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Militants in Pakistan planning new attacks: Manmohan


Jul 13, 2009
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NEW DELHI: Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on Monday that militants in Pakistan were plotting new attacks on India as he urged security forces to stay on high alert.

‘There is credible information of ongoing plans of terrorist groups in Pakistan to carry out fresh attacks,’ Mr Singh told a summit on internal security attended by the chief ministers from India’s states.

‘After the Mumbai attacks, we have put in place additional measures. There is need for continued utmost vigilance,’ added Singh, who also pointed to the threat posed by left-wing militants in the east of the country.

India has boosted its security to prevent assaults after the attacks in the country’s financial capital Mumbai in November, in which gunmen killed 166 people.

‘All states need to actively share intelligence information to avert any terror attack,’ he said.

India’s intelligence-gathering techniques were severely criticised after their collective failure to thwart the bloody Mumbai attacks.

Mr Singh said militants were operating far beyond the confines of the violence-hit northern state of Jammu and Kashmir.

‘There has been a surge in infiltration this year, which is disturbing,’ he said.

On Saturday’s 62nd anniversary of India’s independence, the prime minister had stated in his speech that the government was working to eradicate violent extremism from the country’s soil.

India’s Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram told the summit that the country had faced no terror strike after the Mumbai attacks but ‘it does not mean that the threat of terror has vanished or receded.’

The prime minister also said India faced another serious challenge from left-wing extremism, namely Maoists who have inflicted heavy casualties on security forces.

India’s Maoists, also known as the Naxals, say they are fighting for the rights of neglected tribal people and landless peasants.

They are now active in more than half of the country’s 29 states — particularly in the east, the poorest part of India.

Estimates of their numbers nationwide range between 10,000 and 20,000, but little is known about their shadowy leadership.

To deal with the Maoist crisis, Mr Chidambaram announced a multi-pronged strategy at the summit.

‘We will talk, we will act, we will restore order and we will undertake developmental activities in Naxal-hit areas,’ he said.—AFP

LINK http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect...stan-militants-planning-fresh-attacks--il--03
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You are very liberal with your title I hope you got it right.

I would also strongly suggest you have the manners to provide a reliable link to your story.

I somehow doubt it has the heading you have provided.

Kindly NOTE neither RAW or ISI are mention in that story so don't make heading with some pathetic attempt of flame or misguidance.

You are very liberal with your title I hope you got it right.

I would also strongly suggest you have the manners to provide a reliable link to your story.

I somehow doubt it has the heading you have provided.

Kindly NOTE neither RAW or ISI are mention in that story so don't make heading with some pathetic attempt of flame or misguidance.

I edit the link "some pathetic attempt of flame or misguidance" this surely means that TTP wasn't supported by India nor US while our Army professionals are telling us lies on the National TV the Title is misleading but surely Manmohan meant that Militants = RAW no flame needed hence we have you as one no offence.
i just wonder even if its 'RAW' who would believe pakistan? Your very own 'ISI' famous world wide (for wrong reasons).
Bachaaoo Bachaaao Bachaaaaoo.. Pakistan is going to strike Bachaao Bachaoo. *Pausing the mic for a sec "Verma Jee have you delivered those wireless systems to Baituallah-Mehsood? done? sure? okay let me get back to the job"* Hmm where was I.. oh yaaa Bachaao Bachaoo Bachaooo.. Pakistan is planning attacks Bachaao Bachaoaoo!

how low can this get!! You post a news item and between 2 to 3 of you, you keep bashing it :cheers:

*** Note : I will get a reply where will be asked to check BR and other assorted forums ;)
Provide Info on Fresh Terror Threat: Pak to India

Pakistan today said it cannot take "lightly" Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's remarks about terror groups based in this country planning fresh attacks on India and is awaiting New Delhi's response to its request for sharing information in this regard.

"If the (Indian) Prime Minister says something like this, we can't take it lightly," Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi told reporters on the sidelines of an official function here.

"If there is such information with (India), share it with the government of Pakistan so that we can pre-empt such an act," he said in response to a question about Singh's comments that India had "credible information" of plans by terrorist groups in Pakistan to carry out fresh attacks.

"We have conveyed this to them and let's see what is their response," he added.

Qureshi said any credible information on terror threats available with India should be shared with Pakistan because the Prime Ministers of the two countries had decided during their meeting in Egypt last month that both sides "must cooperate with each other" to fight terrorism.

"For such cooperation, we need to share information speedily and in time," he said.

The Foreign Office yesterday conveyed to India's acting Deputy High Commissioner that New Delhi should share any information it has about possible terror threats.

