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Korean soliders the crulest war criminals in Vietnam war?

Vietnam is very similar to Korea.

..This is why both Vietnamese and South Koreans delude themselves that they are a super military power when in fact they are always massacred by more powerful countries.

Did VN declare ever itself as a super power? I don´t think that´s true. It´s just silly.
Did VN declare ever itself as a super power? I don´t think that´s true. It´s just silly.
Before we spanked you in 1979, Vietnam declared itself the "third most powerful army in the world" after USA gave up the war and had plans to roll over Cambodia, Laos, Thailand to become master of SE Asia..... :rofl:
Just one question, what was in their for the South Koreans? Was Vietnam a threat to Korea in any way?

In there is their slave mentality for the stronger one.

When China was strong (Ming Dynasty), many Koreans rushed to become Chinese pawn, calling China their father, and calling themselves piety sons of China. They quickly forgot what Korean was.

When Japanese annexed Korean, many Koreans rushed to become Japanese pawn. They quickly forgot what Korean was.

When N. Korea occupied some part of S Korean, SKoreans rush to NKorean to become NK pawns. They quickly forgot what S Korean was.

Then S Korea recovered some NK occupied areas, SKoreans rush back to SKorean to become SK pawns. They quickly forgot what N Korean was.

When US occupied S Korean, SKoreans rush to US to become US pawns. They quickly forgot what S Korean was.

When VN war happened, as US pawns, so would SKoreans rush to VN to kill poor Vietnamese for US.

It’s their culture. Unique but not surprising.

Unlike some who believed communist propaganda, the South Koreans were not 'forced' to fight in Viet Nam. ...

Right. As I said above the reason that SKoreans indeed fought in VN for USA willingly.

As for the argument that somehow facing the Viet Cong was easier than the facing the NVA, that is also wrong. The Viet Cong's ability to blend in with the civilians made hunting and combating them difficult and dangerous. It should be noted that the Viet Cong's ability to wage war and effectiveness conveniently changes according to a person's stand. In one argument, the Viet Cong practically defeated the entire US/SVN alliance all by themselves, but in this one, fighting the Viet Cong is amazingly a piece of cake.

Go figer...

You mean communist propaganda is not enough for you?


More Agent Orange should be applied over more areas. It should be all over VN...
There are 30,000 unmarked graves of PLA soldiers in ROK. North Korea has ten times more, including the grave of Mao's eldest son to which Chinese government officials including Wen Jiabao pay tribute to everytime they visit North Korea.


In fact, I think Mao is really admirable in this aspect. Not many other world leaders would do such a thing as sending their sons to frontline facing enemy directly.

Your SKorean leaders are only good at either corrupting themselves or hanging themselvs after being busted.

Excuse me , China was also a victim of Japan :P let me modify your post
I remember some where you are showing pics of Chinese killing Viets . That proves that Chinese are most cruel :P

lol an amazing fact :rofl:. ll bookmark this one :lol:

I think you should bookmark it. It tells you why China used little figure in 1962 causing your a dark psychology for 50 years and perpetuating that cloud on your nation...

Now look back on your own corrupted leaders, they lead your India to nowhere: fatten their own bank account, steal your tax money… One Russian woman can cause your carrier price tag to raise 1 billion yet nobody has been prosecuted (yet).

I would say China has the weakest army :P You were acting like lap dogs when British and Japan won over you :tongue:

And India has the strongest army. Just by looking at 1962 that you acted like roach!

In there is their slave mentality for the stronger one.

When VN war happened, as US pawns, so would SKoreans rush to VN to kill poor Vietnamese for US.
In fact, I think Mao is really admirable in this aspect. Not many other world leaders would do such a thing as sending their sons to frontline facing enemy directly.

Your SKorean leaders are only good at either corrupting themselves or hanging themselvs after being busted.
So if South Korea sent soldiers to face lethal combat as part of an alliance, it is of a 'slave mentality'. But if China does the same thing, it is admirable. :lol:
Before we spanked you in 1979, Vietnam declared itself the "third most powerful army in the world" after USA gave up the war and had plans to roll over Cambodia, Laos, Thailand to become master of SE Asia..... :rofl:

I dont think VN said that Vietnam's army is "third most powerful army in the world", and surely it never was an official statement.

