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Saudis Go on Full Alert after Putin Threatens to Hit S. Arab in Reprisal fo

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May 5, 2010
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Saudis Go on Full Alert after Putin Threatens to Hit S. Arab in Reprisal for US Attack on Syria


The Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) reported that President Putin’s orders this week to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for a “massive military strike” against Saudi Arabia in the event that the West attacks Syria has “stunned” the Saudis forcing them to go on “full war alert”.
The Arabic Al-Ahd News Service confirmed the Saudis war alert by further stating:

“The Saudi Army is on full alert since today due to the increased possibility of a military attack by the US military against Syria. The ground force operations command of the Saudi Army has ordered all the military units in Saudi Arabia to stand at a level 2 alert and fears were bolstered by recent statements by the Russian President Vladimir Putin in terms of a possible military strike against Saudi Arabia by Moscow

Meantime, according to whatdoesitmean.com, the GRU has also reported that Pakistan’s largest religious-political party Jamiat Ahle Hadith (JAH) is now threatening Russia too over Putin’s “war order” against Saudi Arabia, and as we can read as reported by The International News Service:

“Addressing a Press conference on Thursday, JAH Vice President Allama Zubair Ahmad Zaheer said that his party would hold demonstrations in all major cities to express solidarity with Saudi Arabia, and to condemn Russian president for his wild and unscrupulous threats."

He warned Putin that he would invite wrath from entire Muslim world if he dared to attempt harm Saudi Arabia. He demanded Islamabad to sever ties with Moscow. He said Russian president’s threat would be treated as a declaration of war against Islam and a strong Jihad would be waged against Russia.

This GRU report noted that both the Saudis “war moves” and Pakistan’s “provocative threats” against Russia are being engineered by Obama regime apparatchiks who now control the largest secret intelligence organization ever created in modern human history and which the Washington Post News Service, using top-secret documents released to them by whistleblower Edward Snowden, reports cost over $52 billion and employs over 107,000 spies.

The Obama regime's rush to attack Syria, this GRU report continued, was dealt a “severe blow” yesterday after the British Parliament revolted against Prime Minister David Cameron and refused to allow the United Kingdom to participate in any war action against the Syria people.

Though not being told to the American people by the Obama regime (or their propaganda mainstream media), this GRU report said, the unraveling of British support for the Obama regimes planned war against Syria came after new reports from the Associated Press News Service revealed that the chemical weapons attack being investigated by the United Nations were, indeed from Saudi Arabia.

The American InfoWars.Com News Service confirmed this Saudi connection to chemical weapons being used in Syria, and as we can, in part, read:

“Syrian rebels in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta have admitted to Associated Press journalist Dale Gavlak that they were responsible for last week’s chemical weapons incident which western powers have blamed on Bashar Al-Assad’s forces, revealing that the casualties were the result of an accident caused by rebels mishandling chemical weapons provided to them by Saudi Arabia.

“From numerous interviews with doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families….many believe that certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the (deadly) gas attack,” writes Gavlak.

Rebels told Gavlak that they were not properly trained on how to handle the chemical weapons or even told what they were. It appears as though the weapons were initially supposed to be given to the Al-Qaeda offshoot Jabhat al-Nusra.

“We were very curious about these arms. And unfortunately, some of the fighters handled the weapons improperly and set off the explosions,” one militant named ‘J’ told Gavlak.

His claims are echoed by another female fighter named ‘K’, who told Gavlak, “They didn’t tell us what these arms were or how to use them. We didn’t know they were chemical weapons. We never imagined they were chemical weapons.”

Abu Abdel-Moneim, the father of an opposition rebel, also told Gavlak, “My son came to me two weeks ago asking what I thought the weapons were that he had been asked to carry,” describing them as having a “tube-like structure” while others were like a “huge gas bottle.” The father names the Saudi militant who provided the weapons as Abu Ayesha.

According to Abdel-Moneim, the weapons exploded inside a tunnel, killing 12 rebels. “More than a dozen rebels interviewed reported that their salaries came from the Saudi government.”

Important to note, and as we had previously reported, Putin’s extraordinary “war order” against Saudi Arabia came after he became “enraged” after his early August meeting with Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan who warned that if Russia did not accept the defeat of Syria, Saudi Arabia would unleash Chechen terrorists under their control to cause mass death and chaos during the Winter Olympics scheduled to be held 7-23 February 2014 in Sochi, Russia.

Prince Bandar went on to say that Chechens operating in Syria were a pressure tool that could be switched on an off. “These groups do not scare us. We use them in the face of the Syrian regime but they will have no role in Syria’s political future.”

Putin replied to Prince Bandar by saying “Our stance on Assad will never change. We believe that the Syrian regime is the best speaker on behalf of the Syrian people, and not those liver eaters” [Putin said referring to footage showing a Jihadist rebel eating the heart and liver of a Syrian soldier HERE], and which Prince Bandar in turn warned that there can be “no escape from the military option” if Russia declines the olive branch.

In spite of the truth of Saudi Arabia and their terrorist allies being responsible for chemical weapons use in Syria, this GRU report concluded, the Obama regime continues on its path to war against the Syrian people in spite of it being illegal under both United States and International law.

