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Pakistan is not a muslim country

The problem here is not that he criticized dancing, but that he generalized us Pakistanis. He tried to stereotype us. The question asked from him was perfectly valid, and deserved a far better, far more intelligent answer than what it got. Ruling out an entire country from being Muslim simply because you went to one wedding with dancing and music. For every one of these "shameless displays", there may be an act of Faith in Pakistan, but of course, his mind was too closed for that possibility. He only noticed the shameless displays, which tells us more about him than it does about Pakistan.

This "Maulvi" is no scholar, because the most basic thing every scholar recognizes is that there are different kinds of people everywhere, even amongst Muslims. Once again, most defenders of this "Maulvi" chose to ignore my simple question above, we didn't do any of the things he mentioned in our recent family wedding. So are we not Pakistanis then?

Stop defending these types of "scholars" or whatever you want to call them, because then when it comes time to defend real scholars who make credible statements based on extensive research and study, nobody wants to listen to us.
I won't claim to know Islam and neither am I a scholar, Pakistan seems to be engulfed in a quandary about whats right and wrong, Some may reject the the dancing and the thumkas to be unislamic but reality is its what the people want.
Realities change with the times and you really cant decide whats right and wrong on some set principles. Let the people decide whats right and wrong for themselves. One word---FREEDOM.
it is amazing how these pro MMA guys come to the forum and rant about how pakistan is a country that should have shariah because it is a muslim majority country formed for muslims. when the like minded ancestors actually opposed the creation of pakistan and called Quid-e-azam a Kafir.
let the people of pakistan do what they want. we are free and we dont need to be told how to live our lives my some crazy mullah. if we are doing something we are the ones that are going to account for it at the day of judgment.
so please shut it
The only solution is to return to pure Islam and to implement Islam as a ruling system in the form a a truly Islamic state.

Then, how to protect Pakistan? Talebans talk the same way you have talked. Should they be then allowed to rule over Pakistan and then be allowed to behead people and stone people to death at their whims! This is what they have been doing all along whenever they have controlled an area.

There was a time when many Hindus embraced Islam to escape the rigorous rules and JAT PAT system. Hindu society was willing to sacrifice Hindus to safeguard their Dharm. Islam has a broad appeal. There is no place of repression of its population and its women.

The method you are suggesting is less Islam and more fanaticism. This fanaticism went so far in Afghanistan that Mullahs would not allow small children to play marble or fly kites. They would say it is not endorsed by Islam. Very funny, isn't it?

I am not endorsing vulgarism in Islamic or Hindu society. But, a little innocent cheering, not that they should dance, by young people does not hurt Islam. The adults should look the other way.
Jub tuk hum loog wedding me Thumka nahi lagatay hamra khana hazam nahi hota. :)

Ha ha ha! :lol: :tup: light words but for a heavy subject :rolleyes:

The problem here is not that he criticized dancing, but that he generalized us Pakistanis. He tried to stereotype us. The question asked from him was perfectly valid, and deserved a far better, far more intelligent answer than what it got. Ruling out an entire country from being Muslim simply because you went to one wedding with dancing and music. For every one of these "shameless displays", there may be an act of Faith in Pakistan, but of course, his mind was too closed for that possibility. He only noticed the shameless displays, which tells us more about him than it does about Pakistan.

This "Maulvi" is no scholar, because the most basic thing every scholar recognizes is that there are different kinds of people everywhere, even amongst Muslims. Once again, most defenders of this "Maulvi" chose to ignore my simple question above, we didn't do any of the things he mentioned in our recent family wedding. So are we not Pakistanis then?

Stop defending these types of "scholars" or whatever you want to call them, because then when it comes time to defend real scholars who make credible statements based on extensive research and study, nobody wants to listen to us.

That is right, there are good and bad people everywhere. As to how far he was accurate in his generalization is another thing. Though I will describe his story here:

he is an Englishman and upon reverting to Islam and studying its golden traditions he was filled with immense love for it. So he visited the country some of his best friends belonged to i.e. Pakistan. He had his first interactions here in Lahore and a few others at Islamabad and Karachi. Now we are talking about the rich of the rich. Elites, defense societies and Western impressed folks here. No matter which city he went to he saw what he hated the most. Diluted impurities of Western culture mixed with a local brand.

I would say, if he had seen some of our rural areas, especially where I come from in the NWFP, (and I am saying some because even though you can count me in the Elite, western influenced, defence society type as well, and I dont condone such illiterate un-islamic self made rituals either, there are more of us like that in the video than what God and his Prophet PBUH want us to be). He would have said something different.

Since he is a westerner, our desi people get blinded by that goree chamree in an instant and want to impress them. It is here where we leave "the boundaries", to "impress". :disagree:

I dont agree with his generalization, but if it were to be put in numbers, hard statistics, the result would not be very different than what he said. :disagree: As I said, Sad but true!!

Remember, when it comes to God Almighty and his azab, in a Sahih Hadith, Rasoolallah has said that God inflicts his azab on both evil doers and Naik people. The only difference is, the good are going to be raised with their Neeyat and the bad with their evil neeyat.
He went to one wedding and formed an opinion about the entire nation and its populace. Calling Muslims non-Muslims, one of the biggest sins in Islam, simply to satisfy the crowd? Shameful.

We had a wedding in the family not too long ago, no music, no photographs (though some people still took photos), no Mehndi, men and women completely separate, break for Maghrib Salah and just Nikkah and Walima. So, we're not Pakistanis?

Congratulations Mr. "Islamic Scholar". Now you are a true insult to Islam.

Cant agree more with you, they are the biggest hypocrates.
Your assumption is baseless and illogical. Islamic society promotes the seeking of knowledge.Islamic Scholars and scientists are some of the greatest thinkers that have ever lived.A truly Islamic society is the most advanced society in all fields and walks of life. One only has to study the history of Andulusia to mention one example amongst many to know the reality of this fact.

