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Afghanistan begins to export products directly to India for the first time

No you don't and no you didn't.

Off course we did. In 2002 India threatened Pakistan with a full scale war and destruction. Ordered a full mobilization, came to the border realizing that they were about a month late, than ran back without anything to show for it. 2008, India again threatens Pakistan with war and surgical strike, even tries to act naughty but we all know how Pakistan responded. Result, India forced to back down despite having 10X more resources than Pakistan.

Snap back to reality. When things actually came down to blows, you were the ones who got razed every single time.

Not really, if that was the case Pakistan wouldn't be a country.

Keywords : Bangladesh (separate country) ,

Complicated issue. East Pakistan ceased to be a part of Pakistan the day West Pakistanis introduced their discriminatory policies against their former brethren's. Only a matter of time before the Indians swooped in.

Kashmir (Still with India).

Its very hard for Pakistan to win Kashmir in terms of military power. After all; India is 10 times bigger than Pakistan in terms of resources, manpower, money and materials. Its not really a match between two equals, its a miracle that Pakistan has been able to stand on its own against such overwhelming odds and keep its part of Kashmir which India claims as '***'.

If they did, then Kashmir would have been Pakistani territory by now.

Read my response above.

And you would be a fool to think that Pakistan didn't stare down India in 2002 and 2008. The mood on the Indian side was to fight a war and teach a lesson to Pakistan. If it wasn't for the capability possessed by PA, India would have succeeded in its desire to get naughty.
Precisely , but the problem here is you are giving the example of Afghanistan for that business friendly environment - of which security and law and order are most important :D

There are two problems with Chahbahar here .

International sanctions on Iran are the worst obstacle - severe limitations on foreign trade , financial services , energy sectors , insurance and reinsurance , technologies even medications , ban from the SWIFT system remain a major hindrance for Iran and other countries to bolster trade with each other . That is one reason , why I always considered the IP pipeline , nothing but an election stunt . The relations with the West haven't shown any indication of improving even the slightest in the foreseeable future with the US house passing another bill just two days ago , further toughening sanctions on Iran's oil exports signalling something not-good for the new regime . I see no end to this International isolation with Iran insisting to continue its nuclear program and insecurities of the neighboring countries . There's no way to transfer money to the Persian nation , in such case , how exactly can one expect the Chahbahar port to take off ? Just how ? From what I understand , the Chinese interest in more for nullifying Indian influence than anything else , since no sane nation will want its cargo to pass through Afghanistan in the worst law and order situation with no end in sight . The Americans and the Europeans are going to be looking at Chahbahar ? Was that a joke ? :lol:

Arab's beef with Persians - is more historical than based on any current dispute/conflict . The Gulf nations have been persistent in supporting the tough sanctions against Tehran with their strong lobby in Washington . So even if U.S. and E.U. want to lift sanctions against Iran , they must prepare to balance their interests in the Middle East and risk the resentment of Arabs collectively this time , because maybe its easier to deal with a country , the same isn't true for a whole block of countries with a rivalry that goes back centuries . I do not see any reason why would they want the sanctions to be removed because when it comes to Arab-Persians rivalry , each party will even side with Lucifer to win against other , if past is any indication . Who has the majority of the Oil reserves for the petrodollar ? Next , I see no advantage which Tehran offers over the whole Arab block . Then , why should the West prefer Iran over the GCC ?

The Sanctions and its effects are known to everybody, a country like America with programs like PRISM doesn't know what India is doing in Chabahar ??

There is no need for the Sanctions to end for India in this case, our worry is to have an alternate route to Afghanistan and we got it here. You think Chinese are investing in Iran just to spite us Indians :lol:.

I will not comment on the Arabian Persian beef as that would side track us, but what does Iran has to offer one can answer as it is directly related. With Chabahar American's can get a better route to leave Afghanistan, also the Indian Russian Iranian nexus viz a viz Afghanistan is long known. Considering the relations of USA and Pakistan, this offers alternative to USA. Also Iran can guarantee (with others involved) the continued prosper of the Govt in Afghanistan, I am sure with smaller forces and bases in Afghanistan USA wouldn't want antagonistic Iran.

There is no need to prefer Iran over anybody, live and let live is the mantra.
The Sanctions and its effects are known to everybody, a country like America with programs like PRISM doesn't know what India is doing in Chabahar ??

There is no need to prefer Iran over anybody, live and let live is the mantra.

Really ? Your post doesn't convey the message that you are even aware of the effects of sanctions and how worse it has affected the Persian nation . Doesn't look like it , seeing the posts envisioning Chahbahar as the future trade and economical hub without taking into account the reality on the ground , of the severest sanctions and impacts . Do you know the meaning of being banned from the ' SWIFT ' system there ? . Of course , the Americans know everything , isn't that why you have cut imports despite the cheap oil and lucrative deals that Tehran offers ? Unless of course that the Chinese want their cargo to pass from troubled Afghanistan , that is the most logical conclusion .

