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North Eastern students prepared to leave Karnataka

No I didnt say that, However I am for cleansing anyone which treats Religion is above a nation. Be it hindu, be it muslim and be it mass or an indivisual.

Through out the time Congress remained in power, they have always played the "Dirty politics". Its time that we need someone and I quote here "if eats a little but does something for the country in ways that will keep the country first and everything else second"

Thats why I want Modi. and its the same reason modi is liked by Chinese because Chinese do the same, a person who is hated by her Pakistani friends...

Oh no, on the contrary, we love him. He may do more of the murderous rampage that he launches himself in from time to time. it helps increase the divide in India.

We have lived with Indian anger after it broke into India and Pakistan. We can live with India's anger when it further breaks into many more.
That is what I had been warning those NE people that they should not cross the limit. At the end of the day Muslim will become Muslim and Bengalis will also become Bengalis. Illegal immigration hype will not hold the water for too long. Now you people are pissing your pants even hearing some rumors.

Only 2/3 countries in the world think like this including you. Wonder when the world uprises against you guys for your radical thinking, you will be dead along with some real peace loving muslims....

Oh no, on the contrary, we love him. He may do more of the murderous rampage that he launches himself in from time to time. it helps increase the divide in India.

We have lived with Indian anger after it broke into India and Pakistan. We can live with India's anger when it further breaks into many more.

Dont say u love him just because I said you hate him...You hate him and thats period. and as per India falling apart??..may be it will, but you already..what say?
bro if muslim try any advanture against north eastern people in current situation then u see what will be happend. bodo kick every illigal bangladeshi a55 from india .

Bengalis already are majority in NE. So dream on. I hope Bengalis find a way to accommodate other minority groups in NE and live peacefully. Riot is not the solution and Bengalis are there to stay.
Only 2/3 countries in the world think like this including you. Wonder when the world uprises against you guys for your radical thinking, you will be dead along with some real peace loving muslims....

Your numbers are too small to challenge the biggest indic race in the sub continent. And for the last 1000 years there were numerous attempt to kill and clean all the muslim in India. But muslim kept on growing and Islamic India is the ultimate destiny.
but in last riots i hear mostly illigal bengali migrants runaway from bodo majority area.

You heard wrong. Bodos are surrounded by Bengali community from all side. May be from one or two villages Bengalis retreated. But Bodos are the one took the hit. Besides Bengali community shown enough restraint.
Oh no, on the contrary, we love him. He may do more of the murderous rampage that he launches himself in from time to time. it helps increase the divide in India.

We have lived with Indian anger after it broke into India and Pakistan. We can live with India's anger when it further breaks into many more.
in last time our western neigbour who try to divide us in brake two parts .who knows next is balochistan or sindhudesh.
O c'mon now. stop presenting stupid arguments.

Let me remain bad. At least I am happy.

But tell me, the same people who lived here were Hindus once, Buddhist once and remained part of Indus civilization. It is only when the same people become Muslims, they can not be from the same stock.

On one hand you people tell us, both Indian and Pakistanis are the same people, have same culture, same language, etc etc. And then you say because you are Muslims, you are bad and do not belong here.

I say that, I am the scion of Indian civilization and I am a Muslim and a Pakistani.

You are people who were captured and ruled by differing set of people from Indus civilization, to Arab civilization, to Iranian civilization to European civilization, but you are not from Indus civilization - the whole of you as an entity.

Because you don't have an identity, you are looking fo an identity and are grabbing straws from over 4000 year old empires, the actual scions of those empires are present day Pakistanis and not people living far away in the gangetic plains and wrongfully call themselves Indians.

Buddy now its for everyone to read and make his mind. We have both given our arguments, and readers can make their mind.

I don't have anything else to say on this topic now. Cheers. Lets discuss something else now.
The peaceful dharmic religion - let me quote history .......

The number killed in the Mahabharata War
April 9, 2009 — Hariprasad

My previous article on the Akshouhini gave rise to some interesting discussions in the comments section. Sri Chiraan rightly pointed out that the actual number of people who participated in the war had to be much more. It was, after all, the “Maha”bharata war!

I recalled reading in the Tatparya Nirnaya that the number 18 Akshouhinis was just the core army. The actual army *had* to be much bigger! So I got down to doing some research on this and yes, the Bhaarata has captured this detail as well. We find details of the actual fatalities (and survivors) in the war in the Stri Parva. The Pandavas, along with Krishna, come to meet Dhritharashtra and Gandhari. At one point, Dhritharashtra asks Yudhishthira if he knows the number of people dead and number of survivors. The numbers that Dharma reveals are

• Fatalities : 1 billion, 660 million and 20,000!!!
• Survivors : 240,165

Today’s world population is 6 billion, 700 odd million. Even in today’s terms, about 25% of the population got wiped out in the war!

