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Turn on Geo news or any other news channel in Pakistan, they confirmed that the man caught trying to attack Pakistani police helicopter is an Afghan national. Its very easy to tell if an ID is fake, and the police probably got information from him and came to the conclusion that he's an Afghan national.

This news of his identity is all over the news, why would anyone lie about it?

How feasible is it for Pakistan to lock the Afghan border tight ? I can't believe Pak govt. can convince the large Afghan immigrants to go back, but I guess they can at least be monitored. Is it possible for Pakistan to make the border less porous ?

I am not from around there, so may be naive. From news reports it appears that many of the border areas are not under direct govt. control. NWFP is partially autonomous, FATA is controlled by local laws, Balochistan is under proper govt. control (but US is threatening that).

I understand that Pakistan does have some experience with maintaining borders in territory not fully under federal control like in Pakistani Kashmir (or Azad Kashmir as you call it) which is nominally more freer than other provinces.
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Mass deportation of a specific ethnicity would bring shame to Pakistan especially in the Muslim world. This is just misguided nationalism at best to think it would suddenly solve problems to undertake such an impossible task. What should happen though is the police and ISI should register all undocumented and documented refugees from Afghanistan in a large database and keep a close eye on them.
Read the posts from previous pages, a brother from Karachi said that Afghan refugees kill and threaten innocent Pakistanis in Karachi, its a fact that Afghani refugees are also causing ethnic tensions in Karachi, the economic hub of Pakistan.

Its also a fact that Pakistan has lots billions because of the war in Afghanistan and hosting millions of Afghani refugees.

Its also a fact that Afghani refugees are also involved in drug trafficking.

Its also a fact the man caught today with grenades and trying to attack a Pakistani police helicopter is an Afghan national.

No point in "helping the Muslim brothers" anymore, they are the ill-wishers of Pakistan and only want chaos and destruction for Pakistan.

Pakistan has been genrous enough and needs to only think about Pakistan and Pakistanis now.

Dude you can not blame all of them, there are a few bad ones, same thing with pakistani's there are a few, that will do anything for money. We are helping them out of humanity, it is not their fault, its our system fault they are not keeping track of whos comming in n going out.

As far as afghans are concerned, i have seen pretty bad ones, this afghan got me and my brother fired from my part time job, and he used to be my brotehrs best friend. He got his *** kicked also.
As far as the border is concerned, mine the border and fence it, no matter what the fin US or UN says, they want us to fight a war, then we should fight it our way. This will decrease the flow of refuges, and terrorists.
Mass deportation of a specific ethnicity would bring shame to Pakistan especially in the Muslim world. This is just misguided nationalism at best to think it would suddenly solve problems to undertake such an impossible task. What should happen though is the police and ISI should register all undocumented and documented refugees from Afghanistan in a large database and keep a close eye on them.

I've known Afghans my whole life. If you don't mind me saying, these people act like the scum you have never seen before. They eat, drink and reside in Pakistan yet they hold ill feelings against it. Most Afghans that you will come across harbour anti-Pakistan feelings for no apparent reason. Instead they will praise the Indians and try to engage in a war of words against Pakistan. They basically bite the same hand that has fed them for decades in times of war. They crap at the same place that they eat. We fed these scum when the world turned a blind eye and Pakistan had to bear the brunt. I don't respect such people even if they are my so-called relatives. Seal the border! I don't wanna see their faces!
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Mass deportation of a specific ethnicity would bring shame to Pakistan especially in the Muslim world. This is just misguided nationalism at best to think it would suddenly solve problems to undertake such an impossible task. What should happen though is the police and ISI should register all undocumented and documented refugees from Afghanistan in a large database and keep a close eye on them.

Thats the problem, Pakistan has been so worried about the Muslim world ever since independence that we dont give attention to our own fellow Pakistanis.

When did Afghanistan ever help Pakistan? Afghanistan never helped Pakistan ever even when they were doing so well in 1947.

Look at what "the Muslim brothers" gave Pakistan today in Lahore. Its time we forget about this fake "Muslim brotherhood" with Afghanis and focus on Pakistan and the safety of Pakistanis.
Thats the problem, Pakistan has been so worried about the Muslim world ever since independence that we dont give attention to our own fellow Pakistanis.

When did Afghanistan ever help Pakistan? Afghanistan never helped Pakistan ever even when they were doing so well in 1947.

Look at what "the Muslim brothers" gave Pakistan today in Lahore. Its time we forget about this fake "Muslim brotherhood" with Afghanis and focus on Pakistan and the safety of Pakistanis.