With the token presence that the Americans are planning to leave the Afghanistan , they dont need a big supply route as you are thinking , even the NDN will suffice for 5-6 thousand soldiers . They dont need an alternative for Pakistan , they already have one . How do you think the coalition survived after Pakistan shut the route ? Why would you get the Iran onboard seeing the hostility from the Arabs and Tel Aviv ? Both of which remain , at any day , more important than the stone age Afghanistan and form a significant part of the U.S foreign policy . Why did the Americans impose another sanction , just days when the new Iranian President had to be sworn in ? Signals that the hostility is going to continue , this US-Iran relations improving and India benefiting looks like a flight of fancy here , nothing more . Just a wish list , like the one in the post , which I quoted .
No you don't and no you didn't. Snap back to reality. When things actually came down to blows, you were the ones who got razed every single time.

We were not the ones who mobilized and backed off three times , in a row now , were we ? Go and have a detailed look at the Op.Brasstacks , Op.Parakram and the mode after the Mumbai attack . Everyone in India cried for blood but in the end , sent a dove and Indian Army withdraw after seeing the Pakistan's response .

Then I presume that we share no common boundary with China ? :D @notorious_eagle
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Really ? Your post doesn't convey the message that you are even aware of the effects of sanctions and how worse it has affected the Persian nation . Doesn't look like it , seeing the posts envisioning Chahbahar as the future trade and economical hub without taking into account the reality on the ground , of the severest sanctions and impacts . Do you know the meaning of being banned from the ' SWIFT ' system there ? . Of course , the Americans know everything , isn't that why you have cut imports despite the cheap oil and lucrative deals that Tehran offers ? Unless of course that the Chinese want their cargo to pass from troubled Afghanistan , that is the most logical conclusion .

With the token presence that the Americans are planning to leave the Afghanistan , they dont need a big supply route as you are thinking , even the NDN will suffice for 5-6 thousand soldiers . They dont need an alternative for Pakistan , they already have one . How do you think the coalition survived after Pakistan shut the route ? Why would you get the Iran onboard seeing the hostility from the Arabs and Tel Aviv ? Both of which remain , at any day , more important than the stone age Afghanistan and form a significant part of the U.S foreign policy . Why did the Americans impose another sanction , just days when the new Iranian President had to be sworn in ? Signals that the hostility is going to continue , this US-Iran relations improving and India benefiting looks like a flight of fancy here , nothing more . Just a wish list , like the one in the post , which I quoted .

I know that Iran is hard hit for sure, but knowing about swift codes isn't that of an achievement, no the imports were cut for payment reasons.

Supply route was just one of the reasons, the token presence isn't for decoration is it? if the Americans want to leave such force here it shows they have plans for this region. The case of Iran and America is a little bit difficult but at times Americans have known to make deals with unlikely parties. My thinking is towards Chinese actually, which the Americans might be working to ofcourse this is far in future.

I am not saying everything is a cake walk, but India has to tread this road for future brightness.
I know that Iran is hard hit for sure, but knowing about swift codes isn't that of an achievement, no the imports were cut for payment reasons.

Supply route was just one of the reasons, the token presence isn't for decoration is it? if the Americans want to leave such force here it shows they have plans for this region. The case of Iran and America is a little bit difficult but at times Americans have known to make deals with unlikely parties. My thinking is towards Chinese actually, which the Americans might be working to ofcourse this is far in future.

I am not saying everything is a cake walk, but India has to tread this road for future brightness.

There was no bragging about knowing the SWIFT system in my post , I just made the point that there's no way to pay Iran and under sanctions , Chahbahar and Iranian economy can never reach its potential as you are thinking . I know again , why the imports were cut , because there's a limited number of things that India can send to Iran skipping sanctions , who wouldn't like to buy cheap crude oil otherwise ?

The token presence is for , according to the U.S. plan , maintaining a stable Afghanistan with a Central Govt and democracy so that attacks like 9/11 do not happen again , that can be achieved by working closely with Pakistan or Central Asia . Relations with Pakistan , have well not deteriorated to that extent that they cant be mended , Mr.Kerry wasn't in Islamabad for no reason . Russia is willing to cooperate with the U.S this time because the interests converge in the war against terrorism . I see no immediate reason why American need to please Tehran , much to the displeasure and chagrin of GCC and Israel . Though there are of course , no permanent friends or enemies in International arena , only interests and Americans even side with the Lucifer itself for its interests , but there are always a certain degree of probability and likelihood of something happening . Too far fetched the Chinese thing , since the Yanks have the assorted presence in the Pacific to make sure of that .
Great start!

Nothing could be better.

This was an excellent way of increasing tri-lateral confidence through trade, commerce and business engagements.

That's always the better route than handing out arms which creates more bloodshed of that which is not needed.

Thanks to Iran this happened.

While we may pretend to have cold ties with Iran now, I guess that was all for show after all.

There is definitely a lot more cooperation going on with Iranians than we know officially. :D

Within a decade once the port stabilizes as a commercial point for Afghanistan, Afghan-India trade will have already reached in billions.

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