"We have taken serious notice of (Singh's comments) and we want to cooperate with India," Qureshi said.

Pakistan has condemned terrorism at all forums and wants peace and stability in the region and friendly relations with all neighbours, he added.

Asked about Indian External Affairs Minister S M Krishna's comments that any transfer of US drone technology to Pakistan would affect regional security, Qureshi said: "I have seen Krishna's remarks and I was surprised that he has expressed such concerns without cause.

"Pakistan does not have any aggressive designs. On the other hand, India has increased defence spending and its arsenal and conventional strength. Pakistan has not criticised this. What Pakistan needs is our right," he said.

Replying to another question about alleged Indian involvement in fomenting unrest in Balochistan province, Qureshi said diplomatic channels are available to both countries to address this issue.

"I think these diplomatic channels should be used. The media cannot resolve an issue between two countries," he said.

news.outlookindia.com | Provide Info on Fresh Terror Threat: Pak to India
Pakistan today said it cannot take "lightly" Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's remarks about terror groups based in this country planning fresh attacks on India and is awaiting New Delhi's response to its request for sharing information in this regard.

Diplomatic speak for "Put up or shut up"
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has taken serious notice of the Indian Premier’s statements, DawnNews reported foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi as saying.

Qureshi, while talking to the media in Islamabad said that Pakistan condemns all forms of terrorism.

He said Pakistan has shown no reservations over India’s expansion of its conventional and nuclear arsenal.

Qureshi said the United States wants long term relations with Pakistan and will provide assistance in economic affairs and energy.

The foreign minister added that Pakistan is using diplomatic channels to resolve the Balochistan issue.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Serious notice of Indian statements taken: Qureshi
how low can this get!! You post a news item and between 2 to 3 of you, you keep bashing it :cheers:

*** Note : I will get a reply where will be asked to check BR and other assorted forums ;)

Bash it.:lol:
Take a good look at the title here.

RAW in Pakistan planning new attacks: Manmohan

The implication is that RAW has people in Pakistan and [sic RAW] is planning new attacks on India.

This is NOT what the article says.
My objection is the loose manner of providing such titles that do not reflect the content of the story.

The story makes no mention of either RAW, (Indian), or ISI, (Pakistani), so to include RAW in the title is out of place. The title is erroneous.

Not bashing just trying to get a factual presentation. Something that should not be too hard.
But i wonder who has advised mr Singh to speak before thinking because now Indian officials are now trying to disspel the impression that mr MM Singh has ever said that there is any credible information about such attack.

why dont Indian PM and officials coordinate before spreading lies.

No threat of imminent attack: Chidambaram

PTI 17 August 2009, 07:22pm IST

NEW DELHI: Home minister P Chidambaram on Monday said there are terrorists groups plotting attacks against India but there is no specific threat of
an imminent attack

"...but that does not mean that, as I speak to you, there is a specific threat of an imminent attack anywhere. There are groups which are plotting against India. Therefore the threat against India remains.

"But that does not mean that there is an imminent threat and imminent attack tomorrow or day after," he told reporters briefing them on the deliberations of the conference of the chief ministers on internal security.
Chidambaram was replying to questions about the statement made by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in his inaugural speech that there was credible information of ongoing plans of terrorist groups to carry out attacks in India.

The home minister said both he and the Prime Minister have said that that despite the fact that the last terrorist attack in India was in November, the gravity of threat has in no way receded.

"That threat remains. Now when there is a terrorist threat to India, one has to assume that the threat could be to any part of India. I said in my opening statement we cannot afford to lower our guard and we shall not lower our guard," he said.

Asked in view of these statements India should continue the policy of trust and verify with Pakistan, Chidambaram said "Yes. I think that is a wise policy statement made after careful deliberations. We must trust and verify in our dealings with Pakistan".

He said that was what the Prime Minister said and "if you want in colourful language, I can say we should keep our powder dry".

Chidambaram said none of this was contradictory to each other. "The broader thrust of the Prime Minister's statement is that we must trust but verify is a very wise policy".

Summing up the deliberations, he said that it was his intention to work closely with the state governments and acknowledging the primacy of the state governments in maintaining public order.

"I propose to resume my visits to the states so that the CMs of the state and I could jointly review the security situation in that state and examine state-specific needs and issues in some details and take many decisions on the spot," the Minister said.

No threat of imminent attack: Chidambaram - India - NEWS - The Times of India

I mean this is great, first u say terrosits are coming then when we offered them assistance in tackling it, they said we didnt said any thing man we were just kidding don't take it serious man
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