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Are tHere Muslims In Indian Forces????

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SO MUCH hullabaloo was made over the so-called census of Muslims in Indian Army. The figure was just 3 % that comes around 29,000 in the million-strong army, according to CNN IBN news channel's programme Minority Report.

If the number of Muslims serving in J& K infantry that has over 50% Muslims and those in other wings not directly dealing with warfare, the proportion is definitely too low. So out of a Muslim population of nearly 150 million (15 crore), barely 29,000 Muslims were found suitable for Army.

These figures neither make me happy nor sad.

The fact remains that if competent, a Muslim can rise in India, and has more chances than any other country. This I hold true despite all the charges of discrimination, riots, personal experiences of bias.

An Indian Muslim's Blog: News, Daily Articles, Views on Muslims & Urdu poetry website: Indian Army's Muslim headcount: 3% or just 29,000
well, the process of selection is really strict be is NDA or CDS.
Its common to any Indian , It may seem to our other members but as such there is No Muslim Discrimination two of my knwn friends got selected in NDA after 12t Standard and they are under training.

Yes, the strenght is low but the reason is not at all - discrimination.
Says who? .. Its okay to base ur personal take on it .. but dont state it as facts .. not that i am an anti indian propagandist.. I just feel that you are defending a claim with little data of your own.. the better answer would be it does not feel like discrimination.. while evidence could state the contrary to the presented data that COULD mean the indian muslim COULD be to scared to join the army or they COULD be too lazy to serve their country or COULD be not smart enough to pass the oh so rigorous training of the Indian armed forces or COULD be discrimination. I did not know there were so few muslims that were in the indian army. The best choice for the poor man for a respectable career in south east asia is the military and as far as I know indian muslims were the backbone of the poverty belt. Then again I COULD be completely wrong. Just my take on it.
I don't understand the purpose of this thread. If more muslims like to join forces, they will. If they don't they won't. In india there is no compalsory military training and anyone and everyone can join the forces.

If you are a patriot , join the forces. If not , then don't.
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Says who? .. Its okay to base ur personal take on it .. but dont state it as facts .. not that i am an anti indian propagandist.. I just feel that you are defending a claim with little data of your own.. the better answer would be it does not feel like discrimination.. while evidence could state the contrary to the presented data that COULD mean the indian muslim COULD be to scared to join the army or they COULD be too lazy to serve their country or COULD be not smart enough to pass the oh so rigorous training of the Indian armed forces or COULD be discrimination. I did not know there were so few muslims that were in the indian army. The best choice for the poor man for a respectable career in south east asia is the military and as far as I know indian muslims were the backbone of the poverty belt. Then again I COULD be completely wrong. Just my take on it.

You are right, you are completely wrong. In India, first it is inappropriate to relate Muslims to poverty. They may be more in numbers, but that has more to do with their background & education. Not Indian Government's policies. Second, military profession is not considered as a way to beat poverty here in India. With the central government coming up with so many rural employment schemes in last decade or so, rural poor tend to go for those jobs, not military. Military still remains a voluntary service, not a profession to come out of poverty & things like that.
It is so pathetic, I saw muslim Indian soldiers praying during the kargil war before fighting against PAK ARMY. What dio they think, that is so stupid :hitwall:
I mean, if u were fighting for an islamic country as hindu against the main country of hinduism, would u pray for the destruction of ur own faith? :hitwall:

Well for one, Pakistan is NOT the main country for Islam.

Secondly, they were praying for destruction of their faith? Are you out of your mind making such absolutely weird claims?

Thirdly, do you think the PA prays before they take on the talibs?

I've seen that video, where they say Allah Ho Akbar - their war cry and then they go to risk their life for India - I undertand why you can't digest it... but don't make weird claims pls.
It is so pathetic, I saw muslim Indian soldiers praying during the kargil war before fighting against PAK ARMY. What dio they think, that is so stupid :hitwall:

Because they are Indians first, people like you puts faith in front of everything. Let me teach you something very important about religion. Religion is not brotherhood, it is only and only regarding you and god, Personal to each and every individual. Period.

And another interesting things, there is thread in this forum full of complaints that Indian muslims are also our enemy because they do not care about Pakistan. Now you are saying they should have cared and not fought you guys in the kargil war!! how pathetic make up your mind, and put your faith aside for once.

Jayporri. faith is what true Muslim live by, why do you want us to put the faith aside, A good Muslim will not side with evil and only side with goodness no matter where it is, that is why while jews in Europe were being persecuted, we the Muslims saved them..

Read on and learn....................

An Indian Muslim's Blog: News, Daily Articles, Views on Muslims & Urdu poetry website: Do Jews ever recall the historic role of Muslims in saving them?

First of all, learn to spell my name right, you ain't dealing with a fool here. got it!!!!

So, now you are saying that in the kargil war, Indian muslim army man should have not fought because, we were the evil ones. Forget about it!!! I spit on your haircut!!:D
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