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Malala Yousafzai's book banned by private schools in Pakistan

book did not show enough respect for Islam because it mentioned Prophet Muhammad’s name without using the abbreviation PBUH – “peace be upon him” – as is customary in every parts of the Muslim world. it spoke favourably of author Salman Rushdie, who angered many Muslims with his book “The Satanic Verses,” and Ahmadis, members of a minority sect that have been declared non-Muslims under Pakistani law.

I can't argue about not mentioning 'PBUH' abbreviation. Then again... that's not something which can't be rectified. But other two reasons sounds quite feeble & can't be termed as being detrimental to any religion. When you say she spoke favorably about Salman Rushdie, did she endorse his views quoted on his book? Merely speaking in favor of a certain individual or certain sect can't be termed as being derogatory towards certain religious beliefs. If you claim Islam is a religion for peace, then speaking favorably about Ahmadis can't be termed a insult to Islam. Atleast that's how I would interpret it...
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So , you like majority of the nation believe more in " conspiracy theories " over " established facts " ? No wonder , the country's in such a state where it is considered an easy approach to blame everything on " foreign elements " . She was almost dead being hit by the bullet which traveled through head , neck and ended in shoulder .
After the shooting, Yousafzai was airlifted to a military hospital in Peshawar, where doctors were forced to begin operating after swelling developed in the left portion of her brain, which had been damaged by the bullet when it passed through her head.[36] After a three-hour operation, doctors successfully removed the bullet, which had lodged in her shoulder near her spinal cord. The day following the attack, doctors performed a decompressive craniectomy, in which part of the skull is removed to allow room for the brain to swell.[37]

On 11 October 2012, a panel of Pakistani and British doctors decided to move Yousafzai to the Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology in Rawalpindi.[37] Mumtaz Khan, a doctor, said that she had a 70% chance of survival.[38] Interior Minister Rehman Malik said that Yousafzai would be shifted to Germany, where she could receive the best medical treatment, as soon as she was stable enough to travel. A team of doctors would travel with her, and the government would bear the expenditures of her treatment.[39][40] Doctors reduced Yousafzai's sedation on 13 October, and she moved all four limbs.[41]

Offers to treat Yousafzai came from around the world.[42] On 15 October, Yousafzai traveled to the United Kingdom for further treatment, approved by both her doctors and family. Her plane landed in Dubai to refuel and then continued to Birmingham, where she was treated at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, one of the specialties of this hospital being the treatment of military personnel injured in conflict.[43]

Yousafzai had come out of her coma by 17 October 2012, was responding well to treatment, and was said to have a good chance of fully recovering without any brain damage.[44] Later updates on 20 and 21 October stated that she was stable, but was still battling an infection.[45] By 8 November, she was photographed sitting up in bed.[46]

On 3 January 2013, Yousafzai was discharged from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham to continue her rehabilitation at her family's temporary home in the West Midlands.[47][48] She had a five-hour operation on 2 February to reconstruct her skull and restore her hearing, and was reported in stable condition.[49]

These are all lies as per you , somehow ? :azn: Everybody from the military to the doctors to the world were lying for a little girl ! How do they suppose anyone would buy their " she was never shot " stance ? @Dillinger

If you are claiming something , its you and not me , who needs to provide the proof . Ever heard of " the burden of proof lies on the claimant " ? :azn: Or are you from the same lot who believes in everything they hear from anyone or loves conspiracy theories ? I need to read nothing , since you just proved yourself that you haven't read it yourself , but are just making claims without any evidence .

ohh that's the case... so come to public liabrary liaqat bagh r.w.p where i read the book... u can get it too... so next time don't make perceptions... if u don't beleive then don't ... hell i don't care... the people like secur who didn't read the book ...plz don't don't make idiotic perceptions ... read it first
huh get it urself ... Book is not banned in India :azn:... go to market... purchase book... and read it...there's ur proof

Why should i find the proof? it's onto you. I have read the book actually. All she says is that she respects one's right to free speech no matter how wrong it is. Which is actually very right, the democracy you cry for stands on this particular pillar. So does Islam, the blasphemy in the days of Prophet had a very strict meaning. It was to ridicule Muslims out of the religion and make our beloved Prophet angry. Same was the case of people leaving Islam, the apostates. It wasnt leaving Islam means death, it was for the hypocrites to stop taking advantage of our religion in those days.

