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The most important country in the world

Even I read about that. Americans are very intelligent.

Its not about intelligence, just sane planning. It's not unique even, I'm sure most other countries have strategic reserves, certainly the important ones.
Yup it is a good exercise in humor ! :rofl:

Saudi is an important country in the world but most important is stretching it too much !

Congatulations for the promotion, that Webby! didn't listen to me when I begged him not to promote you...:cry:

The question is, can USA live without KSA? And the counter question can KSA live without USA?

Guys, read the damn links I posed before, experts say that while you guys disagree? At least use your brains when you read sth next time.
dear Dr.Evil, It is not the subject is about love and hate . . . Enough to remember what happened to the world when it banned the export of oil in the seventies . . Imagine if Saudi Arabia did that today, how many expect will be a barrel of oil?
Mate, if the oil is banned, the first one to collapse is Saudi itself. The King will not allow this to happen. Note that Iran is now in trouble, USA can tell the King to produce more oil to maintanance the oil price, it makes Iran more depressed.
Then call back your millions hindi back...stop importing oil..why is your hindi govt trying to get some trade and defence agreements with them you low class people.

Well, we are using them.....You see ,as long as the oil flows , it's all cool . As soon as the oil finishes , we'll show them the finger and walk away, LOL.
One thing Bollywood taught me, don't go to kumbh mela with your brother.

You are preventing your brother from becoming police inspector or underworld don.......depending upon the situation.

US will occupy it, and own the oil. and charge every muslim to visit mecca, if its not profitabel they will cancel hajj and dismantle mecca and medina and build a giant las vegas.

Please please please MOD close the thread enough had been said and I have read enough...enough trolling has been already done.
US will occupy it, and own the oil. and charge every muslim to visit mecca, if its not profitabel they will cancel hajj and dismantle mecca and medina and build a giant las vegas.

do you seriously think dismantling mecca and madina will make its significance less? prophet adam made kaaba which later got destroyed had no signs of it till, prophet abraham again made it on the divine guidance, so dismantling will only make muslims make it again when they kick the rat arse which ever try to occupy it
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)



Saudi Arabia has features that can not have all combined to any other country in the world, The importance of strategic location and the importance of economic and religious importance

Saudi Arabia is the most important country in the world for a number of factors are available only to Saudi Arabia:

First: Important strategic location where the Saudi Arabia in the heart of the world, overlooking the Red Sea to the west where most of the trade between Asia and Europe pass through and on the east overlooking the Gulf where there are two-thirds of the world's reserve of energy.

Second: Saudi Arabia has the largest oil reserves in the world, which over a quarter of the world's reserve of oil and as a result of new oil discoveries continue to Saudi Arabia on land and at sea, Saudi Arabia would still be able to maintain its oil production capacity up to 100 years to come.

Third: The religious influence of Saudi Arabia at more than 1.5 billion Muslims around the world and the existence of the holiest religious sites for Muslims, where, each year three million Muslim pilgrims visit these places and more than 5 million throughout the year performing Umrah.

there is a lot of arab vs non arab discussion going on, i even heard some nationalist arab saudi saying that mecca and madinah for muslims is a previlige and not a right, its our personal property, so till its a privilege muslims will come visiting, when its finished muslims will stop visiting it and stop performing umrah and hajj and doing holy pilgrimage simple as that

saudi arabia has no religious influence over the billion muslim hearts, mecca and madina has, saud is a family governing the religious sites doesnt make it powerful over the muslims, its rather muslims for sake of hajj and umrah and mecca and madina giving a privilege to the saudi family if you got what i mean
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3481309 said:
there is a lot of arab vs non arab discussion going on, i even heard some nationalist arab saudi saying that mecca and madinah for muslims is a previlige and not a right, its our personal property, so till its a privilege muslims will come visiting, when its finished muslims will stop visiting it and stop performing umrah and hajj and doing holy pilgrimage simple as that

saudi arabia has no religious influence over the billion muslim hearts, mecca and madina has, saud is a family governing the religious sites doesnt make it powerful over the muslims, its rather muslims for sake of hajj and umrah and mecca and madina giving a privilege to the saudi family if you got what i mean

That was the inconsiderate, insensitive, self absorbed, Benu Ummayah, whom we don't agree with on such things. Just deal with him yourselves and don't generalize, bash him as much as you like, I would be there to back you up...:enjoy:
I would say that Saudi Arabia is among some of the most important countries of the world, but I do not consider it to be the most important. Arabia itself is indeed located strategically; this isn't just true today, but it was true in the past as well. The land is close to the silk route, & that just so happened to be the most important trade route in the ancient world seeing as it spanned across multiple nations; all the way from Italy to China. Trade is important for obvious reasons, & the geographical proximity of nations to the silk route greatly contributed to their development.

I agree with the second point of the original post. The country's economy is still primarily based around oil, but they are attempting to diversify their economy at the moment. That is obviously going to take some time, & it will take a couple of years to reap the fruits of that labor. In any case, Saudi Arabia is an important oil producing nation, which just so happens to be among the most important sources of energy. That however does not make it the most important country. All countries rely on others for trade, investment, & economic development; some more than others. That is exactly why nations choose to form trade blocs.

I partly agree with the 3rd point as well; since the country is home to Islam's holy sites along with the cities where the religion originated, it's an important place for pilgrimage every year. However, I don't think the country has religious influence on every Muslim on Earth. Islam does not have any administrative centers like the Vatican, & every individual must learn & follow its teachings for himself or herself. I think Al-Azhar University is the most important place when it comes to Islamic education, & if I am not mistaken; Arabic as well.
KSA is well settled economically well established and militarily strong enough ,only problem for Saudi Arabia is Iran . Both countries willing to control the Islamic world through their own rules and priorities..
That was the inconsiderate, insensitive, self absorbed, Benu Ummayah, whom we don't agree with on such things. Just deal with him yourselves and don't generalize, bash him as much as you like, I would be there to back you up...:enjoy:

Everyone is entitled to his own opinions. Lets not make it personal:wave:

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