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Is Malala a Conspiracy???


Dec 15, 2010
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With the recent buzz made by certain newspapers and social media platforms, the questions that has popped up with a bang is, what is the story behind Gul Makai’s Swat Diary on BBC blogs?

The reason behind this recent development may be Abdul Hai Kakar’s, (the BBC reporter who worked with Malala) recent accounts of how the whole idea came about. Post this, rumors and conspiracy theories questioning the credibility of the 11 years girl’s account are resonating in the surrounds.

Essentially, in order to bring about a ‘humanitarian angle’ to the situation in Swat and in Northern areas, as Kakar mentions in his online interview to a newspaper, how he came up and structured the idea of Swat Diary to be written by a young girl, in order to ‘creatively and objectively portray the situation on ground in Swat’. The concept was to choose a local girl to ‘express her emotions’ and so the silenced majority of Swati girls who were denied their right to education were given a face – Malala’s. He further elaborated that with her father’s unresistant willingness to choose Malala for the job, he would phone her up every day so she could narrate the happenings of her area and her reflections on the same.

Now, whether it was Malala’s own narrative or the reporter trying to elicit a formatted response and later manicuring it to pass for a child’s narrative, are questions that seem to disturb a large audience. An audience who had happily credited an 11-year old Swati girl for her surprising maturity and sheer bravery in breaking ideological and physical shackles to raise her voice against injustice. However, my question is, should this be the pivot of importance or the fact that a father was willing to risk his child’s safety and a young girl who feared the least voicing the truth out loud, only to protect her fellows from the austerity Taliban had in ample stocks. Shouldn’t this effort be appreciated instead of being questioned?

Recently, there seems to be a concentrated effort on face book, twitter and other social media forums to justify attack against Malala, calling her a US agent and the whole issue a foreign conspiracy.

‘ Why Malala alone? Why not a dozen of Pakistani women who die of drones everyday or those who become a sacrifice in terrorist activities? Why Obama has his helicopter on hold for only her? Why prayers are being said for Malala and not for several other daughters attacked and bruised in various terror strikes?’

As a monosyllabic response: True. If you ask for more, what’s the surprise here? This is only our national tragedy to idolize those who manage to blaze the news. The rest deserve a discriminatory attitude and to learn a lesson that to earn one’s basic rights and people’s support, you’ve got to make it to the headlines, else you’re eclipsed.

Hence, we must put the conspiracy theories to rest, for there are better matters clamoring for attention, including getting rid of the terrorist elements hostaging our children and lands to meet their own ends and our own disposition of noticing things only when they get a hype.
With the recent buzz made by certain newspapers and social media platforms, the questions that has popped up with a bang is, what is the story behind Gul Makai’s Swat Diary on BBC blogs?

The reason behind this recent development may be Abdul Hai Kakar’s, (the BBC reporter who worked with Malala) recent accounts of how the whole idea came about. Post this, rumors and conspiracy theories questioning the credibility of the 11 years girl’s account are resonating in the surrounds.

Essentially, in order to bring about a ‘humanitarian angle’ to the situation in Swat and in Northern areas, as Kakar mentions in his online interview to a newspaper, how he came up and structured the idea of Swat Diary to be written by a young girl, in order to ‘creatively and objectively portray the situation on ground in Swat’. The concept was to choose a local girl to ‘express her emotions’ and so the silenced majority of Swati girls who were denied their right to education were given a face – Malala’s. He further elaborated that with her father’s unresistant willingness to choose Malala for the job, he would phone her up every day so she could narrate the happenings of her area and her reflections on the same.

Now, whether it was Malala’s own narrative or the reporter trying to elicit a formatted response and later manicuring it to pass for a child’s narrative, are questions that seem to disturb a large audience. An audience who had happily credited an 11-year old Swati girl for her surprising maturity and sheer bravery in breaking ideological and physical shackles to raise her voice against injustice. However, my question is, should this be the pivot of importance or the fact that a father was willing to risk his child’s safety and a young girl who feared the least voicing the truth out loud, only to protect her fellows from the austerity Taliban had in ample stocks. Shouldn’t this effort be appreciated instead of being questioned?

Recently, there seems to be a concentrated effort on face book, twitter and other social media forums to justify attack against Malala, calling her a US agent and the whole issue a foreign conspiracy.

‘ Why Malala alone? Why not a dozen of Pakistani women who die of drones everyday or those who become a sacrifice in terrorist activities? Why Obama has his helicopter on hold for only her? Why prayers are being said for Malala and not for several other daughters attacked and bruised in various terror strikes?’

As a monosyllabic response: True. If you ask for more, what’s the surprise here? This is only our national tragedy to idolize those who manage to blaze the news. The rest deserve a discriminatory attitude and to learn a lesson that to earn one’s basic rights and people’s support, you’ve got to make it to the headlines, else you’re eclipsed.

Hence, we must put the conspiracy theories to rest, for there are better matters clamoring for attention, including getting rid of the terrorist elements hostaging our children and lands to meet their own ends and our own disposition of noticing things only when they get a hype.