The blasphemy law has failed to convict one criminal, infact has been used to target minorities out of spite and hate.

There are many thins in the book i am vehemently against or am in disbelief, but no where does she degrade or malign Islam, she calls herself a Muslim, all she does is support free speech. When tuttus like you visit First world countries you will realise what freedom is. It isnt drinking and screwing chicks around, or fleecing the taxpayer through welfare, which we "pious" Muslims do. Check the stats on welfare in Europe and one wonders where is Islam when it comes to money that is not earned.

The Goras are very strict on democracy, you can believe and say wahtever you want and they will listen. They havent been successful because they;re white, they have been because they have the patience.

This country is on its knees. Its upto you to save it. I will bounce wheneer shit really hits the fan, because I have the resources, the nationalities and the power to do so. Not you lot, the average common ****.
ohh that's the case... so come to public liabrary liaqat bagh r.w.p where i read the book... u can get it too... so next time don't make perceptions... if u don't beleive then don't ... hell i don't care... the people like secur who didn't read the book ...plz don't don't make idiotic perceptions ... read it first

Read something about " Burden of Proof " here , first . I need to read nothing for whatever you claim , its your obligation to prove it now since you laid the charges .

The burden of proof is often associated with the Latin maxim semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit, the best translation of which seems to be: "the necessity of proof always lies with the person who lays charges."[1]

He who does not carry the burden of proof carries the benefit of assumption, meaning he needs no evidence to support his claim. Fulfilling the burden of proof effectively captures the benefit of assumption, passing the burden of proof off to another party.

Legal burden of proof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Educate yourself about the concept and then come debate with us here , we aren't the ones making these claims , its the deluded people like you who believe everything as " conspiracy theory " and aren't willing to believe that the extremists are present in the country and carrying out acts of terror and conveniently outsource every blame to " America " or " foreign agents " . 
Why should i find the proof? it's onto you. I have read the book actually. All she says is that she respects one's right to free speech no matter how wrong it is. Which is actually very right, the democracy you cry for stands on this particular pillar. So does Islam, the blasphemy in the days of Prophet had a very strict meaning. It was to ridicule Muslims out of the religion and make our beloved Prophet angry. Same was the case of people leaving Islam, the apostates. It wasnt leaving Islam means death, it was for the hypocrites to stop taking advantage of our religion in those days.

The blasphemy law has failed to convict one criminal, infact has been used to target minorities out of spite and hate.

There are many thins in the book i am vehemently against or am in disbelief, but no where does she degrade or malign Islam, she calls herself a Muslim, all she does is support free speech. When tuttus like you visit First world countries you will realise what freedom is. It isnt drinking and screwing chicks around, or fleecing the taxpayer through welfare, which we "pious" Muslims do. Check the stats on welfare in Europe and one wonders where is Islam when it comes to money that is not earned.

The Goras are very strict on democracy, you can believe and say wahtever you want and they will listen. They havent been successful because they;re white, they have been because they have the patience.

This country is on its knees. Its upto you to save it. I will bounce wheneer shit really hits the fan, because is have the resources, the nationalities and the power to do so. Not you lot, the average common ****.

Nicely put :tup:
I don't think any of the above can be considered as new revelations. By the looks of things she quoted most the stuffs either admitted by Musharraf himself on various occasions or already existed in public domain through innumerable sources. But yes.. none of these makes good reading for those sitting in higher ups.. & I can see why that uneasy feeling.

First off Musharaf did not admit or reveal anything that she had quoted in her book, secondly the innumerable sources that you are referring to are mostly western in origin and undoubtedly contain a propaganda element. If it was all about quoting reports from all across the world then where the hell is Pakistan position on those reports, why didn't she take Pakistanis perspective into account? The firm conviction that she shows is there and one doesn't need a genius to spot that. Again what all that stuff has got to do with Malala? Moreover what are her credentials? Has she served as a special agent in some spy agency or worked very closely with ISI? That goddamn book had to be an autobiography and that's it. Just glorify yourself, berate those coward Talibs and be done with it there's no point discussing things which are related to the national interest of the country.

