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Korean soliders the crulest war criminals in Vietnam war?

Lol, so how the American defeat your country and beat your men and rape your women as same as Soviet Union did to your country and your German still love them today??? :lol:

If that kind of brutal koreans invaded India, they had learned a hard bloody lesson indeed!

India is not china nor Vietnam, the korean and all of you must remember that.

The Americans liberated us from Nazis who not only brought suffering to many of my family and fellow countrymen/women, but also to all our neighbours.

For that we are grateful. The US has changed a lot since the end of the Cold War, unfortunately to the worse and more and more people in Germany start to realise that, particularly since the start of WOT and the financial crisis.

But I don't know why you even brought this in. The US soldiers were actually quite well behaved and treated our POW formidably, that's what won the heart and mind of post WWII Germany. We in West Germany never had a positiv image of Ivan and they treated our POW like sh*te, on the other hand we also didn't forget how brutal we treated the Russian civilians and soldiers during the war. There was a understanding of their retribution.

The millions of death caused by the British Raj are well remembered.
Then how the heck was rok troops annihilated one by one by the Chinese volunteer troops during Korean War???

I don't know about being the cruelest, but the most feared. The ROK troops were the toughest foreign troops that North Vietnam ever faced, and they battled the Japanese, the French, the Americans, and the Chinese in series.
I don't know about being the cruelest, but the most feared. The ROK troops were the toughest foreign troops that North Vietnam ever faced, and they battled the Japanese, the French, the Americans, and the Chinese in series.

LOL read this
S. Korea: Chinese fishermen kill coast guard member

Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- A South Korean coast guard commando was stabbed to death and another injured Monday after they boarded a Chinese fishing vessel they suspected of fishing illegally in the Yellow Sea, the coast guard and a South Korean news agency said Monday.

S. Korea: Chinese fishermen kill coast guard member - CNN.com

The most feared???? what you been smoking mate can i have some?:rofl:

Korea army is a joke even chinese fisher men can take care of them easily:rofl:
Yep, beating up the harmless folks to prove they are the tough guys, typical Korean mentality. :coffee:
During the Viet Nam war, the NVA/VC's tactics was to embedd within the civilians and shoot at their enemies from the civilians side. This tactic has two effects, one is to prevent their enemies from shooting at them. The second effect of this tactic is that if our enemies shoot at us, hence, killing the civilians during the process, it would trigger the neutral local population to hate the enemies and joint the communist forces. This tactic worked well with the U.S and South Vietnamese military as those of these forces would not risk killing the civilians. However, the Korean were willing to kill civilians in the hope that the NVA/VC would not attack them. It worked in a military sense but politically it failed miserably as the local population hated the Korean with guts despite the Korean were a "democratic" force. Until this day, the local population of Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Binh Dinh, Phu Yen, Kha'nh Hoa still loath the Korean.

As for the Korean being "tough" guys, I'll let you guys decided why the deadliest and largest battles of the Viet Nam war like Khe Sanh, Quang Tri citadel, seige of Hue, Dak to etc were fought solely by the U.S or South Vietnam military or a combination of both with air power involved without a single Korean soldier taken part of ??

I don't know about being the cruelest, but the most feared. The ROK troops were the toughest foreign troops that North Vietnam ever faced, and they battled the Japanese, the French, the Americans, and the Chinese in series.
If the Viet Nam War was only about the NVA/VC vs the Korean, I'm pretty sure the NVA/VC would take that on any given day over 1 million combined forces of U.S & South Viet Nam with thousand of bombers, fighters, helicopter gunship, tanks etc.
:lol: how about your PLA service boys beating up the locals Vietnamese civilians? :lol:

Your chins are obvious the looser in that war, you donated them as much as you could in that period of time, I do believe you tried your best even hungry to share your Vietnamese the foods but how suddently they turn to stab you a stab in the back. Nothing suprise, it is lightened, the more you want your Vietnamese "combrades" love you, the more they hate you, the irony is the U.S. had done more worst to VN but this country nowadays still favor Americans instead of China.

China has suffered too butt hurt! :oops: :D

Seriously, did you have your account hacked or you were just a false flagger from the beginning. :coffee:
Who is more humiliated?

Vietnam -- 1000 years China's vassal, mistreated by French, Japanese, Americans, Koreans and Chinese
Viet Nam = the only territory in Chinese empire building that China took but lost back . Other than Viet Nam, throughout history, no country that China took over has been able to regain their territory .