You have a point and I really want to agree with you, but on a professional and diplomatic level what you ask for can never happen for a variety of good reasons. Muslim brotherhood may be dead, but that doesn't mean we stop acting as a role model (which we are) for our little sisters.
You have a point and I really want to agree with you, but on a professional and diplomatic level what you ask for can never happen for a variety of good reasons. Muslim brotherhood may be dead, but that doesn't mean we stop acting as a role model (which we are) for our little sisters.

Yes we should care for "Muslim brotherhood" while they kill our fellow Pakistani Muslims in our cities.

What a great Muslim brotherhood :rolleyes:
Yes we should care for "Muslim brotherhood" while they kill our fellow Pakistani Muslims in our cities.

What a great Muslim brotherhood :rolleyes:

Omar i know ur upset about the attacks, but u can not blame all of them just cuz a few are bad.

Just take the mumbai attacks, there was a pakistani in them, does that mean we are to be blamed for those attacks?
^^ This is exactly what I was talking about. This crazy Mullah from Khakistan just proved whatever I said in my previous post. These Afghans are worse than dogs. Even dogs are more loyal. Go back to your Khakistan you stupid illiterate Afghan. We don't want your kind in our land you f i l t h y dog. We Pakistani Pukhtoon have nothing in common with you. Go and worship your master India you moron. Damned, I'm disgusted that I share my heritage with your f i l t h y kind. I've nothing in common with you mofos.

Friend, that may be way over the line.
Just because one Afghan national was caught does not mean every Afghan is a terrorist. And calling them names does not take your argument forward.

This is sort of the thing that some in US was doing after 9/11 (painting all Muslims with the same brush) or Some Southern Europeans are doing after immigration fights/Madrid attacks (calling all dark skinned people Moors/Pakis and abusing them).

From first hand knowledge, I can tell you that it does not build a discussion.
You have a point and I really want to agree with you, but on a professional and diplomatic level what you ask for can never happen for a variety of good reasons. Muslim brotherhood may be dead, but that doesn't mean we stop acting as a role model (which we are) for our little sisters.

All this brotherhood mumbo jumbo has lead Pakistan no where. How much is Pakistan willing to sacrifice? Where is this pathetic Muslim world anyway? Why aren't those same Muslims not defending their Palestinian brothers and sisters? Why do those Arab Muslims discriminate against their Palestinian brothers and sisters? The Muslims don't give a dime about Pakistan. Only the Pakistanis are always so worried and obsessed about the fate of other fellow Muslims. Role model at the expense of becoming a failed state? In this cruel world the rules of the jungle count. If it would have been up to the Muslim world Pakistan wouldn't even have been a nuke power today. The Muslim world envies Pakistan. That's the reality. What kind of a Muslims are these? It's a matter of survival. Pakistanis need to realize that Pakistan comes first. Everything else has a second place. It may sound extremely selfish, but that unfortunately is the dire reality I'm afraid.
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It points to a past mindset of such, perhaps. That doesn't bind the present generation, IMO. Indira Gandhi hated the idea of Pakistan, but she's gone now and I am ignorant of any current Indian leader who wishes to challenge the idea of Pakistan's existence as a separate state.

That mindset continued.

In 1984 India violated the Simla Agreement to invade Siachen. They also supported the Baluch insurgency and then the Northern Alliance to counter Pakistan in Afghanistan, before Afghanistan ever started being used to train Kashmiri Freedom Fighters.

If it is the statements of the leadership you are basing your argument on, then where exactly have recent Pakistani leaders ever made statements challenging India's existence or support for terrorism in India?

My intent on this thread was not to draw India in, since we have no evidence indicating anything at this point, and I posted as such. The only problem is your blatant hypocrisy in lecturing to Pakistanis about proving India's guilt while ranting about confirmed Pakistani institutional involvement, and asking Pakistanis to prove a negative.

You can either retract your absurd argument of 'Pakistani institutions proving their innocence rather than others proving their guilt', or refrain from asking Pakistanis for 'proof establishing India's guilt'. You can't have it both ways.
^^ This is exactly what I was talking about. This crazy Mullah from Khakistan just proved whatever I said in my previous post. These Afghans are worse than dogs. Even dogs are more loyal. Go back to your Khakistan you stupid illiterate Afghan. We don't want your kind in our land you f i l t h y dog. We Pakistani Pukhtoon have nothing in common with you. Go and worship your master India you moron. Damned, I'm disgusted that I share my heritage with your f i l t h y kind. I would have changed my DNA in an instant. I've nothing in common with you mofos.

This is very discusting and offensive language you are using. I hope mods take proper action.
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