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President: Turkey to Take Actions if PKK in Syria Becomes Threat to Country


May 18, 2012
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If the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in northern Syria will become a threat to Turkey, Ankara may launch an operation against it in Syria, the Zaman newspaper quotes Turkish President Abdullah Gul as saying.

"Turkey is observing the situation in the north of Syria. If the existence of the PKK in Syria will become a threat to Turkey, we can interfere and start the necessary operation," Gul said.

President: Turkey to Take Actions if PKK in Syria Becomes Threat to Country, 17 August 2012 Friday 9:12
Sending armed rebels to Syria and expecting not to get anything in response.seems legit.

Expecting not to get anything in response? Read again friend.
There must be an expectation for Turkey to make a statement like this, no?
Expecting not to get anything in response? Read again friend.
There must be an expectation for Turkey to make a statement like this, no?
I have said earlier Turkey is helping the proccess of a separate state of Kurdistan in Syria.But Erdogan is too confident in his actions to see it.
The Gul's statement is like saying:"I'll send assasins to your house to kill you,you don't have any right to protest and if you try to send back assasins for me,I will punish you much harder".
I have said earlier Turkey is helping the proccess of a separate state of Kurdistan in Syria.But Erdogan is too confident in his actions to see it.
The Gul's statement is like saying:"I'll send assasins to your house to kill you,you don't have any right to protest and if you try to send back assasins for me,I will punish you much harder".

Well, actually they did "send assassins" back in nineties. Now they are tasting their own medicine.

Long story short, even consequences got its own consequences and so on...

they will be dealt with, from Assad regime to Mullahs to Armpits those who supported these bloody terrorists against us should pay the price, we'll kick their ***** back to their holes where they came from..
Well, actually they did "send assassins" back in nineties. Now they are tasting their own medicine.

Long story short, even consequences got its own consequences and so on...

Let's assume they actually sent assasins in 90s.Was it at this scale?Sending 1000 armed gangs everyday?
Blaming your neighbours for your problems is an old trick.It barely works in today's world.
Let's assume they actually sent assasins in 90s.Was it at this scale?Sending 1000 armed gangs everyday?
Blaming your neighbours for your problems is an old trick.It barely works in today's world.

As you may already know, i'm against the Turkey's support for this so-called FSA. There are lots of ultra-fundamentalist nutjobs among them. But they should have thought the consequences before firing that missile on a jet which was flying over international waters and before supporting PKK against Turkey. Therefore, Assad must go.

Iran is not in a position to accuse Turkey for supporting terrorists while Iran itself supporting a psychopath.
As you may already know, i'm against the Turkey's support for this so-called FSA. There are lots of ultra-fundamentalist nutjobs among them. But they should have thought the consequences before firing that missile on a jet which was flying over international waters and before supporting PKK against Turkey. Therefore, Assad must go.

Iran is not in a position to accuse Turkey for supporting terrorists while Iran itself supporting a psychopath.
Do you really thinks it's just an accusation?Heck,even the AKP governent admits it is sending rebels to Syria and arming them.Actually it was Turkey who accused Iran of supporting PKK which is a lie.Are you in that position to blame us?The irony is that Turkey did this right after Iran blamed its actions in Syria,its like they suddenly remembered Iran is supporting PKK.You've already accused all your neighbours,the only thing left is Turkey blaming Armenia and Greece of arming PKK.
On a side note,Turkey was sending rebels to Syria even before the downing of its jet.it's just an excuse.You wanna send armed gangs in there?No problem,but at least don't complain everyday of its consequences.
Do you really thinks it's just an accusation?Heck,even the AKP governent admits it is sending rebels to Syria and arming them.Actually it was Turkey who accused Iran of supporting PKK which is a lie.Are you in that position to blame us?The irony is that Turkey did this right after Iran blamed its actions in Syria,its like they suddenly remembered Iran is supporting PKK.You've already accused all your neighbours,the only thing left is Turkey blaming Armenia and Greece of arming PKK.
On a side note,Turkey was sending rebels to Syria even before the downing of its jet.it's just an excuse.You wanna send armed gangs in there?No problem,but at least don't complain everyday of its consequences.

No one is complaining other than Iran and Syria friend. We are just saying that if it happens, this is going to happen.

At least there are some real freedom fighters among FSA. What about Assad's mans? All of them are terrorists, killing civillians, dropping bombs on cities, supporting terrorists against its neighbours, etc...

So yes, you're not in a position to whine about Turkey sending rebels into Syria.
as you know very well since you live in a police state lies and cheap propaganda is your profession...

''we can interfere and start the necessary operation'' does it sound like a complaning to you? :)
No one is complaining other than Iran and Syria friend. We are just saying that if it happens, this is going to happen.

At least there are some real freedom fighters among FSA. What about Assad's mans? All of them are terrorists, killing civillians, dropping bombs on cities, supporting terrorists against its neighbours, etc...

So yes, you're not in a position to whine about Turkey sending rebels into Syria.
We never complained.The ones who are fighting FSA,are not terrorists,it's the Syrian army,if you want to see them as terrorists,that's your call.Those 'freedom' fighters have killed more civilians than Syrian army ever did.
Do whatever you want.I just want to see the day when AKP regrets its policies and see how far they have gone with this.
Those 'freedom' fighters have killed more civilians than Syrian army ever did.

since you love proofs care to provide one? guess they did it with bombing cities, towns and villages with vintage russian planes and tanks...right?...sory but to me again sounds like cheap propaganda from your side!
We never complained.The ones who are fighting FSA,are not terrorists,it's the Syrian army,if you want to see them as terrorists,that's your call.Those 'freedom' fighters have killed more civilians than Syrian army ever did.
Do whatever you want.I just want to see the day when AKP regrets its policies and see how far they have gone with this.

Even if so, i don't think we will regret more than Iran and Assad.

And this:
since you love proofs care to provide one? guess they did it with bombing cities, towns and villages with vintage russian planes and tanks...right?...sory but to me again sounds like cheap propaganda from your side!
they will be dealt with, from Assad regime to Mullahs to Armpits those who supported these bloody terrorists against us should pay the price, we'll kick their ***** back to their holes where they came from..

Dude what are you talking about? Turkey is the one that opened the borders for so called free syrian army millitants. They go in and go out without control nothing. Turkey has more then 40.000 + refugees and in that 40.000+ you have thousands of armed millitants that create blood in Syria. And we all know what they did in Turkish refugee camps and still doing. We trusting USA and Saudie Arabia. Government helping these insurgents and what these insurgents doing are well clear. Even US media starting now to call these insurgents terrorists. This is what happen if you beeing used.

To north Iraq, government cant say anything but because US wants Turkey in to war, they allow this for Syria.
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