Not only Viet Nam was able to get back our country, we expanded our size by 3 times till today.
Then how the heck was rok troops annihilated one by one by the Chinese volunteer troops during Korean War???
They never were. You need to get your head out of BS false history taught by the communists.
They never were. You need to get your head out of BS false history taught by the communists.

Whenever Koreans lose, they mark the casualties as "unknown".

Battle of Onjong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

With the loss of the ROK 6th Infantry Division and the ROK 10th Infantry Regiment from the ROK 8th Infantry Division, the ROK II Corps was decimated, and effectively ceased to be an organized fighting force.[28] This meant the right flank of the US Eighth Army was completely open to the Chinese forces, which were now advancing south to overwhelm the UN forces.[29] Exploiting the situation, the Chinese launched another attack on the now exposed Eighth Army center, resulting in the loss of the ROK 15th Infantry Regiment and the US 8th Cavalry Regiment at the Battle of Unsan.[29]

A division is 15,000 troops. A regiment is 5,000 troops. A Corps is 40,000-50,000 troops.
Vietnam is very similar to Korea.

South Korea was very cruel to Vietnamese because Koreans were humiliated by the Japanese for 80 years between 1890's and 1945. The Korean royal family was tortured to death and all Koreans were made slaves of Japanese Empire.

PLA taught a good lesson to Vietnam in 1979 too. We killed 130,000 people in just 28 days. But Chinese cruelty was not special. Everybody was cruel to the Vietnamese: the French, the Japanese, the Americans.

This is why both Vietnamese and South Koreans delude themselves that they are a super military power when in fact they are always massacred by more powerful countries.

Yes, Vietnam is very similar to Korea, it's the role of Chinese.


In Korea.


In Vietnam.
Jesus was technically Jewish as well, but it would be disingenuous for Israel (modern day homeland of Judaism) to claim all of Christian Europe, just as it's disingenuous for India (modern day homeland of Hinduism) to claim all of Buddhist Asia.

Face it, you burned your bridges when Hindu fundamentalists violently displaced Buddhism from the sub-continent a long time ago. You can't claim it now.
SC was speaking about hindu kingdoms not India . Nepal was a hindu state till recent times :P Let me up up into something that hurts you . We sent our agent Buddha to conquer China peacefully :rofl:
I agree with you that there were no Napal at that time and there were only Hindu Kingdoms, Buddhist Kingdoms and finally Muslim Kingdoms and empires. You are the first Indians to openly agree that India nation was created by the British and never existed as a whole country prior to colonization.
Its a known fact that there was no China , India as they are in history :D. We Hindus once extended to Afganisthan,Tibet,Burma... Just like China was in Russia,Mongolia,Vietnam,Korea..:smokin::toast_sign:
It's more than pathetic. It's just like Koreans claiming Jesus is Korean.
Buddha is a Hindu by birth who was sent to occupy China peacefully :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: Nepal was still a hindu majority state :P
LOL feeling so inferior? Only indians were totally enslaved. That's why there is no memory of ancient hindu kingdoms anymore.
Our inferiority goes after seeing poor chinese like you who were in worse situation where you cant even speak :tongue:. What can you do other than chest thumping about your economy? Now dont say me warnings,water games,megatons ...:blah::blah::blah:
PLA taught a good lesson to Vietnam in 1979 too. We killed 130,000 people in just 28 days. But Chinese cruelty was not special. Everybody was cruel to the Vietnamese: the French, the Japanese, the Americans.

This is why both Vietnamese and South Koreans delude themselves that they are a super military power when in fact they are always massacred by more powerful countries.

In 1979, the PLA was suddenly attack on the villages and cities along the Vietnam border, killing innocent civilians. China took advantage when Vietnam's regular army during the facing the Khmer Rouge regime, PLA attacked against civilians in Vietnam.
But PLA was quickly stopped by female militia forces and the local army in Vietnam.
And PLA was quick to flee before they face Vietnam's regular military forces returning from Cambodia.
PLA is only very well at killing innocent civilians, borders Vietnam in 1979 and Tiananmen 1989 are examples. But PLA was defeated quickly, surrender and retreat in the face of female militia forces in Vietnam. :lol:

This is a photograph on the Time:

Caught Red-handed
Vietnamese troops watch over detained Chinese soldiers on Feb. 26, 1979.
Seasoned by decades of guerrilla war and equipped with the latest Soviet technology, the Vietnamese proved too strong for China's People's Liberation Army (PLA), whose strategy still revolved around deploying "human waves" of ragtag soldiers, a tactic used nearly three decades before during the Korean War.