First of all many things in diary simply indicate that many many things can't be written by a 11 year old girl and they way media focused on Malala they never bothered to focus on those girls who are dying in drone attacks every second day that really pissed of several people
Was Mukhtar Mai's gang rape a Conspiracy as well? How about the girl that got flogged in Swat with the Taliban's wish to broadcast the event on air? Conspiracy as well? Perhaps the beheading of Pakistani Infantrymen that have taken place since the internal-war was a conspiracy as well.

Sure, they were all conspiracies. Question is, if she wasn't actually shot with the intent to kill in public, would these events have transpired? Perhaps we should fix the disease leading up to such "Conspiracies" instead of whining about who's fabricating conspiracies against us.
‘ Why Malala alone? Why not a dozen of Pakistani women who die of drones everyday or those who become a sacrifice in terrorist activities? Why Obama has his helicopter on hold for only her? Why prayers are being said for Malala and not for several other daughters attacked and bruised in various terror strikes?’

Malala gets special treatment because she was doing something special. As simple as that! If not for the diary, she would not be treated like this.

First of all many things in diary simply indicate that many many things can't be written by a 11 year old girl and they way media focused on Malala they never bothered to focus on those girls who are dying in drone attacks every second day that really pissed of several people

You be surprised what 11 years can do.

Was Mukhtar Mai's gang rape a Conspiracy as well? How about the girl that got flogged in Swat with the Taliban's wish to broadcast the event on air? Conspiracy as well? Perhaps the beheading of Pakistani Infantrymen that have taken place since the internal-war was a conspiracy as well.

Sure, they were all conspiracies. Question is, if she wasn't actually shot with the intent to kill in public, would these events have transpired? Perhaps we should fix the disease leading up to such "Conspiracies" instead of whining about who's fabricating conspiracies against us.
Sir for your information the girl flogging video has been proved fake secondly even Mukhtara Mai case have been proved fake no rape even took place all were created to gain sympathies and that same lady is now boss of her town having gangsters to do lot of dirty works @Bezrek
Sir for your information the girl flogging video has been proved fake secondly even Mukhtara Mai case have been proved fake no rape even took place all were created to gain sympathies and that same lady is now boss of her town having gangsters to do lot of dirty works @Bezrek

If it helps you sleep better at night, continue to believe that my friend.
Diary that many things even in that diary is not written by her secondly she was not doing special and the girls who are killed by terrorist USA every day are also very special for us

Definitely every girl, no every innocent regardless of age/sex should be dear to you. And none of them deserve the treatment they are getting. But still Malala deserve a special treatment. Why? Let me quote wiki -

In early 2009, at the age of 11/12, Yousafzai wrote a blog under a pseudonym for the BBC detailing her life under Taliban rule, their attempts to take control of the valley, and her views on promoting education for girls.[11] The following summer, a New York Times documentary[4] was filmed about her life as the Pakistani military intervened in the region, culminating in the Second Battle of Swat.[12] Yousafzai began to rise in prominence, giving interviews in print and on television[13] and taking a position as chairperson of the District Child Assembly Swat.[14] She has since been nominated for the International Children's Peace Prize by Desmond Tutu[15] and has won Pakistan's first National Youth Peace Prize.[5]

Even if we consider she did not write the diary, she still gave interviews, and some more, for a cause. And that cause was for betterment of society, not just her, not just her family.

Let me give you a more well known example. You would treat Abdul Sattar Edhi differently from others, would not you? Cause he is working for betterment of the society. Malala was doing that too, at her level. She couldnt do anything big like Edhi foundation, it is a lame comparison, I know, but whatever she did was really touching. And that makes her special.
It shows our country badly to the outside world.

Actually, I think it shows a powerfully positive side of Pakistan. Despite all the negative media publicity, it shows that ordinary Pakistanis are not regressive fanatics, but progressive humanists.

We need to present our power to the outside not the small problems.

Extremism is not a "small problem"; it is a major problem facing Pakistan.

I wish this news can be hidden away

On the contrary, Malala's story should be required reading in all Pakistani schools. We need more such stories of defiant courage against evil.
First of all many things in diary simply indicate that many many things can't be written by a 11 year old girl and they way media focused on Malala they never bothered to focus on those girls who are dying in drone attacks every second day that really pissed of several people

Malala Father was her source of inspiration, Off course he was her guiding force. And yes The news agencies refine the news to make it presentable... We should focus on her initiative rather than her method.

Media is bother about Casuality in Drone attacks.. There are many ppl many channels speak about it. But the Big question is, Is Pakistan speak against it????

Dying girls (Drone attacks) are priority, that doesn't make Malal Yusufzai of less priority... Hope you understand it. Media is business not charity, They sell according to demand. Malala was in demand coz she was the beacon of light in Dark talibani society.
we are such confuse people, a bomb expoloded near house of Kainat a couple of days ago, the family is planning to move out, even taliban shot a girl doing polio campaign, a girl and her father shot in karachi too by taliban a week ago....

bloody conspiracy all !!! :angry:
Sir for your information the girl flogging video has been proved fake secondly even Mukhtara Mai case have been proved fake no rape even took place all were created to gain sympathies and that same lady is now boss of her town having gangsters to do lot of dirty works @Bezrek
where is that proof my dear boy ?????
Evry other day a thread is created on malala conspiracy, if they dont return to pakistan in one year its surely a conspiracy.
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