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President: Turkey to Take Actions if PKK in Syria Becomes Threat to Country

Dude what are you talking about? Turkey is the one that opened the borders for so called free syrian army millitants. They go in and go out without control nothing. Turkey has more then 40.000 + refugees and in that 40.000+ you have thousands of armed millitants that create blood in Syria. And we all know what they did in Turkish refugee camps and still doing. We trusting USA and Saudie Arabia. Government helping these insurgents and what these insurgents doing are well clear. Even US media starting now to call these insurgents terrorists. This is what happen if you beeing used.

To north Iraq, government cant say anything but because US wants Turkey in to war, they allow this for Syria.

What Turkey is doing today is similiar to what Iraq attempted overtly on Iran in 80's on behest of USA.But it seems to be a big geopolitical plan to hasten the creation of Kurdistan.
Turkiye has international rigths to interfere Syria if the existence of the PKK in Syria will become a threat to Turkiye,
we did same job more than 100s times in north Iraq in last 30 years..
no China or Russia can save them..
Turkiye has international rigths to interfere Syria if the existence of the PKK in Syria will become a threat to Turkiye,
we did same job more than 100s times in north Iraq in last 30 years..
no China or Russia can save them..

Why we go to Syria dude? Isnt the existence of pkk in North-Iraq not a threat to Turkey? Why Turkey cant do anything about it? First answer that question instead of blindly pride politics.
The death toll of the Syrian army are greater than the Al Qaeda FSA units.And what I am hearing from the Syrian I know,its FSA carrying out executions of civilians and taking civilians hostage while attacking the Syrian army.

But anyways the Syrians are going to give you a good taste of your own medicine. PKK is taking control of Turkish towns.

Since when army members are considiring as civillians? If the death toll of Syrian army is greater than FSA, then the medicine is working :tup:
As for executions and hostages, it also has some side effects. Sorry about that. But you wouldn't mind anyways, since Assad himself giving the orders of bombing cities and killing thousands of civillians, and you are totally cool with it...

If Russia would like you will cease to exist in less than 5 minutes after the Cruise missiles armed with nuclear warheads start detonating. And it is claimed that Syria has some good biological weapons.Those should be good in depopulating the Middle East of the Turk and Wahabbi menace.As for the warheads in Incirlik ?they will be gone in the preemptive strike by russian federation.

Tell them to bulid some more Tesla Tanks, they are super effective against regular tanks :tup:
Get real... world has changed, it is not the Ottoman period anymore. Nowadays you are a puppet of the United States and if you go against them they will bomb your country back to the stone age

USA gonna bomb Turkey because of Kurds??? Kurds are expandable, dont get overconfident.
Who are you to decide for people ? instead of creating multiple accounts get a life, get a job

I have a funny feeling about you. Who are you? Tabriz? IranZamin? PGK?
You have changed your country flag 4 times since your registration.
Im sure a colony kick out a US base whenever it wants , tells them you cnt fwckin use our land to attack iraq . Iran is a colony of Russia but the weird thing is , its master treats it very bad.
I was just pointing out that the Ottoman era is over, forget it. Nowadays you are American puppet and you are hosting American military bases, basically you are their semi colony

You talk like Kurds have character. You made my mouth dirtier. Lets face it: arent Kurds wh0ring themselves to every western States? Kurds are nuisance that cooperated, cooperates with Western States to destabilize middleastern States?

You want me to count the Kurdish uprisings flared by western States? Jew Barzani and his puppet Kurdistan. Pardon, Great Israel.

At least we are the spearheads of Muslim world, Kurds are the backstabbers. I take you as a Kurd.
@ alienoz

yes and that was my point. Israel and America back the Kurds now. They are helping to form Kurdistan, while they continue to string you along. You are being double played and will pay the price for it soon.

About paying price: world is ruled by USA. USA is a place where Low educated Low intelligent masses are being brainfvcked by Jews. The day Jews lose the financial hegemony, new world order is doomed.

Jew is someone who was begging German soldiers for his life 70 years ago. Now jew became myth. Get over it. Jews are new to global battlefield, we Turks have Been fighting for over 3000 years. War wont be ended by the possible division of Turkey. It would only be start, awakening.

I wont be here for a week. Your questions and counterclaims would be replied then.
About paying price: world is ruled by USA. USA is a place where Low educated Low intelligent masses are being brainfvcked by Jews. The day Jews lose the financial hegemony, new world order is doomed.

Jew is someone who was begging German soldiers for his life 70 years ago. Now jew became myth. Get over it. Jews are new to global battlefield, we Turks have Been fighting for over 3000 years. War wont be ended by the possible division of Turkey. It would only be start, awakening.