Where illegal wars matter most to the Americans, however, and as we have seen too many tragic times in the past, is when oil and gas are involved. And in this case, the Obama regime, along with its Saudi Arabian and Persian Gulf puppet state allies (some of the most repressed nations on Earth), are prepared at all costs to prevent the proposed Iran-Iraq-Syrian gas pipeline from being completed…which is, in its starkest truth, what this conflict is really all about in the first place.

I wonder what will Nawaz Shareef do now?
(but I think he`ll be like " Ooo I was quoted wrong by the press) .

Only a couple of days ago he said "Pakistan will stand militarily shoulder to shoulder with Saudi" or something like that!!

Time to bite his tongue if Russia went to war with Saudi (which is unlikely though).
Fars News..:laughcry:

The Arabic Al-Ahd News Service confirmed the Saudis war alert by further stating:

“The Saudi Army is on full alert since today due to the increased possibility of a military attack by the US military against Syria. The ground force operations command of the Saudi Army has ordered all the military units in Saudi Arabia to stand at a level 2 alert and fears were bolstered by recent statements by the Russian President Vladimir Putin in terms of a possible military strike against Saudi Arabia by Moscow.”
Russia won't attack SA highly unlikely all this is the growl to deter US from attacking Syria, but if they did all preparations will be in vain
The Arabic Al-Ahd News Service confirmed the Saudis war alert by further stating:

“The Saudi Army is on full alert since today due to the increased possibility of a military attack by the US military against Syria. The ground force operations command of the Saudi Army has ordered all the military units in Saudi Arabia to stand at a level 2 alert and fears were bolstered by recent statements by the Russian President Vladimir Putin in terms of a possible military strike against Saudi Arabia by Moscow.”
Russia just needs a few kh-55's and should target saudi oil facilities and ports.Once that is complete,saudi arabia will slide into chaos as its population which is welfare dependent will rebel as the welfare money dries up.Win win for Russia and the world.

------------and if the islamic world decides to do jihad then there were world class biological weapons like superplague . It will destroy 800 million to 1 billion sunnis and reduce their jihad capability as their population will be struggling to survive.
Dude, it wouldn't even need to do that.... just a "boo" from Russia will do.....

Russia just needs a few kh-55's and should target saudi oil facilities and ports.Once that is complete,saudi arabia will slide into chaos as its population which is welfare dependent will rebel as the welfare money dries up.Win win for Russia and the world.
The Arabic Al-Ahd News Service confirmed the Saudis war alert by further stating:

“The Saudi Army is on full alert since today due to the increased possibility of a military attack by the US military against Syria. The ground force operations command of the Saudi Army has ordered all the military units in Saudi Arabia to stand at a level 2 alert and fears were bolstered by recent statements by the Russian President Vladimir Putin in terms of a possible military strike against Saudi Arabia by Moscow.”

Yes Level 2 and not ''full war alert''. Second, Russia has nothing to do with that, most of surrounding arab countries including Israel, also announced military alert and some have distributed anti-biochemical masks. Its something axiomatic and usual should the child murderer Assad and his thugs do something stupid in a retaliation to US attack on em. Same as that of Iran threatening to attack Israel and GCC if the West attack Iran nuclear facilities.

same news was published on Reuters days ago.
Russia just needs a few kh-55's and should target saudi oil facilities and ports.Once that is complete,saudi arabia will slide into chaos as its population which is welfare dependent will rebel as the welfare money dries up.Win win for Russia and the world.

------------and if the islamic world decides to do jihad then there were world class biological weapons like superplague . It will destroy 800 million to 1 billion sunnis and reduce their jihad capability as their population will be struggling to survive.

You guys never learn do you? Do we have to repeat what we did during Soviet Union.
You guy never learn do you? Do we have to repeat what we did during Soviet Union.

You did nothing .It was economic warfare alongwith USA,UK ,Japan and your nation.But superplague is a miracle weapon.It will decimate the 1 billion strong ummah in 1 week .Plus cost per kill is very low .Would you like another war involving biological WMD this time?

I am hoping your muslim world declares jihad.We will get perfect specimens for mass use of our biological superweapons.

but if it has to be a limited war then :cry: then we target only oil facilities.That with drying up of saudi money will cause revolt and overthrow of the Al-Saud thugs.
You did nothing .It was economic warfare alongwith USA,UK ,Japan and your nation.But superplague is a miracle weapon.It will decimate the 1 billion strong ummah in 1 week .Plus cost per kill is very low .Would you like another war involving biological WMD this time?

I am hoping your muslim world declares jihad.We will get perfect specimens for mass use of our biological superweapons.

You have no balls doing such thing, keep big mouthing like the rest of you.
You have no balls doing such thing, keep big mouthing like the rest of you.

Really? are you sure? Russia has a massive civil defense and underground city and outpost network for population and military survival.

Then why did Russia build 5000 underground nuclear bunkers in Moscow,each capable of holding 1,500 people by 2012 for civilian population?
seems we are preparing for WW3 and you arabs will be lovely test specimen for our superweapons.

Indians are Eunuchs so he is hoping the Russian bear will fulfill his fantasy for him. :lol:

Anyway on topic if this is true, Saudi got trolled.

Then why did Russia recently build 5000 bunkers against nuclear attack in Moscow with each capable of 1500 people. Hmm....

Would you also like to be a test specimen .
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