It is a secularist myth that Islam stands for backwardness and ignorance. Just take a look at the light of Islam and leave the darkness of every other ism and schism.

Statements like "all these Mullahs should to be shot dead"are not reflective of a educated and civil human being now are they?

What about the education of women in the Islamic society? Why it is that the Taleban preachers in Pakistan destroy primary schools for girls? And if so, then why the people tolerate them, and why they are spreading like fungus? What is your idea, should not these Taleban Mullahs be wiped out of any Islamic society?

Please note one thing, whatever may be the secular myth, no Muslim country has yet developed in science and technology. Don't go to the past, I am talking of the present. All the Islamic countries are backward. I have a feeling that the ZIONISTS want us that way and they are taking care that we do not educate ourselves, build our industries and develop our society, and instead keep on doing BAHAS all through our lives.

I do not think, Allah had sent his Rasul (SAW) to keep us the most backward of all the religious groups. This is happening because instead of following the true teachings of the Prophet (SAW), we are following superstitions that were spread by the Jews over the last 1450 years.
In my own marriage we had zero-frills. No decorative lights, no band, no dholak, no girls singing/dancing, no mehndi, no music, no nothing but I would also say, there are people who would like to make their marriage something like an Indian Movie and the shared video is one example of that however this would be unjust to claim whole country does so. 5 fingres of the same hand are not equal.. how can you expect every person to be equally good Muslim in the population of 160 Million. Molana shouldn't have been that "quick" in formulating his opinion.
This dude is a brianwashed durgi claming to be a muslim he doesn't know jack about Pakistan or the muslims way of life! going to one weeding makes him upon a judgment against a whole nation ! and if anything the arabs are worse then us this dude needs a serious wake up call lol ...... i rest my case.
Guys lets not forget this is subcontinent culture.We're not Arabs and we don't have their cultures here.We should be proud of our culture...period.If anything it should be once personal preference how he wants his wedding ceremony.Quite frankly it would be in national interest of India to have a state like Iran in Pakistan where you are isolated from whole world, your millitary is substandard and you don't have anything.The Mullahs would rape Pakistan in one day if they're allowed to rule.
No country in the world is truly Islamic.

Some Arab Muslims also drink alcohol and go to get their palms read, some Iranian Muslims also drink alcohol and go to get their palms read. Some Arab weddings are much more westernized than Pakistani weddings, with the Arab brides dressed like Western brides and they dance with their groom in front of everyone. Go to a Muslim Lebanese wedding and you'll see what I'm talking about.

No country in the world is truly Islamic, and someone in this thread said that Iran is Islamic. A country which discriminates against Sunni Muslims is not Islamic.

This revert is not a religious scholar, if he was a religious scholar he wouldn't have made generalizations about Pakistan just to please an all Indian crowd.
His name is Abdullah Green.

All of the things he said are 100% accurate according to the Shariah.

Sad but true.

^@ all the guys rejecting his statement:

just prove with Quran and Sahih Hadith, everything you guys are saying or everything which is happening now in Pakistan as Halal or allowed. You can call it whatever you want but the Islam of the Quran and the Hadith this is not. :disagree:

Lets do one good thing though, if its bad, let us have the courage to call it bad, if it is wrong, let us have the courage to call it wrong. The first step in curing a disease, is always accepting you are ill to begin with.


100% agree brother abdullah green is one of my most favorites along with brother zakir naik, brother yusuf islam besides he did not say that pakistanis are not a muslim people he said pakistan is not an islamic country which is even my viewpoint pakistan or india or bangladesh or canada,usa,russia they are all natonalistic country based on nationalism not saying its wrong but it has nothing to do with islam nationalism is haram in islam, hey i like pakistan,india,bd,canada,russia,usa in some of these places you have more muslims population then the others and in some you have less but that does not make the countries islamic or non-islamic a country is just a country . yes say saudi arabia or iran they have some islamic laws, so one can say it follows more islam then the other's so we should have more respect for them its ok but that does not means in any way that every other muslim majority countries becomes islamic no sir thay dont
100% agree brother abdullah green is one of my most favorites along with brother zakir naik, brother yusuf islam besides he did not say that pakistanis are not a muslim people he said pakistan is not an islamic country which is even my viewpoint

Exactly, he pointed out the unIslamic practices that take place in Pakistan and stated that Pakistan is not an Islamic state, not that Pakistani people are not Muslim.There is a huge difference.

As for the person who stated that Abdur Raheem Green only said what he did to impress his Indian audience then if that was the case he wouldn't have mentioned the unIslamic practices that take place in India which he clearly did.

In fact the first thing he did do was to speak against the unIslamic practices that the Indians do at the "Dragah's"(shrines).
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no one can say to anyone that he or she is not muslim it is sin that he or she or any country name might be better in eyes of ALMIGHTY ALLAH
Exactly, he pointed out the unIslamic practices that take place in Pakistan and stated that Pakistan is not an Islamic state, not that Pakistani people are not Muslim.There is a huge difference.
What are you talking about?! The answer is not independent of the question, and if you understood the question, you wouldn't claim what you are. In rough terms, here's the meat of the matter:

Question: Why can't Muslim countries with Muslim majority populations (such as 97% Muslims in Pakistan) build a moral society?
Answer: They are not Islamic.

The man asking the question even tried to correct him, but he was on a rant and a ramble, he wasn't going to stop. Like I said, this question deserved a better, more informed answer. I am disappointed to say the least.

Stop defending this man. Someone compared him to Dr. Zakir Naik. Please, Dr. Zakir Naik doesn't say ridiculous sh*t simply to re-enforce the crowd.
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