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actually the huns were routed by skandagupta and the kushans were assimilated into the vedic setup and they became indians in culture and civilization....

mbq and arabs were a non-entity as far as indian history is concerned..they had one initial victory on the frontiers..but were completely repulsed when they entered indian mainland....as regards the brits, they were just a logical extension of the previous set of invaders.....

so i would go with option (3)...defeat of Pritviraj by ghauri which laid the foundation of the delhi sultanates and turned the country on its head....

you think even now we have that ?..

Very strange.

And the earlier entry of the Indo-Aryan speaking tribes, who converted the whole of the north of the sub-continent to their way of speaking, their religion, their social customs? That is not something that turned the country on its head, and led to the permanent division between Indo-Aryan language and Dravidian language groups?
No need to get sensitive.
The truth might sting but I promise you that it will be better for you in the long run.
And kindly show me where the Republic of India is mentioned anywhere in history pre 1947
yeah thought so.

You change your statement to 'Republic of India' from 'country called India' :rofl::rofl:
Considering that Gandhara and the environs of present-day Kabul had been part of the Indic sphere since the days of the Mahabharata, it can be considered a weakness that they were first allowed to come under Persian influence at the time of Emperor Cyrus, and later Alexander should not have been allowed to come anywhere near the Khyber pass.

"The Indic sphere"? What was that mystical object? How many divisions did it muster? Who was the king or the dynasty ruling? What did it do to preserve its territorial integrity?
We would have destroyed what we were going forward to become.

We would have vindicated the BS TNT.

I very fundamentally and strongly disagree.

so what if we vindicated it...except some brownie points to pak what else would have been our loss...? i find this line of argument of some indians honestly pointless...many say two nation theory failed with the separation of pakistan...but actually it did not.....only if BD had joind with india I would have considered it a failed state....looking at the bangladeshi opinions im pretty sure its alive and well....

it would be good for the sake of discussion if you could tell, why you disagree also...because on one hand you have reservations about foreign faiths getting rooted on our soil...but on the other hand you also dont want them to be reversed...i'm actually a bit bewildered regarding your stance...
Very strange.

And the earlier entry of the Indo-Aryan speaking tribes, who converted the whole of the north of the sub-continent to their way of speaking, their religion, their social customs? That is not something that turned the country on its head, and led to the permanent division between Indo-Aryan language and Dravidian language groups?

Hope you are not offended that you got my approval for that post.
Just one correction tho, there is no such thing as Indo-Aryan
The language the Aryans spoke was proto Indo-European, the offspring of which was Sanskrit in India.
When Prithvi Raj Chauhan left Gauri. If he would have killed Gauri There won't be any terrorism in world. The Hindu war method itself was wrong..

You can not fight animals (Mongolic war method) with being Humane. Those Animals (Mongolic war style) should have wiped out .

It must be nice to build up these delusionary dreams about an incident that never happened.
so what if we vindicated it...except some brownie points to pak what else would have been our loss...?

it would be good for the sake of discussion if you could tell, why you disagree also...because on one hand you have reservations about foreign faiths getting rooted on our soil...but on the other hand you also dont want them to be reversed...i'm actually a bit bewildered regarding your stance...

I do not believe Hindus and Muslims cannot live together.

Not when they are the same people.

I believe in letting Pakistan separate without a fight, we played our part in what it has become today.
You change your statement to 'Republic of India' from 'country called India' :rofl::rofl:

Is the Republic of India not the country?
I was trying to make it easier for you, but you seem to be on a mission to prove your low IQ.

Alright, I know that you can laugh, lets see if you can think
Provide evidence of a "country" in the modern sense, that has existed in history that occupied what is now India.
And for it to be a country it must be multigenerational, not just a kingdom ruled by 1 king who loses it after his death. That is called an empire, not a country.
Very strange.

And the earlier entry of the Indo-Aryan speaking tribes, who converted the whole of the north of the sub-continent to their way of speaking, their religion, their social customs? That is not something that turned the country on its head, and led to the permanent division between Indo-Aryan language and Dravidian language groups?

i thought the arrival/invasion/migration/whatever of aryan tribes are still in the stage of hypothesis and not promoted to as facts..so i would reserve my judgement on that.....
Look bro, if we are to have a serious discussion, we can probably be a little more introspective.

Foreign rule over a population and a geography as vast as India happens because of lack of a united front.

It happens insidiously, stepwise.

It sets in motion a cascade effect.

And when every guy guards his own turf, he does not stand a chance when his time comes.

BUT, and this is a big but, foreign invasions are never permanent.

Empires come and go.

The land absorbs.

The turning point truly comes when you have a foreign FAITH take root on your soil.

Amongst a vast swathe of your natives.

THAT is the true turning point.

And that can ONLY come when the resident faith is at its nadir.





That is the turning point.

It flowed from the lack of Unity - which was the foot in the door.

And once in, it grew from the weakness of the internal faith.

Do you realise that from an historical point of view, your Islamophobia strikes a hugely ironic note?
Is the Republic of India not the country?
I was trying to make it easier for you, but you seem to be on a mission to prove your low IQ.

Alright, I know that you can laugh, lets see if you can think
Provide evidence of a "country" in the modern sense, that has existed in history that occupied what is now India.
And for it to be a country it must be multigenerational, not just a kingdom ruled by 1 king who loses it after his death. That is called an empire, not a country.

futile attempt for damage control. :cheesy:
In the first Battle of Tarain Prithvi Raj Chauhan defeated and Routed Md. Ghouri, he even Captured him but released him instead of killing his enemy. :sniper:

Complete nonsense. You are going by the account of a court poet mourning his dead master with the most exaggerated, bombastic account of a victory followed by a defeat.
Do you realise that from an historical point of view, your Islamophobia strikes a hugely ironic note?

No I do not.

Please explain.

P.S. I have been waiting to be challenged by you on this.

P.P.S. I hope you realize that all that I say of India and Hinduism, is doubly true for Persia and Zoroastrianism.

In fact its the elephant in the room.
I believe in letting Pakistan separate without a fight, we played our part in what it has become today.

fine...but pardon me for persisting with this....still I am not convinced how this objective of yours would have come to a nought if partition had been taken to its logical extension....atleast then the muhajirs would be in a position to keep the punjabis in check...:lol:
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