I wont be here for a week. Your questions and counterclaims would be replied then.

Certain Hypothesis even suggest that Hitler had jewish roots.Though strange,but then you should check what jews against zionism claim about the zionists helping the nazis in the Holocaust.Very strange indeed.
If they don't have balls to start a war they should never have interfered in syria. It's a coward's way.

And cowards can't lead mighty nations. Anyway's Y'all knwo my stance, i want the government to put their heads out of their azzes and start the fvcking war.
If they don't have balls to start a war they should never have interfered in syria. It's a coward's way.

And cowards can't lead mighty nations. Anyway's Y'all knwo my stance, i want the government to put their heads out of their azzes and start the fvcking war.

In case you decide to start the war,you turks will be guinea pigs and it will show how effective Syrian biological weapons are:
Gordon: What have your investigations revealed about the level of commitment and investment in Bio-warfare programs by the Syrian military establishment?

Dekker: Contrary to how the US State Department and other agencies tend to downplay the sophistication of the Syrian biological and nuclear programs, they are very advanced. Syria has always had the most advanced chemical weapons program in the Middle East. The US and other western agencies have in a sense been distracted by this, but their biological programs and the “concept of use” are robust. Syria’s biological weapons capability today is closely tied to the former and current Soviet and Russian programs respectively, the DPRK, Iran and the former Iraq regime. A major concern is their strategic concept of use - which has gone from one of ‘special weapons’ to incorporation into their ‘conventional arsenal.’ That is a significant shift and one that seems to have eluded the US. The Syrians run their biological programs out of the Syrian Scientific Research Council (SSRC) in Damascus. They have separate wings for separate pathogens. They also have a number of programs running in Aleppo. The Syrians are 100% committed to deniable operations as their modus operandi. Biological weapons, particularly those which might occur naturally, are the ultimate in deniability, for example, their cryptosporidium program for force reduction. The Wednesday Report noted a few years ago that in terms of the Syrian anthrax program, Syria has extensive expertise in the industrial cultivation of germs and viruses for the civilian production of anthrax (and smallpox) vaccines. It also noted that Russian experts, contracted by Syria, are apparently helping them to cultivate a highly virulent anthrax germ for installation in missile warheads. Their pharmaceutical infrastructure is fully integrated with their defense structure. Syrians cannot reach parity with US and Israeli conventional weapons. However, they view their bio-chemical arsenal as part of a normal weapons program. This is a huge shift in thinking by the Syrian military. It means they condone the use of biological pathogens as 'offensive' weapons. NATO and the United States should be very concerned about that re-designation.

Gordon: What external resources did the Syrian military establishment draw upon to develop its Bio-warfare capabilities?

Dekker: The Syrians work on most Category A pathogens: anthrax, plague, tularemia, botulinium, smallpox, aflotoxin, cholera, ricin, camelpox. Some of these they acquired during natural outbreaks, others they acquired from the Soviets, Russians, DPRK, Iran and Iraq. Some of these pathogens such as their botulinium program have their own facilities and sections within chemical weapons institutes and defense labs; others are in veterinary vaccine research facilities and have a ‘latent’ component. Keep in mind ‘defensive’ biological research is completely legal and prior to the 1980’s it was normal to trade in pathogens, even dangerous ones. Although the US gave up its bio-warfare program in the 1960’s, the BTWC of 1972, ratified in 1976, had no verification mechanism. Offensive programs were not that uncommon. The Soviets hid theirs (Biopreparat) and it was massive. US intelligence agencies denied the Soviets could possibly have such a massive program - even after the defection of high level scientists- such Vladimir Pasechnik. You have to wonder at what point they are going to sharpen up and see that nations like Syria also have a robust advanced biological weapons program. Things have changed with genetic modification and other technologies which make the need to 'stockpile' biological weapons obsolete. The Syrians are intent on having a very agile program; additionally they work on a number of crash programs. Thus, we see a progression from the old Soviet days of bio-weapon development to a far more contemporary way in which the Syrians have made tremendous gains from the Soviets and more recently the Russians and the DPRK. The Syrians also acquired some of their dual-use technologies completely legally when companies such as Baxter and other bio-pharma concerns were developing factories in Damascus. The majority of their bio-programs stocks have come from Russia.
Syria's Bio-Warfare Threat: an interview with Dr. Jill Dekker > Jerry Gordon

note:biological weapons can be superior to nuclear weapons ,but it depends on transmission vector characteristics and its virulence. Like the russian chimera virus Ebolapox has the practical capability to depopulate the entire planets and it can penetrate through NBC gear also.
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