No writer writes the way Malala writes, if one writes the writer refers to the source of the information. No one writes a book on the basis of fabrication or rumors. I don't know why it is hard for you understand a simple point!

Every Pakistani stood beside Malala when she was shot in her head, I have seen people crying for her. Pakistanis on social media would sit all day along to glorify this little girl. Every newspaper, news channel, editorial, magazine praised her for her bravery. It's just some the contents of her book that made her controversial, the made many to rethink about her and I am one of them.

There's nothing in her book that can be made part of the curriculum except extraordinary bravado. It's more like asking GoI to make books of Arundhati Roy part of the curriculum.
@Emmie Is it something about the book itself ? Whats this about the Pakistani perspective not being taken into account ?
Read something about " Burden of Proof " here , first . I need to read nothing for whatever you claim , its your obligation to prove it now since you laid the charges .
The burden of proof is often associated with the Latin maxim semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit, the best translation of which seems to be: "the necessity of proof always lies with the person who lays charges."[1]

He who does not carry the burden of proof carries the benefit of assumption, meaning he needs no evidence to support his claim. Fulfilling the burden of proof effectively captures the benefit of assumption, passing the burden of proof off to another party.

Legal burden of proof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Educate yourself about the concept and then come debate with us here , we aren't the ones making these claims , its the deluded people like you who believe everything as " conspiracy theory " and aren't willing to believe that the extremists are present in the country and carrying out acts of terror and conveniently outsource every blame to " America " or " foreign agents " . 

Nicely put :tup:
Sue me then... told u to read the book ... i can't find book online... let me tell u ... u won't read it...u r just desprate to prove ur point...
@Emmie Is it something about the book itself ?

I find that book unnecessarily criticizing institutions of Pakistan. Hell, she does mention Pakistanis are behind the creation of Taliban but she remains mum on the role of USA.

@Secur, tell me honestly which part of her book has to be included in curriculum.
Well, actually we're arguing about the book being allowed, are we not? In that case reading the book really has nothing to do with it. It's more about what gives the schools the right to ban a book based on their political ideologies or worse idiocy. So that really does not strengthen your argument.

Secondly, judging the book by the characteristics of the author too is false. By that perspective why should any book be allowed? You'd find one flaw in any author to ban it and that's where the trouble lies: you open this Pandora's (pardon the Haram metaphor, I hope you won't ban it either) box and things don't make sense anymore. Should KPK schools ban books authored by people in the PML-N (or in their affiliation knowing most of them aren't really educated) should the PPP ban Altaf Hussain's book in Lihari? No? It'd be wrong? Then so's banning her book. You're free to disagree, criticize but banning is a whole different ball-game. It's this banning game that inhibited our literary development and we've suffered for it. It's also a major player in our present condition. See, the truth is an ugly b*tch, for the lack of a better word, and we as a society need to face it.

Would you believe that there's incest in Pakistan? There's widespread child abuse (sexual and mostly against young boys and girls?) No? I welcome you to a few clinics for a week. You know that it's not the liberals who're apparently trying to have orgies all the time and swap their wives who're doing this it's mostly the most conservative people we have in this country. Would you ban me if I told that to you? because sadly, sir, it's the truth. I want to address it so we can challenge it and change it but that won't happen if you deny what I'm saying because that fact remains so with or without me saying that.

ohh that's the case... so come to public liabrary liaqat bagh r.w.p where i read the book... u can get it too... so next time don't make perceptions... if u don't beleive then don't ... hell i don't care... the people like secur who didn't read the book ...plz don't don't make idiotic perceptions ... read it first
Sue me then... told u to read the book ... i can't find book online... let me tell u ... u won't read it...u r just desprate to prove ur point...