Read more: China-Vietnam Border War, 30 Years Later - Photo Essays - TIME

and mighty PLA this:

I have read some information about a book of a Korean veteran but I don't remember. It talk about Tiger Division... They are one of strongest force in Vietnam War, did not be defeated before faced with 2nd and 3rd Yellow Stars Divisions of North Vietnam Army. Just an opinion.
Yes, of course we beat it, because the end result of the war like everyone knew.

Vietnam and Korea were both China's vassal states for centuries. They were both massacred by more powerful countries including China, Japan and Western nations. Now they are both super-duper military powers! :lol:

We did not massacre the Chinese people, but Japan did.

China's casualties and losses in Second Sino-Japanese War:
Nationalist: 1,320,000 KIA, 1,797,000 WIA, 120,000 MIA, and 17,000,000–22,000,000 civilians dead [4]
Communist: 500,000 KIA and WIA.


I think india is the weakest,tens of thousands of brits ruled whole india.

You forgot that China was divided by 6 countries, like sharing a cake. And some parts of China territory remains colony of Britain and Portugal until 1997, Hong Kong and Macau...
i just joined this forum, because i found ths thread. i apologize if this is a dead thread now that im bumping up.

first disclaimer: im korean american so i hold those bias. and i know very little about war or history.

but i wanted to point something out for the poster who asked, why would south korea go to war with north vietnam?

of course, the main reason is probably that the south korean dictator at the time wanted american money. and that many koreans may have felt the need to fight communism on principle or to aid America based on principle.

but there is another obvious reason that gets neglected. South Korea in the 1960s was a very very poor country in desperate need for powerful allies. only a decade back, south korea almost ceases to exist due to the combined military power of communist north korea and communist china. now in year 2012, we tend to think that it is only obvious north vietnam would win. this wasnt obvious in 1960s. Suppose south vietnam won that war amd vietnam was unified under Saigon government. South Korea would have a powerful ally in her neighborhood who will be extremely sympathetic when North Korea and China relaunched a second invasion into South korea.

for south korea, vietnam war was also an opportunity to gain this powerful ally.
i also wanted to just add my thoughts on war atrocities south korea did against the vietnamese people.

personally i believe those stories. sure there are a lot of communist propaganda mixed in there, but it would make sense to me that there would be atrocities for a number of reasons.

a lot of korean leadership at that time were members of the Imperial Japanese Army. They learned their craft from them and they emulated their behavior pretty well.

and during the korean war, both sides committed horrible atrocities against each other. some koreans might have believed that they were doing the vietnamese a favor by using harsh methods. this was the way korean war was waged, so i assume they probably took that with them to vietnam. the north koreans at this time were teachng the the NVA how to build tunnels for warfare.

that being said, i want to also point out some other things.

dont know how true this is, but the rumor goes that south korean dictator at the time wanted american goodies, but didnt want high casualties. so you see south korean troops initially placed in "safe" locations. the north vietnamese probably didnt have much incentive to fight ROK troops, when ultimately, it doesnt significantly improve their chance of victory. the NVA was faced with the task of fighting against the most powerful nation on earth. there was no way to match firepower for firepower. but they had greater determination and commitment for their cause than america, so they knew that they just had to rack up american body count to get US out of the picture. but what about south korea? they are mercenary soldiers so when US leaves so would ROK. so why waste vietnamese lives on south korean soldiers when they dont really affect the overall strategic imperiative of winning the war by kicking out the americans.

they say that captured communist documents say "do not engage the koreans unless certain for victory.". this is probably true and not propaganda. afterall, why waste vietnamese soldiers lives on mercenary soldiers when they would be better used on citizen soldiers of the united states?

of course allied forces would use to praise south korean soldiers and south korea gets to bask in the warm glow of praise. then the communists have the opportunity to use the same exact story to talk about how terrible america is. "hey these evil yankees use heinous war criminals against us.". but South Korea likes this. why? because if the VCs think south korea is the meanest MoFo on the block, they wont try to kill korean soldiers.

so in this messed up way everybody is happy.

but like i said, i do think ROK soldiers probably did some trully terrible things. but some of these stories are going to be exaggerated for various reasons.

im not trying to justify korea's role in the tragedy that was vietnam war. just making a minor point.
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