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US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

There is also some news that Obama the drone master is training his fleet to kill more people in Libya. If anyone can confirm please post the news.
For any reason, the killing of the diplomats that is a stupid action.

All countries need diplomats, otherwise there will be more warships and many death will come.
His clothes look relatively intact. I don't think he got raped.

You only saw the beginning when they took him away.

US officials say 2 warships moving toward Libya - Yahoo! News

US officials say 2 warships moving toward Libya

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon ordered two warships to the Libyan coast in the aftermath of the attack in Benghazi that killed the U.S. ambassador and three others, U.S. officials said Wednesday.
One destroyer, the USS Laboon, moved to a position off the coast Wednesday, and the USS McFaul is en route and should be stationed off the coast within days. The officials said the ships, which carry Tomahawk cruise missiles, do not have a specific mission. But they give commanders flexibility to respond to any mission ordered by the president.
Pentagon spokesman George Little said: "Without commenting on specific ship movements, the United States military regularly takes precautionary steps when potential contingencies might arise in a given situation. That's not only logical in certain circumstances, it's the prudent thing to do."
There have been four destroyers in the Mediterranean for some time. These moves will increase that to five.
The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss troop movements.
No Americans here ever tried to call civilian 'collateral damages' as morally comfortable. In the course of a war or combat actions between combatants of opposing sides, civilian deaths are always a possibility. So if people want to consider the murder of an embassy member of a guest country the same as that of a civilian death in a war or combat action, those people should have the courage to call whatever religious insults from anyone as a declaration of war. So far, I see a lot of cowards tap dancing around the issue.

US know very well that Muslim fighters live among their family and civilian supporters. Targeting these fighters will almost definately results in call “colateral damages”. But the fact is that there are little sympathy for Muslims in United States so save your moral compassion for your own American soldiers. US will continue to kill civilians “accidentally”.

When it comes to ““accidentally” killing Embassy staff. US best them all.

On May 7, 1999, during the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia (Operation Allied Force), five US JDAM guided bombs hit the People's Republic of China embassy in the Belgrade district of New Belgrade, killing three Chinese reporters and outraging the Chinese public. President Bill Clinton later apologized for the bombing, stating it was accidental.[1] Central Intelligence Agency director George Tenet testified before a congressional committee that the bombing was the only one in the campaign organized and directed by his agency.[2][3] The Chinese government issued a statement on the day of the bombing that it was a "barbarian act".[4]
Attack resulted in 3 fatalities, Shao Yunhuan (邵云环), Xu Xinghu (许杏虎) and his wife, Zhu Ying (朱颖), and 20 injuries.

Bombing and killing deliberately and then apologizing is not new to US politicians.
US know very well that Muslim fighters live among their family and civilian supporters. Targeting these fighters will almost definately results in call “colateral damages”. But the fact is that there are little sympathy for Muslims in United States so save your moral compassion for your own American soldiers. US will continue to kill civilians “accidentally”.

When it comes to ““accidentally” killing Embassy staff. US best them all.

On May 7, 1999, during the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia (Operation Allied Force), five US JDAM guided bombs hit the People's Republic of China embassy in the Belgrade district of New Belgrade, killing three Chinese reporters and outraging the Chinese public. President Bill Clinton later apologized for the bombing, stating it was accidental.[1] Central Intelligence Agency director George Tenet testified before a congressional committee that the bombing was the only one in the campaign organized and directed by his agency.[2][3] The Chinese government issued a statement on the day of the bombing that it was a "barbarian act".[4]
Attack resulted in 3 fatalities, Shao Yunhuan (邵云环), Xu Xinghu (许杏虎) and his wife, Zhu Ying (朱颖), and 20 injuries.

Bombing and killing deliberately and then apologizing is not new to US politicians.

Actually theres a lot of sympathy for Muslims in the U.S. Especially those who wants to stop drone attacks in Pakistan. Got something similar in the Muslim world in sympathy for the deaths of American civilians? Nah...these people are used to killing each other and families so they won't share any sympathy for Americans.
US know very well that Muslim fighters live among their family and civilian supporters. Targeting these fighters will almost definately results in call “colateral damages”. But the fact is that there are little sympathy for Muslims in United States so save your moral compassion for your own American soldiers. US will continue to kill civilians “accidentally”.
The Geneva Conventions states that if one is determined to be a combatant, one should remove one's self from non-combatants. A 'civilian' can be a combatant. A 'soldier' is another type of combatant. So if a combatant continues to live among and uses non-combatants as 'human shields', the moral burden falls upon him.

When it comes to ““accidentally” killing Embassy staff. US best them all.

On May 7, 1999, during the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia (Operation Allied Force), five US JDAM guided bombs hit the People's Republic of China embassy in the Belgrade district of New Belgrade, killing three Chinese reporters and outraging the Chinese public. President Bill Clinton later apologized for the bombing, stating it was accidental.[1] Central Intelligence Agency director George Tenet testified before a congressional committee that the bombing was the only one in the campaign organized and directed by his agency.[2][3] The Chinese government issued a statement on the day of the bombing that it was a "barbarian act".[4]
Attack resulted in 3 fatalities, Shao Yunhuan (邵云环), Xu Xinghu (许杏虎) and his wife, Zhu Ying (朱颖), and 20 injuries.

Bombing and killing deliberately and then apologizing is not new to US politicians.
Then we can conclude you approve of assaults on embassies. Good to know.
So what's the plan, then?

Kill a few hundred random Libyans (ala Iraq and Afghanistan) just to 'make a point'?

What was the plan those libyans who attacked the consulate were following? Kill a few random Americans to make a point ?
The US never kills accidently,it always kills on purpose。

Buying the US’ story of “collateral damage” is a result of years of brainwashing by the western propaganda machine。
What was the plan those libyans who attacked the consulate were following? Kill a few random Americans to make a point ?

So you are equating the US administration to a mob of rampaging fanatics?

You are gaining wisdom, grasshopper...
What was the plan those libyans who attacked the consulate were following? Kill a few random Americans to make a point ?

Right。 The US randomly killed a few Indian fishermen not long ago。

For the Americans,it was target practice。

For the Indians,it was an accident。
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