Desperate for something , you cant prove for a few posts now and still claiming something and expressing your inability to procure/produce the evidence , really ? :azn: No , dear . What point have you proven thus far except some allegations ? Nothing . I know your lot , trust me . The real message is for the rest of the audience , continue living in your " utopia " and wait for the " savior " to arrive and till then blame everything on " foreign agents " :D I will read the book when I get it , with an open and unbiased mind and will comment afterwards , not before it , like you . This is something , you cant do . Doesn't the Holy Quran mentions for the " Muslims " how they are to believe nothing without proof/evidences ?
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@Secur there's really no point in mentioning sources here, really. These are the trenches and as such logic often fails to provide firepower.
I find that book unnecessarily criticizing institutions of Pakistan. Hell, she does mention Pakistanis are behind the creation of Taliban but she remains mum on the role of USA.

Emmie , Taliban were created way afterward the Afghan war , mate . :what: The real thing is that the so called Mujahideen , Pakistan and other countries , created later fought against the same . The Ahmed Shah Massoud was trained by the ISI , that is the truth . Doesn't provide anything on the training and arms transfer by U.S . ? If she begins from Taliban , that is understandable , if from Afghan war , that is something quite interesting now . You read the book ? 
@Secur there's really no point in mentioning sources here, really. These are the trenches and as such logic often fails to provide firepower.

How true , chief !
Taliban were created way afterward the Afghan war , mate . :what: The real thing is that the so called Mujahideen , Pakistan and other countries , created later fought against the same . The Ahmed Shah Massoud was trained by the ISI , that is the truth . Doesn't provide anything on the training and arms transfer by U.S . ? If she begins from Taliban , that is understandable , if from Afghan war , that is something quite interesting now . You read the book ?

Just read her book - it's all about Malala and her father are as brave as lion. Americans/westerners are torch bearer of peace and Pakistanis are the ones who destroy the peace.

The question I am asking is why she made comments on things which are not related to her in any way. What is she trying to put up while writing it proudly that her father wore a black armband on golden jubilee of Pakistan?
Just read her book - it's all about Malala and her father are as brave as lion. Americans/westerners are torch bearer of peace and Pakistanis are the ones who destroy the peace.

The question I am asking is why she made comments on things which are not related to her in any way. What is she trying to put up while writing it proudly that her father wore a black armband on silver jubilee of Pakistan?

Cant find a copy online , mate ! If you have it , Emmie , seriously , just paste the relevant parts with page numbers so that we can all understand what the heck went wrong where and where is this " against Islam and Pakistan " thing coming from . Without proof , seriously , its nothing but mere allegations at the moment . There's no such about Americans being angels . I was told that she considers Rushdie's book against Islam but will bear with it because of " freedom of speech " - something I believe in too . Is it true then ? Why did her father do so , any reason she mentions ?
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First off Musharaf did not admit or reveal anything that she had quoted in her book, secondly the innumerable sources that you are referring to are mostly western in origin and undoubtedly contain a propaganda element. If it was all about quoting reports from all across the world then where the hell is Pakistan position on those reports, why didn't she take Pakistanis perspective into account? The firm conviction that she shows is there and one doesn't need a genius to spot that. Again what all that stuff has got to do with Malala? Moreover what are her credentials? Has she served as a special agent in some spy agency or worked very closely with ISI? That goddamn book had to be an autobiography and that's it. Just glorify yourself, berate those coward Talibs and be done with it there's no point discussing things which are related to the national interest of the country.

No writer writes the way Malala writes, if one writes the writer refers to the source of the information. No one writes a book on the basis of fabrication or rumors. I don't know why it is hard for you understand a simple point!

Every Pakistani stood beside Malala when she was shot in her head, I have seen people crying for her. Pakistanis on social media would sit all day along to glorify this little girl. Every newspaper, news channel, editorial, magazine praised her for her bravery. It's just some the contents of her book that made her controversial, the made many to rethink about her and I am one of them.

There's nothing in her book that can be made part of the curriculum except extraordinary bravado. It's more like asking GoI to make books of Arundhati Roy part of the curriculum.

I was just curious to know about the contents in the book which are averse to Pakistani national interest & against Islam. I'm yet to see any credible post in that regard from the members in this thread. Your post suggests it's more to do with the credibility of the author rather than the content.
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