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Iran Vs Israel Science

Yes but good new for us is that we have enough gas for the next 100 years and we have 600 billion barrels of oil but only 180 billion are recoverable atm, in the future we will gain the technology to get more oil.

also my country is home to one the world oldest agricultural communities, believe me we will not be selling no sand.
such s shame you don't know anything about Iran. we are not saudi arabia.

That is very true. You can't compare Iran a ancient civilization with Sand-ia Arabia. Iran is not all desert either contrary to many people's asumption. I think the north west is cold mountain plateux with heavy snowfall, then they have Mediterranean climate along with desert as well on the south south east side.

Persian God king would I be mistaken in thinking that Iran produces most of it's own food? I know I see Iranian Pistachios on sale here in UK.
India ranked 64 in global innovation; 2nd in innovation efficiency after China: report news
The Global Innovation Index 2012 published by INSEAD, the leading international business school, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a specialised agency of the United Nations and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) jointly ranks 141 countries/economies on the basis of their innovation capabilities and results.

The dynamics of innovation continue to be affected by the emergence of new successful innovators, as seen by the range of countries across continents in the top 20 Global Innovation Index (GII) ranking, as well as the strong performances of emerging economies, reveals the Global Innovation Index 2012 published by INSEAD, the European business school, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a specialised agency of the UN and Indian industry body CII.

The index highlights the strong performances of emerging countries such as Latvia, Malaysia, China, Montenegro, Serbia, Republic of Moldova, Jordan, Ukraine, India, Mongolia, Armenia, Georgia, Namibia, Viet Nam, Swaziland, Paraguay, Ghana, Senegal; and low-income countries Kenya and Zimbabwe.

Switzerland tops the list this year while India ranks 64 in the overall ranking of countries.
China's performance on the key knowledge and technology outputs pillar is outpaced only by Switzerland, Sweden, Singapore, and Finland.

However, the report notes that both China and India have weaknesses in their innovation infrastructure and environment. The report also notes that Brazil has suffered the largest drop among the BRICs.

The report being one of the key indicators of innovation at the country level shows which countries are best in transforming given innovation inputs into innovation outputs.

Countries which are strong in producing innovation outputs despite a weaker innovation environment and innovation inputs are poised to rank high in this ''efficiency'' index.

In the Global Innovation Efficiency Index, China and India lead the top 10 league of countries. This shows that in spite facing challenges in the input side and being ranked 64 overall, India is well poised to adapt innovation in a big way, given the input side measures are reviewed and improved considerably.

Commenting on innovation in emerging economies like India, Chandrajit Banerjee, director general, CII, said, ''Every country can aspire to be an innovation-driven economy. The more resource-constrained an economy is, the more prone to innovation it actually can be. Importantly, innovation is about acts which improve everyday lives and a journey towards faster-sustainable-inclusive-growth''

So ALOK31 help me out with this because of my limited cognitive functioning I have to sort of simplify the jumble of information you have given.

1* 1,100 million Indian's get togather and after mighty effort manage to get to 64th on the list.
2* 1,300 million Chinese get togather and after combined effort manage to get to 5th on the list.
3.* 7 million Swiss get togather and after a puny effort manage to get to 1st on the list.

Something not quite right here. Why are the Indian's so behind the Chinese? Would I be correct in concluding that 7 million Swiss carry more innovative leverage then 1,100 million Indian's? Damned embarassing.

Me? I am Pakistani and I am friggin embarrased which is why I scrupulously avoid touting such lists which show how backward Pakistan is.

So ALOK31 help me out with this because of my limited cognitive functioning I have to sort of simplify the jumble of information you have given.

1* 1,100 million Indian's get togather and after mighty effort manage to get to 64th on the list.
2* 1,300 million Chinese get togather and after combined effort manage to get to 5th on the list.
3.* 7 million Swiss get togather and after a puny effort manage to get to 1st on the list.

Something not quite right here. Why are the Indian's so behind the Chinese? Would I be correct in concluding that 7 million Swiss carry more innovative leverage then 1,100 million Indian's? Damned embarassing.

Me? I am Pakistani and I am friggin embarrased which is why I scrupulously avoid touting such lists which show how backward Pakistan is.
In a country of 180 million people or possibly more, their are around 7000 PHd only. Isn't this sad?

Our current government has never given importance to education sector.

In addition, lot of things are being imported from China. This is detrimental to our own industry.
China fifth? where? China ranked as 34

Did I say something about my "limited cognitive functioning"? What do you think that means?
And can you please add another one to my list of ailments " my limited Visual acuity".

I only read this "China's performance on the key knowledge and technology outputs pillar is outpaced only by Switzerland, Sweden, Singapore, and Finland" and counted four and then five ... bang the land of epicanthic folds !!!.

* However the trust of what I said still stands.

** Yes, your right there LEGenD. I guess we are too busy burning American flags to bother with anything that might usefull. Look how we treated Dr. Abdus Salam of CERN and only Pakistani Nobel winner.

So ALOK31 help me out with this because of my limited cognitive functioning I have to sort of simplify the jumble of information you have given.

1* 1,100 million Indian's get togather and after mighty effort manage to get to 64th on the list.
2* 1,300 million Chinese get togather and after combined effort manage to get to 5th on the list.
3.* 7 million Swiss get togather and after a puny effort manage to get to 1st on the list.

Something not quite right here. Why are the Indian's so behind the Chinese? Would I be correct in concluding that 7 million Swiss carry more innovative leverage then 1,100 million Indian's? Damned embarassing.

Me? I am Pakistani and I am friggin embarrased which is why I scrupulously avoid touting such lists which show how backward Pakistan is.

Its the money, Swiss have more per capita to spare for spending on innovation. And China is not 5th its 34th.
Its the money, Swiss have more per capita to spare for spending on innovation. And China is not 5th its 34th.

Really ............... and does money regurgitate out the Swiss posteriors? Maybe they have the money as a consequence of their innovative ability. You think that could be possible?

If it was just about money then Sand..ia Arabia would be in the top 10.
Really ............... and does money regurgitate out the Swiss posteriors? Maybe they have the money as a consequence of their innovative ability. You think that could be possible?

If it was just about money then Sand..ia Arabia would be in the top 10.

Well the Europeans did get a head start on us Asians. 29 of the top 30 countries are from High Income group, and 20 out of top 30 are Europeans.

Oil rich Arab countries do have a lot of potential, but they have only started investing in innovation, R&D in past 5 years or so. You ll see them move up the ladder in the coming years.

Even now Qatar is ranked ahead of China, and UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait all are ahead of India.
Most of these Iranian 'Scientists' all left Iran to study in the west, then went back to Iran.

The amount of Iranian students heading to the US/Canada and beyond is astounding.

Well done Iranians for being educated by the west.

It's worth noting though that the Persians were an impressive people before Islam made them stagnant.
if anyone actually believes that list they are retards , can someone explain how armenia , georgia , mongolia , costa rica , moldova , maritius , estonia , namibia higher than turkey? these are the most obvious there are other funny ones aswell , also what does it actually mean? if its innovation in these periods its germany and usa number 1 in most aspects

China fifth? where? China ranked as 34
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