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27th OCT | Indian occupied Kashmir observes 'Black Day'.

And, besides, what am I supposed to forget? KunanPoshpora? Asiya and Nilofer? Gawkadal or Bijbehara? Sopore or Shopian? Baramulla or Bandipora? Palhallan…Pathribal…Machhil? Tufail Mattoo or Wamiq Farooq? Inayat or Tahir? Fida or Fancy? These are not mere names. These are not numbers. Each home in Kashmir has witnessed a Karbala of its own. Each person’s dreams have been trampled upon. Fathers have shouldered the coffins of their young sons. Mothers have seen the apple of their eye falling prey to bullets. Should I forget how we all live and die a death each day? Should I forget the families waiting for their ‘disappeared’? Should I forget the half-widows who are constantly fighting the battle between hope and despair? Should I forget that mass graves exist? Should I forget the wailing mother who died waiting for her ‘disappeared’ son to return? Should I forget the destruction they brought upon us simply because they now talk of ‘development’? Should I forget the roads over which they built bridges so that no traces of blood would be visible?

To answer all these questions, YES.
Nice Arrogance to your oppressed, Nice way to loose so easily the auspicious Moral High Ground:D

Congratulation to Kashmiris & Pakistanis for their first Victory.......God willing more will follows soon.

Moral high ground my a$$. You guys started it by killing Hindus/Sikh minorities in Kashmir. You think it wouldn't have consequences? Should have thought of all this before invading :rolleyes:
Grapes are sour!! Our Pakistani friends can keep up their vile propaganda and desperation to try and grab Kashmir but they know in their heart of hearts that it will never ever happen - at least not until the sun becomes a red giant or the stars in the universe start blinking out!

They can keep posting pictures (Some from the 1990s!) and links to pro separatists/jehadist sites but it's going to make no fookin' difference. The whole of Kashmir including G/B is an integral part of India. Period!

Shall we talk of Baloch right of self determination too? But that's for another thread, which needless to say will be yanked off the forum and the OP banned for the next 3 weeks! :p
These all a-hole separatists are sent by ISI to India. If don't want to live here GET LOST! and go to pakistan.........majje karoon pashtuno k saath yahaa mat aaanaa phir se ...aur vapas mudke aaye toh goliyaan khaogeyyy
jese ki ye tum logo ke bap khareed ker de gaye the tumko....u better jert off...pakistan have a very fair stance on kashmir. this is recognised by UN.but situation had been so far in favor of india in last decade becose we were hand full with afg and america.india think they can oppress kashmiris..no they cant..kids just wait a bit and u will taste ur own madicine....cheep coments..bagal me churi or mu me ram ram
Moral high ground my a$$. You guys started it by killing Hindus/Sikh minorities in Kashmir. You think it wouldn't have consequences? Should have thought of all this before invading :rolleyes:
u seem to be very warm with sikhs,,,arent u????BTw there is a event called opperation blue star.
u seem to be very warm with sikhs,,,arent u????BTw there is a event called opperation blue star.

We terminated those khalisthani terrorists who worked against our country with support of pakistan through that operation .

So what ??
u seem to be very warm with sikhs,,,arent u????BTw there is a event called opperation blue star.
And also there is an OP lal masjid. Find any similarities?

And good they observed this on a Sunday.
Hindu King of Jammu and Kashmir gave the rightful nation he ruled to Hindu India. I don't see why you guys are always crying about that :D

Why were you guys crying when your land was occupied by British?
Why were you guys crying when your land was occupied by British?

Im talking strictly form a legal perspective of the issue. Once the accession papers of J$K were signed by the legal king to accede to India, legally it was a done and dusted issue.
Funny considering the fact that he did not even considered the first criteria for a thread which is to post a valid link .

That means if you are observing the day of bhagat sing death the thread should have a source for it?:D
Im talking strictly form a legal perspective of the issue. Once the accession papers of J$K were signed by the legal king to accede to India, legally it was a done and dusted issue.

But was it accepted by the people of indian Occupied Kashmir? Even your nehro promised right of self determination for Kashmiris.
But was it accepted by the people of indian Occupied Kashmir? Even your nehro promised right of self determination for Kashmiris.

The non-Muslsim in J&K? Yes. The Muslsims, well I guess they got Pakistan Occupied Kashmir to live in. The ones that dont like it here can go over.

Most of the state that India has under control is not even Muslim (by area). Population wise, the state is 55% Muslim. Jammu is Hindu majority, Ladakh is Buddhist majority.

The Kahsmir valley right next Gilgit is Muslim majority, and where most of the unrest is. But I hate those scums because they did do ethnic cleansing of Hindu and Sikh minorities there, so those jiihadis deserve every bit of thrashing they get form the Indian army.
Why were you guys crying when your land was occupied by British?

But your leaders said before partition that accession will be accepted only through the accession papers. Pakistan was against accession based on religious affiliation of the population.

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