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Kashmiri students develop Unmanned Aerial Vehicle


Jul 6, 2009
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Kashmiri students develop Unmanned Aerial Vehicle | idrw.org


Inspired by the blockbuster Bollywood movie ’3 Idiots’, three engineering students from Kashmir have developed an UAV, which they claim is the first Unmanned Aerial Vehicle made in the Valley.

Brother-duo Shahnawaz Shafi (18) and Shuaib Shafi (21) and their classmate Basit zargar (18), all pursuing mechanical engineering from Kashmir Government Polytechnic College here, demonstrated the UAV today in front of media persons at Press Enclave here.

The trio claimed the UAV can be helpful in many ways like aerial surveillance, aerial photography, for traffic updates and for spot information during disasters.

“Since childhood I wanted to create something which could fly. And when we were assigned a project in our college, me, my brother and my friend took upon ourselves to develop Kashmir’s first UAV,” Shahnawaz said.

His friend Basit said the movie ’3 Idiots’ inspired them a lot and proved a motivating factor behind their innovation.

“The UAV can be of immense help for live traffic updates, in the event of forest fires or avalanches, power transmission failures, accidents or surveillance,” he said.

The trio said they are working on the project to further enhance its range from the present 20 metre and improve its functionality.
well done but there is no rocket science involved in this project...but congrats...
The media should refrain from calling such ppl Kashmiri's, Tamils, Anglo's, etc. Be responsible and start calling everyone Indians who live in Kashmir. I think it is a subtle yet powerful msg. Think about it.

I agree. Even in print media, they call us "northeast India" with a capital N making it look as if we are from some other part of the world.

That's a very nice idea. Media should refer something like "students from TN, J&K, Odisha.." etc rather than "Tamils, Kashmiris, Oriyas, Sikkimese" etc.
why ?? surely their work is against the holy book, but they are not in pakistan.

Another indian expert on the koran

I hope they are not blown in to pieces by scumbags sent from west!!
@Topic - Congrats!! We are proud of you!

Hope the kashmiri students are not framed for some crime and then killed in a fake encounter by the "scumbags" send from delhi.
How long before hear some amazing story from the indian press that these three students where helping the freedom fighters with there UAV?
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Cool.. let's c if they can come up with some armed drones ;) :lol:
very much looks like Netra UAV..but Netra has 4 rotors while it has 6 i guess.and Netra is much capable than this..but congo for this effort.. :enjoy: you guys made us proud..

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