... :tup:

Have you read her book? I strongly suggest you read that book, it does not merely discuss Talibanism.
Have you read her book? I strongly suggest you read that book, it does not merely discuss Talibanism.

I haven't, to be honest with you. You may have read it. Is there anything that she wrote degrades Pakistani nation & Islam?
I haven't, to be honest with you. You may have read it. Is there anything that she wrote degrades Pakistani nation & Islam?

The question is not about whether she wrote the derogatory stuff or not, the question is about why she wrote that stuff. If I were Malala I would scorn Taliban and be done with it. Anyway, I don't give a rat's arse to the contents of her book, however I do want an explanation why her father wore black armband on 14th August.
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