The number killed in the Mahabharata War « Anandatirtha Prathishtana

At the time this war took place, the world's population would certainly not have been over 6 billion.

You guys killed almost half of the world's population in a genocidal frenzy and call it peaceful.

The great Ashoka ushered peace in India and was a noble king holding the greatest of the empires in India.

Let me just quote only one of his battles ........ Ashoka in his rampaging invasion of the eastern province of Kalinga, in which his army slew more than 100,000 men.

Where was Kalinga - on Mars! Wasn't it in India and he killed a mere hundred thousand only in one battle.

You guys are doing the same since centuries and are still butchers for the minorities.

Take your peace elsewhere and drown yourself in it, peacefully.

super, awsome, what a wisdom.
The mahabarath is an epic, no one knows if it happened or not, even if it happened, it does not talk about religious fight, it talks about Good winning over the EVIL in a battle field.
secondly quoating ASOKA is another blunder, his conquest is also not some thing based on religion as you MUSLIMS do, you wanted to rule over other faith, that is where the difference is, at least at KALINGA ASOKA found that the world is big and he can not conqur all of it at the cost of human life and turned peaceful. show me one Mugal emperror who turned spritual after his conquest, all they wanted is more blood of the infedels and that of their own troops.
Your numbers are too small to challenge the biggest indic race in the sub continent. And for the last 1000 years there were numerous attempt to kill and clean all the muslim in India. But muslim kept on growing and Islamic India is the ultimate destiny.

Our numbers???? looks like th census report was wrong....Dont worry about our number, The world is standing up againt you...and all because of your stupid thinking...else today there would have been a different present..
It is just the rumor work that's leading to the migration.

The govt. should take strict action against the culprits or attackers be it Muslim or of any other religion.

A Muslim can't riot or kill innocent and that too in Ramzan. :sick:

Shoot whoever is trying to defame Islam.
changing the last sentence,
Shoot whoeven is trying to defame humanity, INDIA and the communal fabric of the nation.

You heard wrong. Bodos are surrounded by Bengali community from all side. May be from one or two villages Bengalis retreated. But Bodos are the one took the hit. Besides Bengali community shown enough restraint.
lets see what happens when the GOI does not interveen and let the BODOS to vent their anger to recapture the land as sons of soil.
until UPA is in power illegal immigrants will see themselves as powerful, but in due corse when BJP comes to power, they will just instruct the POLICE to not involve and there will be the end of all illegal immigrants, either they have to run to other states in INDIA or return back to where they came from.
Seems like GOI is waiting for the end of Ranzan and EID to book all those trouble makers in muslim community in mumbai,pune,hyderabad,bangalore and assam.....


Mumbai police to wait till Eid for Azad Maidan rioters arrest

MUMBAI: The Mumbai police will now have to wait for at least another one week to arrest the rest of around two dozen suspects accused of rioting, arson and assaulting policemen in the Saturday's protest at Azad Maidan.

Crime branch on Tuesday had said that they have identified around 35 to 40 youths from various parts of Mumbai for the Saturday's rioting. On Saturday, the Muslim organisations had staged a morcha at Azad Maidan ground to protest the atrocities on Muslims in Burma and Myanmar. The protest turned violent after one of the notorious group attacked the policemen leading to police firing in which two persons were killed and 63 persons including 58 policemen were injured.

Police had arrested 23 persons on Sunday responsible for the rioting and assaulting policemen. Now police have started identifying the suspects who were seen rioting and assualting policemen. On Wednesday night police arrested Salim Chuakiya from Oshiwara after two policemen identified him through the CCTV footage circulated by the police.

Sources said that many of the protestors are now scared and wants to surrender before the police but they dont want to spend their festival-Ramzan Eid inside the police lockups. "My friend Munir wants to surrender before the police as he is seen in the protest rally, but he said that he will surrender only after spending the Eid,'' said Zuber Khan from Crawford Market area. Munir is not alone there are few others who have been advised by their lawyers to surrender only after the Idd celebration.

Sources said that these people have been advised by the lawyers to go underground or stay away from their permanent houses as police as well zero numbers (police informers) are moving around fishing them.
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