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It was lack of Unity that laid the foundation to Delhi Sultanate. Use of Cavalry mounted archers also helped the Invasions to which Conventional armies have no answer.
well honestly i was not referring to any specific ethnic, linguistic or religious group.....but one thing is observed is that the religious, regionalistic identities are assuming paramount importance, sometimes at the cost of the indian identity....not many know how to manage their multiple identities correctly.....this is my personal experience...maybe the sample size is small...so i'm not really convinced...anyway, lets hope for the best...

South was not that much into the vedic stuff....that can be seen even today...

Bro that is all internal.

We are all decided pretty much in our minds and convinced that we are Indian first.

India has always been a permissive civilization.

Dissent and in-fighting is part of that.

We do not even have a common language.

We are not even of the same racial stock (though many will disagree).

We all believe in different Gods.

Yet we all get along.

This is not a small achievement for only 65 years.

Ask the United States of America how long they took.
When Prithvi Raj Chauhan left Gauri. If he would have killed Gauri There won't be any terrorism in world. The Hindu war method itself was wrong..

You can not fight animals (Mongolic war method) with being Humane. Those Animals (Mongolic war style) should have wiped out .
Bro that is all internal.

We are all decided pretty much in our minds and convinced that we are Indian first.

India has always been a permissive civilization.

Dissent and in-fighting is part of that.

We do not even have a common language.

We are not even of the same racial stock (though many will disagree).

We all believe in different Gods.

Yet we all get along.

This is not a small achievement for only 65 years.

Ask the United States of America how long they took.

Well its all good if our differences dont overwhelm us....as i said. lets hope for the best...:)

You can not fight animals (Mongolic war method) with being Humane. Those Animals (Mongolic war style) should have wiped out .

Prithvi Raj Chauhan had defeated Ghouri in the first battle of Tarain and some mistakes were done by Prithvi Raj Chauhan. He underestimated the enemy and paid the ultimate price.

These people from Central asia are Hunters and they perfected these techniques to do war.
When Prithvi Raj Chauhan left Gauri. If he would have killed Gauri There won't be any terrorism in world. The Hindu war method itself was wrong..

You can not fight animals (Mongolic war method) with being Humane. Those Animals (Mongolic war style) should have wiped out .

bro its not all about yudh dharm...the steppe nomads who fought war as a tool of survival naturally had the barbarity embedded in them..and also since war to them was a means of survival they took care to keep them updated with the latest weapons from different cultures, innovative war tactics, unconventional methods to which our rajas with their antique fighting methods rooted in scriptures had no ******* answer.....
what according to u all was the reason for downfall of a country world leader in arts, science and technology?

what do you think stopped the scientific progress in india??

what acc to u turned an open minded society into a narrow minded one?

what according to you all is the turning point in the history of subcontinent?

turning points-

1.excessive preaching of peace, non violence after the ashoka era and neglecting the threats from central asia

2.attack by mohammad bin qasim

2. defeat of prithvi raj chauhan at the second battle of tarain

3. arrival of the britishers ( was it good)
none of the above its yet to come.
These people from Central asia are Hunters and they perfected these techniques to do war.

Look bro, if we are to have a serious discussion, we can probably be a little more introspective.

Foreign rule over a population and a geography as vast as India happens because of lack of a united front.

It happens insidiously, stepwise.

It sets in motion a cascade effect.

And when every guy guards his own turf, he does not stand a chance when his time comes.

BUT, and this is a big but, foreign invasions are never permanent.

Empires come and go.

The land absorbs.

The turning point truly comes when you have a foreign FAITH take root on your soil.

Amongst a vast swathe of your natives.

THAT is the true turning point.

And that can ONLY come when the resident faith is at its nadir.





That is the turning point.

It flowed from the lack of Unity - which was the foot in the door.

And once in, it grew from the weakness of the internal faith.
@Rig Vedic, I was really surprised, unpleasantly surprised to read this post of yours. While we have had our differences, I was under the evidently mistaken impression that you are aware of the basics of Indian history, and are familiar with social structures and political situations at different times. This was a harsh way to learn that I was so utterly mistaken.

I would vote for (1), the incursions of the Kushans and Huns came after Ashoka's pacifism. But maybe some weaknesses were present even before that.

Before Ashoka there was the incursion of Alexander. It was beaten back, but why could Alexander not have been stopped in Afghanistan itself (which was also a Hindu-Buddhist area at the time).

Are you completely ignorant of the fact that there was no Afghanistan at that time, nor for much later, until well into the 18th and 19th centuries? Surely also you are aware of the political circumstances of the general area? and the immediate past history before Alexander actually came into India? Do the names the Battle of Arbela, or Gaugamela, Darius III, hot pursuit, Bessus the Satrap, the province of Bactria, the province of Sogdiana, mean nothing at all to you? And which lamebrain told you that these were Hindu-Buddhist areas at that time?

Even before Alexander, there was a period in which the Gandhara Mahajanapada was paying tribute to Emperor Darius of Persia, which can also be considered a weakness.

May Clio preserve me from this narration. What Gandhara are you talking about? Can you show it to me on the Behistun Inscription, for instance? Or are you so wrapped up in your own fanciful account that you have no clue to what was going on politically at that time?

But no need to worry too much about it, learn the lessons of history and move on, ups and downs have always been happening.

With your ideas about history, I wonder what lessons can be learnt.
bro its not all about yudh dharm...the steppe nomads who fought war as a tool of survival naturally had the barbarity embedded in them..and also since war to them was a means of survival they took care to keep them updated with the latest weapons from different cultures, innovative war tactics, unconventional methods to which our rajas with their antique fighting methods rooted in scriptures had no ******* answer.....

You are right, tool is one thing which win war. But in old days Barbarism was most effective tool. The civilization lost its barbarism was anihilated by other.

eg: Babylon became civilized and was anihilated by Syrians.
Unan civilized and anihilated by Saxons

A barbaric savage can use any tool effectively. One of the most important tool is fear. Current day Maoists and Terorists use the same tool.

As this thread was about "TURNING POINT" I mention PR Chauhan and Gouri. Other wise the main reason was "We Hindu/Boudh should have treated the savage there way."

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