However, I can proudly say that, Vietnamese people and our army defeated the French, kicked American and its allies out Saigon, and then we spank China and Khmer Rouge at the same time.
Before we spanked you in 1979, Vietnam declared itself the "third most powerful army in the world" after USA gave up the war and had plans to roll over Cambodia, Laos, Thailand to become master of SE Asia..... :rofl:

Typical chinese propaganda to make revenge for his new master USA, to attack Vietnam in cold war.
In there is their slave mentality for the stronger one.
You mean the Chinese slave mentality. After all Chinese worshiped Mongols and Manchus as their lords(Heck Chinese are proud of the Manchurian dress and hairdo to this day, and you see a shitload of Chinese historical dramas and movies romanticizing Manchu dynasty era), while Korea stayed independent.

When China was strong (Ming Dynasty), many Koreans rushed to become Chinese pawn
Where did you get this BS? Is this the quality of history education in China? No wonder why Chinese are so clueless about the world history.

It’s their culture. Unique but not surprising.
And the Chinese culture is to surrender ASAP, be it Mongols, Manchus, Japanese, Soviets, even Vietnamese.
You mean the Chinese slave mentality. After all Chinese worshiped Mongols and Manchus as their lords(Heck Chinese are proud of the Manchurian dress and hairdo to this day, and you see a shitload of Chinese historical dramas and movies romanticizing Manchu dynasty era), while Korea stayed independent.

Where did you get this BS? Is this the quality of history education in China? No wonder why Chinese are so clueless about the world history.

And the Chinese culture is to surrender ASAP, be it Mongols, Manchus, Japanese, Soviets, even Vietnamese.

It's truth. :tup:
This has been greatly exaggerated, I'm not sure who exaggerated this opinion but from my experience it is normally the Japanese that exaggerate these statements.

Koreans went to provide aid for Vietnam.
But when they arrived the Koreans were utterly confused and disorientated, the enemy was unclear, language barriers, unclear orders and directions, no navigation.
Most wrong doings were unintentional and done in the midst of confusion.
What didn't help was the fact that they had just recently gained freedom from the Japanese, who terrorized the whole of Korea. So left over anger from the Japanese and utter confusion was not a good mix.

Korea regrets and has deeply apologized for hurting Vietnamese people, the last time I checked Korea and Vietnam have a good relationship.

Today many Korean aid workers are providing relief and help in the villagers of Vietnam that were affected as a way to reconcile and comfort the Vietnamese people.
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China ruled Vietnam for over 1,000 years and Vietnam doesn't rule China for one day. Until one day that Vietnam can go to other countries to "spank" them in their own turf instead of being slaughtered and victimized at home, It won't be considered anywhere close to be "strong". History is always self explanatory. No further comments need to be added.

After all Chinese worshiped Mongols and Manchus as their lords(Heck Chinese are proud of the Manchurian dress and hairdo to this day, and you see a shitload of Chinese historical dramas and movies romanticizing Manchu dynasty era), while Korea stayed independent.

China has over 1 million ethnic Korean Chinese. As for others, We all become Chinese. Not even one Manchu denies their Chinese identity. Only you think that they are foreigners, let them speak for themselves.
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You're talking about the atrocities of the enemies of the vietcongs, but i'd like to see how you would react against the vietcongs or zionist ISIS

If you have seen the Platoon film, even the innocent main character finish to hate them

Actually this statement has to be reused in it context, the korean soldiers are more brutal than the US, but the vietcongs are the most cruel of all the soldiers

Between 0 to 10, 10 meaning using all the forbidden strategies, the vietcongs would have 10, the US would have 9 for the air force, 6 for the ground troops.

Koreans (trained by the US) would have 7. The south vietnamese would have 5
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